


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
6ed7a1a7 03/06/2019 01:02 PM Andreas Müller

ref #8162 move OriginalSourceXXX to reference package

b9dc6bb1 03/05/2019 12:12 PM Andreas Müller

fix #8162 adapt terms to new package structure in TaxEditor

652496d7 05/12/2018 02:39 PM Andreas Müller

replace all occurrences of workingSet by descriptiveDataSet and fix some other compile errors after model change

b51ccdd4 05/07/2018 11:38 AM Katja Luther

use longRunningTasksService for setSecundumReference

549745ac 06/06/2017 02:16 PM Andreas Müller

update hibernate mapping in TaxEditor and update cached model

506d9934 02/06/2017 06:01 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

fix #2939 removing EhCacheConfig from application contexts and configuring the CacheManager explicitely

7e5f47cb 02/03/2017 10:38 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

ref #2939 adapting taxeditor spring configuration to new ehCacheManager configuration - WARNING: store location still missing!

f0fba95f 01/26/2017 03:10 PM Andreas Müller


6892d459 01/26/2017 02:26 PM Andreas Müller

ref #6360 and ref #6369 update cached model in taxeditor

f5ed8961 01/26/2017 12:00 PM Katja Luther

manually set version numbers

cfb2c8db 11/11/2016 01:41 PM Andreas Müller

update model for cdm cache in TaxEditor

d1fcc397 05/11/2016 11:43 AM Andreas Müller

Preliminary adapt CDM model cacher script to work for cached model update

41dc3a99 03/30/2016 01:47 PM Patrick Plitzner

Add IEventBaseService to application controller #5403

  • fixes referencing objects for SingleReads
26d19e4f 08/04/2015 06:34 PM Cherian Mathew

#5129 Extend export ui for remoting

5a49a28f 07/23/2015 01:54 PM Cherian Mathew

#4932 Remove autowired members, Use serliaised cdm model map

233a8fe2 07/02/2015 11:01 AM Cherian Mathew

#5012 Adding remoting session and updating save methods for Bulk Editor

Replace properties file with xml file

#5012 updates for making Bulk Editor remoting capable

44acc7e5 06/26/2015 11:20 AM Cherian Mathew

#5028,#5032 Add implementation and use of new test service and Set http invoker read timeout to 0 (never )

0fd7ff08 06/18/2015 11:28 AM Cherian Mathew

CdmRemoteSourceBase : using user service for db checks
httpInvokerServiceClients.xml : updated database service config
HttpInvokerServicesTest : added polytomous key service ping : added back server properties file

608f7100 06/11/2015 10:50 AM Cherian Mathew

corrected merge to latest snapshot version
updated hibernate config file and test db
setup testing framework with jetty and maven

abce4859 06/01/2015 05:07 PM Cherian Mathew

CdmApplicationRemoteController : moved cdm model caching to start before application context init
CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration : moved bean initialization from autowiring to getBean in getters for better performance
httpInvokerServiceClients.xml : changed init startegy for services to lazy init...

f4142aa7 05/27/2015 05:54 PM Cherian Mathew

cdmlib-ehcache : removed disk based cache manager since the hb config is now cached in memory
CdmApplicationRemoteController, CdmModelCacher, CdmRemoteCacheManager, CdmModelGetMethodCacherTest : running the hibernate config load in separate thread
CdmTransientEntityCacher, EntityCacherDebugResult, CdmStore, SessionsViewPart: refactoring...

95b6f6f5 05/27/2015 02:07 PM Cherian Mathew

CdmApplicationRemoteController : refactoring code to simplify application context loading and making it performant
CdmModelCacher : removed unused method
CdmRemoteCacheManager : moved cache from disk to memory
httpInvokerServiceClients : lazy initializing all service beans...

6548ea8a 05/26/2015 06:18 PM Cherian Mathew
  • corrected recursive autowiring
  • changed application context loading to be more performant
9d61d919 05/22/2015 07:10 PM Cherian Mathew

CacheLoader : added strict check in recurive loop for same (not only equal) objects
EntityCacherDebugResult : removed deproxy of objects
ProxyUtils : refactoring
httpInvokerServiceClients.xml : corrected validation service class name
hibernate.cfg.xml, cdmTest.*.db : updated to latest

4b94c9cf 05/22/2015 10:54 AM Cherian Mathew

Merge branch 'move-to-luna' into remoting-4.0


17cdf390 03/19/2015 10:34 PM Andreas Müller
ba0d4c2f 03/09/2015 11:00 AM Cherian Mathew

httpInvokerServiceClients.xml : set 'CdmServiceRequestExecutor' class as default for all services
ICdmEntitySession, CdmEntitySession, MockCdmEntitySession : added method to update session
ICdmEntitySessionManager, CdmEntitySessionManager, MockCdmEntitySessionManager : added methods to set active session, dispose and update sessions...

