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Andreas Kohlbecker, 10/29/2009 03:04 PM

CDM Community Server

A Central datastore for a community of users (taxonomically, geographically or otherwise defined). The community store server is used to centrally host versionable CommonDataModel data.

The store makes use of the CdmLibrary and exposes webservices based on the CdmLibrary service layer.

The CDM store is a central piece of the platform and applications that are able to interface with this store are considered part of the platform.

Getting Started

The CDM Community Server comes in two flavors. As standalone server (@cdmserver-standalone.jar@) and as war archive (@cdmserver.war@). Using the standalone server is the easoied and recommendet way to get a CDM Community Server up and running. Installing the cdmserver.war into Tomcat is currently not recommendet due to a known memory leak which occured only in this combination. The standalone server does not have this problem.

In the following the required tesps to install the standalone server are described. Currently there is no official guidance on installing the war, bur iterested developers may refer to the WebserviceDeployment page to get some hints.

Installing the standalone server

This install guide describes the installation of the standalone server on a Debian linux system and should also be compatible with Ubuntu systems.

  1. Download the cdmserver-standalone.jar": and the init script "cdmserver and the @datasources.xml@.

  2. Store cdmserver-standalone.jar in the filesystem of your server.

  3. Copy the init script cdmserver into /etc/init.d/

  4. Edit in the init script cdmserver the CDM_HOME path variable to macth the path where cdmserver-standalone.jar has been stored in step 2.

  5. Create the .cdmLibrary folder in CDM_HOME

  6. Install the init script cdmserver by running the following command: update-rc.d cdmserver defaults

  7. Copy datasources.xml into it and edit this file to match your cdm data bases.

  8. Start the cdm server: /etc/init.d/cdmserver start@. You can stop the server by executing @/etc/init.d/cdmserver stop


Srvices/APIs exposed by the community store are:


Mainly read operations exposing CdmDataTransferObjects for the CdmDataportal. The services are URL encoded REST services and the http content-type of a request specifies whether XML (default) or JSON will be returned. For further details please refer to CDM REST Services.

The detailed list of implemented and planned operations can be found at wiki:CdmAPI#RemoteAPI

RSS Search feeds

Additionally to the search services provided by the REST API above, the same search methods will also be exposed as RSS feeds. This allows RSS clients, or wikipedia:Aggregator, to "subscribe" to specific searches as RSS feeds are natively ordered chronologically and new search entries therefore can easily be identified. It is planned that all PrimaryCdmObjects will be exposed for searches.


In order to build central aggregators is is planned to support the OAI-PMH protocol with selective date based harvesting. GBIF":, "EOL or any other data aggregator will therefore be able to easily pool CDM data and keep their copy up to date by accessing incremental changes only - and not the entire CDM dataset every time.


The CDM Store will include an LSID resolver exposing PrimaryCdmObjects objects in RDF as TDWG LSID voc

Linkback Annotations

All pages should expose a linkback mechanism that allows to be aware of external comments done on popular blogging software. See Wikipedia:Linkback

File Server


Please see ImageServer


We will use Drupal as a start

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 14 years ago · 9 revisions