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Malte Ebach, 08/29/2007 03:47 PM

Requirements for Taxonomic Literature Metadata

Documents for Discussion: ISTC and EDIT Developer Groups

Please download the following draft deliverables for discussion in the ISTC and EDIT Developer Group Meetings.

PLease note: The following Reports are draft deliverables. Final Deliverables will be posted on the WP5 blog

D5.15 ViTaL draft system design

D5.26 ViTaL requirements analysis

Literature Components

Reference manager

References should be shared through Connotea. Connotea primarily has a web interface for managing tagged references, but also provides an API for software clients to list and manipulate the reference lists.

Document repository

A different need is a simple repository where taxonomists can dump their pdf documents if they have them already and there is no place in the web to access them. This might be a problem due to potential copyright violations, so it will probably be hard to find a host for this. We would just need someone to host an installation open at least for all EDIT researchers.


DSpace is a good document repository that produces handles GUIDs for all documents. DSpace can also deal with Shibboleth for authorisation.

A list of existing DSpace installations can be found here:


E-Prints an alternative to DPsace which is used for for example. Not sure about GUIDs and security.

Nature Precedings

Nature is also offering an archive where dois and handles are given to any of your scientific work:

" Nature Precedings is a place for researchers to share pre-publication research, unpublished manuscripts, presentations, posters, white papers, technical papers, supplementary findings, and other scientific documents. Submissions are screened by our professional curation team for relevance and quality, but are not subjected to peer review. We welcome high-quality contributions from biology, medicine (except clinical trials), chemistry and the earth sciences."

A comment is given at O'Reilly's radar

Copyright, citation and DOIs

_You should only submit material to Nature Precedings if you own the copyright (which will usually mean that you wrote it) and have the permission of any other copyright holders (e.g., in the case of a co-authored piece of work, the other authors). If you are uploading a presentation then please take particular care that none of your slides contain material for which you do not own the copyright.

Copyright for all material published here remains with the author(s). Others may make use of the material under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Simply put, this means that the content may be quoted, copied and disseminated for any purpose, but only if the original source is correctly cited. For example:

Other, A. N. Document title. Available from Nature Precedings (2006).

Note that most items published in Nature Precedings are assigned a DOI (or Digital Object Identifier). This is a permanent, unique identifier for that document and should therefore be used when citing it. DOIs also allow the document to be located online by using a URL of the form[DOI]. This will automatically redirect you to the correct URL for that document and will continue to work even if the online location of the document should change._

Updated by Malte Ebach about 17 years ago · 7 revisions