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Pepe Ciardelli, 10/14/2008 11:41 AM

Taxonomic Editor Download Site

A test version of the Taxonomic Editor is now available in the form of a complete directory structure. Unzip the file to a location of your choosing, e.g. "C:!TaxEditor", and double-click "Taxonomic Editor.exe" to start the Editor.

Download Taxonomic Editor - PC (41 MB) Last update: 13.10.2008

Download Taxonomic Editor - Linux (Not yet available)

Download Taxonomic Editor - Mac (Not yet available)

To install an updated version, download the latest zip and write to the same directory, overwriting the files already on your hard drive.

When updating, the database used to save local data remains untouched, as it stored in a different location on the user's hard drive ("C:\Documents and Settings_username_.cdmLibrary\writableResources\h2\LocalH2" on Windows). This local datastore can be initialized in the Editor by navigating to "Preferences -> CDM Datastore -> Initialize Datastore" and checking the box "Initialize datastore on next application start".

Note that a list of known bugs is available under the Attachments section below.


A short user's manual and a video showing the Editor's current functionality are available below under Attachments. Note that the video pauses when introducing a new piece of functionality - by hitting "Next" in the lower-right hand corner, the functionality is then demonstrated.

Technical notes

A recent security update from Sun rendered inoperable the Eclipse implementation of Java Web Start, our initial mechanism for installing and updating the Editor. We are currently searching for alternative installation methods which provide automated application updates. If you would like to read more, please see JavaWebStart.

Updated by Pepe Ciardelli almost 16 years ago · 12 revisions