



CDM Platform Release Notes

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CDM Platform 5.46 (scheduled for Sep 4th, 2024)

Issues: 28

Downloads:(not yet available) TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

CDM Platform 5.45 (released on July 31st, 2024)

Issues: 13

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - Import/Export
    • ABCD/Biocase:
      • fix classification handling in case >1 classifications exist and 1 is selected
    • CdmLight (and maybe also ColDP)
      • remove names that are not in the synonymy and not directly related via e.g. name relations
      • html formatting for nameInSource ("subnames") for sec.-references
  • - DataPortal
    • Improve search performance for taxon search with thumbnails
    • Media
      • fix thumbnail display in search
      • manifest files from BGBM media server are not shown in media viewer anymore
      • copyright sign is always shown
    • Link to synonyms corrected (from ...highlite to ...highlight)
  • - TaxEditor
    • Show abbreviated specimen description in specimen selection dialogue for descriptive data matrix
    • Add "active" flag column in user bulkeditor
    • Fix sorting of doubtful taxa in navigator
  • - WebEditor / Phycobank
    • Default annotations type for data added by submitters changed to "internal"
    • Remove empty annotations when saving data

Error executing the ref_issues macro (- can not find CustomQuery Name:'Release5.45')

CDM Platform 5.44 (released on July 4th, 2024)

Issues: 27

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - Data Model
    • Rename "technical" annotation to "internal" annotation and "untyped" annotation to "undefined" annotation
    • Fix abbreviation for rank grex
  • - Export
    • Some changes to CDM light data structure (added column TypeDesignatedBy to SpecimenTypeDesignation, delete NameSpecimenTypeRelation table)
    • Allow unique citations using a,b,c (e.g. Luther 2008b)
  • - DataPortal
    • Fix issues on compact display of types
      • open issues: link for types being names and handling of exsiccata
    • Fix support for Spanish with new taxon page loading (for now only for feature labels)
    • Don't show "dummy" WFO-IDs
    • Fix missing link for name types on Phycobank registration pages
    • Fix missing taxa in taxon tree (happened for taxa not having a rank or a sec reference)
    • Fix incorrect representation for sec-reference DOIs
  • - TaxEditor
    • Allow creation of media type specimen from within type module
    • Allow to parse "desig. inval."
    • Fix character matrix is not opening
    • Fix newly created facts are always going to the default factual dataset
    • Fix ordering of ranks in rank selection drop down
    • Fix bug when moving taxon sub-tree (not yet tested)
  • - WebEditor / Phycobank
    • Use "internal" as default annotation type and remove empty annotation type from selection list

Error executing the ref_issues macro (- can not find CustomQuery Name:'Release5.44')

CDM Platform 5.43 (released on for June 6st, 2024)

Issues: 50

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - Data Model
    • WFO-IDs support link pattern (e.g. wfo-12345 links to ...)
    • Deduplicate Etymology (there was 1 for usage in taxa and 1 for usage in names)
  • - CDM Library
    • formatting of DOIs changed from http to https
  • - DataPortal
    • Performance improvements
      • simple search
      • taxon pages (all portals except for palmweb), special focus on fast facts distribution loading; this includes fixing the problem that very large synonymies did show errors when loaded
      • all portals with classification tree module enabled (performance improvement especially for those pages showing a large number of taxon nodes in the tree, e.g. >1000 sibblings for Hieracium species in E+M or Cichorieae)
      • media loading
      • open issues: * search with thumbnail images enabled * search on common names
    • Name types are shown as blocks (including fixes for a couple of issues reported for the old display)
    • Improved handling of misapplications and pro parte synonyms in simple search
    • Suppress showing footnotes in search result (bug fix)
    • Improve display of misapplied names in search results (to distinguish between taxa they belong to a misapplications)
    • Maps: fix handling of default colors
    • Support for WFO-IDs (other IDs following soon)
    • Improved, mostly chronological ordering of name relationshipis (if more than 1 name relationship, e.g. homonym, exists)
    • Improved, mostly chronological ordering of misapplied names using the same (and therefore rendered in the same line)
    • Improved ordering of footnotes, in order of occurrences (there are still open issues if sources and annotations appear in the same line)
    • Spanish translation for "Bibliography"
    • Remove percentage display in advanced name based search (was always 100%) - open issue: incorrect sorting
    • Show sources attached to factual datasets together with their facts
    • Fix deduplication of sources having a name used in source
    • Fix missing original spelling of accepted taxon names
  • - Exports
    • Some renaming and addition of columns in CDM light
  • - WebServices
    • fuzzy name matching (1. version)
    • TaxEditor
    • Performance improvements when saving taxa in larger classification trees
    • Allow editing url patterns for external identifier types
    • Bug fixes:
      • loss of newly added sources in distribution editor (under certain conditions)
      • name facts view shows incorrect context menu items (taxon features instead of name features)
      • error sometimes shown when saving deduplication in bulk editor
      • error shown when handling common name langauges in the preferences
      • problems in name/taxon details view if the list of ranks is limited via preferences
    • some bug fixes

# Subject Status
  cdm 3 Collapse all/Expand all
10511 Update script for WFO-ID pattern Closed Actions
10489 Deduplicate Etymology Closed Actions
6580 [DISCUSS] Correct handling for literature specimen Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 24 Collapse all/Expand all
10531 PhycoBank show registration number, update New Actions
10503 Handle order of name relationships in dataportal Closed Actions
10502 Short citations of sensu references should be ordered chronologically Closed Actions
10501 Numbering of footnotes sometimes not correct Closed Actions
10491 Test translation of Bibliography in flora cuba en linea Closed Actions
10485 Remove percentage for name based advanced search Closed Actions
10482 Registrations with two or more types of the same type result in error Closed Actions
10476 Sources with name in source are not correctly deduplicated in footnotes Closed Actions
10472 Improve simple search performance in dataportal Resolved Actions
10322 Use DTOs for portal taxon page (cont.) Resolved Actions
10223 References for lectotypes should have short references, not full authorship Closed Actions
9271 Improve E+M dataportal performance In Progress Actions
8840 Display identifiers in the dataportal Closed Actions
8710 Decide if sub-area preference and/or status order preference rule Closed Actions
8274 Very large taxa (synonymies) can not be handled by the dataportal Closed Actions
8137 Implement sources for type designations in data portal Closed Actions
7781 original spelling is missing for accepted taxon in taxon page Closed Actions
7771 Format Misapplication search results as MAN, not as accepted taxa Feedback Actions
7696 use compact type representations in the synonymy as provided by the typedesignations/byTaxon/{taxon_uuid} service Closed Actions
7501 Deduplicate MANs and pro parte synonyms in portal results Closed Actions
6195 Suppress footnotes in search results page Closed Actions
4522 custom status colors not working in cyprus portal Closed Actions
3336 Improve overall dataportal page loading performance Resolved Actions
461 Improve / compact display of types Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 2 Collapse all/Expand all
10497 Specific epithet list is not limited to epithets existing for the genus (was: Vaadin selected epithet is gone when a record is re-opened) Closed Actions
10481 Vaadin type of the genus: selection truncated Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10487 Rename nameUseInSource to original spelling in CDM light name table Closed Actions
  cdmlib 9 Collapse all/Expand all
10496 Change DOI from http to https Closed Actions
10494 Taxon child node computation still uses model instances Closed Actions
10313 Default color of terms is not shown correctly in dataportal maps Closed Actions
10131 Improve media specimen formatting for type designations Closed Actions
9941 [DISCUSS] Formatting of type designation categories in compact type string Closed Actions
9940 Handle type category formatting in compact typification strings Closed Actions
9524 Use non-model objects in database queries for getDistributionInfoFor Closed Actions
7716 Apply description sources (references) for a DescriptionBase to all included description elements Closed Actions
7045 portal/classification/{uuid}/childNodesOf/{uuid} service slow Feedback Actions
  cdmlib-remote 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9396 nomenclatural status missing in typedesignations shown in synonymy Closed Actions
7054 clean up initialization strategy using '.representations' Closed Actions
6208 Implement synonymy service responding with DTO Duplicate Actions
3348 should annotations always be returned for cdm instances? [DISCUSS] Closed Actions
  taxeditor 7 Collapse all/Expand all
10528 EmptyElement for Ranks are missing Closed Actions
10504 NPE when saving deduplication in bulkeditor Closed Actions
10498 Saving problems with additional sources for distributions Closed Actions
10495 NPE when uncheck all languages in common name preference Closed Actions
10480 Problems with name details view when ranks are limited Closed Actions
10473 Problems in facts view for names Closed Actions
10289 Allow editing urlPattern in IdentifierType in TaxEditor Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.42 (released on Feb 1st, 2024)

