



This page has been deprecated for a newer version Taxonomic Editor Deployment

Taxonomic Editor Release

The Taxonomic Editor is using eclipse tycho for integrating the OSGI build process into maven. Unfortunately the maven release plugin is not yet working with eclipse tycho (version 0.13) .

This document explains all steps necessary to create a new release of the Taxonomic Editor. It is desirable to automate this process (see #xxxx).


  1. Make sure that all relevant changes have been merged from the SNAPSHOT development branch into the trunk so the trunk can be used to make the release

  2. Lock the current SNAPSHOT branch so that no more commits can be made. In a fresh checkout you can lock the whole directory in zsh with

svn lock <root>/**/*(.) 

in bash with

find -type f | xargs svn lock

or by using Tortoise Lock.

  1. There has to be a released cdmlib version (no snapshot), which the Taxonomic Editor depends on

Adapting cdmlib version

  1. In taxeditor-parent's pom.xml, change ONLY the version number of cdmlib (cdmlib.version) to the desired version e.g. from 3.0.9-SNAPSHOT to 3.0.10-SNAPSHOT (Note while 3.0.11 release: why change to 3.0.10-SNAPSHOT. Don't we want to have 3.0.9 as base, change to 3.0.10-SNAPSHOT later (TaxonomicEditorRelease#Bumptrunktonewversion)

  2. remove old jars

rm eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib/lib/cdmlib-*.jar
  1. In eu.etaxonomy.taxditor.cdmlib, mvn validate to let maven copy the desired cdmlib jars into into eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib/lib directory.
mvn validate
  1. Adapt the classpath to includethe desired cdmlib version in eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib

    1. Refresh the eclipse workspace (F5)
    2. Open MANIFEST.MF in 'Plugin Manifest Editor'
    3. Select 'Runtime' tab
    4. In the "Classpath" section, remove the entries for cdmlib
    5. Add the cdmlib jars with the desired version (these were copied into eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib/lib by the mvn validate step)

Setting the release version number

Bump the version number to .BUILDQUALIFIER, e.g. 3.0.10-RELEASE. From taxeditor-parent execute (replacing the with the release number and replacing the BUILDQUALIFIER with a timestamp e.g.

NOTE: Test if -DnewVersion=3.0.10.RELEASE works. -> But probably we want to have timestamp as this is according to other eclipse plugin versioning conventions.

mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=<version>.BUILDQUALIFIER

The outcome of running this command is that the version numbers in poms and MANIFEST.MF files have been changed.

Attention: This procedure did not work for the eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.product file in the eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor project and the version number change had to be added manually (2012-02-07), we also changed it manually for the 3.0.10 release on 25.05.2012.

Test: What is taxeditor.version number for. It looks like it does not have any effect. It should be same as cdmlib.version put maybe we can also delete -> TEST

Create products

You can create the products with

mvn package

taxeditor parent.

  • The created products reside in eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor/target

  • The packages should be moved to a folder with the name of the unqualified version (e.g. 3.0.10) in located under /var/www/download

  • Update the stable symbolic link to point to the new folder

Create tag for release

Commit the changes and create a tag with the release version number in

Bump trunk to new version

NOTE: if not yet set to next SNAPSHOT version number you may now increase cdmlib version to next number as described in TaxonomicEditorRelease#Adaptingcdmlibversion

Update the version number to -SNAPSHOT. From taxeditor-parent execute:

mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=<version+1>-SNAPSHOT

Attention: This procedure did not work for the eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.product file in the eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor project and the version number change had to be added manually (2012-02-07), we also changed it manually to 3.0.11-SNAPSHOT on 25.05.2012. Edit the parent pom manually with 3.0.11-SNAPSHOT in 3 places.

Commit the changes.

Create new development branch

  1. In eu.etaxonomy.taxditor.cdmlib, mvn validate to let maven copy the desired cdmlib jars.

  2. Adapt the classpath to include the desired cdmlib version in eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.cdmlib

    1. Open MANIFEST.MF in 'Plugin Manifest Editor'
    2. Select 'Runtime' tab
    3. In the "Classpath" section, remove the entries for cdmlib
    4. Add the cdmlib jars with the desired version (e.g. 3.0.11-SNAPSHOT jars).

Create a new branch named -SNAPSHOT in (e.g. use Tortoise SVN to create branch/tag and set the URL to

Question: Branch from trunk or from dev-branch? (23.7.2012)

Update Tickets / Release Information

Close the TaxEditor milestone, move all remaining tickets to the next release milestone (offered as option when closing the milestone) and finally update the page.

Post release tasks

Don't forget to install on ulteo (TaxonomicEditorUpdateOnUlteo)

Updated by Katja Luther over 2 years ago · 52 revisions