



From 02/27/2013 to 03/28/2013


07:53 PM Revision 380af210 (cdmlib): bugfixes for Specimen imports
Andreas Müller
05:46 PM Revision 9c0c614f (cdmlib): excluding org.springframework:spring-tx from dependencies
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:35 PM Revision 182cd3df (cdmlib): fix missing marker types leading to TcsRdfImport test failing
Andreas Müller
03:47 PM Revision 4794837a (cdmlib): merge trunk and bugfix linkbackuri jaxb
Andreas Müller
02:34 PM Revision 646b7db5 (cdmlib): Added the titleCache of the Polytomous key to the output.
Lorna Morris
12:15 PM Revision 43022ea5 (cdmlib): add empty data file for ABCD Import Test
Andreas Müller
12:15 PM Revision cecce1f4 (cdmlib): add empty data file for ABCD Import Test
Andreas Müller
12:13 PM Revision 6e0656ea (cdmlib): latest fixes to ABCD206 Import
Andreas Müller
12:10 PM Revision e64347ba (cdmlib): fixing uris
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:59 AM Revision f15f1d83 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:54 AM Revision 55fa801a (cdmlib): comments to explain @Indexed on some abtstract classes
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:54 AM Revision 89d43f4c (cdmlib): removing static reference from LocaleContext
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:54 AM Revision 5ef7e830 (cdmlib): adding missing @Override and removing absolte casts
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:18 AM Revision 25461b19 (cdmlib): some changes in the ABCD206 Import
Andreas Müller


06:26 PM Revision 89ed8d2d (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:19 PM Revision 5d73efbd (cdmlib): changing Annotation.linkbackUrl to type URI, also changing API method names
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:12 PM Revision bfdceead (cdmlib): fixing returnedClass() of URIUserType
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:37 PM Revision d671902e (cdmlib): explicitely setting collumn name for embedded collections of <String>
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:58 PM Revision c27bc686 (cdmlib): Added template to display polytomous key and added page numbers to xsl:fo for PDF output.
Lorna Morris
03:46 PM Revision 56a74270 (cdmlib): using custom hibernate mysql dialects in DataSourceConfigurer
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:02 PM Revision 196a2fee (cdmlib): MySQL BOolean support
Andreas Müller
02:57 PM Revision e4502edc (cdmlib): MySQL5InnoDBUtf8Dialect MySQL BOolean support
Andreas Müller
12:46 PM Revision 5b633055 (cdmlib): add correct javassist groupId to persistence
Andreas Müller
11:59 AM Revision cc309b6b (cdmlib): latest version for parent pom
Andreas Müller
11:52 AM Revision 29809fe3 (cdm-dataportal): identification key sources in separate lines
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:44 AM feature request #3363: dagger (Totenkreuz) after extinct and fossil taxa
Hallo zusammen,
fürchte, ich kann in dem Fall mit meinem Diatomeenblick nicht wirklich weiterhelfen, wei...
Andreas Müller
09:09 AM Revision 44e2af27 (cdm-dataportal): adding space between node links and statement in polytomous keys
Andreas Kohlbecker


07:18 PM Revision 4af7bea2 (cdmlib): cleaning up @Field annotations
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:46 PM Revision 44f0d9d0 (cdmlib): explicitely ordering taxa for test ReferenceDaoHibernateImplTest.testListCoveredTaxa()
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:17 PM bug #3370 (Duplicate): ExternalLinks [ext-links]: External services: GBIF: add infraspecific taxa
The external service for GBIF works but only for species rank.
Please add service also für infraspecific taxa (sam...