Issues: 36

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - Data Model
    • Identifier Type "Index Fungorum Name Identifier" added
  • - DataPortal
    • Full reference information for taxon sedundum reference available as footnote (similar to most other source information) - requires according configuration in the dataportal
    • Filter for specimens shown under the taxon pages' specimen tab depending on the taxon-specimen relation type (taxon factual data, specimen identification and/or type designation)
    • Filter for factual datasets marked as "unpublished"
    • Filter for distribution data via distribution status (by using a term tree for distribution data)
    • Improve formatting of DOIs for references
    • Fix for media metadata handling - the attributes and labels for media metadata can now be defined in the TaxEditor preferences
    • Fix for type designations of synonyms not shown on taxon page specimen tab
    • Remove original spelling from taxon page titles (only relevant for new taxon pages as used for E+M)
    • Fix for media stored without uri leading to an empty page
  • - CDM Library*
    • Reduce events being unnecessaryly logged in logfiles and fix some related minor bugs
    • Allow handling of in-authors for combination and basionym authorship for fungi and zoological names (includes editing, formatting and parsing)
  • - Export
    • Export for World Flora Online (WFO) Backbone
    • Allow removing synonyms from taxon list exports (CDM light, ColDP, WFO Backbone, etc.)
    • Filter for factual datasets marked as do-not-publish in taxon list exports
    • Optionally add fullname to ColDP export name table and format authors in IPNI style
  • - TaxEditor
    • Shortcut for creating a new factual data record if no factual dataset exists yet (by automatically creating a new default dataset)
    • Improve formatting of default factual dataset (bold label instead of "*" before the label)
    • Show icon for records marked as do-not-publish (for taxa and factual data)
    • Disallow changing the DB without closing the TaxEditor via "Switch User" functionality
    • Improve tool tips for factual data
    • Remove modifier section from factual data details view if no recommended modifiers exist for a given feature
    • Fix some "multiple representation exceptions" occuring when editing the synonymy
    • Fix error handling when selecting available areas in the distribution editor
  • - WebEditor / Phycobank
    • Improve handling of usernames already existing in the database during user registration
    • Allow adding a type designation registration for an already published name registration
    • Fix list of available type designation types (depending on the source in which they were originally published)
    • Reduce visibilty of not yet published references to anauthorized users

Error executing the ref_issues macro (- can not find CustomQuery Name:'Release5.42')

CDM Platform 5.41 (released on Oct 27th, 2023)

Issues: 15

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - DataPortal
    • Implement transliteration for common names
    • Fix title for autonym taxon pages (new performance optimized pages only)
    • Fix missing quantitative data on specimen pages
    • Minor performance improvement for dataportals having identification keys and specimens disabled
    • Fix formatting of the title of specimen collectors if they have a protected title cache
  • - Import / Export
    • ABCD-Import: Fix incorrect handling of selected classification
    • ABCD-Import: Default for Taxon-Specimen link is now IndividualsAssociation (=> specimen linked in taxon facts) and not specimen determination as it was before, also it is freely configurable by the user
    • COLDP-Export: improvements for name status and relationship handling, but still has some open issues
  • - TaxEditor
    • TaxEditor opens in English by default independent of the language of the operating system; this can be switched to German if needed in preferences
    • States in character matrix now allow modifiers and "no data" flag; they are now also edited in a pop-up dialogue like quantiative data
    • Default descriptions implemented: in taxon factual data there is now 1 description being the default description, new data like new distributions created in the distribution editor is added to this description if not defined otherwise
    • Fix missing subareas of area trees in distribution editor area selection dialogue
    • Order list of exact values in facts view

CDM Platform 5.40 (released on Sep 7th, 2023)

Issues: 27

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM
    • Transliteration added to common names (not yet available in dataportal)
    • Desciptive data ontology improved (still requires manual import)
    • Added "no data status" to quantitative and categorical data which allows selecting from a list of reasons why no data is available (not yet available in descriptive data matrix)
    • Remove supportsTextData for characters
  • - DataPortal
    • Full source information of taxon relations (including misapplications and pro-parte synonyms) in footnotes
    • Links to reference DOIs fixed
    • Name in source display fixed
    • Some improvements on specimen summary page
      • shorter title to avoid duplications
      • show typified name
  • - Export
    • Export for Catalogue of Life data package (Col DP) format added (still experimental and not fully complete)
    • CDM light:
      • fix export for synonyms used in multiple taxa
      • allow excluding factual data
    • Fine tuning for importing vocabularies and term collections from CDM to CDM
  • - TaxEditor
    • Matrix:
      • fix dropdown for categorical data not comming from a vocabulary but from a term collection
      • fix error occurring in some cells with multiple values
    • Fix error when selecting a term collection in Character editor as recommended state collection
    • Fix language handling for non English terms
    • Allow database setting of language for terms
    • Disable editing of managed terms
    • Show term data in term tree details view
    • Fix missing taxon node status symbol after status change of a taxon node
  • - Phycobank
    • Correct handling of collection code and barcode on registration pages (deduplication removed)
    • Display and link for person ORCIDs fixed on person list site

# Subject Status
  cdm 3 Collapse all/Expand all
10385 Add transliteration field to common names Closed Actions
10133 Improve ontology state vocabularies Closed Actions
2975 Add noDataStatus to descriptive data (QuantitativeData and CategoricalData) Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 6 Collapse all/Expand all
10391 Smaller improvements for specimen details page Closed Actions
10370 Doi link does not link to the reference Closed Actions
10360 Correct Name in Source display in portal Closed Actions
10379 Error in Portal if collection code is part of the accession number Closed Actions
10369 Show full source information for concept relations in footnotes Closed Actions
10356 Combine Caryophyllales data portals Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10381 Orcid truncated in PhycoBank Website Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 2 Collapse all/Expand all
10357 CDMLight fix handling for names used as synonym and accepted taxa Closed Actions
9771 Implement Cdm2Cdm for vocabularies Closed Actions
  cdmlib 2 Collapse all/Expand all
10358 Remove supportsTextData for Characters Closed Actions
10367 Add citationMicroReference to description of sources in ReferencingObjectsView Closed Actions
  taxeditor 13 Collapse all/Expand all
10389 NPE in Character Matrix for some quantitative data cells Closed Actions
10386 Add transliteration to common names in taxeditor Closed Actions
10384 Add col-dp export to exports in taxeditor Closed Actions
10383 Dropdown for categorical data in character matrix sometimes does not show any data Closed Actions
10377 Changing recommended state collection in Character editor throws NPE Closed Actions
10375 Distribution status combo box does not always show correct Spanish value Closed Actions
10374 Editing Spanish only term does not work Closed Actions
10368 Allow excluding factual data from cdmlight export Closed Actions
10365 Selecting NamedArea tree in distribution preference does not work for distribution editor Closed Actions
10361 Managed terms and term collections should not be editable in taxeditor Closed Actions
10354 Show term data in term node details view Closed Actions
10305 Add DB preference for term language Closed Actions
10120 After status change symbol not shown in navigator Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.39 (released on Jun 15th, 2023)

Issues: 2

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - DataPortal
    • Improve handling of distribution areas trees for distribution information (condensed distribution string, long form and maps)
    • Fix open issues in E+M distribution information
    • Allow areas multiple times in distribution area tree (for handling overlapping areas)

CDM Platform 5.38 (released on Jun 8th, 2023)

Issues: 29

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM
    • IUCN status added as a feature (IUCN category vocabulary still missing)
    • SupportedCategoricalEnumeration and recommendedModifiers for features supporting categorical data can use any term collection (including user defined term collections with terms from various vocabularies), not only term vocabularies.
    • Features support a maximum number of records per fact dataset (if the max number is reached the context menu in the factual data view will not show the feature anymore)
    • Features support a maximum number of staes per categorical data (if the max number is reached it will not be possible to add an additional state in the categorical data details view or in the descriptive data matrix)
    • Nodes in a term tree allow annotations and markers now
    • Publish flag for fact datasets ("descriptions") added (still needs implementation in some webservices)
    • Source type "internal" added
    • Add long citation for nomenclatural code edition and add some more nomenclatural code editions
  • - CDM Library
    • Formatting for modifiers of categorical and quantitative data fully implemented
  • - DataPortal
    • Allow defining a configurable area hierarchy and filter tree for display of distribution data
    • Translation for "bibliography" added
    • First step for performance improvements (currently only available for Euro+Med or portals similar to E+M)
    • Allow defining position of "et al." for nomenclatural authorship (only available for performance improved portals (see above))
    • Allow distribution like display of data of another feature (e.g. IUCN status) as condensed distribution string
    • Allow alternative root areas for distribution hierarchies
  • - Descriptive Data Ontology
    • Terms cleaned up and migrated to CDM terms database
    • State modifiers according to Endara & al. added
  • - TaxEditor
    • Allow adding annotations and markers in a term tree
    • Allow editing max records per dataset and max states for features and adapt according views (see also "CDM")
    • Allow editing publish flag for fact datasets
    • Fix parsing (and formatting) of verbatim dates for taxon name free text editing
    • Do not allow converting a 1-person team with "& al." to a person
    • Fix sorting for features in context menu when not using English as term language
    • Fix saving of preferences if >1 vocabulary is available for the feature selection preference
    • Fix recommended modifier selection for categorical data states
  • - Phycobank
    • Fix sending account registration emails
    • Fix and improve nomenclatural status handling

# Subject Status
  cdm 11 Collapse all/Expand all
10318 Add modifier vocabularies from Endara et al Closed Actions
10310 Add IUCN status as feature Closed Actions
10329 Max records per State attribute for feature Closed Actions
10328 Add "max records per dataset" Closed Actions
10341 Add source type "internal" Closed Actions
8461 Change term URI of TDWG Term to identifier in additivity ontology Closed Actions
8138 [DISCUSS] Publish flag for facts and type designations Closed Actions
10337 Allow supportedCategoricalEnumeration and recommendedModfiers for term collection Closed Actions
10320 MakeTermRelationBase annotatable Closed Actions
10311 Is misspelling for and is emendation for should be asymmetric Closed Actions
10206 Add publish flag to description base Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 3 Collapse all/Expand all
9503 Handle term tree of areas and distribution status for distributionInfo in dataportal Closed Actions
10280 Translation of bibliography does not work for feature list on taxon page Closed Actions
10222 Use DTOs for portal taxon page - first implementation for E+M Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10302 Revise Status section Closed Actions
  cdmlib 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9640 Updated List ICN/ICBN editions Closed Actions
10299 Verbatim year parsing and formatting for nomencl. references Closed Actions
10241 Handle modifiers and modifying text for quantitative data and description elements formatting Closed Actions
10336 Allow defining the "et al." position in name formatters for data portal Closed Actions
10327 IUCN condensed distribution configuration Closed Actions
10308 Show IUCN "distribution" data separately Closed Actions
  taxeditor 8 Collapse all/Expand all
10333 Make publish flag editable for DescriptionBase Closed Actions
10332 Allow editing maxStates and evaluate in StateData Views Closed Actions
10307 Adapt comparator for feature list to use the language string Closed Actions
10340 Categorical and Quantitative Data details view must only show recommended modifiers Closed Actions
10335 Allow editing supplemental data for TermNodes Closed Actions
10331 Allow editing maxPerDataset and evaluate for menu Closed Actions
10319 A team with 1 person + et al. should not be convertable to a Closed Actions
10303 Preferences saved uncorrectly with more than one vocabulary Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.37 (released on Apr 14th, 2023)

