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Andreas Müller, 09/26/2007 07:11 PM
How To - Releases

CDM Java Library

The CDM Library is meant to be a shared library for the between several applications which can be of any kind, i.e. J2EE having an application container, simple command line tools or swing desktop applications.

The library defines a persistent domain model, EDITs CommonDataModel, that can be serialsed and read in XML. Business logic shared between applications should be part of this library as much as possible, while application specific logic has to stay out. We hope to develop this library in collaboration with the CATE project initially.


We are currently debating whether OSGi bundles and/or JAR archives are our preferred form of a CDM library release.

Source Code

The source:trunk/cdm can be found in the EDIT subversion repository:

For building Apache Ant must be installed as well Java JDK.


Spring 2.0 Framework

We use the Spring 2.0 framework to develop the library and keep the coupling of components low.

Domain Model w/ persistency

Domain objects (also called business objects sometimes) are directly taken as POJOs from the CommonDataModel. The logic inherent to the domain objects are restricted to their own object graph, i.e. their own properties and related objects. But not unrelated objects available through DAOs only. Typical logic includes validation and calculations.

Property change support

We plan to implement java.bean propertyChangeSupport methods to send change events to registered lissteners:


Validation primarily in setter methods. Implement separate Rule classes too?

XML binding

using JAXB


Every domain class has at least a DAO for CRUD operations.


using JPA w/ Hibernate . Alternatively try TopLink

Service layer

The service layer defines the primary public exposed interface for other applications. Every DAO is also exposed as a service, but more complex services can be offered too. Complex validation is part of the service layer as well as import/export of XML files using the XML binding of the domain objects.

XML (Un)Marshalling

Services to read and write xml data into domain objects using the JAXB annotations in the domain model


Validation across unrelated domain objects needs to be implemented outside of the domain model. The service layer takes care of this. Validation rules could (should?) be implemented as separate Rule classes


  • run ant:distAsZip from build.xml in project edit_cdm

  • upack dist\zip\

  • put cdmLibrary.jar and all jars from dist\zip\lib into project eu.etaxonomy.cdmLibrary

  • refresh project and add all unknown libraries to the project classpath

  • update classpath in plugin.xml\Runtime

  • test with project eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor


Spring Resources

Hibernate Resources

Updated by Andreas Müller almost 17 years ago · 35 revisions