


Debian » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Lutz Suhrbier, 07/30/2009 07:09 PM) → Revision 7/15 (Lutz Suhrbier, 07/30/2009 07:12 PM)

 # Debian Linux 

 ## Core System Installation 

 A network connection provided, downloading and booting [Debian's Netinst CD]( should be the quickest way to get a running _core_ Debian system. For that, deselect any possible selections like e.g. desktop or standard during the software selection part of Debian's _netinst_ installation procedure. 

 Ask your network administrator for network configuration details. An automatic networking configuration requires a running DHCP system. Otherwise, the following information will be requested during the installation procedure: 

 * ip-address 

 * netmask 

 * gateway 

 * dns-nameservers 

 You can do this during the installation procedure, or change your [[#NetworkConfiguration|network configuration]] later. 

 For the time being, only the user _root_ should be added to the system. Therefore, just cancel the corresponding dialog during the installation procedure prompting you to enter the first user's name. 

 Next, ensure the source list of Debian's package manager apt includes the following statements: 

 deb etch main contrib non-free 
 deb-src etch main contrib non-free 
 deb etch/updates main contrib non-free 
 deb-src etch/updates main contrib non-free 
 You can do this during the installation procedure, or later by editing the file _/etc/apt/sources.list_ 

 Anyway, after the first system boot, you should update your Debian system by running the following commands as _root_: 

 apt-get update 
 apt-get upgrade 

 ## Basic System Configuration 

 Consider to prepare your system with the following useful software packages 

 | less | Text pager | 
 | unzip, zip | For .zip files | 
 | lvm2 | Logical Volume Manager | 
 | ssh | OpenSSH client and server | 
 | ntpdate | Network time synchronisation | 

 Use the _apt-get_ command to install these packages 

 apt-get install less unzip zip lvm2 ssh ntpdate 

 Follow the instructions below to get a basic configuration for some of these software packages 

 ### OpenSSH configuration 

 The openssh server has been configured to accept logins via openssh keys only. So, no username/password access should be possible on this system. Therefore, the following options must be set in the openssh-server configuration file _/etc/ssh/sshd_config_ as follows: 

 PasswordAuthentication no 
 UsePAM no 

 The public keys of users enabled to login as root must be stated in the file_/root/.ssh/authorized_key_. 

 ## Network Configuration 

 Ask your network administrator for network configuration details.  

 The network configuration file is _/etc/network/interfaces_. Furthermore, you must run the following command to restart your host with the current network configuration: 

 /etc/init.d/networking restart 

 [[#Automatic|Automatic [[#Automatic|automatic networking configuration]] requires a running DHCP system. 

 For [[#Static|static networking]], you will need to request the following information from your network administrator: 

 * ip-address 

 * netmask 

 * gateway 

 * dns-nameservers 

  **Important note (Debian Etch only):** The standard etch setup configures ethernet network interfaces (eth0, eth1) using the option **allow-hotplug eth0*. This causes many problems concerning networking (e.g. deletion of the eth0 interface when restarting networking _# /etc/init.d/networking restart_. So, please use the option *auto** instead in _/etc/network/interfaces_. 

 ### Automatic 

 This is an adequate network configuration file for DHCP managed networks. 

 # The loopback network interface 
 auto lo 
 iface lo inet loopback 
 # The primary network interface 
 auto eth0 
 iface eth0 inet dhcp 

 ### Static 

 This is a general network configuration file template for BGBM external network servers: 

 # The loopback network interface 
 auto lo 
 iface lo inet loopback 
 # The primary network interface 
 auto eth0 
 iface eth0 inet static 
         address 160.45.63.xx 
         # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed 
         dns-search bgbm.fu-berlin. 

 ## Basic System Configuration 

 Consider to prepare your system with the following useful software packages 

 | less | Text pager | 
 | unzip, zip | For .zip files | 
 | lvm2 | Logical Volume Manager | 
 | ssh | OpenSSH client and server | 
 | ntpdate | Network time synchronisation | 

 Use the _apt-get_ command to install these packages 

 apt-get install less unzip zip lvm2 ssh ntpdate 

 Follow the instructions below to get a basic configuration for some of these software packages 

 ### OpenSSH configuration 

 The openssh server has been configured to accept logins via openssh keys only. So, no username/password access should be possible on this system. Therefore, the following options must be set in the openssh-server configuration file _/etc/ssh/sshd_config_ as follows: 

 PasswordAuthentication no 
 UsePAM no 

 The public keys of users enabled to login as root must be stated in the file_/root/.ssh/authorized_key_. 

 ### NTP configuration