



DeveloperTools » History » Revision 23

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Markus Döring, 10/17/2007 05:32 PM

Developer Tools

User accounts

User accounts for the developer tools are managed as regular EDIT accounts in BDTracker. The current list of EDIT developer accounts is as follows:

Pere:         p.roca
Simon:        s.rycroft
Dilan:        d.latif
Marc:         m.geoffroy
Andras:       a.gubanyi
Pepe:         p.ciardelli
Andreas M:    a.mueller
FrancK:       FranckTheeten
Julius:       JuliusWelby
Pablo:        PabloSastre
Magda:        MagdaZytomska
Bart:         BartMeganck
Andreas K:    a.kohlbecker
Elise:        Elise Kuntzelmann
Malte:        mcebach
Markus:       m.doering
Dave:         DavidTaylor
Anton:        a.guentsch
Lutz:         l.suhrbier


The EDIT subversion repository is located at

It is also available through Trac for simple web browsing (but NOT usable for SVN clients!)

You can checkout source code anonymously, but your EDIT login needs to be registered with the system in order to commit. If you feel you need write access, please send a mail to MarkusDoering.

To checkout the cdmlib component for example, type this into your terminal (windows users take a look at tortoise, see link in resources)

% svn co

Repository layout

The repository contains 3 standard folders: trunk, branches and tags. As the different activities in EDIT share the same repository, all those 3 standard svn folders should have the same substructure on the immediate level below reflecting the component being developed. For example this is the layout of the cdmlib component:

    cdmlib/    # the active development folder
    cdmlib/     # the folder used to store fixed version of the cdmlib, usually releases


The trunk/head version for the latest version and active development. Please commit frequently to the trunk, in general at least once per day sounds like a good idea!


Folder containing side branches of the main trunk development line

  • When Merging 2 branches, a branch and the trunk or whatever you should always leave a note about the used revision numbers (for the branch(es) and the diff being applied) in the comments of the merging. Otherwise future merging could be problematic!


Folder to store releases or other stable version for referencing.

  • Releases should be tagged: release-1.0.0 As a build number for any release it is convenient to use the subversion revision number, as it is unique within the entire repository.


The ** Subversion book ** is a very good and complete documentation of subversion availbale online and for printing.

The project home of subversion can be found at:

Good clients clients include:

Advanced subversion configuration:

Server Configuration

see wiki:ApacheMySQLAuthentication#Subversionwmod_auth_mysql


The Wiki

use the wiki for documenting work in progress and to collaborate.

If you are new to a wiki please start by reading this:

  • WikiFormatting

  • WikiPageNames

  • WikiNewPage

  • TracLinks

  • TracWiki

You can mess around and test the wiki formatting on this dedicated page:



you can copy paste tables from/to excel if you use the following macro in TRAC:

--- your copy-paste data here ---


For example the following text

Name    Town    Dog Cat
Peter   London  Stevie  -
Carol   Boston  -   Darren
Harald  Berlin  Friedrich   Doris


results in this:

Name    Town    Dog Cat
Peter   London  Stevie  -
Carol   Boston  -   Darren
Harald  Berlin  Friedrich   Doris


See TracNotification for email support.

Tickets & Milestones

manage your own work by issuing tickets for tasks to do or use tickets to remember bugs and feature requests for your software development.

In order to assign a ticket to another user, use the account name of that user which is listed at the top of this page


Feature Requests

Eclipse Integration w/ Mylyn

Server Configuration

see wiki:ApacheMySQLAuthentication#Tracwmod_auth_mysql

Updated by Markus Döring almost 17 years ago · 23 revisions