



From 06/18/2012 to 07/17/2012


10:16 PM bug #2969 (Closed): Correct formatting for bibliographic references
Bibliographic references need other formatting then nomenclatural references. Current cache strategies are optimized ... Andreas Müller
05:31 PM Revision 9955b8a5 (cdm-server): fixing #2967 (CDM Server fails to start with many instances)
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:24 PM Revision 15db353a (cdm-dataportal): removed database_dumps folder
Wouter Addink
04:39 PM Revision d4e8ad57 (cdm-server): debuging resource limits
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:07 PM Revision 3cc563db (cdm-dataportal): fixing #2191 (Menu opens new window / tab)
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:07 PM Revision 3afc5341 (cdm-dataportal): typo
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:07 PM Revision d19bd544 (cdm-dataportal): fixing white space typo
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:10 PM Revision 03e89d15 (cdm-dataportal): improved script to support linux
Wouter Addink


04:31 PM Revision 05e46229 (cdm-dataportal): Added a target for altering the admin record in the d5 drupal databases
Wouter Addink
12:03 PM Revision 1f581142 (cdm-dataportal): solved issue with tabs, commented out unused images in stylesheet to avoid drupal log messages
Wouter Addink
11:56 AM Revision fd273350 (cdm-dataportal): fixed some broken links and notice issue with locale module
Wouter Addink


07:22 PM Revision 14fa6a3a (cdm-dataportal): solved an issue with location of tabs
Wouter Addink
06:29 PM Revision 53f6d3ba (cdm-dataportal): First theme migrated to Drupal 7
Wouter Addink
06:20 PM Revision 3f790e82 (cdm-dataportal): first drupal database with settings migrated to Drupal 7
Wouter Addink


05:08 PM Revision 34788ad1 (cdm-dataportal): inventories about the portals to migrate
Wouter Addink
03:55 PM Revision 312fb46e (cdm-dataportal): corrected small bug in import script
Wouter Addink
03:38 PM Revision f16f6ae0 (cdm-dataportal): switching to real integration portal installations
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:13 PM Revision 17dbe38e (cdm-dataportal): Initial setup of folders plus a script to import the databases
Wouter Addink
02:50 PM Revision 8e39aa68 (cdm-server): minor display bug
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:39 PM Revision 4919ae69 (cdm-dataportal): using profile feature tree for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText) & refactoring feature tree settings
Andreas Kohlbecker
08:15 AM Revision 47e0860c (cdmlib-apps): remove deletes from PESI export
Andreas Müller


10:34 PM Revision aae85965 (cdm-dataportal): cdm_dataportal_shortname_of() now supporting all unicode letters
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:01 PM Revision 5d9b7b50 (cdm-dataportal): minimum query syntax documentation in frontend
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:44 PM Revision 213dece3 (cdm-dataportal): score indicator showing numeric value
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:44 PM Revision ddf04227 (cdm-dataportal): extending test
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:58 PM Revision 8b77e265 (cdmlib): #2961 (test for highlighting multiple words as phrase FAILS)
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:56 AM Revision 4f0b9039 (taxeditor): Bugfix for NamedAreas throwing errors when retrieving their title
Andreas Müller
11:32 AM Revision 2eddcf70 (taxeditor): Exchange position of Barcode and Accession Number in Assistant #2965
Andreas Müller
11:14 AM Revision 6a24683e (cdm-dataportal): fixing #2964 (referetial integrity of cdm-node-types gets broken sometimes)
Andreas Kohlbecker


10:30 PM Revision bf6f5778 (cdmlib): fix encoding problem
Andreas Müller
06:04 PM Revision 2e3e0228 (cdmlib): fix bug in point tertier caching #2962
Andreas Müller
06:03 PM Revision 1914e216 (cdmlib): fix bug in point tertier caching #2962
Andreas Müller
04:23 PM Revision 7c78a0b3 (cdmlib): ignoring failing test since ticket has been created
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:21 PM Revision cc8cb6e8 (cdmlib): improving search syntax robustness
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:13 PM Revision dd36c13f (cdmlib): test for highlighting multiple words in OR and AND combination also as Phrase - FAILS with phrase
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:38 PM Revision f427b077 (cdmlib): test for searching multiple words in OR and AND combination also as Phrase
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:09 PM Revision 1841ea59 (cdm-dataportal): fixing palmweb theme for #2942: implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:34 PM Revision 652c3e73 (cdmlib): deleting empty folder
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:38 PM Revision 615e41a2 (cdm-dataportal): minor bug
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:53 PM bug #1924: CIHORIEAE in-references in Footnotes
Replying to [[comment8|a.kohlbecker]]:
> @Andreas M: Isn't this a ticket rather related to cache strategies than to ...
Andreas Müller
12:44 PM Revision 12abec22 (taxeditor): removing errouneously commited folder
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:35 PM Revision d776839b (taxeditor): merging in latest changes from trunk
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:56 AM Revision 184424c3 (taxeditor): fix editor handles only single TaxonNameDescription for Protologues (#2959)
Andreas Müller
11:47 AM task #2091: Improve DataPortal documentation
see also #2036
Andreas Müller
10:26 AM Revision 65229e20 (cdmlib): fixing hibernate_sequences
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:01 PM Revision 3b953102 (cdmlib): fixing #2306 (holotype is only displayed as type)
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:07 PM Revision 8621e56a (cdmlib): solving #2958 (rename and move TaxonServiceConfigurator)
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:49 PM bug #2957 (Closed): running maven site:site for Taxonomic Editor fails
running mvn3 site:site on Taxonomic Editor fails locally and on the integration server even if executed manually (not... Andreas Kohlbecker


