



From 09/06/2008 to 10/05/2008


04:56 PM Revision 19a9a0be (cdmlib): setLabel
Andreas Müller


03:33 PM Revision 3a9870fa (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
01:07 PM Revision dffb99bb (cdmlib): Added org.apache.poi. Fixed paths.
Anahit Babadshanjan
10:20 AM Revision f6b3cb6d (cdmlib): Added org.apache.poi here because adding it to app-import only doesn't work
Anahit Babadshanjan
09:12 AM Revision ce71ba9d (cdmlib): add org.apache.poi in pom.xml
Patricia Kelbert


07:34 PM Revision c7be845b (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
05:35 PM Revision f64c00cc (cdm-dataportal): Files were apparently submitted incorrectly last time, and mixed up with the short-lived cichorieae theme files. These are the real palmweb files...
David Taylor
05:34 PM Revision de2d6c7b (cdm-dataportal): Files were apparently submitted incorrectly last time, and mixed up with the short-lived cichorieae theme files. These are the real palmweb files...
David Taylor
03:35 PM Revision b6ab2d83 (cdmlib): PreferredFlag as boolean
Patricia Kelbert
03:34 PM Revision 6c1ee030 (cdmlib): Load several units from one ABCD XML data
Patricia Kelbert
02:27 PM Revision 6c0a3041 (cdmlib): Split table DefinedTermBase_DefinedTermBase into three tables. Fixed saving of NamedArea objects.
Added one continent to WaterbodyOrCountry.csv. Cleaned up CdmExporter refactoring. Anahit Babadshanjan
02:27 PM Revision 2a05a872 (cdmlib): Split table DefinedTermBase_DefinedTermBase into three tables. Fixed saving of NamedArea objects.
Added one continent to WaterbodyOrCountry.csv. Cleaned up CdmExporter refactoring. Anahit Babadshanjan
02:27 PM Revision c5e86e43 (cdmlib): Split table DefinedTermBase_DefinedTermBase into three tables. Fixed saving of NamedArea objects.
Added one continent to WaterbodyOrCountry.csv. Cleaned up CdmExporter refactoring. Anahit Babadshanjan
10:15 AM Revision a1a081b7 (taxeditor): Checkin before starting datasource.
Pepe Ciardelli


03:56 PM Revision 1fe8ae4f (cdmlib): ABCD import (from XML) and Synthesys Cache details from Excel
Patricia Kelbert
03:53 PM Revision f4bab406 (cdmlib): add PreferredFlag (should be a boolean, not a string)
Patricia Kelbert
03:52 PM Revision 18e4ee58 (cdmlib): add CollectorsNumber & AccessionNumber
Patricia Kelbert
03:52 PM Revision db147b21 (cdmlib): change TermLoader order (Continent and then Country)
Patricia Kelbert
09:58 AM Revision e27992b5 (cdmlib): Refactored JAXB package from cdmlib-model to cdmlib-io. Activator added to app-import.
Anahit Babadshanjan
09:58 AM Revision d3c778f3 (cdmlib): Refactored JAXB package from cdmlib-model to cdmlib-io. Activator added to app-import.
Anahit Babadshanjan
09:58 AM Revision 74984b21 (cdmlib): Refactored JAXB package from cdmlib-model to cdmlib-io. Activator added to app-import.
Anahit Babadshanjan


05:24 PM Revision 07fe64d3 (cdmlib): resolved #415
Niels Hoffmann
04:25 PM Revision 638e39f5 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
04:15 PM Revision 660d5161 (cdmlib): Remotion of attribute "type" with setter and getter ("feature" is the right attribute"). The parameter "node" in the getIndex method has been changed from type "TreeNode" (a java class) to the type "FeatureNode".
Marc Geoffroy
03:55 PM Revision 509b132a (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
03:17 PM Revision 62d70ae7 (cdmlib): Completed JAXB annotations in location and occurrence packages
Anahit Babadshanjan
03:17 PM Revision 4e9e556b (cdmlib): Completed JAXB annotations in location and occurrence packages
Anahit Babadshanjan
03:12 PM Revision f734b8a7 (cdmlib)
Niels Hoffmann


02:39 PM Revision c8b75293 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall HomotypicalGroup. Improved tables comparison.
Anahit Babadshanjan
02:39 PM Revision 77574053 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall HomotypicalGroup. Improved tables comparison.
Anahit Babadshanjan
02:33 PM Revision 488d0b2c (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall HomotypicalGroup. Improved tables comparison.
Anahit Babadshanjan
02:33 PM Revision 8fa95dda (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall HomotypicalGroup. Improved tables comparison.
Anahit Babadshanjan