Gabriele Dröge
04:28 PM Revision 7e5bc50f (cdmlib): preliminar solution for handling and setting the lucene version
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:14 PM feature request #3369 (Rejected): Lucene search factory or builder implemented
currently `eu.etaxonomy.cdm.config.Configuration.luceneVersion` provides the lucene version number for lucene related... Andreas Kohlbecker
01:07 PM Revision e37987bc (cdmlib): solving lucene index locked problem for tests
Andreas Kohlbecker


08:21 PM feature request #3363: dagger (Totenkreuz) after extinct and fossil taxa
You have to distinguish between extant and fossil. Extant are all species living in the Holocene (ca. 10.000 years be... Gabriele Dröge
05:56 PM feature request #3363: dagger (Totenkreuz) after extinct and fossil taxa
first discuss if this can be handled via an explicit "status" (what is the best name to distiguish it from the taxono... Andreas Müller
07:09 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
OK, passen dann die source web entries nicht in die References? Allerdings ist das zugegebenerweise ein bischen aufwe... Andreas Müller
06:06 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Replying to [[comment10|a.mueller]]:
> > Link to source web entry (not link to mp3 file) [[das|hab ich bei Desc...
Gabriele Dröge
05:45 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Replying to [[comment9|g.droege]]:
> Super, danke! So eilig hatte ich es ja gar nicht ;)
> Und wie funktioniert das...
Andreas Müller
05:35 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Super, danke! So eilig hatte ich es ja gar nicht ;)
Und wie funktioniert das mit den Sonogrammen? Ist da was speziel...
Gabriele Dröge
05:24 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Replying to [[comment7|g.droege]]:
> ok, ich hab den MIME-type jetzt manuell eingetragen mit audio/mpeg. Jetzt versc...
Andreas Müller
05:19 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
ok, ich hab den MIME-type jetzt manuell eingetragen mit audio/mpeg. Jetzt verschwindet immerhin das thumbnail im Port... Gabriele Dröge
05:01 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
das abspielen übernehmen die Browser oder eine andere Applikation je nach Einstellung.
Ich müsste nur im Dataportal...
Andreas Müller
04:50 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
It is not that easy to determine the correct MIME for each type of files:
Andreas Müller
04:22 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Hallo Gabi,
Könntest du den MIME Type mal per Hand anpassen auf audio/mpeg und sehen was im Portal passiert.
Im Ed...
Andreas Müller
04:19 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
Der Editor behandelt bisher alle Media als Image:

[class]() "ImageFile",
[created]() "2013-03-24T15:34:4...
Andreas Müller
04:14 PM feature request #3362: Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
The Editor currently throws the folloing error when reading an mp3
~~~ org.apache.sanselan.Imag...
Andreas Müller
06:22 PM task #3348: should annotations always be returned for cdm instances? [DISCUSS]
does this also include marker and extensions? We will have extensions for sequences in the next Alga Terra Version.
Andreas Müller
04:25 PM Revision ace80883 (cdmlib): solving problem when seaching for uuids + restoring old TaxonServiceSearchTest.xml - all FreeTextSearch tests now SUCCESFUL
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:23 PM Revision 5fca81cc (cdmlib): removing beginTransaction() for hibernate 4 migration testing
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:23 PM Revision 82312f76 (cdmlib): fixing all tests in TaxonServiceSearchTest except testFindByDescriptionElementFullText_CommonName()
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:23 PM Revision 20ede73d (cdmlib): reenabling search test and fixing character encoding problems
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:22 PM Revision 3c81a9b5 (cdmlib): version to 3.1.4-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:59 PM Revision 1063c2f6 (cdmlib): each taxonomic category is now attached to it's higher taxon category.
so we can navigate through the taxon relations now Sybille Bürs
02:01 PM Revision eeda45e2 (cdmlib): Added @Ignore to PublisherTest
Lorna Morris
01:45 PM Revision 0bae734f (cdmlib): Updated test class for running the print publishing using
Lorna Morris
01:42 PM Revision 772393b4 (cdmlib): Fixes #3285
Lorna Morris
10:38 AM feature request #980: Links to relevant external website(s) in taxon pages
Replying to [[comment13|g.droege]]:
> I would like to reopen this ticket, since the final discussion was coming up l...
Andreas Kohlbecker


05:52 PM feature request #3363 (In Progress): dagger (Totenkreuz) after extinct and fossil taxa
Use case: recent, extinct and fossil taxa are listed in same classification. Currently used in Corvidae portal.
