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Andreas Müller, 12/06/2016 12:40 AM

Cdm Platform Roadmap

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CDM Platform 4.5 (scheduled for Jan 15th, 2017)

What will be new?

CDM Platform 4.4 (released on December 5th, 2016)

What's new?

  • General / Model
    • Distribution status terms of several CDM instance have been unified and some new status were added to the CDM distribution status base vocabulary; default symbols used in condensed distribution strings were updated
    • Simplification: Synonyms belong to max. 1 accepted taxon now (before they could belong to multiple taxa, this was used for pro parte synonyms, which will be handled as taxon concept relationships in future, but with special user interface functionality similar to misapplied names)
    • Support for locally overriding database specific preferences (currently only implemented for preference "nomenclautral code", will be more in next version)
    • Symbol for congruence concept relationships changed
    • Unplaced and excluded attribute moved from taxon to taxon within classification ("taxon node"), including multi-lingual note field to document why a taxon is excluded
    • Improved support for Java 8
  • DataPortal

    • Security
      • Allow dataportal to show content only to logged in users (further improvements have bee investigated and will be implemented soon)
    • Maps
      • Allow distribution (area based) and occurrence (point based) data to show up on the same taxon page (better support for tabless taxon pages)
      • Improved support for Google Maps
      • Support for distribution maps if no distribution data is available (Fauna Europaea request)
    • Performance
      • Improved performance for synonymies
    • Formatting:
      • Improved formatting (label) for specimen
      • Improved display for specimen altitude
      • Display of "extensions" added to specimen and others
      • Display of "additional areas" (sub-country level) added to specimen
      • Bugfix for lectotype references
      • Bugfix for feature "Citation" showing up as footnote only
      • Suppress display of protologues if URL is missing
    • General Improvements
      • Improved breadcrumb navigation
      • Handling of "back to search button"
      • Persistent stable Identifier ("CETAF" identifier) clickable now in default specimen view
    • Bugfixes:
      • Area selection widget fixed in advanced search
      • Fix for missing sensu on misapplications with sensu reference missing an author
  • TaxEditor

    • Allow editing of default color for distribution status in term editor (Presence-Absence-Term) -> the color is used e.g. for maps in the dataportal
    • New Admin menu for general admins and project admins, currently used only for setting the database preferences
    • Improved support for deleting names, taxa, persons/teams, factual data and terms in bulk editor, name editor, factual data view and term editor, including bugfixes
    • Remember filter on selection dialog for named areas more individually (named areas are used at different places - distribution, specimen country, common name language area, geoscopes, ...)
    • Prevent users from unwanted updates on shared data: a red warning is shown in dialogs now if a shared resource is edited (currently implemented only for reference editing)
    • Preference to choose available fields for taxon details view (most fields can be selected individually now; in next version this may become a database specific preference)
    • Flags for unplaced and excluded moved from taxon details view to taxon node assistant (right click in taxon navigator -> open in -> taxon node assistant)
    • Excluded note (s.a.) available in taxon node assistant
    • Improved handling of orphaned taxa and synonyms
    • Nomenclatural status selection box shows abbreviated labels now
    • User interface for import configurations improved
    • Some minor issues
    • Bugfixes:
      • Critical fix for a bug that prevented to correctly install the TaxEditor on computer for the first time
      • Exception when editing empty term / vocabulary labels
      • New references could not be found in selection dialog
      • Exception when editing taxon interactions (e.g. parasites) in factual data view
  • BrowserEditor (Vaadin)

    • Simple and easy to use distribution editor is now functional (was prototype only before)
    • Architectural improvements
  • Webservices (machine readable services)

    • Add full entity to findByMarker and findByIdentifier webservice result (fix for includeEntitiy parameter did not work)
    • Some improvements for project specific webservices
      • Sorting by length on name search
      • Return pure names for taxonomic group search
      • Grouping by taxonomic groups
      • Add taxon parent to taxonInContext webservice result
    • bugfix for name catalogue taxon search
    • New services returning pure titleCaches and uuids with titleCache

