


bug #7447

Updated by Andreas Müller over 5 years ago

Fix misapplied name issues for E+M common names. 

 There are 2 issues: 

  1. BerlinModelCommonNamesImport:341 - Misapplied name for common name was not found related to the accepted taxon. Created new relationship. CommonNameId: xxxx 
  1. BerlinModelCommonNamesImport:316 - MisappliedName not found for misappliedTaxonId 415470; commonNameId: 44 
  1. ~~~Also Also attaching the cn to both taxa and source handling does not yet fully work and should be fixed within this ticket.~~~ => I did not find a problem here, I checked for 2 records, in both cases 2 common names were created with sources attached and correct nameInSource, so this seems to be fxied ticket. 


 For 1 only the relation between the misapplied name and the accepted taxon does not exist. It is unclear why because they in generell seem to exist but are not found by the algorithm which looks into the set of existing misapplied names and tests if the expected misName is contained. 

 ~~~ sql 
 SELECT n.nameId, accn.NameCache acc, n.FullNameCache sourceName, cn.MisNameRefFk misRef, misRef.RefCache, 
    pt_n.RIdentifier, pt_n.PTNameFk, pt_n.PTRefFk,   
 FROM emCommonName cn  
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Name accn ON accn.nameId = cn.PTNameFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Name n ON n.nameId = cn.NameInSourceFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Reference misRef ON misRef.RefId = cn.MisNameRefFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN PTaxon pt_n ON cn.NameInSourceFk = pt_n.PTNameFk AND cn.MisNameRefFk = pt_n.PTRefFk 
 WHERE CommonNameId IN ( 
 ORDER BY cn.CommonNameId, pt_n.RIdentifier 

 For 2 the relation ship realy does not exist. Need to ask ERS if we shouldn't add it. 

 ~~~ sql 
 SELECT accn.NameCache acc, cn.PTRefFk, n.nameId misNameId, n.FullNameCache misappliedName, cn.MisNameRefFk misRef, misRef.RefCache, 
    pt_n.RIdentifier, pt_n.PTNameFk, pt_n.PTRefFk,   
 FROM emCommonName cn  
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Name accn ON accn.nameId = cn.PTNameFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Name n ON n.nameId = cn.NameInSourceFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN Reference misRef ON misRef.RefId = cn.MisNameRefFk 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN PTaxon pt_n ON cn.NameInSourceFk = pt_n.PTNameFk AND cn.MisNameRefFk = pt_n.PTRefFk 
 WHERE CommonNameId IN ( 
 ORDER BY CommonNameId, pt_n.RIdentifier; 

 FROM PTaxon pt 
 WHERE pt.RIdentifier IN (415470); 

 FROM RelPTaxon rel 
 WHERE rel.PTNameFk1 = 7521920 AND rel.PTRefFk1 = 6593; 
