



task #10508


Remaining issues for DTO based taxon page

Added by Andreas Müller 4 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


copied from #10322


  • json configuration via POST => #10509


  • (blocking) handle useRecords as DTO (#10521, see also #10322#note-90)
  • (blocking) i18n support for features (#10520) and others
  • (blocking?) media loading
  • load"aggregated descriptions" via taxon page DTO (currently it is a DTO but in a separate call)
  • further tests
  • check all TODOs in code
  • refactor packaging and class naming (according to future architecture)
  • deduplicate distribution status in distribution tree (e.g. cuba)
  • improve occurrence loading for taxon page (#10474)
  • further remove loading via model objects (mostly done for distribution info in #9524)
  • add sortable date to name relationships (date of nom. ref. of related name) to allow more exact ordering (see also #10503#note-14)
  • remaining full dto loading for facts (#10510)
  • fix "bis"-formatting for quantitative data => fixed by 0f1ec040
  • a Cichorieae source proxy is not loaded correctly by dto loading (#10540)

Nice to have

  • source types should be configurable, currently it is hardcoded filtered on OriginalSourceType.isPublic() source
  • order sources serverside (see #10322#note-72), also in general check which containers could be sorted and make use of the "order relevant" flag there
  • handle full registrations in webservice, currently we only have a hasRegistration parameter, which, if true, later triggers a call to name/{uuid}/registrations
  • full dto loading for other parts (synonymy, occurrences, media, ...)

future discussions:

  • discuss combined taggedText for taxon and name data
  • do we need a nameFeatureTree
  • compute combined MAN string (>1 MAN for the same name) server-side (there is an implementation at TaxonRelationshipsDTO.createMisapplicationString())

Issues on portal side:

  • experts still using a ws call (to get agent information, if clicked on the agent) but the page is working again.
  • implementation for Use Records is missing
  • Show other identifiers in dataportal (#10515)
  • change name rendering framework
  • improve non-hierarchical distribution list handling, e.g. in cyprus portal (see #10508#note-39 for details)



clipboard-202406191243-3fyjm.png (15.5 KB) clipboard-202406191243-3fyjm.png Andreas Müller, 06/19/2024 12:43 PM

Related issues

Related to EDIT - feature request #10474: Improve occurrence loading for taxon pageNewAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - task #6992: Refactor and modernize REST web service API NewAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - feature request #9769: Implement sortindex field for description elements in dataportalIn ProgressAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - discussion #6678: [DISCUSS] How to correctly show name relationship "orth. var." in dataportalIn ProgressAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - feature request #10503: Handle order of name relationships in dataportalClosedKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - bug #10123: NameRelationship display should be more configurable in portalNewKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - bug #10505: Rename synonymy parameter highlite -> highlight ClosedKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - task #10510: Remainig issues for full non-model objects loading for factual dataNewAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - task #10509: Use POST and json for portal taxon page webserviceNewKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - task #9524: Use non-model objects in database queries for getDistributionInfoFor ClosedAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - bug #10515: Display further identifiers in the dataportal In ProgressKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - bug #10520: Support non-default language for new taxon pages (start with feature labels)ClosedAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - feature request #10521: Handle use records in new taxon page DTONewAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - bug #10540: A Cichorieae source proxy is not loaded correctly by dto loadingClosedAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - bug #10579: Protected titleCaches for empty teams not handled correctly in TaxonNameFormatterResolvedKatja Luther

Copied from EDIT - task #10322: Use DTOs for portal taxon page (cont.)ResolvedAndreas Müller

Actions #1

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Copied from task #10322: Use DTOs for portal taxon page (cont.) added
Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to task #6992: Refactor and modernize REST web service API added
Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to feature request #9769: Implement sortindex field for description elements in dataportal added
Actions #5

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to discussion #6678: [DISCUSS] How to correctly show name relationship "orth. var." in dataportal added
Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to bug #10123: NameRelationship display should be more configurable in portal added
Actions #8

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to bug #10505: Rename synonymy parameter highlite -> highlight added
Actions #9

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #10

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #11

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #12

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #13

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #14

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Copied from task #10509: Use POST and json for portal taxon page webservice added
Actions #15