# Subject Status
  architecture 1 Collapse all/Expand all
6206 Vaadin view fail with: Failed to load the bootstrap javascript Closed Actions
  cdm 11 Collapse all/Expand all
6089 Remove taxonomicParentCache and taxonomicChildrenCount from Taxon Closed Actions
5981 Add abbreviation to Rank "Cultivar" Closed Actions
5974 Remove synonym relationships Closed Actions
5970 Implement allowOverride in CdmPreference Closed Actions
5952 Second cache field for specimen (identityCache) Closed Actions
5921 Change symbol for congruence relationship. Closed Actions
5875 Add isDefault flag to DescriptionBase Closed Actions
5778 Update symbols for PresenceAbsenceTerms in existing databases Closed Actions
5634 Excluded note for excluded taxa /taxon nodes Closed Actions
3925 Unplaced and excluded to TaxonNode Closed Actions
3658 Update Nomenclatural code for datasources Closed Actions
  cdm-dataportal 16 Collapse all/Expand all
6201 Adapt dataportal to the new synonym datamodel Closed Actions
6130 Areafilter widget broken Closed Actions
6115 protect cdm content by drupal permission Closed Actions
6114 Regression of #4379: Citations only consist of footnotes if bibliography block is enabled Closed Actions
6110 Use https for map service calls when the portal is access via https Closed Actions
5956 Improve functionality and UX for (children display in) breadcrumb navigation - 2 Closed Actions
5948 supress protologue icon if according media uri is missing Closed Actions
5943 back to search button/link should go into a drupal block Closed Actions
5938 distribution and specimen maps can not be used on the same page Closed Actions
5844 Make stable identifier clickable in default specimen tab Closed Actions
5676 Sensu does not show up if no author exists for secundum reference Closed Actions
5047 option to show empty distribution maps Duplicate Actions
3650 allow supressing empty distribution and specimen maps Closed Actions
3226 openlayers map google baselayers: api keys rejected Closed Actions
3061 Lecototype typeReference not rendered correctly Closed Actions
2985 Improve Specimen details display Closed Actions
  cdm-vaadin 1 Collapse all/Expand all
6131 Vaadin DistributionEditor TODOS Closed Actions
  cdmadapter 1 Collapse all/Expand all
6077 Import of gathering images Closed Actions
  cdmlib 8 Collapse all/Expand all
6244 Sortindex problems in complex operations like swap synonym and accepted and others Closed Actions
6220 Improve definition of orphaned taxon and synonym Closed Actions
6120 Cleanup uuidAndTitleCache methods Closed Actions
6118 evaluate spring-security-auth2 and spring-cloud-security as a framework for OAuth2 Closed Actions
6099 Duration of save is increasing Closed Actions
6023 configuration problems with maven-antrun-plugin Closed Actions
5862 Spring needs online resources during launch Closed Actions
4965 unsupported method getDatabase() in WrappedCdmDataSource breaks forceSchemaUpdate Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 11 Collapse all/Expand all
6236 Add alphabetic length ordering in name search Closed Actions
6211 massive heap consumption by service endpoint /portal/taxon/{uuid}/synonymy Closed Actions
6135 Remove authors from Taxonomische Großgruppe Closed Actions
6134 Allow grouping by Taxonomische Großgruppe Closed Actions
6133 Improve Rank Webservice Closed Actions
6128 Include authorship in taxon search web service Closed Actions
6127 NPE in NameCatalogue Controller on name_catalogue/taxon Closed Actions
6122 add titleCache service Closed Actions
6119 Implement uuidAndTitleCache remote services Closed Actions
6072 Implement getTaxonomicGroups for Edaphobase Closed Actions
4594 RL Webservice 7: Return taxa by Identifier Closed Actions
  data 3 Collapse all/Expand all
6071 Handle Taxonomische Großgruppen correctly in Edaphobase Closed Actions
5976 Update sortIndex for potential nullValue sortIndexes Closed Actions
5826 Clean up names with empty name descriptions Closed Actions
  devOps 1 Collapse all/Expand all
6224 cdm-webapp is not using current version of cdmlib-remote-webapp.war Closed Actions
  taxeditor 26 Collapse all/Expand all
6218 NPE when editing term vocabulary label Closed Actions
6216 Allow changing of defaultColor for PresenceAbsenceTerm Closed Actions
6215 NPE when opening preferences with no DB connection Closed Actions
6209 NPE in DatasourceView Closed Actions
6199 Excluded note for excluded taxon nodes in TaxEdtior Closed Actions
6198 Remove synonym relationships in TaxEditor Closed Actions
6197 Move excluded and unplaced from Taxon to TaxonNode in TaxEditor Closed Actions
6174 LIE when deleting new name Closed Actions
6129 After creating a new Reference in selection dialog, it could not be found in the selection dialog Closed Actions
6105 Make CdmPreferences editable in separate view Closed Actions
6058 Store NamedArea dialog filters more individually Closed Actions
6050 provide the possibility to choose the fields of the simple details view for names Closed Actions
5972 Prevent user from unwanted author and reference updates Closed Actions
5971 Implement database wide CdmPreference writing Closed Actions
5891 Taxon appended phrase should not allow empty string Closed Actions
5888 Deleting factual data does not work (dirty flag not set) Closed Actions
5870 NPE when trying to open a synonym (or taxon) that has been deleted Closed Actions
5841 Creating a new alternative in PolytomousKey Editor should set focus to new PKNode Closed Actions
5800 Remove "Taxonomically Included In" from list of concept relationship types Closed Actions
5693 Deleting a synonym only deletes the synonym relation Closed Actions
5692 Delete a person within the bulk editor deletes the person even if not saved Closed Actions
5680 Out-of-Memory when editing TaxonInteraction Closed Actions
5660 Rename Name Relationship to Name Relationships in Name Details View Closed Actions
4461 Ordering in datasources view fails Closed Actions
3573 Improve EDITOR import UI configuration panel Closed Actions
1362 Version number should be located at one place Rejected Actions

