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Andreas Müller, 09/11/2008 08:48 PM

Instructions For Creating A Plugin


1) Install all .jar-files with maven (mvn install). All means: cdmlib-commons,cdmlib-model, cdmlib-persistence, cdmlib-services (cdmlib-io and cdmlib-remote are not important for now)

2) Copy all created jars into the plugin basedirectory (...cmlib\eclipse-plugin). (_makeSources.bat can be used for this but has do be adapted)

3) Open plugin-xml within eclipse-plugin (from eclipse ide). Increase Version number on page 'overview' and save.

If new external jars are needed (a new dependency has been added to the pom.xml files of one of the projects):

3a) the according jar (and the source code jar if available) has to be added to the plugin base-directory.

3b) In the "Runtime" tab, the jars have to be added to the Classpath

4) Open feature-xml within elcipse-feature and increase version number.

5) Open eclipse-updateSite project. Open site.xml. Goto page SiteMap. Delete the old feature from cdmLibrary. Add the new feature. Build all.

6) Copy the result (to be found at local: ....\cdmlib\eclipse-updateSite) to ( Only site.xml and the newest version of the plugin and the feature have to be copied.

Updated by Andreas Müller almost 16 years ago · 1 revisions