



Eclipse plugins and preferences

Plugins, code templates, coding conventions, preferences etc. for EDIT CDM Development in php, java, javascript.

TIP: For quickly setting up eclipse you may want to import the prefs-available-software-sites.xml, see the "Plugins" for more on this.

Quick Setup

Installing Eclipse

The eclipse IDE can be downloaded from where you may want to choose the 'Eclipse IDE for Java Developers' package.
Another good option is the Spring Tool Suite which comes bundled with almost all plugins you will need.

Add Plugins /Plugin-Sites

The available software sites to be added to eclipse can be downloaded from here:
Apply these setting by downloading them, going to "Available Software Sites" in the eclipse preferences (section Install/Update), click on import and browse to the location to where you downloaded @prefs-available-software-sites.xml@.

Import Team Preferences

  1. import the Remote Workspace Preferences from (see Remote Workspace Preferences section below)
  2. import the Java code template from

for details see the Team Preferences section below

Team Preferences

Remote Workspace Preferences

For now we decided to use this plugin for distributing preferences within the team, but we may switch to another solution in future, see #3335 (Share workspace setting within the team) for more information.

Code Template

  1. Download the code template file from
  2. In eclipse open Window-Preferences and here open Java - Code Style - Code Template.
  3. Use the import functionality and import the above file



Eclipse Git is an Eclipse Team provider based on JGit, a pure Java implementation of the Git version control system.


Web Development


JavaScript Development Tools

PHP codesniffer

CodeSniffer is broken in indigo!!!!id=263892&atid=1127654*


PHP Development Tools

PHP Mess Detector

Web Page Editor


Documentation & UML


Just Another Eclipse Plugin which helps in understanding and documenting code. Architexa can turn a large Java codebase into a comprehensible and navigable diagram of functionality and dependency.

Requires registration!

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago · 78 revisions