09:35 PM Revision ac350dd5 (cdm-dataportal): removing dead code from theme_cdm_reference_page()
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:21 PM bug #1924: CIHORIEAE in-references in Footnotes
@Andreas M: Isn't this a ticket rather related to cache strategies than to rendering in the dataportal?
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:13 PM Revision b9bd111d (cdm-dataportal): fixing #2954 (Reference page not showing inReferences)
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:30 PM Revision dc8b43eb (cdmlib-apps): minor
Andreas Müller
06:16 PM Revision d6149d3e (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
04:48 PM Revision afdc2e0d (cdmlib-apps): add Xper 2.3 methods to BaseCdm
Andreas Müller
04:38 PM Revision 673ca2d8 (cdm-dataportal): implementing filter by feature for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText)
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:37 PM Revision 1a202a9b (cdmlib): implementing filter by feature for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText)
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:36 PM Revision 02dc229b (cdmlib): typo
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:29 PM Revision 9833931f (cdmlib): add chromosome number to test terms in io #2952
Andreas Müller
04:17 PM Revision e55f5a9d (cdmlib-apps): update moose activator
Andreas Müller
04:16 PM Revision 76052fec (cdmlib): generalize initialization of Singleattribute mappers in reference import
Andreas Müller
04:10 PM Revision 4d5d47a6 (cdmlib): add transaction management to marker mapper
Andreas Müller
04:10 PM Revision 0ccb8f10 (cdmlib): remove "NEW" comment
Andreas Müller
03:57 PM Revision 81cd1b83 (cdmlib): change uuid for new chromosome number representation in tests
Andreas Müller
03:42 PM Revision 6363cb13 (cdmlib): add chromosome number to test terms
Andreas Müller
03:27 PM feature request #2953 (New): Avoid method duplication in *PortalControllers
eg: TaxonPortalController again defines methods which are declared in TaxonController or in TaxonListController.
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:20 PM Revision 9c3ea96e (cdmlib-apps): minor
Andreas Müller
02:41 PM Revision b57b7770 (cdmlib): remove unnecessary failing import
Andreas Müller
01:30 PM Revision 67ee6ff9 (cdmlib): reducing default fragment number for nicer search results
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:16 PM Revision 31f8f7ec (cdm-dataportal): additional search form elements and 'modify search' link on results page
Andreas Kohlbecker


02:11 PM Revision 6acf57e2 (cdmlib): adding lucene highlight
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:37 PM Revision b4ae72e1 (cdmlib): score display for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText) and fixing some issues
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:33 PM Revision 0accda15 (cdm-dataportal): improving #2931 (Free text search - hit highlighting implemented) and score display for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText)
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:51 AM feature request #2949 (Duplicate): Simplify TaxonName classes
Currently we do have 7 TaxonNameBase related classes. However only ViralName really differs much from all other class... Andreas Müller
11:46 AM Revision 8c6160ef (cdmlib): cdmlib related part for fixing #2931 (Free text search - hit highlighting implemented), also some code reorganization
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:42 AM Revision 405473f1 (cdm-dataportal): fixing #2931 (Free text search - hit highlighting implemented), but still needs to be improved
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:41 AM Revision ce6e3a15 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
11:39 AM Revision a183e363 (cdmlib): fully remove cdmlib-service test terms
Andreas Müller
11:36 AM Revision aa53e7b5 (cdmlib): tmp
Andreas Müller
10:55 AM Revision c1ab06f5 (cdmlib): don't use term copy for service test terms anymore. Use persistence terms directly instead
Andreas Müller