Issues: 6

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM Library
    • Fix parsing of verbatim publication dates in case 2 left-sided quotation marks are used (for now only fixed in parser for date published field in details view)
    • Fromatting for 2nd publisher/place published information and removing publisher information from journals
  • - DataPortal
    • Fix area filter in advanced search
  • - TaxEditor
    • Allow term trees as filter for term selections (e.g. a user defined named area list can now be used to define which areas should be available for distribution data or common names)
    • Some finetuning and bugfixes for editing remote server connections (new functionality in v5.36)
    • Add editing for 2nd publisher
    • Fix editing label of term trees

CDM Platform 5.36 (released on Mar 22nd, 2023)

Issues: 24

Downloads:(not yet available) TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM Library
    • Add publisher information to formatting of bibliographic references
    • Fix error when handling countries and other named areas in the same vocabulary
  • - DataPortal
    • Handle metadata coming from new BGBM image server
  • - TaxEditor
    • Allow editing remote server connections (no editing in .cdmLibrary/cdm_remote_servers.json anymore)
    • Fix language selection for features in factual data view
    • Referencing Objects View
      • Fix opening a gathering event
      • Improved label for facts and fact sources
    • Fix showing vocabulary in term search
    • Fix performance issue if using another global ("term") language (e.g. Spanish instead of English)
    • Fix saving modified text of quantitative data
    • Remove Specimen Excel import and Endnote import
    • Terms in CDM default vocabularies are not moveable anymore (only labels and symbols in default vocabularies should be editable, but not which terms are in the vocabularies)
  • - Phycobank
    • Switch longitude and latitude in Geo Location Field
    • Type designation type selection dialogue replaced by automated detection of expected type designation type
    • Fix selecting an existing name by a user with submitter rights only
    • Allow adding a new journal by a user with submitter rights only

# Subject Status
  cdm 2 Collapse all/Expand all
10286 Add publisher2 and placePublished2 to Reference Closed Actions
10260 Add resolve mechanism to (external) identifiers Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10234 MetaData of images coming from the new image server are not shown Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 4 Collapse all/Expand all
10167 Selecting an existing name and adding a new journal does not work for phycobank registration Closed Actions
10269 Selecting existing name for typification Closed Actions
10262 Switch longitude and latitude in GeoLocationField Closed Actions
10261 Avoid type designation type selection dialogue Closed Actions
  cdmlib 5 Collapse all/Expand all
10274 Opening a gathering event does not work in ReferencingObjectsView Closed Actions
5556 Class Cast Exception in DefinedTermDaoImpl.getPartOf Closed Actions
10245 #9626 Implement publisher information for bibliographic reference formatting Closed Actions
6460 Refactor referencing objects in a way that supplemental data know what object they belong to Closed Actions
10205 Update GBIF import to modern json library. Closed Actions
  taxeditor 8 Collapse all/Expand all
10277 HibernateSystemException and BridgeException not in taxeditor dependencies Closed Actions
10248 Vocabulary is not shown in TermSearch Closed Actions
10281 TaxEditor extremely slow when using another language as default language Closed Actions
10278 Fix language selection for features in factual data view Closed Actions
10244 Modifying text of quantitative data not saved Closed Actions
10220 Remove SpecimenCdmExcelImport and EndnoteImport in TaxEditor Closed Actions
10221 Add form to edit the json file with cdmserver info Closed Actions
9766 CDM vocabularies should not be editable Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.35 (released on Jan 5th, 2023)

Issues: 24

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM Model
    • Allow specimens as source for factual data
    • Allow all term types as states in categorical data (before explicit terms of type State were needed as categorical data states, now any term can be used from what ever vocabulary)
    • UsePlural flag added to StateData (descriptive data)
    • Improve descriptive data ontology (not yet available)
    • Some internal improvements
  • - DataPortal
    • Fix external links
    • Fix missing structured descriptions for specimens
    • Fix some red error messages on specimen pages
  • - Export
    • Add categorical and quantitative data to CDM-light export
  • - TaxEditor
    • Taxon Editor
      • Fix problems with setting/changing focus (which resulted in wrong data selection in Details View and happened especially when trying to change focus before the Views where fully reprinted/refreshed)
      • Fix missing focus when opening taxon editor
      • Improve performance when changing selection in taxon editor (but still to slow, we know)
      • Disable Details View if taxon name is edited as freetext. Can be enabled by clicking on the Details View. This is required to refresh the data before editing.
    • Term Editor
      • Fix problems with order changes
      • Allow multi-select for move and delete
    • Allow editing specimen as sources for factual data
    • Forbid adding specimen status without status type (resulted in missing data in teh data portals)
    • Fix GBIF import
    • Minor bug fixes

# Subject Status
  cdm 4 Collapse all/Expand all
10201 Make synonym type an enum Closed Actions
10196 Hybrid structure-state terms Closed Actions
10212 Add usePlural to StateData Closed Actions
10194 Allow specimens as source for factual data Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 4 Collapse all/Expand all
10191 Error message on taxon specimen page for non-atomized specimens Closed Actions
10190 Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in order_fieldUnitDtos_by_date_and_type() Closed Actions
10192 External Links do not work in E+M Closed Actions
9584 specimen page: character data displayed in details section Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10211 Add categorical and quantitative data to cdm light export Closed Actions
  cdmlib 3 Collapse all/Expand all
10198 Termremoval for OrderedTermVocabularies does not work correctly due to incorrect compareTo and orderIndex decrement Closed Actions
10189 Split CdmApplicationController into repository and application part Closed Actions
9359 Update cdmlib, taxeditor, cdmserver etc. dependencies Closed Actions
  taxeditor 12 Collapse all/Expand all
8381 Closing the details view throws widget is disposed exception Closed Actions
10054 Changes on secundum reference are lost after changing status to basionym Closed Actions
10053 Problems with saving of secundum references Closed Actions
10204 GBIF search does not work due to missing json-lib Closed Actions
10186 Problems with session handling in taxeditor Closed Actions
8590 Details view does not show data of new synonym Duplicate Actions
10214 Cache configuration for term cache not correctly initialized in taxeditor Closed Actions
10202 Allow entering specimen in fact sources in taxeditor Closed Actions
10199 Implement multi-select for terms in term vocabulary editor Closed Actions
10182 Portal does not show typespecimen for duplicated typedesignation Closed Actions
10138 Details view is not updated after freetext change Closed Actions
10068 Changing focus to accepted taxon does not work Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.34 (released on Oct 28th, 2022)

Issues: 6

  • - CDM Model
    • Added nomenclatural status "nom. & orth. cons." (if not available for you in TaxEditor please check the preferences Names->Nomenclatural Status)
  • - CDM Library
    • Remove duplicated colon for taxa having >1 nomenclatural status
  • - TaxEditor
    • Fix bug showing an error when trying to delete a name that was link by >10 other records (e.g. as name used in source)
    • Fix bug for taxa including hybrid synonyms

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

CDM Platform 5.33 (released on Oct 10th, 2022)

Issues: 25

  • - CDM Model
    • Incorrect label for nomenclatural status "Orthography Conserved" and "Conserved Desig" fixed
  • - CDM Library
    • Fix problems during parsing or cache updating
  • - Data Portal
    • Fixed missing informations in compressed specimen table
    • Remove unnecessary php-related error message on some pages
  • - Documentation
    • Add linux and mac installation instructions
  • - Exports
    • CdmLight: non-names are formatted in italics
  • - TaxEditor
    • Availability of partial misapplied name creation is configurable
    • Time period implemented for credits
    • Show description of media in Mediaspecimen, but only if exist
    • Adding created by and created to supplemental data view for users and groups
    • Drop down for reference type is ordered now
    • Reactivate preference for opening new search window for every search
    • Bugs:
      • some improvements and bug fixes for multilanguage support
      • exception when adding annotations to type designation in Bulk Editor
      • exception handling for invalid name when creating new user
      • fix cancel for specimen search
      • fix exception in tree viewer in preferences
  • - Browser Editor
    • Phycobank:
      • fix wrong encoding for cdm server running in docker container
      • fixed errors which appear at different places in phycobank during editing caused by incorrect logging handling
      • for registering a new combination, an external user is now able to add a name in an existing reference
      • self-registration now adds group submitter to new user and persists email and person information

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

# Subject Status
10163 Fix label for "Orthography Conserved" and "Conserved Desig" Closed Actions
10137 Compressed table does not show derivates anymore Closed Actions
10130 Error Message in dataportal Closed Actions
10139 Existing name cannot be safed to be available for typification under a different reference in PhycoBank Closed Actions
10116 Create a new name denied for users Closed Actions
10102 Non-names formatted in italics Closed Actions
10165 email and person data are not stored when creating a new account Closed Actions
10141 Exception (CCE) caused by logging setLevel in phycobank Closed Actions
10114 Problem with parser for author string with whitespace between initials Closed Actions
7404 Add linux and mac to editor installation documentation Closed Actions
10132 Coding of special characters in Vaadin/PhycoBank (in docker instance only) Closed Actions
10169 Exception when collapse and reopen language tree in preferences after deselect Closed Actions
10166 Textfield for protected titlecache trims blanks Closed Actions
10160 Reactivate preference to open new window for every search Closed Actions
10151 Creating a field unit with a given taxon filter does not create a taxon-secimen relationship Closed Actions
10144 Cancel for Specimen-Search does not work Closed Actions
10142 ReferenceType drop down is not ordered Closed Actions
10135 Created_by and when is missing for User and Group Closed Actions
10128 Creating new user throws NPE for invalid user names Closed Actions
10118 Availability of partial misapplied should be configurable Closed Actions
10108 Description for MediaSpecimen not shown even if it exists (i18n) Closed Actions
10107 i18n bug when editing media not having a default language title Closed Actions
10098 Implement timePeriod for Credit in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9088 CCE (ClassCastException) when adding annotation to TextualTypeDesignation in Name-Bulkeditor Closed Actions
6228 Fix behavior of multi-language editing Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.32 (released on July 30th, 2022)