Gabriele Dröge
05:37 PM feature request #980 (Feedback): Links to relevant external website(s) in taxon pages
I would like to reopen this ticket, since the final discussion was coming up last week again and it is not fixed. Man... Gabriele Dröge
02:32 PM feature request #3362 (New): Enabling sound files (mp3) in EDITor and data portal
I'm sorry, but again I need something new :/
Media should allow more than images only. Currently I would like to...
Gabriele Dröge


04:30 PM Revision 04fefba5 (cdmlib): fix mapping for taxrel excludes in BM import
Andreas Müller
12:41 PM Revision f25b838d (cdmlib): updating version to 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:51 AM Revision 77963dc3 (cdmlib-apps): local datasources for Patricia (ABCD and probibiosphere tests in app-import)
Patricia Kelbert
11:36 AM Revision 52f12e17 (cdmlib): solving lazy loading exception
Andreas Kohlbecker


05:49 PM Revision 501347df (cdm-dataportal): fixing cdm-part-definitions default for zoological names
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:12 PM Revision 5972ca1a (cdm-dataportal): better default nameRenderTemplate
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:59 PM Revision e014414c (cdm-dataportal): fixing access arguments for dataportal setting
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:22 PM Revision 0a3076d3 (cdmlib): fixing json-lib dependency
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:56 PM Revision 7c392487 (cdm-dataportal): fixing name rendering
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:30 PM Revision a33e7c7e (cdmlib): created a simple categories tree, and figured, that we have to parse the tree
while creating the pages and categories to create the category linkeage Sybille Bürs
11:33 AM Revision 3666d110 (cdmlib): the layout has been moved to the mediawiki templates
Sybille Bürs


07:36 PM Revision b5519d3a (cdm-dataportal): fixing name rendering
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:07 PM Revision d3d16997 (cdmlib): categories work now
Sybille Bürs
03:45 PM Revision 8d9c05d7 (cdmlib): fixing depencency problem
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:56 PM Revision e459d98b (cdmlib): stylesheet to translate CDM exports (xml) to mediawiki pages
Sybille Bürs
10:46 AM Revision f0aafea6 (cdmlib-apps): updated xpert integration pom
Andreas Müller
10:45 AM Revision 6ec32685 (cdmlib-apps): update app-import pom
Andreas Müller
10:44 AM Revision 2d138fa6 (cdmlib-apps): updated eflora pom
Andreas Müller
10:42 AM Revision bbd4103c (cdmlib-apps): updated pesi pom
Andreas Müller


02:52 PM Revision da3efc7b (cdm-server): setting correct snapshot version manually: 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT
02:15 PM Revision 7a976842 (cdmlib): setting correct snapshot version manually: 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT
01:50 PM Revision 9e0cba10 (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
01:50 PM Revision dfc19d68 (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cdmlib-parent-3.2
10:05 AM Revision 2bdf5f11 (cdm-dataportal): markers and annotations for specimens
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:05 AM Revision 4ae6064e (cdm-dataportal): markers and annotations for specimens
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:05 AM Revision d52c100e (cdm-dataportal): minor javascript syntax issues
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:04 AM Revision f8305818 (cdmlib): portal controller: marker.makerType
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:44 PM Revision 4acd90aa (cdmlib): remove build.xml from cdmlib-persistence. It was never needed.
Andreas Müller
05:33 PM Revision d9563c8a (cdmlib-apps): update cdmlib version in cdmlib-apps
Andreas Müller
05:29 PM Revision 9feefc7d (cdmlib): check if type of synonym relation is not null
Cherian Mathew
05:01 PM Revision 3902bd1a (taxeditor): commented check to allow for the possibility of moving taxon with homotypic synonyms to a synonym
Cherian Mathew
04:30 PM Revision 81d26cf3 (cdmlib): added possibility to move accepted taxon (with homotypic synonyms) to a synonym
Cherian Mathew
02:52 PM Revision 861ebadd (cdmlib-apps): copy main method for abcd and synthesys excel import testing
Patricia Kelbert
02:46 PM Revision 996a15d5 (cdmlib): replace pom.xml
Patricia Kelbert
02:46 PM Revision be709878 (cdmlib): merge branche specimen import abcd and synthesys
Patricia Kelbert
01:49 PM Revision cb312b97 (cdmlib): integrating trunk to hibernate4 branch. Probably no real changes.