CDM Platform 4.3 (released on September 26th, 2016)

What's new?

  • General

    • Improved handling of notho ranks
    • Some new/fixed machine readable web-services
  • DataPortal

    • Advanced Search: Distributions marked as absent are no longer displayed in search result
    • Advanced search: Area filter is now sorted
    • Breadcrumb navigation fixed for Internet Explorer / MS Edge
    • Fix some links to images
  • TaxEditor

    • Bugfix for user defined order in taxon navigator
    • ABCD import improved
    • Name Parser improved
    • Checklist/Distribution Editor:
      • Renamed to Distribution Editor
      • Fixe some bugs (but it still has status experimental; opening is now available via standard open in menu)
    • Referencing objects view:
      • available for relationships (name relationship, concept relationship, etc.)
      • minor bugfix
    • Name author search works on nomenclatural title and standard title
    • Nomenclatural reference search works on abbreviated title and standard title
    • Expansion state of the details view and the supplemental data view is now remembered (e.g. if you close all sections in the name details view except for the name relationships the next time when you enter the name details view it will remember this state and only the name relationship section will be open)
    • Filtering for area selection fixed (also last filter is remembered now)
    • The preferred nomenclatural code can now be stored as a database wide variable instead of a local variable. This way projects can define there own settings. This implementation is a first implementation and prototype for the general availability of project settings.
    • Underlying link for the automated update has been fixed
    • Infraspecific epithet editing now available for species (all codes) and infraspecific ranks (zoology)
    • Reusing of names and taxa fixed
    • Bulk editor
      • auto-focus on search
      • new search allows not to save now
      • Concept relationship editor view now available also from taxon bulk editor
    • Search
      • Search results allow opening in different target views (e.g. name editor, bulk editor) via right click menu
    • Correct handling of secundum reference for newly created taxa
    • Delete for type designations fixed
    • Term editor
      • Language dependent representations for terms are now deletable if more than 1 representation exists
      • Non English default representation shows up correctly
      • #6101
    • Details view
      • Horizontal scrolling removed where possible
    • Some bugfixes
      • "multipe representations" exception
      • focus issue for protected title caches

