CDM Library¶
Please also refer to for documentation or CdmLibraryDev for development resources.
- Table of contents
- CDM Library
- CdmAuthorisationAndAccessControl
- CdmEntityInitalization
- CdmlibIO
- CdmlibModel
- CdmLibraryDev
- CdmlibRemote
- CdmlibRemoteWebapp
- CdmlibServices
- CDMModularisierung
- CdmTransactions
- CdmValidation
- CdmVersioning
- IntegrationTests
- PrintPublisher
- SpecimenFacade
- StructuredDescriptiveContentOutput
- Synchronization
- XperCdmAdapter
CDM Java Library¶
The CDM Library is meant to be a shared library for the between several applications which can be of any kind, i.e. J2EE having an application container, simple command line tools or swing desktop applications.
The library defines a persistent domain model, EDITs CommonDataModel, that can be serialised and read in XML. Business logic shared between applications should be part of this library as much as possible, while application specific logic has to stay out. We are developing this library in collaboration with the CATE project initially, but we seeking development collaboration with other projects like Key2Nature and PESI as well.
The latest version is available at the CDM Library Download site
We use Wikipedia:Apache_Maven 2 for this project. The CDM library itself is devided into several maven subprojects, providing the following seperation of concerns:
Domain Model - cdmlib-model¶
Domain objects (also called business objects sometimes) are directly taken as POJOs from the CommonDataModel. The logic inherent to the domain objects are restricted to their own object graph, i.e. their own properties and related objects. But not unrelated objects available through DAOs only. Typical logic includes validation and calculations.
Property change support¶
We have implemented java.bean propertyChangeSupport methods for the entire cdm domain classes to send change events to registered listeners.
The TaxonomicEditor makes use of these through a data binding framework. See wiki:JavaResources#DataBinding for more.
XML binding¶
For data exchange purposes, serialization/deserialization of the domain objects of the cdmlib-model to/from XML format is supported via the JAXB framework.
Name parser¶
Documentation is available at NameParserDocumentation
Persistence Layer - cdmlib-persistence¶
we use Hibernate for persistence. We run unit and integration tests for MySQL, Hypersonic, Postgres and MS SQL Server on a regular basis.
API - cdmlib-services¶
Work in progress. see "CdmLibrary#Servicelayer" or wiki:CdmAPI for now.
CDM Server - cdmlib-remote¶
That is the CdmServer community store.
Import/Export - cdmlib-io¶
Supported import formats:
BerlinModel database
Excel (!NormalExplicit as described in; see GbifTaxonomyFormats.xls)
- DarwinCore
Supported export formats:
BerlinModel database
For more information about data conversion see SampleDataConversion
Releases are currently in 2 flavours:
Versioning strategy¶
Starting with the frozen CommonDataModel v1 we release minor upgrades for every model change in the library. Inferior version numbers (3rd level) are for bug-fixes and library extensions, which do not change the core model classes. This guarantees that all bug-fix releases are still working on the same database structure.
For example: Svn:tags/cdmlib/rel_1.1.0 and rel_1.1.8 will work both on the same database structure as generated by hibernate. But for rel_1.2.0 you will have to update or better recreate your database, currently still losing all your data. In a later stage we will provide stable import/export formats to migrate your data to new versions.
Change Log¶
All substantial changes to the library should be documented. This applies very strictly to all model changes. For them a separate changelog site has been setup at CdmChanges.
All other changes should be documented at CdmLibraryChanges.
Beside the model changes the highest priority for documentation have changes to signatures of visible methods and changes to semantics of existing methods.
If you just add some new functionality we highly appreciate it's documentation but documentation should not run into a unproductive overhead.
Sourcecode via Subversion¶
The Maven project is available from our subversion server. For releases please see:
Eclipse plugin¶
For the cdmlib-service module we host an Eclipse plugin update site which is available here:
Developers Guide¶
See CdmLibraryDevelopersGuide for further information on how to develop the library
Reference Documentation¶
A reference documentation is available here This documentation is work in progress.
Updated by Andreas Müller over 1 year ago · 120 revisions