Issues: 44

  • - Platform
  • - CDM Model
    • New taxon node status "excluded geographically", "excluded taxonomically", "excluded nomenclaturally", "uncertain application" and "unresolved"
    • Taxon node status comment was changed to a general taxon node/placement comment
    • Namre relationship " avoids homonym of/ causes replacement name " added (as alternative to " has blocking name ")
    • Accessed field added to sources based on potenially dynamic references (WebPage, Database, Map) => each usage of the reference can have it's own accessed data, now
    • Label for TDWG Area México Distrito Federal adjusted (accent added)
    • Credits have a time period (not yet implemented in TaxEditor)
  • - Exports
    • CDM light
      • support for new taxon node status
      • support for taxon node source
      • support for taxon node comment
    • Improved order for type designations with multiple field units
  • - Data Portal
    • Show name in source for secundum reference of accepted name
    • Maps: replace etopo1 by open_topomap
    • Specimen
      • attribute status shown in tree view and detailed specimen page
      • link to stored under and identification fixed
      • improved formatting for missing date parts (days and months)
    • Improved formatting for pro parte (and partial) misapplications
    • Improved Spanish version
  • - CDM Server
    • Scripts for search index creation fixed and improved
  • - TaxEditor
    • Specimen barcode available on first page on specimen wizard (was hidden on 4th page before)
    • Descriptive dataset matrix can be used for full classifications now
    • Bugs
      • incorrect allocation of relationship type when choosing "pro parte misapplication" (persisted partial misapplication instead)
      • adding a specimen to the descriptive data matrix fails
      • make WebPage.Accessed deletable
      • error when editing "multilanguage support" preference
      • error when editing a feature tree without saving at start

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

# Subject Status
  cdm 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9901 Remove unique key Media_RightsInfo.rights_id Closed Actions
9830 México Distrito Federal needs accent Closed Actions
10097 Rename originalNameString to originalInfo Closed Actions
9908 Add timeperiod to credits Closed Actions
10083 Add name relationship type "avoids homonym of"/"causes replacement name" Closed Actions
10057 Add "accessed" field to OriginalSourceBase Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 9 Collapse all/Expand all
10012 Fix failing SpecimensTreeViewTest for dataportals after debian11 migration Closed Actions
10010 Install Spanish for Mexico Eflora dataportal Closed Actions
10003 Implement specimen status in Data portal Closed Actions
10059 Link for stored under and identification on specimen page does not work correctly Closed Actions
10044 Maps in Flore Du Gabon are broken Closed Actions
10033 For new FeatureTree only uuid is shown in dataportal Closed Actions
10081 Show name in source for sec ref of accepted taxon Closed Actions
10039 The specimen table tree shows missing date parts as "?" Closed Actions
9917 etopo1 broken due to server migration at Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10087 Add taxon node source to status notes in cdmlight Closed Actions
  cdmlib 13 Collapse all/Expand all
7487 Full text misapplied name search with area filter uses fixed relation type uuid Resolved Actions
10076 Exception when opening character matrix with classification as root node Closed Actions
10075 Fix deserialization exception for bytebuddy base hibernate SerializableProxy Closed Actions
8343 potential timezone problem in application stack Closed Actions
5477 lucene index not updated in all cases after Taxon.addMisappliedName Resolved Actions
10096 Add new TaxonNode status and make notes field more general Closed Actions
10090 Many LIEs in cdmserver log for Team.getCollectorTitleCache() Closed Actions
10089 Order TypeDesignationSetContainer by status type Closed Actions
10082 Improve formatting for pro parte misapplications Closed Actions
10072 Upgrade fully to log4j2 Closed Actions
10071 TaxonNodeDtos should be created directly not from taxon objects Closed Actions
10067 Update to hibernate 5.4 (or higher) and hibernate search 5.11 and lucene 5.5 Closed Actions
3722 Using @OrderColumn does not work in trees Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10091 Add stacktrace to JSON repsonse Closed Actions
  cdmserver 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10095 Synchronize dependency versions in CdmServer Closed Actions
  devOps 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10007 fix reindex jobs on jobber Closed Actions
  documentation 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9994 Tasks from documentation meeting 3/22 Closed Actions
  platform 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10064 Upgrade to Drupal9 Resolved Actions
  taxeditor 9 Collapse all/Expand all
10056 Make Reference.Accessed deletable in TaxEditor Closed Actions
10038 NPE when editing multilanguage support Closed Actions
9915 Make "accessed" also available for references of type "database" Closed Actions
10110 Show barcode also on PreservedSpecimen General details element not only on specific element Closed Actions
10084 Adding a new specimen to character matrix fails Closed Actions
10034 Flat feature tree throws exception Closed Actions
10009 Cleanup dependencies in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9205 Remove apache-log4j-extras from TaxEditor dependencies Closed Actions
10078 Symbol and details view title of misapplied name type is not the same as shown in the type combo element Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.31 (released on April 6th, 2022)

Issues: 25

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - BGBM Server Instances
    • All upgraded to the latest OS (operating system) version
    • Functionality added to use the new BGBM media hub
  • - Documentation
    • Developer documentation refactored and updated
  • - Data Portal
    • Show "not designated" for type designations if selected
    • Improved usage of https for specimen maps
  • - TaxEditor
    • Specimen status (lost, not seen, etc.) editable in TaxEditor
    • Improve referencing objects formatting for descriptive data
    • Include area into common name label in facts view
    • Fixing and improving the prefilling of the nomenclatural reference search dialogue
    • Bugfixes:
      • Error after moving a taxon
      • Newly created derived unit was not available in selection dialogue

# Subject Status
  cdm-dataportal 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9776 Enforce cdm webservice access via https when pages are requested via this schema Closed Actions
9967 Show "not designated" for type designations in dataportal Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10020 Add media transformation for new BGBM mediahub image server Closed Actions
  cdmlib 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9999 Improve formatting for referencing objects of descriptive data Closed Actions
  devOps 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9960 Remove start and end date from all tickets Closed Actions
  documentation 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9993 Move markdown from code to developer wiki Closed Actions
9954 Refactor EDIT Platform (Wiki) Documentation Closed Actions
6613 Interesting examples for good documentation Closed Actions
1410 DISCUSS - CDM product names Closed Actions
8558 Questionaire to get user feedback Closed Actions
5528 Remove all links to svn Closed Actions
  platform 1 Collapse all/Expand all
10000 Celebrate ticket no. 10,000 Closed Actions
  server-maintenance 5 Collapse all/Expand all
9974 Upgrade edit-production Closed Actions
9973 Upgrade edit-database Closed Actions
9972 Upgrade edit-integration Closed Actions
9971 Upgrade edit-test Closed Actions
8057 Upgrade to debian 10 Closed Actions
  taxeditor 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9984 Show area in common name label in facts view Closed Actions
9939 Implement specimen status in TaxEditor Closed Actions
10016 NPE after move of taxon Closed Actions
9965 Newly created derived unit is not shown in selection dialog Closed Actions
3533 Prefill nomenclatural reference information if possible Closed Actions
5132 Remove EDITor documentation from web Worksforme Actions

CDM Platform 5.30 (released on March 3rd, 2022)

Issues: 10

  • - Data Portal
    • Fix missing number of search results in advanced search paged result (was 24 instead of 25)
    • Fix warning is shown instead of synonymy if a synonyms secundum reference has a not-automized author team
    • Fix paging on author search page (relevant for phycobank)
  • - TaxEditor
    • Disable primary collector (for field units) when no collector team is selected yet
    • Fix parser was slow for taxon names with author teams in large databases
    • Fix "index out of bounds" exception when moving taxa (to other parent or into synonymy)
    • Bibliographic references did show abbreviated author label instead of full author label
    • Fix collector dialogue new person button opens new team wizard instead of new person wizard
    • Fix term editor does show term in selected language for term representations

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

CDM Platform 5.29 (released on Feb 15th, 2022)

Issues: 53

  • - CDM Model
    • Status such as "lost" or "not seen" added to specimens (derived units) - not yet implemented in TaxEditor
  • - Imports/Exports
    • Improved deduplication functionality for imports
    • RIS (reference) import implemented for book sections
    • Bug fix for handling type designations ruding ABCD import
  • - Data Portal
    • Search on common names disabled by default
    • Implement textbased modul for temporal data (e.g. flowering and fruiting periods)
    • Fix duplicated images in image viewer
    • Bug fixes to the agent search results page regarding search filters and display of identifiers
  • - Formatting
    • Remove trailing full stop from specimen full title(-cache)
    • Seperator for collection code and accession number for specimen formatting
    • Fix missing space before series part in nomenclatural sources if series part starts with a letter
  • - CDM Server
    • Fix with logging when restarting a single instance via CDM Server management UI
  • - BGBM based EDIT databases and portals
    • Finished migration to https
  • - TaxEditor
    • Primary collector editable for field units (to add a field number to a single person within the collector team)
    • Tooltip for data cells in bulk editors
    • Improve structured descriptive data matrix refresh after adding a specimen or running data aggregation
    • Fix:
      • Name-in-source not shown if id-in-source is disabled
      • Newly created collector team is not shown in selection dialogue
      • Incorrect "null" label in author search dialogue
      • Missing label in term editor for vocabularies having only protected title cache
      • Restore default for "Default feature tree" - selection in preferences
      • Error when opening dialogue to create a polytomous identification key
      • Error when creating a new taxon in an empty classification
      • Error after moving a synonym under certain conditions
      • Error when deleting a description in factual data view
      • Collector field in specimen dialogue/details view must show the collectors "collector title" not the general title(-cache)
      • Error when canceling taxon selection for move-synonym dialogue
  • - BrowserEditor
    • Password recovery (not only for Phycobank)
    • Self-registration service (not only for Phycobank)
    • UI Improvements:
      • Better representation of sub-collection in collection editor.
    • Several bug fixes:
      • messed type designation display in the registration summaries fixed.
      • Media source citations of media specimens are now shown.
      • type status filter UI element in the registration list view has been fixed.

