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Markus Döring, 09/11/2007 05:30 PM

Main entry page for documenting the latest version of the common data model

Common Data Model


The CommonDataModel (CDM) will be the domain model for the core EDIT components. The modelling of the CDM will be done with Enterprise Architect and results in annotated UML class diagrams. The model is available for edit_cdm.eap too.

It directly serialises into a canonical XML format that can be used to exchange data between PlatformComponents.

The CDM will primarily be based on the BerlinModel and the TdwgLsidVocabularies, but other models and standards (see TaxonomicDataStandards, BibliographicalDataStandards) have influenced the modelling too.

Communication Rules

This wiki describes the latest stage of the modelling efforts. Discussions are being held on a mailing list dedicated only to the CDM:

The list has a public online archive that stores the discussions so decisions can be tracked back in time. We invite anyone to participate in the discussion, you can subscribe to the mailing list through the webinterface of the archive:

We like to ask people posting to the list to stick to the following common rules to keep the discussion organised and create threads about a single subject in the archive later:

  • write a separate post for every major subject you like to discuss

  • Reply to previous posts without changing the subject line

  • start a new post if the subject of a thread changes


Basically the CDM covers all the data exchanged in the platform. As most applications require additional data, extending the model needs to be easy.

  • The CDM will cover the following object types which will be developed vaguely in this sequence:

  • Names

  • Taxonomic Concepts

  • References

  • +/- unstructured Facts of any category (see SpeciesProfileModel i.e. distribution, ecology, general description, ...)

  • Type Specimen

  • Images+Media

  • Authors

  • structured Descriptions

  • Paleontology will not be included in the beginning, but could be considered later.

Latest CDM

UML documentation

UML documentation from Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect Repository

The model is hosted on an SQL Server at the BGBM in Berlin. People that would like to gain access to it please provide a fix IP adress to Markus to open up the firewall.

We provide a copy of the entire CDM in the Enterprise Architect edit_cdm.eap. It corresponds to the version in the above UML documentation.

CDM Java Library

We are working on an independent CDM java library that covers persistency, XML bindings and some basic business logic.

To Do Notes

CdmToDo - notes for future debates

Modelling Guidelines

  • BestPractices - best practices for the EDIT UML modelling and coding conventions for developers

  • OntologyModelling - general remarks and links to OWL

Background Information

Updated by Markus Döring almost 17 years ago · 16 revisions