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Patrick Plitzner, 09/08/2014 01:54 PM

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CDM Platform 3.3.8 (planned for Oct. 27th, 2014)

What's new?

  • ...

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.8|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.8|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.8|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.8,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.7 (released on Sept. 4th, 2014)

What's new?

  • EDIT DataPortal

    • references are no longer mixed up with annotation footnotes, they are now shown per default in a separate bibliography block on the general page
    • custom presence and absence term colors can be configured for distribution maps
  • Taxonomic Editor:

    • several important bug fixes
    • new simple media interface allowing to add media only by specifying the media URI

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.7|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.7|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.7|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.7,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.6 (released on Jul. 8th, 2014)

What's new?

  • ...

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.6|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.6|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.6|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.6|Remoting 2.0,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.5 (released on May. 30th, 2014)

What's new?

  • Occurrence search web service

  • Specimen features for Editor

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.5|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.5|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.5|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.5,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.4 (released on May. 13th, 2014)

What's new?

  • Urgent fixes for data portal .

  • Country list updates.

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.4|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.4|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.4,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.3 (released on Apr. 16th, 2014)

What's new?

  • Urgent Bug Fixes for the CDM Library and Data Portal

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.3|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.3|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.3|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.3,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.2 (released on Apr. 10th, 2014)

What's new?

  • ...

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.2|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.2|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.2|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.2,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.3.1 (released on Mar. 28th, 2014)

What's new?

  • several bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Data Portal

    • It is possible to exclude classification from the classification switch in the taxon tree browser
    • The Maps have a more modern an pleasant user interface

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.3.1|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.1|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.1|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.1,group=milestone)]]]

No TaxEditor 3.3.1 release

CDM Platform 3.3.0 (released on January 15, 2014)

What's new?

  • Major improvements to the cdm data model:

    • Improved handling of terms
    • Improved and extended model for molecular data
    • Improved handling of SpecimenOrObservation types including new types like Media Specimen
    • Unified handling of min, max and freetext for altitude and distance to ground
    • Abbreviated titles for references
    • DOIs for references (not yet implemented in Dataportal and Taxonomic Editor)
    • Better handling of long title caches (up to 800 characters now) and long URIs
    • Ordering of taxa in classifications (not yet implemented in Dataportal and Taxonomic Editor)
    • Treeindex implemantation for improved search performance in trees (classifications, feature trees, identification trees)
    • publish flags on taxa and specimen
  • ...

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=CDM|UML 3.3|cdm_dataportal RELEASE 3.3.0|cdm-server RELEASE 3.3.0|cdmlib RELEASE 3.3.0|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.3.0,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.2.3 (released on August. 26th, 2013)

What's new?

  • More taxon profile image settings, e.g. max entend, user defined placeholder (no image available) image

  • Improvements to the new DataPortal base theme.

  • The web service debug box has completely been replaced by the CDM web service debug block. It is usually only visible for administrative roles like administrator and CDM admin

  • ...

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.2.3|cdm-server RELEASE 3.2.3|cdmlib RELEASE 3.2.3|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.2.3,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.2.2 (released on July. 1st, 2013)

What's new?

  • Improved Accepted Taxon to Synonym (and vice-versa) functionality in the Editor .

  • Implemented Hibernate 4 compatibility (including fixes for long-running sessions) for the Editor.

  • ...

Milestones and tickets

RELEASE 3.2.2,group=milestone)]

CDM Platform 3.2.1 (released on June. 6th, 2013)

What's new?

  • The new DataPortal base theme supports legacy browsers as IE8, IE7 and IE6

  • Bugs in the taxon tree browser widget have been fixed

  • Improved installation profile

  • The sdm server allows stopping and restarting of cdm instances. This reduces maintenance downtimes.

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.2.1|cdm-server RELEASE 3.2.1|cdmlib RELEASE 3.2.1,group=milestone)]]]

No TaxEditor 3.2.1 release

CDM Platform 3.2 (released on for May. 2nd, 2013)

What's new?