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

# Subject Status
  cdm 1 Collapse all/Expand all
2506 (Type-) Specimens may need status Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9928 cdm_dataportal/search/agent/ filter for „publish to IPNI“ or „publish“ and show all identifieres Closed Actions
8989 Implement flowering periods (temporal facts) in dataportal Closed Actions
9929 cdm_dataportal/search/agent/ filter by cdmType=Person does not work Closed Actions
9903 disable common name search in defaults Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 13 Collapse all/Expand all
9926 Password Recovery Dialog : Unknown error when user name given but email unknown Closed Actions
9924 accountCreation view with field validation Closed Actions
9920 TypeDesignations appear mixed up in Registration Workingset Editor Closed Actions
9913 TypeDesignationEditor: Sub collections without code show blank in the collection select Closed Actions
9878 show MediaSpecimen media source citations in registration items Closed Actions
9931 Handle MailSendException in LoginPresenter and report accordingly Closed Actions
9904 NullPointerException (NPE) in ListView with filter name="Stephano" Closed Actions
9892 Registration List: type status select in filter options broken Closed Actions
9877 Account Registration UI Closed Actions
9859 Password Recovery UI Closed Actions
9498 Password Recovery, Registration and Login Dialog Tab fully functional Closed Actions
8503 Create abstract base UI from RegistrationUI and use it for all UIs Closed Actions
9884 Vaadin UI-disabled reporting Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9889 Implement deduplication for RIS import Closed Actions
9888 Implement RIS import for book sections Closed Actions
9854 In ABCD import type designations should not be added to all names of a homotypic group Closed Actions
9890 Move importDeduplicationHelper to import state Closed Actions
  cdmlib 14 Collapse all/Expand all
9914 Series part in nomenclatural sources should have a space prefix if it starts with a letter Closed Actions
9855 Specimen images sometimes show duplicates Closed Actions
6865 [DISCUSS] Separator for Code and Accession Number Closed Actions
6161 Service and webservice to recover forgotten passwords Closed Actions
9925 Spring environment variable `$supportEmailAddress` not expandend in Emails Closed Actions
9907 NPE when trying to create polytomous key Closed Actions
9896 Add annotations of the complete derivation branch to DerivedUnitDTO and FieldUnitDTO as AnnotationDTO Closed Actions
9862 centralized password policy enforcement validator Closed Actions
9858 Add update result to aggregation algorithms Closed Actions
9849 Remove trailing full stops from specimen titleCaches Closed Actions
9497 User self registration service Closed Actions
824 Rank labes and Rank names inconsitent Closed Actions
804 Integrationtest for TextData.getPreferredLanguageString() Closed Actions
694 FeatureTreeService and DescriptionElement implemented Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 1 Collapse all/Expand all
3811 Null pointer access in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.remote.service.DataController Closed Actions
  cdmserver 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9236 stopping an instance breaks the centralized logging Closed Actions
9921 manage/Action.jsp broken Closed Actions
  taxeditor 14 Collapse all/Expand all
9893 Name in source not shown Closed Actions
9015 Comparator for Character Matrix creates strange result Closed Actions
9936 Reset default for default feature tree does not work Closed Actions
9935 Termvocabularies and terms without a label show uuid in term editor Closed Actions
9934 IOOB Exception after creating new taxon Closed Actions
9900 Null values in agent search dialog Closed Actions
9895 Multiple representations of the same entity after move of synonym Closed Actions
9894 Make primary collector editable for field unit Closed Actions
9882 Null argument when deleting description in bulkeditor Closed Actions
9881 Newly created collector team is not shown in selection dialog Closed Actions
9857 TitleCache field of collector in specimen dialog should show collector title Closed Actions
9856 Cancel of taxon selection in move synonym results in exception Closed Actions
9843 When adding new descriptions it should not be necessary to load the complete matrix Closed Actions
9916 Tooltip for data cells in bulkeditor Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.28 (released on Nov 3rd, 2021)

Issues: 20

  • - CDM Library
    • Fix bug when updating older databases not being in use for some time
  • - Data Portal
    • Fix bug which shows exceptions when searching with misapplications included and which does not show the result correctly
  • - TaxEditor
    • Menu entries and labels using label for former "name editor" updated to "taxon editor"
    • "Name used in source" available for accepted taxon secundum references
    • Sources for descriptions which are also shown for each description item are no longer editable in the description item details view
    • Sources for disabled descriptions/ description items are visible now
    • Improved performance and memory usage for loading combo box terms which belong to term types with a large number of terms (e.g. character states)
    • Descriptive Dataset Matrix:
      • fix handling for unexpected data with >1 record per category => now all data is shown but the data is not editable (before it was invisible)
        • clones, created during aggregation are not editable in factual data view anymore
        • matrix does not collapse after aggregation anymore (has open issues)
        • aggregation wizard:
          • fix incorrect selection of min rank when max rank is selected
          • selection of "aggregate full dataset" is functional now
    • Distribution Editor: vocabularies with multi-language labels did occur twice in select dialogue
    • Bug fixes:
      • "set as basionym" was not available for heterotypic synonyms after changing synonymy via drag&drop
      • when removing all elements of a description, the description disappeared from factual data view
  • - Web editor
    • Bug fix for displaying scientific name in the registrations list view
    • Bug fix for editing the nomenclatural standard abbreviation of authors

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

# Subject Status
  cdm-vaadin 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9834 Cannot create a nomenclatural standard abbreviation in the Reference author team Closed Actions
9812 Display of scientific name in the list-view of Vaadin Closed Actions
  cdmlib 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9833 Remove cascading from descriptive dataset Closed Actions
9831 Exception in TermRepresentationUpdater if term does not exist Closed Actions
9814 Advanced search webservice for area throws NPE (mexico portal) Closed Actions
6106 [Discuss] Handle rights and roles for CdmPreferences Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9811 regression through removal of `TaxonRelationshipBeanProcessor` ? Closed Actions
  taxeditor 13 Collapse all/Expand all
9838 Loading of details of categorical and quantitative data takes very long Closed Actions
9836 Make nameUsedInSource available for secundum references Closed Actions
9825 Selection wizards for areas in mulitlanguage instances show every vocabulary twice Closed Actions
9821 Description sources shown for description elements should not be editable Closed Actions
9819 Rename "Nameeditor" to "Taxon Editor" in menus Closed Actions
9818 Sources not visible for disabled DescriptionElements Closed Actions
9817 AggregationWizard: Changing the maxRank results in empty minRank Closed Actions
9816 Implement correct handling of more than one element for a character Closed Actions
9815 When removing all elements of a description, the description disappears from factual data view, but still exist Closed Actions
9807 Matrix should not collapse after aggregation Closed Actions
9806 Clones should not be editable in factual data view and elsewhere Closed Actions
9803 Aggregating full dataset does not work Closed Actions
9281 Set basionym not available for heterotypic synonyms after drag & drop Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.27 (released on Oct 11th, 2021)

Issues: 53

  • - CDM Model
    • Labels for countries updated (only short form is available as default language, official form - like Federal Republic of Germany - is available in description), all countries updated to current state
    • Spanish country names added (only available on request for now)
    • Added "Cultivar Group" as taxon name epithet
      • including split of rank "grex" as either cultivar rank (for orchids) or old botanical rank
    • Ranks lusus, subgrex and subproles added
  • - CDM Library
    • Bug fixed in deduplication for persons parsed during freetext taxon name editing (deduplication did not work since release 5.25)
    • Improved handling for cultivar names (ICNCP) - support for parsing and formatting cultivars, cultivar groups and grex (ICNCP)
    • Parser supports pseudo-person "hort."
    • Email service for password recovery implemented (not yet available in user interfaces)
    • Improved descriptive dataset aggregation
      • include "literatur" descriptions
      • improved source handling
      • improved re-aggregation handling
  • - Data Portal
    • Improvements to the "External Links" management and updating link templates.
    • Improved representation of web application media items in the media galleries
    • Fix failing misapplied name handling
    • Support for https finalized
      • pre-configured map layers using HTTPS (most BGBM based dataportals use HTTPS now)
      • wnsuring access to the web service is handled via HTTPS
    • Improved default formatting and footnote handling in distribution strings
  • - Import / Export
    • CDM light:
      • dummy lines for empty tables added
      • type specimens added to specimen table
      • type designation to specimen relationship table added
    • RIS reference import
      • import for tag PY fixed
      • import for tag CY implemented
  • - TaxEditor
    • Former "Name Editor" (freetext editor area) was re-named to "Taxon Editor" (please only use the name in future)
    • Descriptive dataset matrix:
      • fix error when adding a new specimen to the matrix (reload matrix was required after this error)
      • improve performance when loading and saving the matrix
      • improved aggregation (see also "Cdm Library" above) * improved aggregation dialog * important open issue: aggregating full descriptive dataset does currently not work
    • Editing for language vocabularies available
    • Performance improvement for descriptive dataset matrix
    • Improved support for cultivar names
    • Available common name languages added as database preference (it was a local preference before already)
    • Improved workflow support for secundum references when moving a taxon to a new parent
    • Set "unplaced", "excluded" and "doubtful" removed from taxon navigator context menu, as they require usually the reason for setting the flag information
    • Bugfixes:
      • error message and need to reload matrix after adding a new specimen to descriptive dataset matrix
      • error message when opening specimen import views
      • bugs appearing under certain conditions in "Move taxon" dialogue
  • - Web editor
    • Improved editing of publication sections
    • Improved display and order of type designations
    • Editor for persons and teams improved through field descriptions
    • Editing of collector titles is available

