



feature request #10459


Add taxon-specimen association filter for taxon pages

Added by Andreas Müller 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

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The webservices have been adapted in #10400. The filter parameter still needs to be implemented in dataportal.

Discuss, in which format the parameter should be passed to the webservice.


clipboard-202402010153-qmr3d.png (15.9 KB) clipboard-202402010153-qmr3d.png Andreas Müller, 02/01/2024 01:53 AM

Related issues

Follows EDIT - feature request #10400: Make taxon-specimen relation for taxon pages configurable in webserviceClosedAndreas Müller

Actions #1

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • Follows feature request #10400: Make taxon-specimen relation for taxon pages configurable in webservice added
Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • Priority changed from New to Highest
Actions #3

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Katja Luther to Andreas Müller

This is implemented.

Actions #5

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

The title of the configuration should end with ":" not "."

Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

If possible it should be either CDET or DET, not both. So selecting 1 should deselect the other one. But only if this is easy to implement. Other wise leave a note in the documentation that CDET has no effect if DET is selected.

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

The documentation should use the same labels as in the selection, not as used as inner variables (this is also an issue at other places).

Actions #8

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

We may think about renaming Ind. Ass. Should we better use "Taxon Fact"? As this is where it is stored. Users using "Specimen" as feature may not be aware that this is an "Individuals Association".

Actions #9

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Andreas Müller to Katja Luther

Please use either plural or singular. Currently it is a mix.

Actions #10

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 90
Actions #11

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

Functionality works as expected, so ticket can be closed once the minor above issues are fixed.

Actions #12

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

"If nothing is selected all related specimen are displayed" => it might be discussed if this is really an intuitive behavior. Maybe we need a mode "NONE" for this. Nevertheless this can be done later.

Actions #13

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Katja Luther to Andreas Müller

The settings are adapted. Please have a last short look and then we can close this ticket

Actions #14

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Andreas Müller to Katja Luther

The labels are adapted but there are some more open issues starting at #note-5. Can you please implement or leave a message if they are not fast to implement.

Also if we keep it that selecting nothing means "no filter" we should adapt the explanation from "If nothing is selected all related specimen are displayed" to "If nothing is selected all related specimen are displayed. To fully remove specimens please deselect the specimen tab from the tabs area above."

Actions #15

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

Andreas Müller wrote in #note-6:

If possible it should be either CDET or DET, not both. So selecting 1 should deselect the other one. But only if this is easy to implement. Other wise leave a note in the documentation that CDET has no effect if DET is selected.

Currently I don't know how to add something like a radio button and a normal checkbox list to one list in these settings. I would need to do some research on this. Therefore I added a not like you mentioned above.

Actions #16

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

Andreas Müller wrote in #note-5:

The title of the configuration should end with ":" not "."

This is fixed.

Actions #17

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

Andreas Müller wrote in #note-7:

The documentation should use the same labels as in the selection, not as used as inner variables (this is also an issue at other places).

This is fixed.

Actions #18

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

Katja Luther wrote in #note-15:

Andreas Müller wrote in #note-6:

If possible it should be either CDET or DET, not both. So selecting 1 should deselect the other one. But only if this is easy to implement. Other wise leave a note in the documentation that CDET has no effect if DET is selected.

Currently I don't know how to add something like a radio button and a normal checkbox list to one list in these settings. I would need to do some research on this. Therefore I added a not like you mentioned above.

Can you move " If determination and current determination are selected, current determination has no effect." to the Current Determination explanation using "... if Determination is selected this option has no effect"

Actions #19

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

Taxon Fact has a dot at the end. Others don't please do consistent. I think in this case it is better without dot.

Actions #20

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

In "If nothing is selected all related specimen are displayed" please use correct plural for specimen s .

Actions #21

Updated by Katja Luther 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Katja Luther to Andreas Müller

Sorry, hopefully everything is correct now.

Actions #22

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Assignee changed from Andreas Müller to Katja Luther
Actions #23

Updated by Andreas Müller 7 months ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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