


feature request #9337

Updated by Katja Luther about 3 years ago

copied from #8774 

 1. ~~Show supplemental data (IMPORTANT)~~(actually only for nodes) 

 2.    For a very short time it still seems to open it on buttom and then moves it up. This looks not nice (though not critical). This only happens when opening a termtree editor the first time, when closing and reopening the editor it opens at the right place. 

 3. ~~full support for orderRelevant~~(#8474), ~~isFlat~~(#8476) and ~~allowDuplicates~~(#8776) (IMPORTANT) 

 4. tree collapses sometimes after save 
 5. d&d from vocabulary editor to character editor not yet supported (maybe handled in #8554, #8238) 
 6. d&d from character vocabulary editor to character term tree editor fails saying term types do not match (though they are both of type Character) - (maybe handled in #8554, #8238) 
 7. d&d from other term tree editor (to character editor or maybe also to term tree editor throws exception), see #8774#note-68 
 8. decide if Characters should not be possible to exist in Feature tree (but ofcourse not the other way round) - see also #8554, #8238 
 9. ~~in in Character Editor allow adding the new created Character at the focus place, not only on top~~ top 
 10. ~~show term details in details view of term editor~~ (#9287) 
 11. Add symbols for flags in use for term trees in term tree editor (#9288) 
 12. Show error message when feature tree can not be shown because of dirty data (#9334) 
 13. ~~Restructure term menus~~(#9338) 
 14. fix remaining issue in #8756 (refresh button for structure tree and property tree in Character Editor) 
 15. ~~rename FeatureTreeDtoDropAdapter to TermTreeDtoDropAdapter?~~ 
 16. ~~Add "Open in Referencing Objects view" to term tree editor context menu~~ (similar to #8289, there it is by far more important but still we should have it everywhere 
 17. ~~Add "Open in Vocabulary" to term tree editor context menu; this is generally needed the primary usecase is to allow to edit terms if needed, which is currently not possible in term tree editor~~ 
 18. When deleting a tree and then saving for a short time the tree reappears in the UI which is confusing (low priority) 
 19. ~~!! Corrupt data when using copy & paste~~ (#9353)  
 20. ~~Paste requires save first. Is this really needed? Most task are now handled without save-requirement so it breaks a bit the look&feel.~~ 
 21. ~~After creating a new term tree set the focus to the new tree and in details view in title cache field~~ #9572 
 22. New menu in term tree editor should have alternatives for flags #9643 
