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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Target version Category Tags
2200 EDIT feature request Closed Priority14 Handle multiple authors for names correctly when caching Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.3 cdmlib Actions
2578 EDIT bug Closed Highest Improve "move synonym" Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.3 cdmlib Actions
3046 EDIT bug Closed Highest Sort order for taxa with status not being nom.inval. is incorrect Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.3 cdmlib Actions
3702 EDIT feature request Closed Priority10 WaterbodyOrCountry ISO 3166 alpha-3 code should be available as attribute Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 3.3 cdm Actions
2854 EDIT feature request Closed Priority11 Implement part of other title for part of articles and part of booksections Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.0 cdm euro+med migration Actions
3561 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Implement editing for abbreviated title Patrick Plitzner EDIT - TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.0 taxeditor Actions
4706 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Create IntextReference Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 3.5 cdm Actions
4639 EDIT feature request Closed Priority14 Show quantitative data correctly in Data portal (for Cyprus portal) Ralf Hand EDIT - cdm_dataportal RELEASE 3.5.1 cdm-dataportal Actions
5040 EDIT bug Closed Priority13 Allow transmission engine webservice to define area level Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 3.8 cdmlib-remote transmission-engine-distribution Actions
5063 EDIT bug Closed Highest Fix CoL import (split in parts++) Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 3.8 cdmadapter col Actions
4770 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Allow convert person to team Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.5.2 cdmlib Actions
4769 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Allow convert team to person Andreas Müller EDIT - cdmlib RELEASE 3.5.2 cdmlib Actions
4915 EDIT bug Closed Priority10 Abbrev title for person should never be orange Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 3.12 taxeditor Actions
4821 EDIT bug Closed Priority12 Changing order of terms not possible Katja Luther EDIT - Release 3.12 taxeditor Actions
4944 EDIT bug Closed Priority13 "Protected" indication for references needs to be improved Katja Luther EDIT - Release 3.12 taxeditor Actions
3742 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Display altitude, distance to Ground and watersurface correctly in dataportal Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 3.12 cdm-dataportal Actions
5286 EDIT bug Closed Highest seemingly duplicate distributions Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 3.12 cdm-dataportal Actions
5581 EDIT bug Closed New Specimen title cache does not show up correctly after editing Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 3.12 - Hotfixes cdmlib mexico_ws Actions
5606 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Add preferred stable URI to SpecimenOrObservation Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.0 cdm Actions
5697 EDIT feature request Closed Priority14 Show name conserved against as [non xxx] Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.0 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
4716 EDIT feature request Closed New Other dependencies to be updated Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.0 cdmlib Actions
5662 EDIT feature request Closed New New nomenclatural status nom. cons. des. Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.0 cdm cuba Actions
5492 EDIT bug Closed New Doubtful synonyms and misapplied names to be displayed correctly Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.0 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
5647 EDIT feature request Closed New Aggregate misapplied names with multiple sensu references Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.0 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
5491 EDIT bug Closed Highest Implement name phrase correctly for misapplied names Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.0 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
1815 EDIT bug Closed Priority13 setInReference needs to reset the title cache Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.1 cdmlib Actions
5833 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Implement single cache strategy for references Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.1 cdmlib Actions
5945 EDIT bug Closed New Deduplicate results from termloading by class Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.2 cdmlib Actions
5861 EDIT bug Closed New Taxon appended phrase must not be in italics Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.2 cdm-dataportal Actions
5736 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Show sec reference for TaxonInteractions Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.2 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
5616 EDIT feature request Closed New Add the"Open in..." menu to taxon search Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
6062 EDIT bug Closed New NPE in RefencingObjects for TaxonNameDescription Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
5967 EDIT bug Closed Highest Adapt default update site to production update site. Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
5969 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Implement CdmPreference reading for database preferences Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
6065 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Edaphobase DTO for getTaxonById Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.3 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6066 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Edaphobase DTO for getChildrenTaxaOfId Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.3 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6056 EDIT bug Closed Highest Checklist Editor does not close session Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
6073 EDIT bug Closed Highest Fix groupByHigherTaxon webservice Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.3 cdmlib-remote Actions
6061 EDIT bug Closed Highest Add titlecache to nom author search Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
6060 EDIT bug Closed Highest Name parser fails parsing author names with - U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.3 cdmlib Actions
6049 EDIT bug Closed Highest Improve (area) filter handling for selection dialogs Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.3 taxeditor Actions
5972 EDIT feature request Closed Priority13 Prevent user from unwanted author and reference updates Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5676 EDIT bug Closed New Sensu does not show up if no author exists for secundum reference Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.4 cdm-dataportal cuba Actions
6119 EDIT bug Closed New Implement uuidAndTitleCache remote services Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote Actions
6105 EDIT bug Closed New Make CdmPreferences editable in separate view Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6220 EDIT bug Closed New Improve definition of orphaned taxon and synonym Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib Actions
6072 EDIT bug Closed New Implement getTaxonomicGroups for Edaphobase Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6071 EDIT bug Closed New Handle Taxonomische Großgruppen correctly in Edaphobase Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 data edapho Actions
