


TaxonomicEditorDownload » History » Revision 27

Revision 26 (Anton Güntsch, 12/11/2008 09:43 AM) → Revision 27/58 (Pepe Ciardelli, 12/11/2008 01:23 PM)



 # Taxonomic Editor Download Site 

 The most recent version of the Taxonomic Editor will always be available here.  

 ~~~ | |*Size*|*Date*|*Version / Changes*| 
 <code class="html"> 
 || ||'''Size'''||'''Date'''||'''Version'''||'''Changes'''|| 
 ||[ EDIT |[EDIT Taxonomic Editor V1.01 - Windows]||42MB||Dec. 11, 2008||1.01|| <ol><li>BUG FIX - Saving "in"-references was causing a DB transaction error</li><li>User now chooses a nomenclatural code when opening Editor for first time</li></ol>|| 
 ||[ EDIT Taxonomic Editor V1.0 - Windows]||42MB||Nov. Windows](|42MB|Nov.) 30, 2008||Platform 2008|Platform Version 1.0|| || 
 <table class="wiki"> 
 </td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">EDIT Taxonomic Editor V1.01 - Windows</span></a></td><td valign="top">42MB</td><td valign="top">Dec. 11, 2008</td><td valign="top">1.01 <b><i>(Latest)</i></b></td><td valign="top"> <ol style="margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0;"><li>BUG FIX - Saving "in"-references was causing a DB transaction error</li><li>User now chooses a nomenclatural code when opening Editor for first time</li></ol> 
 </td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">EDIT Taxonomic Editor V1.0 - Windows</span></a></td><td valign="top">42MB</td><td>Nov. 30, 2008</td><td valign="top">Platform Version 1.0</td><td valign="top"> </td> 

 ~~~ 1.0| 

 We _*strongly*_ recommend that before starting, you take a look at the following to get a feel for the basic functionality of the Editor: 

 * attachment:"Tax Editor Manual - Platform Version 1.pdf" 

 ## System requirements 

 The current version of the Editor has been tested on: 

 * Windows XP  

 * Windows Vista  

 * Mac OS 10 - Parallels running XP 

 We recommend your computer have at least 512 MB RAM. 

 The Editor is programmed in Java, and requires Java Standard Edition 6. There is a "Java" area under Windows Systems and Settings - click on Application Information to see which version you have installed. 

 ## Installation and updates 

 The downloadable .zip file contains a complete directory structure. Unzip the file to a location of your choosing, e.g. "C:\!TaxEditor", and double-click "Taxonomic Editor.exe" to start the Editor. 

 To install an updated version, download the latest zip and write to the same directory, overwriting the files already on your hard drive.  

 ## Installing and manually updating the local database 

 When the Editor is run for the first time, the local database is created in the user's Windows directory, i.e. "C:\Documents and Settings\_username_\.cdmLibrary\writableResources\h2\LocalH2", or "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\_username_\.cdmLibrary\writableResources\h2\LocalH2" for our German friends. 

 Since it is in a different location on the user's hard drive, the local database remains untouched when the Editor is updated. This local datastore can be initialized in the Editor by navigating to "Preferences -> CDM Datastore -> Initialize Datastore" and checking the box "Initialize datastore on next application start". 

 The local database consists of 4 files whose names are in the format "cdm.*.db". To use CDM data that has been specifically prepared for this purpose, simply copy its 4 files into the "LocalH2" directory, overwriting the "cdm.*.db" files already there. 

 ## Help 

 Please feel free to contact the EDIT help desk with any problems: editsupport |at| bgbm |dot| org