05:02 PM Revision d8d19ac6 (cdmlib): change service test terms to use same terms as in persistence
Andreas Müller
04:59 PM feature request #2302: Include ISO-3166 numeric codes to Country
there might be an other ticket that suggests to have a new "code" attribute in [[DefinedTerms]] or "Terms", or maybe ... Andreas Müller
04:51 PM Revision d50e4fa8 (cdmlib): change service test terms to use same terms as in persistence
Andreas Müller
04:27 PM Revision 58fca92a (cdmlib): fix for strange cast in TeamMapper
Andreas Müller
03:32 PM Revision f93b7fb5 (cdmlib): - updated name search web service to change 'taxonUuids' to 'taxonConceptUuids' and added a new accepted taxon uuid list called 'acceptedTaxonUuids' which contains the accepted taxon uuids of the taxon uuids in the 'taxonConceptUuids' list.
- added 'classification' parameter to the taxon web service to choose which classification is tob returned.
- updated...
Cherian Mathew
02:46 PM Revision 16c4bd8e (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:45 PM Revision 06909ba6 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:45 PM Revision 80093ebd (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
12:14 PM Revision ac1a821b (cdmlib): ordering of taxa solved, belongs to #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText)
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:10 PM Revision 2ed736c0 (cdmlib): pushing clearAuthentication up to CdmTransactionalIntegrationTest
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:44 AM Revision d549276b (cdmlib): remove debugging code
Andreas Müller
11:25 AM Revision 7f53313f (cdmlib): maybe workaround bugfix for failing Taxon import test with description feature
Andreas Müller
11:11 AM Revision 6b6b89b7 (cdmlib): maybe fixing compile error in suite class
Andreas Müller
11:09 AM Revision 7a0781b1 (cdmlib): commit debug code for test not running in jenkins
Andreas Müller
10:55 AM Revision ec953bd6 (cdmlib): resolve conflict
Andreas Müller
10:52 AM Revision cb34b5ec (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:49 AM Revision c6af48aa (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:37 AM Revision e10206c3 (cdmlib): fix ExcelSpecimenImportExampleTest by adding rank abbrevs to test ranks
Andreas Müller
10:14 AM Revision 7446742e (cdmlib): improved EvaluationFailedExceptions - mvn3 clean install runs SUCCESSFULLY on my machine
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:07 AM Revision dc153927 (cdm-dataportal): creating branch for porting the cdm_dataportal and themes to Drupal 7
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:21 AM Revision 67c21b74 (cdmlib): some titlecaches for test ranks
Andreas Müller
12:19 AM Revision 492a3c09 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller


10:48 PM Revision c8d128f1 (cdmlib): updated testing terms in persistence
Andreas Müller
10:48 PM Revision 0a4a0aad (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:47 PM Revision e6dfeddd (cdmlib): updating io test, only test not running currently are ExcelSpecimen.testResultSet (error in test) and Endnote import (error in import)
Andreas Müller
09:28 PM Revision 5c9ba110 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
06:29 PM Revision d00f000d (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
05:32 PM Revision e5bd44c0 (cdmlib): removing debug uotput
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:31 PM Revision d9c0c44e (cdmlib): solving problem with user saying authenticated over test boundaries
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:17 PM Revision deda0d0f (cdmlib): removing old and obsolte configurations
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:34 PM Revision 62fa1955 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
04:07 PM Revision 321a8071 (cdmlib): adding WGS84 representation
Andreas Müller
03:37 PM Revision 68f40664 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
03:18 PM Revision 5a9fc5b8 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
03:18 PM Revision 736e3cb7 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
03:01 PM Revision 0cc6cfb5 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:24 PM Revision 2b571414 (cdmlib): new test suite to reproduce failing test
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:51 PM Revision 6b214e54 (cdmlib): removing duplicate annotations
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:49 PM Revision d3c6854a (cdmlib): removing and renaming unused application contexts
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:29 PM Revision f0eb7c64 (cdmlib): removing old obsolete CdmUnitTestBase classes
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:12 PM Revision a7458094 (cdmlib): mionor
Andreas Müller
01:10 PM Revision 0bccaba8 (cdmlib-apps): minor
Andreas Müller
01:10 PM Revision 670cc842 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
01:08 PM Revision a56c0beb (cdmlib-apps): update eflora pom
Andreas Müller
12:17 PM Revision 60c13691 (cdmlib): using default scheme PUBLIC in order to avoid mixed metadata problems with INFORMATION_SCHEMA
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:56 AM Revision 9fa208a5 (cdmlib): mysterious problems with some service tests
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:55 AM Revision b210ac57 (cdmlib): reducing log level for
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:18 AM Revision e8664fec (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
11:16 AM Revision e1e9791c (cdmlib): add dataset.dtd
Andreas Müller
11:14 AM Revision 892b6001 (cdmlib): new version of testdata that is more (but not yet fully) compatible with all tests in the suite, open issue is SDDImporterTest with some Feature id
Andreas Müller
11:10 AM Revision 0f7cc7af (cdmlib): remove unused class and updated test dataset print
Andreas Müller
11:07 AM Revision 427e12cd (cdmlib): printing tables if logging level is debug
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:57 AM Revision d16017d0 (cdmlib): updating dataset
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:33 AM Revision 58847a5c (cdmlib): removing redundant entry of HOMOTYPICALGOUP
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:17 AM Revision e860f7a0 (cdmlib): update dtd ...
Andreas Müller