# Subject Status
  cdm-dataportal 2 Collapse all/Expand all
6087 Top level items not sorted in tree of advanced search areaFilter widget Closed Actions
6054 classification breadcrumb navigation broken in IE and MS Edge Closed Actions
  cdmlib 6 Collapse all/Expand all
6086 Percentage value in ProgressMonitor accuratly rounded Closed Actions
6060 Name parser fails parsing author names with - U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS Closed Actions
6057 Name parser fails parsing author names with ` U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT Closed Actions
6045 NPE when using TaxonNaturalComparator Closed Actions
6032 Name parser support for hybrid ranks Rejected Actions
6030 Name parser support for genus hybrids Closed Actions
  cdmlib-remote 3 Collapse all/Expand all
6073 Fix groupByHigherTaxon webservice Closed Actions
6066 Edaphobase DTO for getChildrenTaxaOfId Closed Actions
6065 Edaphobase DTO for getTaxonById Closed Actions
  taxeditor 12 Collapse all/Expand all
6101 NPE when having multiple lanugage support disabled Closed Actions
6084 NPE when opening the checklist editor with no areas selected in preferences Closed Actions
6082 Local managed server in Taxeditor fails during start Closed Actions
6062 NPE in RefencingObjects for TaxonNameDescription Closed Actions
6061 Add titlecache to nom author search Closed Actions
6059 Save expand state more individually Closed Actions
6056 Checklist Editor does not close session Closed Actions
6049 Improve (area) filter handling for selection dialogs Closed Actions
5982 editing the protected titleCache set sometimes the focus to the name editor Closed Actions
5969 Implement CdmPreference reading for database preferences Closed Actions
5967 Adapt default update site to production update site. Closed Actions
5616 Add the"Open in..." menu to taxon search Closed Actions

CDM Platform 4.2 (released on July 6th, 2016)

What's new?

  • General

    • Some new terms: feature "Notes", nomenclatural status "ined." and taxon relationships "unclear" and "not yet worked on"
    • Improved aggregation for distribution data (transmission engine)
    • Improved multi-language support
    • Some new machine readable web-services
  • DataPortal

    • Improved usability of breadcrumb navigation
    • minor formatting issues
    • geo filtered search fixed
    • support for taxon secundum micro reference
    • Display of children on "General" tab (first version, block needs to be switched on)
    • Spanish translation for Dataportal module
  • TaxEditor

    • Improved performance for selection boxes
    • Fix bugs in feature tree editing
    • Support for species with infrageneric epithet
    • Multi-language editing for terms
    • "Open in ... bulk editor" for taxon navigator and referencing objects view
    • Support for "additional identifiers" in supplemental data view
    • Improved taxon name and reference parsing
    • Nomenclatural reference parser uses abbrev title
    • Improved "Changed Password" functionality
    • Improved session handling for bulk editor searches (fixing unexpected results and memory effects)
    • Ordering in specimen derivative editor
    • Improved labels in referencing objects view for specimen determinations and taxa in classifications (taxon nodes)
    • bug fixes

Milestones and tickets

CDM Platform 4.1 (released on June 1st, 2016)

What's new?

  • General

    • Support for persistent stable identifiers (e.g. "CETAF Identifiers")
    • Support for secundum micro reference
  • DataPortal

    • Breadcrumb navigation shows child taxa
    • Changing to breadcrumb navigation and removing tree navigation improves performance of data portals significantly
  • TaxEditor

    • "Standalone" functionality removed
    • Connection to datasources is now only possible via remoting" functionality introduced in "v3.12
    • Datasource was adapted to only support editing user defined datasources (connect to "localhost mgd." server) and to create a new database schema in such datasources if they are still empty
    • Search for nomenclatural authors works on abbrev. title now
    • Labels for referencing objects improved
    • Some major bugs fixed that lead to error messages when saving taxa
    • Bugfix for "unavailable" authors after creation of new authors
    • Symbols for distribution strings and concept relationships editable
    • Error handling for connection process
    • Performance for save improved
    • Couple of minor bug fixes

Milestones and tickets

CDM Platform 4.0 (released on May 3rd, 2016)

What's new?

  • Upgrades to all underlying software libraries

    • Full Java 8 support (Downloading TaxEditor JRE version not necessary anymore)
    • Improved freetext indexing (faster and more stable) and search support
    • Improved webservice documentation
  • DataPortal

    • Breadcrumb menu for higher taxonomy
    • Clickable list of all parent taxa of a given taxon shown in 1 line
    • Needs to be switched on by dataportal admin
    • Improved multi-language support
    • Improved support for taxon concepts, misapplied names and doubtful taxa formatting
    • Maps
    • Animated "Hourglass" while loading maps
    • Improved stability for distribution and occurrence maps
    • Improved display of textual distributions for hierarchically ordered distributions
    • Faster loading of the most important base layers through the new EDIT MapProxy
    • Condensed distribution string configurable and improved
    • Support for hierarchical feature trees for factual data
    • Improved display of reference pages (e.g. )
    • Specimen linking to associated taxa
    • Improved error and warning messages
    • Bugfixes
    • Fix display of taxon interactions
    • Fix name page display

