



bug #10382


Summary ticket for specimen in dataportal

Added by Katja Luther about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Found in Version:


This ticket sums up all issues discussed with Norbert, already existing tickets should be linked:

  • Specimen details page:

    • the title should not show the titlecache but only the Barcode and the acccepted name (in brackets) see also #9879 this is implemented in the way NK suggested.
    • details already shown in titlecache should not be shown in a table view, only the derivation tree and the type information should be shown.
    • type information should show the typified name (#7701) see also #8185 ,
    • stable identifier should be added to the derivation tree entry (maybe related to #7084)
    • character data should not be shown in table view, for larger sets it does not work. see also #10195, #9584
    • label in derivation tree should be like discussed in #9941. example: Typus: Brazil, Rio Belmonte, Wied-Neuwied (BR barcode BR0000006884956)) (
    • show media specimen as thumbnails
  • Synonomy page

    • link to specimen image only as icon



Screenshot 2023-09-05 161656.png (23 KB) Screenshot 2023-09-05 161656.png Katja Luther, 09/05/2023 04:17 PM

Related issues

Related to EDIT - task #9941: [DISCUSS] Formatting of type designation categories in compact type stringClosedAndreas Müller

Related to EDIT - feature request #10058: Further improve specimen page (factual data, extensions, NewKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - bug #7084: display SpecimenOrObservationBase.preferredStableUri in DataPortalNewKatja Luther

Related to EDIT - bug #10195: Character data should be ordered by character treeNewKatja Luther

Copied to EDIT - bug #10391: Smaller improvements for specimen details pageClosedKatja Luther

Actions #1

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

mail NK:

Eine Verkürzung der Specimendaten im Titel macht ihn optisch annehmbarer und vermeidet die Dopplung mit den vollen Belegdaten auf dieser Seite im Derivation Tree. Dabei fände ich einen Kompromiss aus Walters und unserem in #10382 festgehaltenen Vorschlag am besten: Walters Titelvorschlag (Sammler +Sammelnummer) in #9879 verweist nur auf die FieldUnit und nicht auf das Specimen. Nur den Barcode/QR Code/Inventarnummer etc. aufzuführen, hat aber auch seine Tücken: Inventarnummer ohne Herbarcode ist wenig aussagekräftig; schlimmer noch, wenn es nur den Herbarcode gibt.

Mein neuer Vorschlag:
"Sammler [bei Team größer 2 --> "1. Sammler & al."] + Sammlernummer (Herbarcode + delimiter + Barcode/QR Code/Inventarnummer) — akzeptierter Taxonname"
Angesichts des Klammerausdrucks mit Herbarcode etc. wäre es besser den Taxonnamen nicht, wie wir neulich angedacht hatten, in Klammern zu setzen, sondern durch einem m-dash o.ä. abzusetzen.

Type information:
#7701 entspricht unserem Wunsch der grundsätzlichen Nennung des typifizierten Namens (z.B. "holotype of ", da oftmals anders als der akzeptierte Taxonname), gerne auch mit Link (in die Synonym) wie dort vorgeschlagen. #8185 behandelt das Typuskurzzitat selbst und tangiert nicht unsere Zitierweise, da wir kein Belegkurzzitat auf einem dem Beleg gewidmeten Seite benötigen.

Label in derivation tree:
Aktuell fehlt bei "B B 10 0355644" ein delimiter zwischen Herbarcode und Herbarnummer, etc. Ja, es gab (a) den Vorschlag des Doppelpunktes, aber auch (b) #9941, meine Präferenz.

Actions #2

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Tags set to specimen
  • Target version changed from Release 5.40 to Release 5.49

I guess this is not being fixed until next release. If I am wrong please move back.

Actions #5

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Related to task #9941: [DISCUSS] Formatting of type designation categories in compact type string added
Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

Can you add some links to existing data as examples?

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from Release 5.49 to Release 5.40

At least the title issue we may try to fix until next release so I switch back to 5.40

Actions #8

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

  • File Screenshot 2023-08-29 162409.png added

Andreas Müller wrote in #note-6:

Can you add some links to existing data as examples?

for example

with adapted title and typedesignation with typified name could look like this (please ignore the error message)

Actions #9

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

  • File deleted (Screenshot 2023-08-29 162409.png)
Actions #11

Updated by Katja Luther about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #12

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from Release 5.40 to Release 5.41
Actions #13

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Copied to bug #10391: Smaller improvements for specimen details page added
Actions #14

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

Actions #15

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #16

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Related to bug #7084: display SpecimenOrObservationBase.preferredStableUri in DataPortal added
Actions #17

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Related to bug #10195: Character data should be ordered by character tree added
Actions #18

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from Release 5.41 to Release 5.49

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