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

# Subject Status
  cdm 5 Collapse all/Expand all
9782 Adapt abbreviation and idInVoc for rank "proles" Closed Actions
9780 Split rank grex into grex (ICNCP) and grex (infraspec) Closed Actions
9778 Add new rank terms lusus, subgrex and subproles Closed Actions
9761 Add cultivarGroup as field for handling cultivar groups and grex Closed Actions
7640 Update ISO country names where necessary Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 9 Collapse all/Expand all
9808 option to disable ssl/tsl certificate validation of the cdm webserver Closed Actions
9794 external-links: World Flora Online link template improved Closed Actions
9792 remove ePic from ext-links Closed Actions
9765 external-links weight range too small and link fiels maxlength to small Closed Actions
9764 external-links form misses category field Closed Actions
9763 adding new external link broken Closed Actions
9760 image gallery shows webapp icons instead of thumbnails Closed Actions
9745 pre-configured map layers using https Closed Actions
8936 Improve default distribution formatting Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9706 Name Editor for Sections: show simple form for in-authors without full citation Closed Actions
9701 Order and display of different typifications for one name in one reference Closed Actions
9452 Name Type Editor: allowed combination of fields Closed Actions
9308 Supress "designated by" reference in portal in registration ListView and RegistrationWorkingSetEditor Closed Actions
8979 Prevent misuse of field initial for personal names Closed Actions
7251 Enable collectorTitle in cdm-vaadin TeamOrPersonBaseCaptionGenerator Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9798 Import Spanish representations for countries Closed Actions
9786 Implement tags CY and fix PY handling for RIS import Closed Actions
9737 [CdmLight] Add two dummy lines for empty tables Closed Actions
9736 [CdmLight] Add new table for type designation to specimen relationship Closed Actions
9735 [CdmLight] Add type specimen to specimen table Closed Actions
9645 CDM Light: Add Type Statement Reference to homotypicalGroup.csv Closed Actions
  cdmlib 15 Collapse all/Expand all
9795 Add literature descriptions to matrix aggregation Closed Actions
9790 Remove source mode "highest Status" from DDS Aggregation Closed Actions
9772 Improve DTO usage for character matrix Closed Actions
9759 Person deduplication does not work due to new collectorTitleCache field Closed Actions
9758 EmailService implemented Closed Actions
9757 Make cultivars, cultivar groups and grexes parsable Closed Actions
9754 Adapt cache strategy to support cultivar names Closed Actions
9738 NomenclaturalSourceFormatter throws OutOfMemory with only protected titleCache Closed Actions
9729 Incomplete bean property Team.nomenclaturalTitleCache Closed Actions
9477 New ordered terms do not have correct order index Closed Actions
9123 Fix BigDecimal algebra in aggregation algorithms Closed Actions
7980 Enhance matrix description aggregation Closed Actions
7646 Implement parser and formatter for "hort." Closed Actions
6387 [Rule] Rank rule for CultivarPlantNames Closed Actions
825 DefinedTermDaoImpl - missleading method names Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 3 Collapse all/Expand all
9797 LazyInitializationException (LIE) on portal/taxon/{uuid} with misapplied names Closed Actions
9796 LazyInitializationException (LIE) on portal/taxon/{uuid} with misapplied names Closed Actions
8438 remove featureTree/* web services in August 2021 if they are unused Closed Actions
  taxeditor 9 Collapse all/Expand all
9762 Handle cultivars correctly in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9749 NPE when opening SpecimenImportView Closed Actions
9747 Make languages editable in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9746 Remove excluded and unplaced flags from right click menu Closed Actions
9744 Find suitable name for the Freetext- or Name-Editor Closed Actions
9739 Add common name languages preference to DB preferences Closed Actions
9734 Correct handling for secundum references when moving taxon to new parent Closed Actions
9710 DataIntegrityViolationException after adding a specimen to the matrix Closed Actions
9704 Several issues when trying to move taxon with dialogue Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.26 (released on Aug 4th, 2021)

Issues: 10

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

  • - CDM Library
    • Fixing wrong labels of specimen scans (this mainly affects the Data Portal representation in the specimen table view)
    • Fixing problem with the image metadata web service
  • - Data Portal
  • - Import / Export
    • Fixing bug in the cdm-light export, when it is starting export via the TaxEditor
  • - TaxEditor
    • fixed bug related to "Open URL" button for protologues
    • fixed bug related to delete of not persisted facts
  • - Web editor
    • fixed bug in author team editor

CDM Platform 5.25 (released on July 8th, 2021)

Issues: 44

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

What is new?

  • - CDM Model
    • Collector title (including protectable collector titlecache) for persons and teams
    • Explicit nomenclatural title for persons
    • New unspecific "non ..." taxon name relationship
    • New class for taxonomic operations (experimental)
    • Fix column length for author and descriptive dataset titlecache in some databases
  • - CDM Library
    • Improve field unit and specimen formatting algorithm
    • Fix titlecaches handling for some data that could not be found by search due to incorrectly stored empty titlecaches
    • Improve title generation for media title generated form underlying file name
  • - Data Portal
    • Fully refactored external links modul allows for adding removing and re-organizing external links
    • Fix formatting for references using nomenclatural code edition
    • Fix position of footnotes for notes in brackets
    • Fix a couple of errors triggered by incorrect data initialization on server side
    • Fixed bug in advanced taxon search
  • - Import / Export
    • Some improvements on CDM light export (e.g. formatting of homotypical groups)
  • - TaxEditor
    • Make all disabled fields copyable (for copy&paste)
    • Authors
      • Make new nomenclatural title and collector title (+cache) fiels editable
      • Open search dialogue immediately when adding a new team member
      • Allow search on collector titlecache
    • Bulk editor
      • Collector titlecache and protected fiels for collector and titlecache and nomenclatural titlecache available in author bulk editor
      • Set focus to remaining record after deduplication in bulk editor
    • Term tree editor
      • improved handling of newly created term trees
      • added symbols to distinguis trees and lists
      • show (disabled) details for terms
      • show supplemental data for term nodes
      • add "open in vocabulary"
      • improve drag&drop
    • Specimens
      • remove "field unit" form record basis selection combo box
      • remove title dialogue for new specimens in specimen list editor
    • Bugs:
      • incorrect filling of details view after a new misapplication has been created
      • fixed bug when editing taxon name supplemental data (e.g. name identifiers) in name editor
      • exception when deleting a synonym with no name attached
      • in specimen details view the titlecache field is not enabled if the specimen has a protected titecache
      • inform user that TaxEditor resart is required if an "OptionalDataException" is the cause of an error
  • - Web editor

# Subject Status
  cdm 6 Collapse all/Expand all
9692 Add Operation class and link from TaxonRelationship Closed Actions
9664 Add nomenclaturalTitleCache to TeamOrPersonBase Resolved Actions
9634 Update AgentBase and DescriptiveDataSet titleCache length where needed Closed Actions
5655 [DISCUSS] Do we need further "non xxx" relations? Closed Actions
5640 [DISCUSS] Do we need a general "non" name relationship Duplicate Actions
4311 Improve person representation in CDM Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 7 Collapse all/Expand all
9685 add separator between rule applied and code edition Closed Actions
9674 footnote keys for annotations to multilanguageText name descriptions inside brackets Closed Actions
9669 cdm_dataportal_search_taxon_form_advanced() fails with Allowed memory size of ... bytes exhausted Closed Actions
9666 cdm_tokens module Closed Actions
9659 External Links Module reimplemented for flexible configuration Closed Actions
8364 ext-links module: problems Closed Actions
980 Links to relevant external website(s) in taxon pages Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9646 CDM Light: Add name relationship to concatenated string for homotypic group Closed Actions
  cdmlib 15 Collapse all/Expand all
9705 Nomenclatural references with no title and microreference are not correctly formatted Closed Actions
9703 Improve handling of type designations with no status in TypeDesignationSetManager Closed Actions
9702 TypeDesignationSetManager repeats specimen string for specimens without field unit Closed Actions
9695 Implement a preference for supportsConcepts Closed Actions
9684 OccurrenceServiceImpl.listRootUnitDTOsByAssociatedTaxon() - [UPDATE] not permitted for 'anonymousUser' Closed Actions
9683 Auto-initialize root bean Closed Actions
9678 Remove Derived- and FieldUnitFacadeCacheStrategies Closed Actions
9675 Person initials should never be empty Closed Actions
9665 Filter out property change event for created and updated and cacheStrategy Closed Actions
9663 Remove additional text from media title Closed Actions
9657 OccurrenceServiceImpl.listRootUnitDTOsByAssociatedTaxon fails with HibernateException: More than one row with the given identifier was found: 51 Closed Actions
9649 Specimens sometimes have empty titleCache instead of class<UUID> Closed Actions
9237 FeatureTree SortIndex updater creates wrong sortindex Closed Actions
7904 DerivedUnitFacadeFieldUnitCacheStrategy.getCollectorAndFieldNumber() creates temporary Team objects which can not be garbage collected. Closed Actions
6714 Create 001-cdm.h2.sql automatically Closed Actions
  data 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9672 NPE when CDMPreference contains allowOverride=NULL Duplicate Actions
  taxeditor 14 Collapse all/Expand all
9690 Exception when editing name supplemental data in taxon bulk editor Closed Actions
9688 Make disabled fields copyable Closed Actions
9680 Show collectorTitleCache and protectedCollectorTitleCache+ protectedNomenclaturalTitleCache in BulkEditor Closed Actions
9655 When adding a new team member open search dialogue immediately Closed Actions
9654 Deleting a synonym which has no name throws exception Closed Actions
9651 After creating a new MAN the details view is filled with other MAN Closed Actions
9647 After deduplication the remaining record should get the focus in bulk editor Closed Actions
9572 After creating a new term tree set the focus to the new tree Closed Actions
9373 In specimen details view used within specimen tree editor titleCache field is not enabled when it is protected Closed Actions
9337 Open issues for reimplementation of termtree editors Closed Actions
9288 Add symbols for flags in use for term trees in term tree editor Closed Actions
9287 Show term details in details view of term tree editor Closed Actions
7309 Implement collectorTitle and collectorTitleCache and the same for nomenclatural title in tax editor Feedback Actions
5244 [DISCUSS] How should specimens be created and edited? Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.24 (released on Jun 2nd, 2021)

Issues: 13

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

What is new?