Examples for many of the new features (like breadcrumb menu, multi-language support and condensed distribution strings) can be found at (e.g. )

  • TaxEditor

    • Improvements to the name and coordinate parsers
    • Ordering of sources (according to rules described in #3185)
    • Editing supplemental data for type designations and name relationships
    • New generic "Open in ..." right mouse click menu
    • Available servers configurable
    • Renaming Descriptions to Factual data finalized
    • Many bugfixes to stabilize existing functionality
    • PolytomousKey editing and deleting
    • Creation of new terms
    • ...
  • Data Model (CDM)

    • Preferred persistent identifiers for specimen
    • Symbols for condensed distribution strings and concept relationships
    • Secundum micro reference for taxa

Milestones and tickets

CDM Platform 3.12 - Hotfixes (released on February 15th, 2016)

This is a pure bugfix release for Release 3.12 with no new functionality

Milestones and tickets

Error executing the ref_issues macro (- can not find CustomQuery Name:'Release3.12-Hotfixes')

CDM Platform 3.12 (released on December 21st, 2015)

Note: Version 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 were minor releases mostly for development reasons and were not published

What's new?

  • DataPortal

    • Taxon experts can now be displayed in a new tab of the taxon pages.
    • Maps adapted to different screen size. Openlayers try to adapt to the screen size and the map aspect ratio can be set instead of fixed width and height (#5385)
    • MapProxy established (#5023): Background layers for the maps can now be retrieved via the Cybertaxonomy MapProxy The layers served through the map proxy are delivered much faster and availability problems of some map server are circumvented this way. It is therefore highly recommended to use the map proxy versions of the base layers instead of the original ones so far a map proxy version is available. You may want to adapt the Geo & Map settings in your dataportal accordingly.
  • Taxonomic Editor

    • Support for remote access without using ulteo (or any other virtual desktop)
    • most important new feature,
    • to be accessed via 'Connect' in the editors 'File' menu
    • old access via 'Datasource View' still possible if direct database access exists, but deprecated and will be removed in a future version
    • Remote Editor How To
    • Derivative (specimen tree) view improved
    • unified search and editing view
    • a couple of new features
    • some bugfixes
    • now considered as stable
    • Java JRE bundled with Editor (2 versions are now available for each platform, 1 without java bundled, 1 with java(jre) bundled)
    • ABCD Import improved
    • LSIDs for scientific names editable
    • Ordering of terms
    • Deleting concept relationships
    • Scopes for polytomous keys
    • Deletes in bulk editor configurable
    • Common name and scientific name search made consistent
    • Feedback for impossible deletes improved
    • Image shown also in simple media view
    • Bugfixes
    • switch synonym to misapplied name
    • deleting terms
    • moving descriptions
    • deleting taxa being used in multiple classifications
    • incorrect behavior when pressing cancel in popups
    • delete specimen media
    • merging 2 persons
    • convert person to team
    • many minor bugfixes

Milestones and tickets

Error executing the ref_issues macro (- can not find CustomQuery Name:'Release3.12')

CDM Platform 3.8 (released on September 10th, 2015)

What's new?

  • DataPortal

    • Simple search runs by default on the selected single classification, *IMPORTANT! * If your portal has multiple classifications, You may check the according settings option in the cdm_dataportal/settings/layout/search admin page.
    • Distribiution maps show circles as symbols for areas which are too tiny to see the colored area.
    • Option to display the so called sec reference for the taxa in all parts of the DataPortal. This can be configured via the name render template settings in admin/config/cdm_dataportal/settings/layout
  • Editor

    • LibrAlign editor is now available for single read alignment (experimental feature)
    • Media can be opened in external browser by button click.
    • Allow searching for uuid in bulk editors
    • Taxon can now be edited and deleted when a PolytomousKeyNode is not a leaf
    • Improved error handling
    • Layout improved for error messages

Milestones and tickets

Previous Releases Archive

see CdmPlatformRoadmapArchive

Updated by Andreas Müller over 7 years ago · 227 revisions