04:31 PM Revision 4daf2f37 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
02:04 PM Revision ab62bca9 (cdmlib): refactored deprecated attribute names
Niels Hoffmann
01:54 PM Revision c5779884 (cdmlib): comma in the wrong place
Niels Hoffmann
12:08 PM Revision 9545bcc7 (cdm-dataportal)
Niels Hoffmann
12:06 PM Revision 54fe29bc (cdm-dataportal)
Niels Hoffmann
11:56 AM Revision c2f06cc1 (taxeditor): Checkin before attempting to put each "save taxon" in its own transaction.
Pepe Ciardelli
11:46 AM Revision aae87e97 (cdmlib): Compare tables that map to a type
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:46 AM Revision 231d927b (cdmlib): Compare tables that map to a type
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:45 AM Revision bf5d9ad1 (cdm-dataportal): garland based cichorieae theme
Niels Hoffmann


03:18 PM Revision 7926676f (cdmlib): Experimented with comparing content of two CDM databases
Anahit Babadshanjan
03:18 PM Revision 11dc976e (cdmlib): Experimented with comparing content of two CDM databases
Anahit Babadshanjan
03:18 PM Revision be45aeca (cdmlib): Experimented with comparing content of two CDM databases
Anahit Babadshanjan


06:57 PM Revision b5b75a54 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
06:04 PM Revision f51e2565 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy


04:51 PM Revision 7d85d9fe (taxeditor): User can now choose in preferences which ranks to show in the TaxonName property sheet dropdown menu.
Pepe Ciardelli
02:08 PM Revision 166bf111 (cdmlib): Added test DBs: cdm_test_anahit2, cdm_test_jaxb2
Anahit Babadshanjan
09:42 AM Revision 50c72f11 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
08:43 AM Revision 68f70701 (cdmlib): Normalized Distribution/NamedArea (used in Palmae exemplar group data)
Anahit Babadshanjan


05:51 PM Revision a9afb454 (taxeditor): DescriptionLabelComponent's ContextMenu now rebuilt every time it is called to reflect any changes in the set of preferred features.
Pepe Ciardelli
11:52 AM Revision ae6212a2 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
11:43 AM Revision 619163a4 (taxeditor): When a Taxon which has no TaxonDescription information is opened, an empty TaxonDescription is created. This TaxonDescription is now only saved to its Taxon when changes are made to it, i.e. when firePropertyChange(PROP_DIRTY) is called on TaxonDescriptionEditorViewe.
Pepe Ciardelli


05:28 PM Revision 67cc2478 (taxeditor): Added message and link "Your data source is empty. Click here to create a root taxon." to be shown when Taxonomic Tree is empty.
Pepe Ciardelli
05:27 PM Revision 54ebe5d5 (taxeditor): Added message and link "Your data source is empty. Click here to create a root taxon." to be shown when Taxonomic Tree is empty.
Pepe Ciardelli
02:39 PM Revision c95b64eb (taxeditor): Added FeaturePreferences to enable user to choose which Features to display in the "New features" dropdown menu.
Pepe Ciardelli
02:38 PM Revision ea5027ef (taxeditor): Added FeaturePreferences to enable user to choose which Features to display in the "New features" dropdown menu.
Pepe Ciardelli
12:56 PM Revision 08f7e863 (cdmlib): Test class to compare two CDM databases - initial version
Anahit Babadshanjan
12:56 PM Revision b43b32e2 (cdmlib): Test class to compare two CDM databases - initial version
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:24 AM Revision 56988901 (taxeditor): Preferences have used legacy preference classes to this point - checkin before attempting to implement new scope-based preferences.
Pepe Ciardelli