11:56 PM Revision f486f59b (cdmlib): remove "[null]"
Andreas Müller
11:55 PM Revision b4c12739 (cdmlib): print dataset with filter
Andreas Müller
10:51 PM Revision ff24c496 (cdmlib): fix for CdmImporterTest dataset data
Andreas Müller
09:57 PM Revision 6ac9efb6 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
09:50 PM Revision 719358ed (cdmlib): Allow filtering on integration test print dataset
Andreas Müller
08:05 PM Revision 195466eb (cdmlib): fix ExcelSpecimenImportExampleTest, also running in maven
Andreas Müller
08:03 PM Revision 5437bb83 (cdmlib): fix ExcelSpecimenImportExampleTest, also running in maven
Andreas Müller
07:15 PM Revision 6beea380 (cdmlib): remove uncompiling override
Andreas Müller
07:12 PM Revision 2789e579 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
05:04 PM Revision 7869df2f (cdmlib): add parse author to NVNParser
Andreas Müller
04:57 PM Revision c14e9b53 (cdmlib): add parse author to NVNParser
Andreas Müller
02:58 PM Revision 529ed688 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:29 PM Revision 98eccb8d (cdmlib): fixing synthesys excel specimen import test
Andreas Müller
02:29 PM Revision 2b551722 (cdmlib): remove CleanSweepInsertLoadStrategy from test
Andreas Müller
02:23 PM Revision 16879321 (cdmlib): fixing synthesys excel specimen import test
Andreas Müller
02:01 PM Revision 6411c702 (cdmlib): reducing log level for
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:57 PM Revision b24719ba (cdmlib): fixing problem with resources contained in jars - was causing mvn 3 to fail on jenkins #3
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:16 PM Revision 2007cfdb (cdmlib): devide Endnote invoke test in 2 parts
Andreas Müller
12:15 PM Revision 1d88dc14 (cdmlib): more comments on ignored test
Andreas Müller
12:15 PM Revision a2e908ad (cdmlib): fixing problem with resources contained in jars - was causing mvn 3 to fail on jenkins #2
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:09 PM Revision 86357bf7 (cdmlib): remove 001_cdm.dll which is not used anymore
Andreas Müller
11:51 AM Revision 415bd1b2 (cdmlib): fixing problem with resources contained in jars - was causing mvn 3 to fail on jenkins
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:31 AM Revision b8e5b844 (cdmlib): removed DwcaImportTest
Andreas Müller
11:27 AM Revision f575e913 (cdmlib): remove CLeanSweep
Andreas Müller
11:16 AM Revision 53fb2dbc (cdmlib): more information in log to fix tests in jenkins with mvn3
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:08 AM Revision 993c8294 (cdmlib): partly fixing Endnote reference import
Andreas Müller
10:57 AM Revision 7b291036 (cdmlib): removing BlankDataSet.xml - will fix tests in jenkins with mvn3 ?
Andreas Kohlbecker


07:52 PM Revision 577e7532 (cdmlib): fixing TcsRdfImportConfiguratorTest for running in suite
Andreas Müller
07:06 PM Revision a2c77a64 (cdmlib): fixing test data for Specimen Excel import
Andreas Müller
06:14 PM Revision 29ed1644 (cdmlib): set normalExplicit tests to not ignore
Andreas Müller
05:56 PM Revision 21f7d451 (cdmlib): fix SDDImport test and move empty DataSet to base package
Andreas Müller
04:40 PM Revision 323894d2 (cdmlib): fix m3 problem in SpecimenImportConfiguratorTest (#2941)
Andreas Müller
04:36 PM Revision b2436362 (cdm-dataportal): first working implementatin for #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:36 PM Revision 19f66826 (cdm-dataportal): cleaning up and reorganizing search code a bit
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:36 PM Revision 90ef6e1b (cdm-dataportal): search related functions split out into separate file
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:36 PM Revision 279b1f1d (cdm-dataportal): search related functions split out into separate file
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:29 PM Revision a2409445 (cdmlib): missing bits for #476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:25 PM Revision cb2e6e7a (cdmlib): documentation
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:24 PM Revision 3f5c3a54 (cdmlib): new load(int id, List<String> propertyPaths); method
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:30 PM Revision 57221ced (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:17 PM Revision 96aac796 (cdmlib-apps): update xper integration pom
Andreas Müller
02:16 PM Revision f48783ba (cdmlib-apps): new database for xper data
Andreas Müller