Andreas Müller
11:44 AM Revision 8796b32c (cdm-server): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
11:44 AM Revision c060ae96 (cdm-server): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cdm-server-3.1.4
11:16 AM Revision aea832d3 (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
11:16 AM Revision 2322e931 (cdmlib): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cdmlib-parent-3.1.4


01:30 AM Revision a13c5f66 (cdmlib): Hibernate 4 migration. All test running except for SDDImport (Out of memory)
Andreas Müller


08:56 PM Revision b386ae48 (cdm-dataportal): ahah-content, cdm_dynabox, footnotes as real jQuery plugins and fixing #3272 (Footnote highlighting and ahah content are not workin in Dynabox) by listening to custom DOM event
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:29 PM Revision 34dd7be9 (cdm-dataportal): paging for specimens implemented, common pager functions modified also for taxon search
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:29 PM Revision 733a5a26 (cdm-dataportal): harmonizing image thumbnail caption font size
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:26 PM Revision f5db5aee (cdmlib): paging mechanism of pageByAssociatedTaxon() fixed
Andreas Kohlbecker


12:06 PM Revision 94550ff9 (cdm-dataportal): reintroducing captions for gallery thumbnail images
Andreas Kohlbecker


11:34 PM Revision 3a874294 (cdm-dataportal): typo
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:32 PM Revision ccde8251 (cdm-dataportal): restructuring settings
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:16 PM Revision a950f2f9 (cdm-dataportal): Lists all Media found in an any TaxonDescription, NameDescription, SpecimenOrObservationBase, DnaSample Chromatograms, etc. associated with this taxon for #3305 (Collect images via taxon relations)
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:10 PM Revision d8815cf0 (cdmlib): Lists all Media found in an any TaxonDescription, NameDescription, SpecimenOrObservationBase, DnaSample Chromatograms, etc. associated with this taxon for #3305 (Collect images via taxon relations)
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:12 PM Revision 2196c738 (cdm-dataportal): splitting locus and locus description
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:31 PM Revision 9b2e2c97 (cdm-dataportal): fixing intendation of specimen details
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:31 PM Revision eeb98da8 (cdm-dataportal): missing field added and sort order fixed for #3329 (Implement DNASample for Dataportal display)
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:40 PM task #3348 (Closed): should annotations always be returned for cdm instances? [DISCUSS]
getting the annotations separately for each single cdm instance is quite time consuming and thus slows down the page ... Andreas Kohlbecker
01:32 PM feature request #3347: services and REST service controller for molecular classes implemented
preliminar solution for sequences: r17340
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:44 AM feature request #3347 (Worksforme): services and REST service controller for molecular classes implemented
we need at least a controller for sequences since sequences are identifiable and thus can have annotations. Otherwise... Andreas Kohlbecker
01:27 PM Revision e6c5a8ab (cdmlib): circumventing missing sequence service to get annotations
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:52 AM Revision 19767ae7 (cdmlib): adding default case to switch statement in ReferenceType.getCacheStrategy()
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:46 AM task #3346: Team.addListenerForTeamMember(Person member) adds idle listener
see r17338
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:44 AM task #3346 (Worksforme): Team.addListenerForTeamMember(Person member) adds idle listener
the listener created by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.Team.addListenerForTeamMember(Person member) takes no action on ... Andreas Kohlbecker
10:46 AM Revision 4985d440 (cdmlib): code with now effect commented out
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:19 PM Revision db90ea1a (cdmlib): Adding dependency for xom for XML serialization for the REST web services.
Lorna Morris


04:34 PM Revision 419886d9 (cdm-server): hope ...