  • - CDM Library
    • Formatting
      • remove full stop at the end of title caches for references
      • handle nomenclatural title cache similar to nomenclatural source formatting (but without detail)
  • - Data Portal
    • Search including misapplications works again
    • Image viewer displays media files much faster in specific situations.
    • Bugfix for specimen with media
  • - TaxEditor
    • Finalize "allow duplicates" handling for term trees
    • Handling of computed descriptions configurable (selectable modes: not visible, not enabled, enabled)
    • Editing field units works again
    • Fix delete synonyms that are used as "named used in source"
    • Improve handling of "OptionalDataException"
    • Fix error when deselecting a term during term selection dialogue for term tree items
  • - Web editor
    • Bugfix for name type designations in phycobank editor

CDM Platform 5.23 (released for May 19th, 2021)

Issues: 46

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

What is new?

  • - CDM Model
    • Adaptations for the upcoming taxon concept/identifier strategy for E+M
    • Rename ICNB to ICN
    • Label for nomenclatural code editions
    • Unified word seperator (underscore) for role based groups
  • - CDM Library
    • Formatting and Parsing
      • Improved formatting for teams (no et al. anymore for long citations, unified short citation handling)
      • Improved formatting for references * year behind author and followed by colon, not at the end anymore * pages for booksections * improved formatting for subsections of booksections and articles
      • Improved formatting for misapplications (when being searched via titleCache e.g. in TaxEditor)
      • Improved formatting of specimen being media
      • Improved formatting for specimen being DNA samples
      • Improved formatting for condensed distribution string for areas having subareas with various status
      • parser for original spelling
    • Media info service added for fast image metadata reading
    • role "user manager" added
  • - Imports/Exports
    • CDM Light
      • Add appended phrase to taxon table
      • move condensed distribution string to simple facts
      • fix handling of sec references of misapplied names/pro parte synonyms
  • - CDM Server
    • instances with severe problems should not start
  • - Data Portal
    • Remove duplicates from specimen trees
    • Remove redundant field unit information from derived units in specimen view
    • Bugfix for regressions in context with using extended secundum sources in 5.22
    • Some further bug fixes for specimen related data
  • - TaxEditor
    • Flag to include authors in taxon and name search in TaxEditor
    • Include misapplications and pro parte synonyms in "set secundum for subtree"
    • Improved progress monitoring and reporting for some long running tasks (like "set XXX for subtree")
    • Refresh navigator after ABCD import
    • Improved handling of specimen being media or DNA sample
    • Sorting for distribution status drop downs in distribution editor improved
    • Disable computed descriptions in factual data view
    • Bug fixes: * Error when swaping taxon and synonym * Incorrect handling of selected secundum references when moving a synonym to another accepted taxon * Removed warning (and data loss) before trying to open a taxon a second time in name editor * Problems when saving a polytoumos key (including fix for incorrect numbering after such changes) * Selection for team members does not filter on persons only * Disable details view for structure and property trees in character editor * Searching for not existing UUIDs in bulk editor throws exception * Remove duplicated terms from search in databases with >1 language (e.g. Englisch and Spanisch)

# Subject Status
  cdm 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9619 Model changes for taxon concept strategy Closed Actions
9617 Rename ICNB to ICNP Closed Actions
9614 Use underscore as word separator for all role based groups Closed Actions
9536 Remove old single source citation and microCitation columns for secundum and DescriptionElementBase_OriginalSourceBase and TaxonName_NomenclaturalStatus Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9591 Specimen Tree View: concise label for derivatives Closed Actions
9329 Implement sec reference as original source in dataportal Closed Actions
  cdmlib 25 Collapse all/Expand all
9624 Centralize team formatting and fix et al. position handling Closed Actions
9623 Remove TaxonBaseShortSecCacheStrategy Closed Actions
9618 fix historic NomenclaturalCodeEdition names ICN -> ICBN Closed Actions
9613 Use fixed uuids for roles project manager, publish and user manager Closed Actions
9612 ROLE_USER_MANAGER is missing as a group in FirstDataImporter Closed Actions
9607 read image metadata from MediaInfoService if available Closed Actions
9606 NullPointerExceptions (NPEs) in OccurrenceServiceImpl Closed Actions
9604 Split bibliographic reference cache strategy and nomenclatural formatter + orginal source formatter Closed Actions
9601 Set secundum for subTree does not work for misapplied names Closed Actions
9598 Deduplicate NamedAreas with >1 representations and include label in search Closed Actions
9597 Improve formatting of MediaSpecimen in TypeDesignationWorkingSet formatting Closed Actions
9590 ObjectDeletedException when swap synonym and accepted taxon Closed Actions
9588 Specimen Tree View: Duplicate derivatives Closed Actions
9586 OccurrenceServiceImpl.pageRootUnitsByAssociatedTaxon() wrong total count in pager Closed Actions
9583 Fix formatting of parent area in condensed distributions string if subareas have various status but at least 1 area has status native Closed Actions
9530 Add pages to bibliographic book sections Closed Actions
9433 Improve titleCache generation for misapplications Closed Actions
9326 Show all authors in bibliographic references Closed Actions
7305 [Dicuss] searching for authorteam with more than three members is incomplete Closed Actions
6359 Remaining issues secundum for subtrees Closed Actions
5575 DNA Sample requires CacheStrategy Closed Actions
5573 Cache Strategy for Media Specimen required Closed Actions
3764 Improve formatting for reference type Section Resolved Actions
3667 Implement correct implementation of original spelling in publications Closed Actions
3666 Implement original spelling in name parser Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9185 DateHeaderFilter.doFilter(..) causes NPE in FrameworkServlet.processRequest(..) on 404 HTTP response Closed Actions
  cdmserver 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9602 cdm-server must not start instances with severe db connection problems Closed Actions
  taxeditor 13 Collapse all/Expand all
9625 Selection for team members does not filter on persons only Closed Actions
9611 Implement setSecundumForSubtree for MAN and ppSyns in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9605 Disable Details View for structure and property trees in character editor Closed Actions
9603 Sorting in status drop down of distribution editor Closed Actions
9595 Use DerivedUnit or DnaSample for DnaSampleGeneralDetailElement Closed Actions
9594 Use MediaSpecimen as input for MediaSpecimenGeneralDetailElement Closed Actions
9593 Changing and saving a PolytomousKey throws ConcurrentModificationException Closed Actions
9589 Move synonym to another accepted taxon ignores the selected new sec reference Closed Actions
9587 Unsaved changes are lost when trying to open a taxon a second time Closed Actions
9575 Allow flag to include authors in taxon and name search in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9469 Searching for a UUID in bulkeditor which does not belong to a record throws an exception Closed Actions
8659 Taxon navigator: not refreshed after ABCD file import Closed Actions
8471 Computed descriptions should be disabled in TaxEditor Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.22 (released Apr 16th, 2021)

Issues: 46

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

What is new?

  • - CDM Model
    • Handle taxon secundum source and classification source as "full" sources now with external links etc. (similar to nomenclatural sources) - classification sources are not yet handled as such in TaxEditor
    • Add "ratio to" for characters expressing a property ratio between 2 structures (e.g. length ration upper leave to lower leave)
  • - CDM Library
    • Improve name parser to recognize journals like PhytoKeys and PLoS ONE
    • Improve name parser to recognize and handle "ser." correctly
    • Improve formatting for bibliographic in-references
    • Improved formatting for taxa using a webpage as secundum reference (title does not include the URI anymore)
    • Improve taxon search for names with protected title cache (for these taxa the search runs on the full name and not on the name without author only now)
    • Sorting for certain invalid designations improved (e.g. for misspellings, which are set to the end now)
  • - Imports/Exports
    • Cdm light:
      • fix bug in type designation export
      • flag names in name type designations to make it possible to format them in italics
    • ABCD import:
      • mark taxon descriptions as specimens holding descriptions where suitable and use only a single description for holding specimens
  • - Data Portal
    • New implementation of the specimen tree view that shows specimen data in a collapsible derivation tree
    • Lower default zoom level for occurrence maps
    • Fix sort order in condensed distribution strings for E+M
  • - TaxEditor
    • Referencing objects
      • improve performance
      • cancelable if list is long
      • allow "open in ..." also for sources
      • improved label for some categories
      • recursive call of referencing objects view
    • Sources
      • implement advanced secundum sources
      • Reduce visible fields for nomenclatural sources
      • Remove "type" from all external links
    • Bulk editors
      • fix behavior when they are opened first time by selecting a single record (e.g. via "open in" context menu) - the bulk editor could then not be used for further search anymore
      • show and allow editing by "created by"
      • text in fields is copyable
    • Make handling of original spellings configurable when deleting a name
    • Add symbol to taxon factual datasets holding specimens
    • Add preferred stable identifier field in type designation duplicate wizard
    • Bug fixes
      • correct saving of publish flags for occurrences/specimen
      • ordering in character editor structure tree
      • multi-select handling for "open in distribution editor" in taxon navigator
      • unpersisted term tree title for newly created term trees
      • exception when reusing a name in new taxon dialogue
      • cancel behavior for "Change accepted to synonym"
  • - Web editor
    • Bug fixes
      • problems with selection of media references of type specimens (#9568)
      • Error in data transfer object needed for name part search filters (#9490)