03:19 PM Revision aa913453 (cdm-dataportal): refactoring search framework and base implementation of #2942 (implement search frontend for findTaxonByDescriptionElementFullText)
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:33 PM Revision 11009612 (cdmlib-apps): minor
Andreas Müller
01:31 PM Revision 47e00f52 (cdmlib-apps): update UseImport dependency
Andreas Müller
01:26 PM Revision dd481bc8 (cdmlib-apps): remove unneede project folder
Andreas Müller
01:25 PM Revision 79a741aa (cdmlib-apps): remove unneeded pom
Andreas Müller
01:25 PM Revision 03958391 (cdmlib-apps): delete empty folders
Andreas Müller
01:25 PM Revision dff954a1 (cdmlib-apps): remove unneeded test class
Andreas Müller
01:23 PM Revision 2007ebea (cdmlib-apps): delete empty folders
Andreas Müller
01:23 PM Revision 6fc4c67c (cdmlib-apps): move useImport resources to palmae folder inm app-import
Andreas Müller
01:23 PM Revision 09091a5e (cdmlib-apps): move useImport resources to palmae folder inm app-import
Andreas Müller
01:22 PM Revision 6ed22d05 (cdmlib-apps): move useImport resources to palmae folder inm app-import
Andreas Müller
01:21 PM Revision 2500b2c2 (cdmlib-apps): move useImport resources to palmae folder inm app-import
Andreas Müller
01:20 PM Revision 9091e402 (cdmlib-apps): move useImport resources to palmae folder inm app-import
Andreas Müller
01:19 PM Revision 1dd9c702 (cdmlib-apps): move arecaceae file to palmae folder
Andreas Müller
01:17 PM Revision ab281457 (cdmlib-apps): move taxonX files to palmae folder
Andreas Müller
01:16 PM Revision bc364d22 (cdmlib-apps)
Andreas Müller
01:12 PM Revision acae97a8 (cdmlib-apps): remove palmae taxonX files from app-import to reduce size of project (left some examples)
Andreas Müller
01:05 PM Revision 3e309c9b (cdmlib-apps): delete empty folders
Andreas Müller
01:05 PM Revision f307edd3 (cdmlib-apps): moved UseImport to app-import..palmae
Andreas Müller
01:01 PM Revision 94222d5c (cdmlib-apps)
Andreas Müller
01:01 PM Revision 2a7ebad4 (cdmlib-apps)
Andreas Müller
12:51 PM Revision e360878f (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
12:36 PM Revision 66562d90 (cdmlib): fixing controller name findByDescriptionElementFullText
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:25 PM Revision 839db5cd (cdm-dataportal): removing palweb specific code
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:25 PM Revision 3cafb84b (cdm-dataportal): adding .gitignore (ignore file when using the repo with git-svn)
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:18 AM Revision b813dffb (cdmlib): adding documentation
Andreas Kohlbecker


04:08 PM Revision a5b5f4c7 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix external link glitch
Alex Theys
02:28 PM Revision bb640658 (cdmlib): modifying test
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:06 PM Revision 851958ec (cdm-dataportal): fixing #2940 (Dataportal Advanced Search link not formatted properly)
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:05 PM Revision 8cccf01a (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
11:53 AM Revision b30a2bc1 (cdmlib): fixing dependent bug for #2912 (NPE in TaxonNodeByNameComparator when Taxon in TaxoNode is null)
handling case: taxon in taxonnode is null Andreas Kohlbecker
11:36 AM bug #2939 (Closed): ehcache diskStore conflict?
when running tests on the integration server where already a cdmserver instance is running write permission problems ... Andreas Kohlbecker
09:17 AM Revision 39bd5a2b (cdm-server)
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:11 AM Revision 74c8a35d (taxeditor): merge trunk to branch
Andreas Müller
01:59 AM Revision 49b3a20e (taxeditor): bugfix for version number in product file
Andreas Müller
12:32 AM Revision 59be5e0c (taxeditor): resolve classpath
Andreas Müller
12:11 AM Revision d8659aaf (taxeditor): Create TaxEditor branch for 3.0.12-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Müller
12:06 AM Revision fde05e29 (taxeditor): create TaxEditor v3.0.12-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Müller