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:31 PM Revision 76a28911 (cdm-server): mvn 2 compliance
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:24 PM Revision 92f0d02c (cdm-server): configuring localhost Maven Repository
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:48 PM Revision 09872fe4 (cdm-server): always take latest snapshot dependency
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:51 PM bug #3061: Lecototype typeReference not rendered correctly
Hallo Andreas,
die Anzeige der Lectoptypen scheint im Produktionsportal mal al wieder partiell defekt zu sein:
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:10 PM Revision 1b57b3c1 (cdm-dataportal): missing fields for dna sample display for #3329 (Implement DNASample for Dataportal display)
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:10 PM Revision 1a6c9ee0 (cdmlib): missing fields for dna sample display for #3329 (Implement DNASample for Dataportal display)
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:33 PM Revision c7f8e919 (cdmlib): handling null value
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:30 PM Revision 0de9cf51 (cdm-dataportal): implementing dna sample display for #3329 (Implement DNASample for Dataportal display)
Andreas Kohlbecker
12:37 PM Revision 338ac480 (cdmlib): Added a temporary test class for testing the XML creation for print publishing.
Lorna Morris
10:26 AM Revision c12835dd (taxeditor): added new oprhaned taxa icon
Cherian Mathew
10:25 AM Revision b4ca72fe (taxeditor): SearchResultLabelProvider : display new orphaned-taxa image icon for orphaned taxa
AbstractGroupedContainer : updated 'isNameUsedMultipleTimes' to factor in orphaned taxa
TaxonEditorInput : added disp...
Cherian Mathew
10:07 AM Revision 1a22121a (cdmlib): TaxonNodeServiceImpl : added clearing of relation sets
TaxonDaoHibernateImpl : added 'isOrphaned' field to hql query for building UuidAndTitleCache objects Cherian Mathew
10:02 AM Revision bbb1400c (cdmlib): UuidAndTitleCache : added new member isOrphaned (new constructor + getter)
TaxonBase : added getIsOrphaned declaration
Taxon : added getIsOrphaned definition
Synonym : added getIsOrphaned defi...
Cherian Mathew


10:43 PM Revision 1efe13d4 (cdmlib): remove import
Andreas Müller
10:42 PM Revision 9214e186 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:41 PM Revision dca4d4c1 (cdmlib): add lazy load GenBankAccession test
Andreas Müller
05:16 PM Revision 0e40f189 (cdmlib): TransmissionEngineOccurrence now creates descriptions tagged with MarkerType: COMPUTED
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:16 PM Revision ddf0eb46 (cdmlib): adding new MarkerType: COMPUTED
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:16 PM Revision 0397a6c1 (cdmlib): adding missing records to the test TermsDataSet
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:16 PM Revision 1507f5a0 (cdmlib): adding missing default case for switch
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:16 PM Revision 4578b552 (cdmlib): removing variable assignment with no effect
Andreas Kohlbecker
04:36 PM Revision 1dd924fa (cdmlib): Allow Locus to be loaded by javassist (fixing #3340)
Andreas Müller
03:44 PM Revision 16dd4184 (cdm-dataportal): fixing max zoom level in maps - default options where not used
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:50 PM Revision 788c31d0 (cdm-dataportal): commenting
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:50 PM Revision bdcb2628 (cdm-dataportal): Foonotes and typedesignations of the accepted taxon will also and only be rendered in the homotypic synonymy group even if the group is empty - removing dead code
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:50 PM Revision 15b7c460 (cdm-dataportal): Foonotes and typedesignations of the accepted taxon will also and only be rendered in the homotypic synonymy group even if the group is empty
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:50 PM Revision ff4f2e07 (cdm-dataportal): more test for typedesignations
Andreas Kohlbecker
10:02 AM feature request #3337: Correct multiple occurrences of basionym within a homotypic group
From Andreas,
generally the Editor philosophie is to have as little warnings which need user interaction as poss...
Cherian Mathew
10:01 AM feature request #3337 (New): Correct multiple occurrences of basionym within a homotypic group
From Eckhard,
Per definition, a homotypic group can only have one basionym. So, when a basionym has been ch...
