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Andreas Müller, 02/17/2022 03:43 PM

CDM Platform release process step by step

see also

1) Check that the cdm-server and the data portal build fine

2) Run the release pipeline in jenkins

3) Update the Cdm Platform Roadmap

Update and add a summary in the What's new? section

4) Edit milestones

  1. Create the milestones for the next release
  2. Close the milestones of the current release and tell track to move all open tickets to the next milestone

5) Write an email to the _cdm_clients

Subject: EDIT Platform  <NEW-VERSION> released
Dear EDIT Platform users,

the next version of the EDIT Platform with the version number <NEW-VERSION> has been released. 

[OPTIONAL A]The release of the Taxonomic Editor will be done in a few days, meanwhile you can of course continue working with Taxonomic Editor <OLD-VERSION>.
[OPTIONAL B]This time we abstain from also releasing a new version of the Taxonomic Editor. You can of course continue working with Taxonomic Editor <OLD-VERSION>.

For an overview on the changes in this release please refer to the following page:

For {{weekday}, {date}}tomorrow|this evening] we are planning to install this new version of the EDIT Platform on our servers. During the necessary server maintenance you might experience some minor downtimes of some of the platform components.

Best wishes,
Your EDIT Team


6) Perform the deployment of the Taxonomic Editor

Deploy the taxeditor by running the Jenkins job : taxeditor-PROVISION

7) Deploy the release

edit production server (BDI-Wiki:/EDITServerSetup/edit-production)

dataportals-drush vset -y maintenance_mode 1  => Maintenance mode
/opt/server-scripts/jenkins-ci/cdm-server/ {release-version} /tmp/   => tmp is the folder the release is downloaded to, danach warten bis Server neu gestartet ist
# wait some minutes until the prompt returns ....
cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal
git checkout master
git pull
#set file rights
./scripts/admin/ --web-user www-data
#migration script for modules (if settings changed)
dataportals-drush --yes updatedb
#clear all caches
dataportals-drush cc all
dataportals-drush vset -y maintenance_mode 0
#maybe you want to install drupal updates as well:

edit demo servers 1 & 2 (BDI-Wiki:/EDITServerSetup/edit-production)

On each of the servers:

vi /opt/server-scripts/workshop-setup/conf.d/instances.conf


# CDM Server version
# reference to a branch or tag in the cdm-dataportal git repo
# e.g.: tags/1.0, hotfix/1.0.1

Save the changes. The setup will be refreshed automatically over night. If you need to install the server in the newly configured release version, you can run the setup script. It is recommended to run the setup scriupts in a screen session:

screen -R # reattach or new session

No inside the session, either do a full setup (recommended), since we are using screen you can close the teminal even if the setup is running. Closing the terminal or dropping the ssh connection will not cause the running script to be stopped.


or just update the cdm-server

 ../jenkins-ci/cdm-server/ $CDM_SERVER_VERSION /tmp


The phycobank server is not necessarily following every release, therefore THIS STEP MUST ONLY BE DONE AFTER CONFIRMATION BY THE PHYCOBANK TEAM.

 cd /opt/cdmserver-docker/phycobank
 vi docker-compose.yml # set the release version
 docker-compose down
 docker-compose up -d

re-index if needed (see also CdmSearchIndexMaintenance):

 http --auth '{USR}:{PWD}'

update the dataportal

cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/sites/_dataportal-phycobank
git fetch
git checkout {release_version}
drush -r /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/ -l updatedb
drush -r /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/ -l cc all


Server is

 cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal/web/
 drush vset -y maintenance_mode 1
 cd /opt/cdmserver/
 sudo su
 dpkg -i cdmserver_5.29.0-5_all.deb

 #test if cdmserver started at ....
 cd /var/www/drupal-7-cdm-dataportal
 git checkout master
 git pull

 ./scripts/admin/ --web-user www-data  => Set file rights
 drush --yes updatedb   => migrations script für Module (z.B. wenn sich Settings ändern)
 drush cc all   => clear all caches
 drush vset -y maintenance_mode 0
 #maybe you want to install drupal updates as well:

8) check for post-release tickets

9) perform the Taxonomic Editor Deployment

as described at TaxonomicEditorDeployment

10) send mail to users to inform of successful release

Updated by Andreas Müller about 2 years ago · 40 revisions