6128 EDIT feature request Closed New Include authorship in taxon search web service Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
4461 EDIT bug Closed New Ordering in datasources view fails Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5693 EDIT bug Closed New Deleting a synonym only deletes the synonym relation Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6174 EDIT bug Closed New LIE when deleting new name Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
4594 EDIT feature request Closed Highest RL Webservice 7: Return taxa by Identifier Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote redlist Actions
6133 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Improve Rank Webservice Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
5971 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Implement database wide CdmPreference writing Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6135 EDIT task Closed Highest Remove authors from Taxonomische Großgruppe Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6198 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Remove synonym relationships in TaxEditor Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6122 EDIT bug Closed Highest add titleCache service Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote Actions
6199 EDIT bug Closed Highest Excluded note for excluded taxon nodes in TaxEdtior Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6134 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Allow grouping by Taxonomische Großgruppe Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6236 EDIT bug Closed Highest Add alphabetic length ordering in name search Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib-remote edapho Actions
6197 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Move excluded and unplaced from Taxon to TaxonNode in TaxEditor Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6201 EDIT bug Closed Highest Adapt dataportal to the new synonym datamodel Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.4 cdm-dataportal Actions
6215 EDIT bug Closed Highest NPE when opening preferences with no DB connection Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5841 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Creating a new alternative in PolytomousKey Editor should set focus to new PKNode Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6218 EDIT bug Closed Highest NPE when editing term vocabulary label Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5660 EDIT bug Closed Highest Rename Name Relationship to Name Relationships in Name Details View Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5680 EDIT bug Closed Highest Out-of-Memory when editing TaxonInteraction Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor cuba Actions
5692 EDIT bug Closed Highest Delete a person within the bulk editor deletes the person even if not saved Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5800 EDIT bug Closed Highest Remove "Taxonomically Included In" from list of concept relationship types Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5844 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Make stable identifier clickable in default specimen tab Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.4 cdm-dataportal Actions
5870 EDIT bug Closed Highest NPE when trying to open a synonym (or taxon) that has been deleted Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
5891 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Taxon appended phrase should not allow empty string Katja Luther EDIT - Release 4.4 taxeditor Actions
6120 EDIT bug Closed Highest Cleanup uuidAndTitleCache methods Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.4 cdmlib Actions
3658 EDIT bug Closed Priority13 Update Nomenclatural code for datasources Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5826 EDIT bug Closed Priority14 Clean up names with empty name descriptions Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 data Actions
5981 EDIT feature request Closed New Add abbreviation to Rank "Cultivar" Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm cultivar Actions
5974 EDIT feature request Closed New Remove synonym relationships Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
3925 EDIT feature request Closed New Unplaced and excluded to TaxonNode Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
6089 EDIT task Closed New Remove taxonomicParentCache and taxonomicChildrenCount from Taxon Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5634 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Excluded note for excluded taxa /taxon nodes Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5778 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Update symbols for PresenceAbsenceTerms in existing databases Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5875 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Add isDefault flag to DescriptionBase Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5921 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Change symbol for congruence relationship. Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5952 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Second cache field for specimen (identityCache) Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5970 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Implement allowOverride in CdmPreference Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 cdm Actions
5976 EDIT bug Closed Highest Update sortIndex for potential nullValue sortIndexes Andreas Müller EDIT - CDM UML 4.1 data Actions
6207 EDIT bug Closed New Import Salvador images Andreas Müller EDIT - Salvador imported and published cdmadapter salvador Actions
6252 EDIT task Closed Highest Implement image import for salvador Andreas Müller EDIT - Salvador imported and published cdmadapter salvador Actions
6824 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Mapping for Salvador areas Andreas Müller EDIT - Salvador imported and published data salvador Actions
6307 EDIT bug Closed Priority14 Logfile/exception dialog should show connected datasource Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.5 taxeditor Actions
6301 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Display of sources for images Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.5 cdm-dataportal salvador Actions
3465 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Function to copy secundum reference of a given taxon node to all it's children Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.5 cdmlib salvador Actions
5714 EDIT feature request Closed Highest In Original Source Type dropdown show Primary Taxonomic Source first Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.5 taxeditor Actions
4223 EDIT bug Closed Highest Advanced search returns unexpected results Andreas Kohlbecker EDIT - Release 4.5 cdm-dataportal search corvidae Actions
5055 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Integrate Luna installation instruction into standard installation instructions Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.5 taxeditor documentation Actions
5698 EDIT bug Closed Highest Ampersand (&) is not shown in labels for NameRelationships in details view Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.5 taxeditor Actions
5922 EDIT feature request Closed Highest Change order in supplemental data view Patrick Plitzner EDIT - Release 4.5 taxeditor Actions
922 EDIT feature request Closed Priority12 Implement compareTo method in IdentifiableEntity properly Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.6 cdmlib Actions
6439 EDIT bug Closed New Add (Heft xxx) as part of volume to name parser Andreas Müller EDIT - Release 4.6 cdmlib parser Actions
(1-100/1010) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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