445ffbfa 02/25/2015 10:21 AM Cherian Mathew

added custom executor for common service

1075da9a 02/23/2015 09:51 AM Cherian Mathew

ICachedCommonService, CachedCommonServiceImpl : moved class to service package
CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration, AbstractPersistentCollection, AbstractLazyInitializer : refactored package of CachedCommonService
CdmServiceRequestExecutor : added code for intercepting all services and loading returned objects into current session...

56a14252 02/19/2015 05:42 PM Cherian Mathew

OpenInspectSessionsHandler : handler for opening the inspect session dialog
CacheLoader : moved recursive logic from cdm transient cacher to new class
CdmServiceCacher : now uses CacheLoader to recursively load entities
CdmTransientEntityCacher : moved recursive logic from cdm transient cacher to new class and corrected caching issues...

5c6184af 02/02/2015 04:18 PM Cherian Mathew

merge from trunk

79c42b3f 01/28/2015 02:26 PM Cherian Mathew

merge from trunk

5e394236 01/27/2015 10:34 AM Cherian Mathew

MANIFEST.MF : New apache http client packages added
CdmServerInfo : changed name and added inner class for cdm instance
httpInvokerServiceClients : added new services
remotingApplicationContext : refactor for cache package

c7ce2226 01/20/2015 11:33 AM Cherian Mathew

ICdmEntitySessionManager, CdmEntitySessionManager, MockCdmEntitySessionManager : removed cdm entity session access methods
CdmServiceInterceptorException, CdmServiceRequestExecutor, TermServiceRequestExecutor : New executor classes to be used to execute intercept remote service requests starting with the term service...

58afb673 12/09/2014 05:55 PM Cherian Mathew

moving all source files from the remoting project to the cdmlib project

9797b698 12/08/2014 06:28 PM Cherian Mathew

clean up

c3f81c22 11/18/2014 10:28 AM Cherian Mathew

remotingApplicationContext : now using the cachers from cdmlib
CdmServiceCacher : added unimplemented method

1568c431 06/27/2014 11:57 AM Cherian Mathew

CdmServiceCacher : Added class to load / cache CDM entities using services
remotingApplicationContext : updated cacher bean config
httpInvokerServiceClients : removed unnecessary loading of remote config
CdmServiceCacherTest : added cacher test

20ed1f92 06/25/2014 05:15 PM Cherian Mathew

remotingApplicationContext : added CdmCacher as bean to be initialised
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, .classpath, lib/ehcache-core-2.4.3.jar, lib/ehcache-core-2.6.9.jar: replaced ehcache-core-2.4.3 with ehcache-core-2.6.9 for the CdmCacher.
It seems that even though hibernate-ehcache-4.1.10.Final is embedded with ehcache-core-2.4.3, it is compatible with ehcache-core-2.6.9 according to

07d21e62 05/06/2014 04:45 PM Cherian Mathew

.classpath : added test resources in classpath
CdmPersistentRemoteSourceTest : added new tests for remote source connection
CdmRemoteSourceBase : added code to connect to the target database (before initialising the full application context) to retrieve metadata...

3ffe0a32 04/09/2014 04:15 PM Cherian Mathew

isRemoting is no longer based on a bean in the application context, but
the type of cdm source

da2857b1 04/09/2014 04:13 PM Cherian Mathew

isRemoting is no longer based on a bean in the application context, but
the type of cdm source

0d17eac3 04/04/2014 11:27 AM Cherian Mathew

CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration : removed spring bean name hack, since we now have a new controller
CdmApplicationRemoteController : new Controller class to handle remoting
AbstractLazyInitializer / AbstractPersistentCollection : added missing methods to check if proxy object is initialized...

ddf2f529 03/13/2014 09:23 PM Cherian Mathew

setting application configuration and boolean remoting flag (bean) in hibernate proxy classes to differentiate local and remoting

07e4e710 02/20/2014 05:37 PM Cherian Mathew

RemoteLazyLoadingTest : Creating application configuration programmatically
AbstractPersistentCollection, AbstractLazyInitializer : Copied aspect code here
CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration : overriding datasource since it is not required in remoting
remotingApplicationContext : added autowiring config

22759920 02/14/2014 05:53 PM Cherian Mathew

CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration : added GeoService and @Component bean name
remotingApplicationContext : exclude CdmApplicationDefaultConfiguration from comp scan
remoting_services_security : cosmetic
httpInvokerServiceClients : added editGeoService : corrected context path...

a500a93f 02/13/2014 01:08 PM Cherian Mathew

reverting cdm application / controller refactoring and simply extending the CdmApplicationRemoteConfiguration class
by throwing UnsupportedOperationException for methods that are not supported by remoting

73de892e 02/12/2014 05:54 PM Cherian Mathew

changed package name to be consistent with cdmlib
remotingApplicationContext.xml : cleaning up component scan

f6eae72a 02/12/2014 01:48 PM Cherian Mathew

erging from remoting-1.0 branch

  • adding new confugration / controller classes for remoting
  • adding aspect and related aop.xml config file
  • added aspect and spring remoting jars
  • updated manifest , pom and classpath for the new dependencies