11:58 PM Revision a7089708 (taxeditor): create TaxEditor 3.0.12-SNAPSHOT version
Andreas Müller
10:42 PM Revision 00f8f6b6 (taxeditor): TaxEditor release 3.0.11
Andreas Müller
09:58 PM Revision e707c070 (taxeditor): TaxEditor release 3.0.11
Andreas Müller
06:33 PM Revision e8cf6cde (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor to fix issues with the dynamic menu building
Alex Theys
05:57 PM feature request #2200: Handle multiple authors for names correctly when caching
as this is fixed and only needs reviewing I will keep it in 3.0.11
Andreas Müller
05:07 PM Revision 25fdf883 (taxeditor): reintegrate ^/branches/taxeditor/3.0.11-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:40 PM Revision b4505ca9 (cdm-server): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
02:40 PM Revision bd67b954 (cdm-server): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cdm-server-3.0.11
02:18 PM Revision cee9e6e3 (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
02:18 PM Revision 5187841c (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cdmlib-parent-3.0.11
01:30 PM Revision 403d38f8 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor for ethnic group testing and remove the featureNodes from the contextual menu
Alex Theys
01:04 PM Revision cb86ac09 (cdm-server): cleaning up
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:04 PM Revision af2caffd (cdm-server): fixing #2936 (change 'stable' symlink on cdm-server deploy)
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:06 PM Revision a3456830 (taxeditor): bugfix for CCE in (#2924 comment 2) integrated in trunk
Andreas Müller
11:58 AM Revision fffc5451 (taxeditor): bugfix for CCE in (#2924 comment 2)
Andreas Müller
11:52 AM Revision 5bfed917 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor for ethnic group testing
Alex Theys
09:28 AM Revision 41a97f83 (cdm-dataportal): removing dead code
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:03 AM Revision 2b5dd742 (cdm-dataportal): reintegrating ^/branches/drupal/Kew_dataportal - missing bits
Andreas Kohlbecker
08:56 AM Revision 4dde43b9 (cdm-dataportal): svnignores
Andreas Kohlbecker
08:35 AM Revision 5fe46952 (cdm-dataportal): reintegrating ^/branches/drupal/Kew_dataportal
Andreas Kohlbecker
08:31 AM Revision e6a9fa45 (cdm-dataportal): cleaning up a bit
Andreas Kohlbecker


10:12 PM Revision f67430cd (taxeditor): merge trunk to branch
Andreas Müller
09:42 PM Revision c3d0aff1 (taxeditor): merge branch to trunk
Andreas Müller
09:35 PM Revision f233446e (taxeditor): changed import progress units
Andreas Müller
09:33 PM Revision 45111405 (taxeditor): bugfix for NPE on markers with no marker type in Bulkeditor (#2932)
Andreas Müller
07:51 PM Revision b7639080 (cdmlib): logging for missing extension/marker type
Andreas Müller
07:23 PM Revision 6a1586a3 (cdmlib-apps): update for moose activator
Andreas Müller
07:20 PM Revision d93a5bb7 (cdmlib-apps): redlist destinations
Andreas Müller
07:19 PM Revision b8ddda7e (cdmlib): taxon relation validation for concept relationships
Andreas Müller
07:12 PM Revision b527c306 (cdmlib): bugfix for nomStatusRefs
Andreas Müller
06:35 PM Revision 51a319ed (cdmlib): add isNoQuotes flag to allow for possibility of ignoring the 'fieldsEnclosedBy' char in the opcsv reader.
Cherian Mathew
05:26 PM Revision 31ea3ca8 (cdmlib): exception handling for missing occurrence tables in BM import
Andreas Müller
05:03 PM Revision dcd03c76 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix the tabs issues
Alex Theys
04:58 PM Revision ab0c7669 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
04:55 PM Revision df05b0da (cdmlib): code cosmetics
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:43 PM Revision ad190552 (cdmlib): more tests and features for #476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:33 PM Revision bf287ead (cdmlib-apps): minor
Andreas Müller
04:31 PM Revision ca39969f (cdmlib-apps): update IPs for new db server
Andreas Müller
04:21 PM Revision 6b687936 (cdmlib): update mailing lists in cdmlib site doc (#2928)
Andreas Müller
04:10 PM Revision a16f4d25 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix the tabs issues
Alex Theys
03:10 PM Revision 04e488b2 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix the tabs issues
Alex Theys
09:45 AM Revision f77d2f87 (taxeditor): restoring
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:33 AM Revision 925ee68c (taxeditor): reintegrating ^/branches/taxeditor/Kew_Palm_Use_Extension
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:26 AM Revision aeb4fbd6 (taxeditor): Merging r14494 through r15285 into /home/andreas/workspaces/_svn-trunk/taxeditor-branches/Kew_Palm_Use_Extension
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:23 AM Revision 99e9d645 (taxeditor): adding svn ignores
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:12 PM Revision 0adb6dba (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix the tabs issues (manually as I can't reintegrate)
Alex Theys
04:24 PM Revision f89af608 (taxeditor): AT: With the conflicts some of the copyrights had reverted to 2007, changed back to 2011
Alex Theys
03:58 PM Revision ae19364d (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to fix the tabs issues
Alex Theys
03:45 PM Revision fdede57b (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post merge and tree conflicts
Alex Theys
03:04 PM Revision 7df16328 (cdmlib-apps): redlist datasources
Andreas Müller
02:51 PM Revision debfe68b (cdmlib-apps): new uuids for redlist databases
Andreas Müller
01:57 PM Revision da163047 (cdm-dataportal): reintegrate ^/branches/drupal/Kew_dataportal
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:29 PM Revision b4f568c1 (cdmlib): implement toString for CdmDatasource
Andreas Müller
10:37 AM Revision 17df044b (cdmlib): changes concerning creation of inferred synonyms
Katja Luther
10:19 AM Revision 98c464e4 (cdmlib-apps): minor changes in fauna europaea import (extensions of taxonnames)
Katja Luther


