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Markus Döring, 10/17/2007 05:25 PM

Welcome to the EDIT WP5 development wiki

All information on this wiki is work in progress. For released documents please see our main site:

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Quick Introduction

The menu on the right hand side provides links to the content of the current page as well as the main wiki pages as entry points to some aspects of the EDIT platform.

To get familiar with the ideas of EDIT's platform for cybertaxonomy please read PlatformOverview being followed by PlatformArchitecture and the CommonDataModel.

Developer Help & Best Practices



You will need an EDIT account to log into this site. Please register first with the Central Authorisation Service for EDIT or until that is available with

If you have an EDIT account and need write access to the wiki or the ticket system, please inform Markus Döring who will provide you with the appropiate access rights.

Wiki Usage

As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can

modify the contents of this page simply by using your

web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom

of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of

available Wiki formatting commands.

Starting Points

  • TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation

  • WikiFormatting -- the wiki language

  • TitleIndex -- a complete list of local wiki pages

Updated by Markus Döring almost 17 years ago · 34 revisions