Cherian Mathew
08:54 AM task #3336 (Resolved): Improve overall dataportal page loading performance

## very slow pages and calls:
* Taxon - Synonymy
* Cichorieae - Scorzonera:
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:34 AM Revision 392e3504 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller


09:41 AM Revision 3dceedb5 (cdm-dataportal): smaller spacing between homotypic synonymy groups
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:38 AM Revision 119273a4 (cdm-dataportal): removing unused launch configs
Andreas Kohlbecker
09:38 AM Revision 4ce833f2 (cdm-dataportal): fixing protologue icon url
Andreas Kohlbecker
01:32 AM Revision a48d3260 (cdmlib): some more dependency changes #3332
Andreas Müller
01:26 AM Revision e9d13054 (cdmlib): parent pom update
Andreas Müller
01:17 AM Revision 66634aaa (cdmlib): update some further dependencies
Andreas Müller


10:45 PM Revision 072d19a3 (cdmlib): minor typo
Andreas Müller
08:13 PM Revision f338f8bd (cdmlib): Added a new Controller and DTO classes to create a flattened structure for presentation of Polytomous keys.
Lorna Morris
06:48 PM Revision a27c1026 (cdmlib): Moved methods to superclass AbstractController and refactoring.
Lorna Morris
05:40 PM Revision b4764a47 (cdmlib): updated jdom dependency in cdmlib-print
Andreas Müller
05:01 PM Revision 16eee8e1 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
05:00 PM Revision 135da351 (cdmlib): adapt benchmark test (compile error before)
Andreas Müller
04:58 PM Revision 8e78a64c (cdmlib): update a set of cdmlib dependencies (not yet spring, hibernate, and other critical ones)
Andreas Müller
04:55 PM Revision 47f5f914 (cdmlib): update a set of cdmlib dependencies (not yet spring, hibernate, and other critical ones)
Andreas Müller
04:53 PM Revision e61f044e (cdmlib): update wrong interface type for benchmark test
Andreas Müller
04:32 PM Revision 5132ede4 (cdmlib): update all cdmlib dependencies except for those creating test problems, spring, hibernate, jdbcs, Xerces and some others
Andreas Müller
01:44 AM Revision 35e279bc (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
01:42 AM Revision 337c585e (cdmlib): commit merge from trunck
Andreas Müller
01:29 AM Revision e0c3ab58 (taxeditor): some more TaxEditor dependencies
Andreas Müller
12:46 AM Revision 9017ed0f (cdmlib): add httpcomponents/http-core
Andreas Müller


11:58 PM Revision 8b1cedf8 (taxeditor): update TaxEditor dependencies for #3332 (not yet dependencies of dependencies)
Andreas Müller
10:46 PM Revision 4983d588 (cdmlib): update dependencies for httpclient, ezmorph, poi, wsdl4j (1.6.2), jaxen (1.1.4), xpp3 (1.1.4c) #3332
Andreas Müller
06:52 PM Revision fb170c3c (cdmlib): updated wsdl4j (1.6.2), jaxen (1.1.4), xpp3 (1.1.4c)
Andreas Müller
06:32 PM Revision 1f8e88d0 (cdmlib): update dependencies for opencsv, easymock, jtds, httpclient, ezmorph and poi #3332
Andreas Müller
06:20 PM Revision 35977f36 (cdmlib): adapt DwcaZipToStreamConverter to opencsvReadr 2.3
Andreas Müller
06:02 PM Revision 16ac1510 (cdmlib): revert log4j version to 1.2.15 as in creates problems with javax.mail dependency in cdmlib-io
Andreas Müller
05:48 PM Revision 2ac4a851 (cdmlib): remove dependency from javax.mail exceptions
Andreas Müller
05:15 PM Revision f0e4186c (cdmlib): update dependencies for opencsv, log4j, easymock and jdts
Andreas Müller
05:14 PM Revision ff096362 (cdmlib): fix unicode in MobotOpenUrlServiceWrapperTest
Andreas Müller
03:27 PM Revision 05ae7e1b (cdmlib): Create branch for hibernate 4 migration
Andreas Müller
03:12 PM Revision 8387687a (cdmlib-apps): some more unicodes in eflora
Andreas Müller
03:08 PM Revision 505a61dd (cdmlib-apps): change modul name in eflora
Andreas Müller
03:05 PM Revision 19ee65c5 (cdmlib-apps): some more unicodes in eflora
Andreas Müller
02:51 PM Revision 1f046e97 (cdmlib-apps): ferns import with unicode e acute