# Subject Status
  cdm 8 Collapse all/Expand all
9507 Add ratioTo structure to Character Closed Actions
9332 Rename TypeDesignationBase.source to .designationSource Closed Actions
9331 Distinguish DescriptionElementSource and NamedSource Closed Actions
9330 Remove "NomenclaturalSource" from OriginalSourceType Closed Actions
9327 Make taxon secundum reference an original source Closed Actions
9315 Remove old single source citation and microCitation columns Closed Actions
9211 Handle source(s) for Classification Closed Actions
8761 Remove TaxonName_NomenclaturalStatus MN table Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 4 Collapse all/Expand all
9555 symbols for record basis (and kind of unit) in derivation tree Closed Actions
9458 Consider lower zoom level as default Closed Actions
7599 treeView for specimen data in dataportal Closed Actions
6866 Improve specimen page Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9568 TypeSpecimenEditor: Selection of a reference of an typified image Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9574 Add html tags for names in NameTypeDesignation in CdmLightExport Closed Actions
9515 Add DescriptionType to TaxonDescription of TaxonAssociations in ABCD import Closed Actions
  cdmlib 14 Collapse all/Expand all
9578 Multiselect for input of distribution editor creates duplicates Closed Actions
9571 Improve sec-formatting for taxa with webpage secundum Closed Actions
9570 Use tagged text for NameTypeDesginations name part Closed Actions
9567 Unify HomotypicGroupTaxonComparator and HomotypicGroupNameComparator Closed Actions
9566 Handle nomenclatural standing correctly in cdmlight / sorting algorithms Closed Actions
9561 In name and taxon search if titleCache is protected the search should run on titleCache also Closed Actions
9558 General tests for cdmlight export Closed Actions
9556 occurrence/{uuid}/fieldUnitDTOs web service adds duplicate units to response Closed Actions
9551 Recognize "series" in article parsing Resolved Actions
9550 Recognize PhytoKeys and PLoS ONE in name parser Closed Actions
9529 Correct formatting for bibliographic in-reference separation Closed Actions
9526 Sort order in E+M distribution string should be strictly alphabetic Closed Actions
9490 avoid rank entity in TaxonNameParts Closed Actions
9441 Move names with invalid designation name relationships to the end in taxon comparator Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 2 Collapse all/Expand all
9557 implement occurrence/{uuid}/rootUnitDTOs Closed Actions
9535 harmonize DefinedTermBase and KeyTerm serializations Closed Actions
  taxeditor 15 Collapse all/Expand all
9562 Publish flag of field units and derived units are not handled correctly Closed Actions
9549 Reduce visible fields for nomenclatural source and secundum source in TaxEditor Closed Actions
9545 Remove "External Link type" completely Closed Actions
9544 In bulkeditor the strings should be copyable Closed Actions
9542 Bulk Editor search does not work after opening a name out of the bulk editor Closed Actions
9541 Improve referencing objects handling Closed Actions
9538 Changing accepted to synonym closes name editor tab even if canceled Closed Actions
9537 Implement ratioToStructure in TaxEditor Feedback Actions
9533 NPE when reusing name for new taxon Closed Actions
9531 Add Names in OriginalSpelling to the delete configuration Closed Actions
9518 Add symbol to descriptions having status individual association in facts view Closed Actions
9504 Changing term tree title is not persisted Closed Actions
9328 Adapt Editor to switch to originalSource for taxon secundum Closed Actions
9007 Enable i18n support for media description UI Closed Actions
8968 filter Bulk editor for created by Closed Actions

CDM Platform 5.21 (released Mar 10th, 2021)

Issues: 41

Downloads: TaxEditor, CDM Server, Data Portal

What is new?

  • - CDM Library
    • Added distribution status "undefined" to CDM library
    • Improved formatting for classifications
  • - Data Portal
    • Correct formatting of condensed distribution string for E+M
    • Show distributions of "fallback" areas in textual representations of distributions (for E+M)
    • Remove distributions with status "undefined" from distributions in data portal (for E+M)
    • Media viewer shows source data for images
  • - TaxEditor
    • Fix problem with using TaxEditor on a system using an non-standard encoding (e.g. Turkish)
    • Fix critical bug where data changes under certain conditions can get lost if a taxon and its parent taxon is edited at the same time
    • Improve performance when saving taxa (and some other operations), mostly for database with large classification trees
    • Support workflow for taxon operations (accepted -> synonym, syn -> acc, swap acc/syn, syn->misapplication, move taxon etc) if publish flag or secundum are not equal for taxon and "parent" taxon
    • Descriptive data matrix
      • Sources for "literature" records editable
      • Specimenlist added to taxon (individual associations) are marked as such
    • Make copyright statements reusable
    • Make abbreviated title and URI editable for rights statements in supplemental data view
    • Distribution status "isAbsent" attribute editable
    • Order termlists/-trees which are marked as unordered alphabetically by default
    • Remove multi-select from default feature tree selection
    • Improved image handling for images related to taxa or specimen (media view)
    • Further bugfixes
      • exception when swapping synonym and accepted if taxon is used in a descriptive dataset
      • exception when opening default feature tree selection preference page
      • exception when trying to open orphaned taxa in name editor
      • LayoutComposite exception when working with taxon related images
  • - Web editor
    • Phycobank registration UI
      • full support for type designation references
      • UI-improvements and bugfixes

# Subject Status
  cdm 1 Collapse all/Expand all
3816 Create "Undefined" status and choose it for NULL status Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 1 Collapse all/Expand all
5206 Status symbols in condensed distribution string repeated for subareas Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 9 Collapse all/Expand all
9485 TaxonNamePopupEditor: StackOverflow on selecting ICN reference Closed Actions
9483 LazyInitializationException (LIE) in TaxonNamePopupEditor when selecting trinominal rank Closed Actions
9482 NameTypeDesignationEditor: designationReference --> new causes LIE Closed Actions
9480 SpecimenTypeDesignationEditor: designationReference --> new should be limited to sections of the publishedUnit Closed Actions
9479 ToOneRelatedEntityCombobox misses sending ValueChanged events to MBeanFieldGroup Closed Actions
9478 required ToOneRelatedEntityCombobox field in SpecimenTypeDesignationDTORow fails validation Closed Actions
9476 SpecimenTypeDesignations for existing names in other nom acts can not be created Closed Actions
9475 NameTypeDesignations for existing names in other nom acts can not be created Closed Actions
8981 Improve NameStatus in UI Closed Actions
  cdmlib 9 Collapse all/Expand all
9521 Fallback areas in textual representation should always stand alone Closed Actions
9481 ObjectDeletedException when swap syn and accepted with descriptions belonging to a descriptive dataset Closed Actions
9470 CollectionDTO constructor prevent from circles Closed Actions
9451 Cache strategy for classifications is missing Closed Actions
8858 Ordering of distribution status 'undefined' is not correct in E+M Closed Actions
8297 Fix condensed distribution string for E+M Closed Actions
5779 Update EuroPlusMedCondensedDistributionComposer to use new symbol field Closed Actions
5682 Implement condensed distribution string for Cuba Closed Actions
5050 revise the subAreaPreference rule for filtering Distributions Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 1 Collapse all/Expand all
9509 IIIF manifest includes media source information Closed Actions
  taxeditor 20 Collapse all/Expand all
9525 Namerelationship source label is missing sometimes Closed Actions
9520 Taxonnode parent merge cascade leads to non-transactional behavior Closed Actions
9512 Descriptions being created for individual associations in matrix should have description status "Individual association" Closed Actions
9506 Rights can not be selected for reuse Closed Actions
9499 Make isAbsent editable in DetailsView Closed Actions
9491 Order of terms in not order relevant trees Closed Actions
9488 Show details of description in character matrix Closed Actions
9472 Encoding problem with ProxyUtils.CollectionType leading to failing lazy collection loading Closed Actions
9471 Widget is disposed exception when switching away from media before details view is completely loaded Closed Actions
9467 AssertionFailedException when opening DefaultFeatureTreePreference and preference should not allow multi-select Closed Actions
9466 Termselection preference pages do not check the elements Closed Actions
9465 Open in ... NameEditor for orphan taxa results in CCE Closed Actions
9427 Code cleaning in CdmPreferenceCache Closed Actions
9374 ClassCastException when switching between media Closed Actions
9340 Workflow support for secundum handling when making synonym a new accepted taxon Closed Actions
8767 Workflow support for publish flag Closed Actions
8198 Deleting an image gallery from image gallery view shows wrong configuration dialog Closed Actions
7521 refresh of taxonnavigator sometimes does not work for moving taxonnodes Closed Actions
7091 Add uri field and abbreviatedText to Righs in supplemental data Closed Actions
5670 Refresh of Taxon Navigator Closed Actions

Previous Releases Archive

see CdmPlatformRoadmapArchive

Updated by Andreas Müller about 2 months ago · 890 revisions