07:07 AM Revision 5ed6b472 (taxeditor): AT:Resolving conflicts
Alex Theys


08:26 PM Revision f41433b9 (taxeditor): AT:Committing changes post merge
Alex Theys
04:27 PM Revision 3158fa66 (cdmlib-apps): refactor PESI Description export to include NameDescriptions correctly
Andreas Müller
04:25 PM Revision cbd8fc9c (cdmlib-apps): refactor Erms import to include export to PESI
Andreas Müller
04:22 PM Revision 5af9a521 (cdmlib-apps): restore default values for activator
Andreas Müller
04:19 PM Revision c8e3e3e3 (cdmlib-apps): uncomment unreported RedList destinations
Andreas Müller
03:52 PM Revision ed92bf21 (cdmlib-apps): new User for FaunEu
Andreas Müller
03:51 PM Revision 5fa70d24 (cdmlib-apps): new User for FE2PESI
Andreas Müller
03:39 PM Revision ed2317c3 (cdmlib): made 'relatedFrom' and 'relatedTo' getter/setter methods public
Cherian Mathew
03:38 PM Revision 4acc3f44 (cdmlib): added declaration and definition of 'findNamesByNameCache' method, which is essentially a copy of the 'findNamesByTitleCache' except that it does a search on nameCache.
Cherian Mathew
03:37 PM Revision 1aa16404 (cdmlib): - corrected DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonConverter to do perform regular expression check
- added misapplied name check in DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonRelationConverter to add taxon relationship Cherian Mathew
03:34 PM Revision 72dc57cb (cdmlib): updated controller and related dtos to,
- add name cache search feature
- correct relationship type representation
Cherian Mathew
03:30 PM Revision 588264bd (taxeditor): reintegrating branch branches/taxeditor/3.0.11-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:20 PM Revision db92edd4 (cdmlib-apps): update app-imports CDM dependency
Andreas Müller
03:18 PM Revision 3e4dbe45 (cdmlib-apps): update pesi CDM dependency
Andreas Müller
03:05 PM Revision 143c948f (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
02:52 PM Revision cc3ae0a7 (cdmlib-apps): update for Spanish Language in some transformers
Andreas Müller
01:44 PM Revision 574ce811 (taxeditor): merging in latest changes from trunk
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:32 PM Revision 09f5304e (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal to add the ability to hide keys
Alex Theys
01:25 PM Revision c1cce8ea (taxeditor): Changing SPANISH_CATALAN to SPANISH_CASTILIAN
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:14 PM Revision 64abc0f0 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post third round of code review
Alex Theys
01:01 PM Revision 65c25774 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal for code review after trunk merge
Alex Theys
11:05 AM Revision 9a853a86 (cdmlib): adding method to find taxa by a list of given uuids
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:39 AM Revision 39512f8c (taxeditor): AT: Updating the class's Javadoc description to mak it more accurate
Alex Theys


