



PlatformUseCases » History » Revision 1

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Anonymous, 07/24/2007 03:40 PM

Primary use cases for the platform

  • UseCaseEuroPlusMed - create a checklist with 10+ taxonomists and many regional advisors governed by a single person

  • UseCaseCichorieae - create a worldwide taxonomic database based on/in sync with an existing regional dataset (Euro+Med)

  • UseCaseBfn - use the Berlin Model WebEditor to edit the German Reference List of Mosses, which uses concept relations extensively

  • UseCasePalmMonography - create a monography while keeping it in sync (both ways) with kews global palms checklist

  • UseCaseLegacyPublication - publish a (printed) legacy dataset

  • UseCaseMonitoring -

Updated by about 17 years ago · 1 revisions