  • Hibernate migrated to version 4

  • Distribution transmission engine now allows aggregation of distribution information by rank and by area see #2625

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.2|cdm-server RELEASE 3.2|cdmlib RELEASE 3.2|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.2,group=milestone)]]]

No TaxEditor 3.2.0 release

CDM Platform 3.1.4 (released on March 18th, 2013)

What's new?

  • The simple search, which can be executed via the search block, will by default search on all classifications. Remove the tick from the according check-box in the settings (CDM DataPortal -> Settings -> Layout -> Search) if you want your portal to still search on the classification selected in the classification browser selector.!simple-search-ignore-classification-setting.png!

  • ...

No TaxEditor 3.1.4 release

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.1.4|cdm-server RELEASE 3.1.4|cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.4,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.1.3 (released on 14th, 2013)

What's new?

  • ABCD import improved and bugs fixed

  • A lot of improvements in the display of specimens and observations:

    • Chain of derivatives is now shown
    • Display of associated data like specimen descriptions
    • (for more in depth information please refer to the below listed tickets)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.1.3|cdm-server RELEASE 3.1.3|cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.3|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.1.3,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.1.2 (released on Dez. 3rd, 2012)

What's new?

  • A new base theme for the Drupal 7 DataPortals:

    • adaptive and thus suitable for desktop computers, smart phones and tablets
    • banner and background images configurable
    • colors configurable
    • faster page loading

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.1.2|cdm-server RELEASE 3.1.2|cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.2|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.1.2,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.1.1 (released on Nov. 21th, 2012)

What's new?

  • EDIT DataPortal now upgraded to Drupal 7

No TaxEditor 3.1.1 release

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.1.1|cdm_dataportal - upgrade to Drupal 7|cdm-server RELEASE 3.1.1|cdmlib RELEASE 3.1.1,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.1 (released on 06.11.2012)

What's new?

  • Security, roles and users are implemented in to the cdmlib and into the Taxonomic Editor. It is now possible to define roles for users and to restrict write and delete permissions to Taxa, Descriptions in general or specifically. Most importantly this is also possible for sub trees of the classification. So the permission to edit a taxonomic subgroup of a whole classification can be restricted to a defined group of users.

  • Prototype of the polytomous key editor (use with caution)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.1|cdm-server RELEASE 3.1|cdmlib RELEASE 3.1|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.1,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.13 (released on 17.10.2012)

What's new?

  • Full text search on taxon descriptions (available in the DataPortal under Advanced search), on taxa and names and on both simultaneously (not yet in the DataPortal).

  • Despite of the above this release is mainly a bug fix release

  • Polytomous Key functionality added to the Taxonomic Editor

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.13|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.13|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.13,group=milestone)]]]

!TaxEditor 3.0.13 (released on 25.10.2012):

RELEASE 3.0.13,group=milestone)]

CDM Platform 3.0.12 (released on June 19th, 2012)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.12|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.12|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.12|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.0.12,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.11 (released on June 27th, 2012)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.11|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.11|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.11|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.0.11,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.10 (released on Mai 8th, 2012)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.10|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.10|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.10,group=milestone)]]]

TaxEditor 3.0.10 (released on May 25th, 2012):

RELEASE 3.0.10,group=milestone)]

CDM Platform 3.0.9 (released on Feb. 7th, 2012)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.9|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.9|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.9|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.0.9,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.8 (released on Sept. 19th, 2011)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.8|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.8|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.8|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.0.8,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.7 (planned for Aug. 15th, 2011)

Milestones and tickets

[[[TicketQuery(milestone=cdm_dataportal|RELEASE 3.0.7|cdm-server RELEASE 3.0.7|cdmlib RELEASE 3.0.7|TaxEditor RELEASE 3.0.7,group=milestone)]]]

CDM Platform 3.0.6 (July 2011)

Milestones and tickets

RELEASE 3.0.6)]

Updated by Patrick Plitzner almost 10 years ago · 83 revisions