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to task #10510: Remainig issues for full non-model objects loading for factual data added
Actions #16

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #17

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #18

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #19

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #20

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #21

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Copied from deleted (task #10509: Use POST and json for portal taxon page webservice)
Actions #22

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to task #10509: Use POST and json for portal taxon page webservice added
Actions #23

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to task #9524: Use non-model objects in database queries for getDistributionInfoFor added
Actions #24

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to task #8840: Display identifiers in the dataportal added
Actions #25

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #26

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #27

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Target version changed from Release 5.51 to Release 5.47
Actions #28

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to bug #10515: Display further identifiers in the dataportal added
Actions #29

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #30

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to deleted (task #8840: Display identifiers in the dataportal )
Actions #31

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #32

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #33

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Related to bug #10520: Support non-default language for new taxon pages (start with feature labels) added
Actions #34

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #35

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

Actions #36

Updated by Andreas Müller 4 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #37

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #38

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #39

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago


das Areal „Cyprus“ wird jetzt fett [...] angezeigt. Außerdem wird es auch angezeigt, wenn keine Quellen für dieses Areal vorliegen.

Ich weiß nicht, ob das jeweils so gewünscht ist bzw. früher so war.


Das mit Cyprus : unter den Karten: Ich weiß auch nicht, wie es bis neulich aussah. Aber Cyprus war garantiert nicht fett, wenn es überhaupt da stand. Also ich könnte bei Entfettung mit der Anzeige leben. Beispiel für ohne Details: Casuarina equisetifolia. Als Layout-Mensch dominiert mir das fette die Seite dann doch einen Tick zu sehr. Vorübergehend könnte ich es ertragen, aber mittelfristig wäre Entfettung schon wünschenswert.


on integration "Cyprus" is not shown, even if new taxon page loading is switched off. E.g. . I did not check yet for taxa that do have explicit source data for the Cyprus area itself.


Ich habe der NamedArea ‚Cyprus‘ unter ‚Cyprus Divisions‘ jetzt das Level Country gegeben und im Portal Country „ausgeschaltet“, jetzt wird es nicht mehr angezeigt.


Hattest du evtl. auch nochmal getestet, was ist, wenn das Areal Cyprus Quelldaten hat? Werden die dann trotzdem angezeigt?


Das wird aktuell dann auch nicht angezeigt, da ich das omit area level auf country gesetzt habe und dann nur die Daten angezeigt werden, die nicht vom Area Level Country sind. Wenn das anders gewünscht ist, kann ich das omit level erstmal wieder raus nehmen und es anders implementieren.


Beim Grübeln, ob es Cyprus-Fälle gibt (also Daten am Land, nicht an Divisionen), fand ich endlich einen: Lobularia libyca. Dummerweise waren die Studis damals bei der Dateneingabe aber wohl verwirrt und haben nichts eingetragen. Das habe ich gerade nachgeholt. Das wäre also jetzt ein Testfall, wo man die Quelle ebenfalls bräuchte. Es gibt noch ein paar mehr Fälle, oft historische Nachweise, bei denen Zypern gesichert ist, aber keiner weiß, wo genau die Herrschaften vor 200 zu sammeln beliebten.


ok, wenn es doch solche Fälle gibt, dann müssen wir das doch durch Implementierung löse und ich würde jetzt erstmal das omit level wieder raus nehmen.


Zu "Entfettung":


Anzeige fett: Das fette ist jetzt vom eliminierten Cyprus auf die Divisions gerutscht, also in manchen Fällen jetzt eine Fette-Paradies, etwa
Entfettung bleibt weiterhin mein Wunschtraum


Ich hoffe, dass ich das fette über die css Datei wieder raus bekomme. => done

Actions #40

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #41

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #42

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #43

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Related to bug #10540: A Cichorieae source proxy is not loaded correctly by dto loading added
Actions #44

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #45

Updated by Andreas Müller 3 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #46

Updated by Andreas Müller about 2 months ago

  • Related to bug #10579: Protected titleCaches for empty teams not handled correctly in TaxonNameFormatter added

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