05:13 PM Revision 4ff21f50 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
04:21 PM Revision c0af98e2 (cdmlib): And now back: the multilanguageText class has been replaced back to Map<Language, LanguageString> .
Marc Geoffroy
03:55 PM Revision c5ecae79 (cdmlib): Map<Language, LanguageString> has been replaced with the multilanguageText class.
Marc Geoffroy
03:39 PM Revision 490f0fea (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
03:15 PM Revision fabb6aff (taxeditor): Checking in stray files.
Pepe Ciardelli
01:52 PM Revision 9a49a760 (cdmlib): Unmarshall TextData/MultiLanguageText for one entry in Map
Anahit Babadshanjan
01:52 PM Revision 8f997cf2 (cdmlib): Unmarshall TextData/MultiLanguageText for one entry in Map
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:46 AM Revision 060a8789 (cdmlib): Marshall TextData/MultiLanguageText for one entry in Map
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:46 AM Revision 05968e02 (cdmlib): Marshall TextData/MultiLanguageText for one entry in Map
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:06 AM Revision 33879838 (taxeditor): Checking in more work on "eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.description", testing upgrade to Subclipse 1.4.
Pepe Ciardelli
11:00 AM Revision 9c60b082 (cdmlib): app-import resources updated
Andreas Müller
10:58 AM Revision c35040db (cdmlib): CichorieaeActivator updated
Andreas Müller
10:57 AM Revision 94c1d28b (cdmlib): dipteraActivator updated
Andreas Müller
10:53 AM Revision 1f6ec7c2 (cdmlib): arecaceae and log4j updated
Andreas Müller
10:50 AM Revision 080205bc (cdmlib): BerlinModelSources updated
Andreas Müller
10:50 AM Revision b3ba20ca (cdmlib): ErmsActivator updated
Andreas Müller
10:48 AM Revision 68b4d99e (cdmlib): EuroMedActivator updated
Andreas Müller
10:45 AM Revision 8d901927 (cdmlib): eclipse-plugin eclipse classes updated
Andreas Müller
10:44 AM Revision bbd7689c (cdmlib): service function test updated
Andreas Müller
10:42 AM Revision e3ae0574 (cdmlib): parser test updated
Andreas Müller
10:42 AM Revision 0a7da174 (cdmlib): parser empty spaces deleted
Andreas Müller


07:38 PM Revision b22e4839 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
07:04 PM Revision d2b25b6c (cdm-dataportal): test commit
David Taylor
07:02 PM Revision e8ce4b11 (cdm-dataportal): test commit
David Taylor
06:31 PM Revision 89160430 (cdm-dataportal): fixed wrong parameter count
Niels Hoffmann
06:00 PM Revision 04988104 (cdm-dataportal): Initial commit of the root folder for the cichorieae theme
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:41 PM Revision 9e053932 (cdm-dataportal)
David Taylor
03:25 PM Revision 7b78aaf9 (taxeditor): Moved around a few classes between eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor and
Pepe Ciardelli
03:19 PM Revision a330cc10 (cdm-dataportal)
Andreas Kohlbecker
03:18 PM Revision a61e5680 (taxeditor): Created class eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.EmptyTextViewerPrompt to display "Click here to start entering text"-type messages in input elements.
Pepe Ciardelli
01:49 PM Revision 5dafeff7 (cdmlib): Only documentation
Marc Geoffroy
10:59 AM Revision b8cf1abb (taxeditor): Cleaning up SVN mess from package re-org
Pepe Ciardelli
10:54 AM Revision 443de0f3 (taxeditor): Cleaning up SVN mess from package re-org
Pepe Ciardelli
10:30 AM Revision 307bbaa5 (taxeditor): rename test
Pepe Ciardelli
10:15 AM Revision 869a9867 (taxeditor)
Pepe Ciardelli
10:15 AM Revision 39b71af2 (taxeditor)
Pepe Ciardelli
10:14 AM Revision f63befdc (taxeditor)
Pepe Ciardelli
10:09 AM Revision 7879e755 (taxeditor): 1) Re-arranged packages:
search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation
all free-text editing classes
-> ...
Pepe Ciardelli


05:29 PM Revision 39051dfa (taxeditor): 1) Re-arranged packages:
search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation
all free-text editing classes
-> ...
Pepe Ciardelli
05:25 PM Revision 14ece9ea (taxeditor): 1) Re-arranged packages:
search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation
all free-text editing classes
-> ...
Pepe Ciardelli
04:02 PM Revision ae6264e4 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall LanguageString. Fixed TermVocabulary_Representation.
Anahit Babadshanjan
04:02 PM Revision 7f2165f9 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall LanguageString. Fixed TermVocabulary_Representation.
Anahit Babadshanjan
04:02 PM Revision d5490080 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall LanguageString. Fixed TermVocabulary_Representation.
Anahit Babadshanjan
10:30 AM Revision fa6763d6 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall TermVocabulary
Anahit Babadshanjan
10:30 AM Revision bf54e6b4 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall TermVocabulary
Anahit Babadshanjan
10:30 AM Revision 40e99ecd (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall TermVocabulary
Anahit Babadshanjan


07:04 PM Revision 7be6d00f (cdmlib): makeEmpty for MapWrapper and ElSalvador 0-Author
Andreas Müller
06:54 PM Revision 88902616 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
06:52 PM Revision 25103253 (cdmlib): updateSite update
Andreas Müller
06:51 PM Revision 146529d5 (cdmlib): feature update
Andreas Müller
06:50 PM Revision 5fcb56bb (cdmlib): plugin update
Andreas Müller
06:48 PM Revision 38a791a1 (cdm-dataportal): first draft of new cichorieae theme
David Taylor
12:28 PM Revision 227f4d01 (cdm-dataportal)
David Taylor
11:54 AM Revision 24e6e7c0 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall Representations explicitly
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:54 AM Revision abe27372 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall Representations explicitly
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:54 AM Revision 4502ab92 (cdmlib): Marshall/unmarshall Representations explicitly
Anahit Babadshanjan
11:18 AM Revision b915e329 (cdmlib)
Marc Geoffroy
08:33 AM Revision c433e2fa (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert


05:44 PM Revision fe8ce936 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:43 PM Revision ea87a469 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:43 PM Revision 03a9b241 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:43 PM Revision a07744d8 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:43 PM Revision 5d9f598b (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:42 PM Revision e614a24a (taxeditor): 1) Started editor for TaxonDescriptions, 2) created AbstractTaxonEditorView for all tabbed editors to extend
Pepe Ciardelli
05:42 PM Revision 20b072f6 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
05:39 PM Revision c05d77b3 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
01:08 PM Revision 2dbdf2a0 (cdmlib): Unmarshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
01:08 PM Revision 9a08e81f (cdmlib): Unmarshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
01:08 PM Revision 22f16074 (cdmlib): Unmarshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
01:08 PM Revision e30e1e52 (cdmlib): Unmarshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
08:53 AM Revision 4393fcb0 (cdmlib): Media service added. Marshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
08:53 AM Revision fdf5453b (cdmlib): Media service added. Marshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
08:53 AM Revision 94f7e204 (cdmlib): Media service added. Marshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan
08:53 AM Revision a9ce7d29 (cdmlib): Media service added. Marshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.
Anahit Babadshanjan


02:28 PM Revision 0ec9bff4 (cdmlib)
Marc Geoffroy
02:04 PM Revision 1d1cc796 (cdmlib)
Marc Geoffroy
02:00 PM Revision f1af3df7 (cdm-dataportal)
Niels Hoffmann
11:59 AM Revision 806cc323 (cdm-dataportal): changed display of descriptions
Niels Hoffmann
11:47 AM Revision a20a1734 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
11:04 AM Revision 7b193710 (cdmlib)
Marc Geoffroy


07:24 PM Revision ba7c0d53 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
06:41 PM Revision f7880470 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
04:49 PM Revision e5c0643f (cdmlib)
Niels Hoffmann
03:32 PM Revision a2d95d6e (cdmlib)
Anahit Babadshanjan
03:21 PM Revision 2c398184 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
03:14 PM Revision d5428dd1 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
03:07 PM Revision 4cb0d4d7 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:38 PM Revision cbf82c27 (cdmlib)
Anahit Babadshanjan
02:31 PM Revision d26c2ef9 (cdmlib): Opportunity to omit term loading during DB initialization.
Use @Qualifier to fix bean creation error. Anahit Babadshanjan
02:31 PM Revision 069095b0 (cdmlib): Opportunity to omit term loading during DB initialization.
Use @Qualifier to fix bean creation error. Anahit Babadshanjan
02:28 PM Revision e65e3340 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
02:28 PM Revision 8b3969ee (cdmlib): Opportunity to omit term loading during DB initialization.
Use @Qualifier to fix bean creation error. Anahit Babadshanjan
02:27 PM Revision a48c378f (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
02:24 PM Revision 1016f650 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
02:10 PM Revision 6830761a (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:10 PM Revision 2a7490e7 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:10 PM Revision 4f9f7dac (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:09 PM Revision 906d47af (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:08 PM Revision 3dbdb09b (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
02:07 PM Revision 8cfa6f0f (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
01:34 PM Revision 5bb4a4ce (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
01:33 PM Revision a55b56b1 (cdmlib)
Patricia Kelbert
12:09 PM Revision 09f9cd79 (cdmlib)
Niels Hoffmann
12:05 PM Revision 552d7d27 (cdm-dataportal): fixed display of search result list
Niels Hoffmann
11:22 AM Revision 4d0e7cc6 (cdmlib): corrected human readable representation of webservices
Niels Hoffmann
11:21 AM Revision 9e645ae4 (cdmlib): fix sorting of !MediaRepresentations
Niels Hoffmann
11:16 AM Revision 2f943e7f (cdmlib): filter search results by secundum to exclude misappliednames
Niels Hoffmann
11:15 AM Revision 502c4174 (cdmlib): filter search results by secundum to exclude misappliednames
Niels Hoffmann
11:08 AM Revision 91cbd3cc (cdm-dataportal)
Niels Hoffmann


01:02 PM Revision fe662f7d (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
01:01 PM Revision e5510aaa (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
12:07 PM Revision 7a50082f (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
12:06 PM Revision 908eda50 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
12:06 PM Revision 1660d7fa (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller
11:43 AM Revision ddabd171 (cdmlib)
Andreas Müller

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