Andreas Müller
02:39 PM Revision ed155238 (cdmlib-apps): changed unitils dependency in eflora
Andreas Müller
02:31 PM Revision 9c03a941 (cdmlib-apps): latest imports for AlgaTerra (DNAFacts)
Andreas Müller
02:30 PM Revision 5f66b5eb (cdmlib-apps): update parent pom version number for eFlora
Andreas Müller
02:28 PM Revision dfc74e02 (cdmlib-apps): update parent pom version number for PESI (not sure if correct)
Andreas Müller
02:01 PM Revision 4eb88cab (cdmlib-apps): update parent pom version number for PESI (not sure if correct)
Andreas Müller
01:46 PM Revision e81b8e81 (cdmlib-apps): adapt PESI export to new signature of loadRankSpecificRootNode
Andreas Müller


05:54 PM Revision acf481aa (cdmlib): re-enabling TransmissionEngineOccurrenceTest
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:45 PM task #3320: Correct use of CdmApplicationDefaultConfiguration
Replying to [[comment1|a.kohlbecker]]:
> ICdmApplicationConfiguration bean explicitly defined in services.xml, other...
Andreas Kohlbecker
11:28 AM task #3320: Correct use of CdmApplicationDefaultConfiguration
ICdmApplicationConfiguration bean explicitly defined in services.xml, otherwise it is not found somehow : r17232
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:42 PM Revision f53f71bf (cdmlib): solving application context problem
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:42 PM Revision cd070339 (cdmlib): solving wired resource not found problem
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:42 PM Revision 91c035ee (cdmlib): ignoring test to prevent from running in eclipse
Andreas Kohlbecker
05:42 PM Revision e405a58d (cdmlib): increasing heap for tests to avoid garbage collection execesses
Andreas Kohlbecker


06:25 PM Revision 28cf9db3 (cdmlib): TransmissionEngineOccurrence done also with test + some improvements regarding test data generation
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision f71ee1b8 (cdmlib): documentation
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision b346a12d (cdmlib): deleting temp file
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 7eac67ed (cdmlib): fixing absence terms in datasets
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 0a71e914 (cdmlib): first implementation of TransmissionEngineOccurrence and basic test
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 9f52d1e1 (cdmlib): CdmApplicationDefaultConfiguration bean explicite in app context config
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 777fd02e (cdmlib): documentation
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 1ae9f0ff (cdmlib): calls to loadRankSpecificRootNodes() in tests and other classes adapted
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 05da02fa (cdmlib): loadRankSpecificRootNodes() documentation
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 9245c69a (cdmlib): loadRankSpecificRootNodes() extended, according test enabled and extended
Andreas Kohlbecker
06:25 PM Revision 3988f79e (cdmlib): typo
Andreas Kohlbecker
02:18 PM Revision 839470cd (cdmlib): Factory method for Derivation Event
Andreas Müller
11:52 AM Revision 673e3168 (cdmlib): factory method for IndividualAssociation
Andreas Müller
11:43 AM Revision 9d8f5814 (cdmlib): add getTaxon in BerlinModelImportBase
Andreas Müller
11:25 AM Revision 84539d07 (cdmlib): minor
Andreas Müller
10:49 AM Revision 0807b51a (cdm-dataportal): taking screenshot of illicium during test run
Andreas Kohlbecker


07:02 PM Revision 51b4fe08 (cdmlib-apps): uncommit ignore for AT picture import
Andreas Müller
11:30 AM Revision 1dda33c7 (cdmlib): Cascade saveUpdate from Sequence to GenBankAccession
Andreas Müller
11:23 AM Revision bec2153a (cdmlib): Cascade saveUpdate from DNASample to Sequence
Andreas Müller

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