06:11 PM Revision 3d38251b (cdm-dataportal)
Alex Theys
04:54 PM Revision e1bbc2b7 (cdm-dataportal): AT: committing changes to the dataportal for code review after trunk merge
Alex Theys
02:41 PM Revision 88b34876 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post third round of code review
Alex Theys
01:20 PM Revision 88c2fdda (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post third round of code review
Alex Theys
11:59 AM Revision 0d4ff026 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys
10:56 AM Revision 79fec508 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys


08:07 PM Revision fa6c4efb (cdmlib): provisional bugfixing to allow JAXB import to run in Editor environment
Andreas Müller
07:35 PM Revision 866a3f91 (cdmlib): allow omit term loading for certain imports
Andreas Müller
02:41 PM Revision d0ee822b (cdmlib): fixing problem with TaxonServiceImplTest which ocurred only on my machine. The test chain with lead to the error was:
mvn -Dtest=TaxonNodeServiceImplTest,TaxonServiceImplBusinessTest,TaxonServiceSearchTest,TaxonServiceImplTest test Andreas Kohlbecker
01:22 PM task #2925: [DISCUSS]Do we need newly created objects for EntityCollectionSection
The Scope object itself is created in ScopeSection.createNewElement()
Andreas Müller
01:21 PM task #2925 (Worksforme): [DISCUSS]Do we need newly created objects for EntityCollectionSection
In AbstractEntityCollectionSection.createToolbar the add-Action requries createNewElement().
Is this really needed...
Andreas Müller
12:02 PM Revision bdb766b8 (taxeditor): possible NPE fix
Andreas Müller
11:49 AM Revision 4eff9756 (cdmlib): [part2/2] more tests for #476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:48 AM Revision 8f254e78 (cdmlib): [part1/2] more tests for #476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:47 AM Revision d24ca581 (cdmlib): [part1/2] more tests for #476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData
Andreas Kohlbecker
08:24 AM Revision 639ed505 (cdmlib): removing @Override from interface implementation
Andreas Kohlbecker


08:50 PM Revision a1ad5a71 (cdmlib): improve term title cache generation -> test
Andreas Müller
08:03 PM Revision d442b508 (cdmlib): improve term title cache generation
Andreas Müller
07:16 PM Revision b09af82f (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
07:15 PM Revision df0661c7 (taxeditor): bugfix for CCE in TermEditor, #2924
Andreas Müller
07:10 PM Revision 538c1ad8 (taxeditor): merge trunk to branch
Andreas Müller
07:05 PM Revision bf11d4bb (taxeditor): bugfix for CCE in TermEditor, #2924
Andreas Müller
07:00 PM Revision 43f76656 (taxeditor): merge fix for #2924 to trunk
Andreas Müller
06:57 PM Revision 75dda17e (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
06:53 PM Revision 236bb8a6 (taxeditor): bugfix for CCE in TermEditor, #2924
Andreas Müller
05:58 PM Revision f6b17945 (cdmlib): fixing typo in language SPANISH_CASTILIAN & more tests for # 476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData & indexing uuids
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:56 PM Revision 2c5f8479 (cdmlib): fixing typo in language SPANISH_CASTILIAN
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:32 PM Revision 2a7d44c9 (cdmlib): fixing test with had error due to error prone and misleading instance method
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:24 PM Revision 0930d1c2 (cdmlib): fixed # 476: Implement free-text search methods for TaxonBase and TextData Andreas Kohlbecker
04:05 PM Revision 2029a457 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys
04:04 PM Revision eede755e (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:03 PM Revision 91134c50 (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:03 PM Revision 19e3b24b (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:03 PM Revision b2c4f49d (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:03 PM Revision c1ea008c (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:02 PM Revision 93202d62 (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:02 PM Revision 4d28d8f4 (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:02 PM Revision f7a8b690 (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:02 PM Revision e5e6dfeb (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:02 PM Revision 44f913b5 (taxeditor): minor
Andreas Müller
04:01 PM Revision f990f2f8 (taxeditor): add spring xml 156 to build path
Andreas Müller
03:52 PM Revision 3653966a (cdmlib): removing error prone and misleading instance method
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:48 PM Revision 6a45f6a2 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys
03:48 PM Revision fd6b4dbb (taxeditor): commint changes for Editor branche
Andreas Müller
03:25 PM Revision 538eccc0 (taxeditor): added spring-ws to build path to fix #2921
Andreas Müller
02:34 PM Revision b709449f (taxeditor): add spring-xml-1.5.6.jar needed for JAXB import
Andreas Müller


06:09 PM Revision 3ac14d19 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys
01:48 PM Revision 2f9b03b9 (taxeditor): AT: committing changes to the TaxEditor Post second round of code review
Alex Theys
12:46 PM Revision b4ba4ca0 (taxeditor)
Alex Theys

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