


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
53f647c4 04/21/2009 11:04 AM Anahit Babadshanjan
b8e3646e 04/20/2009 05:22 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

TypeDesignationStatus renamed to SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus

db6e4aad 04/09/2009 05:14 PM Niels Hoffmann

Changed DataChangeEvent architecture

10931077 04/09/2009 05:03 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

NullPointerException fixed

da7b3b6f 04/09/2009 12:06 PM Niels Hoffmann

Fixed a bug in getRootTaxa(). Upon passing null as the starting rank it returned all taxa in database.

4e1c9454 04/09/2009 12:01 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

configurable initialization of entities of list() methods

8916ece0 04/08/2009 06:28 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

vilibility of defaultBeanInitializer changed

923743ef 04/07/2009 02:23 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

configurable bean initialization methods

d123869a 04/06/2009 05:50 PM Niels Hoffmann

Changed the name of CdmCrudObserver and related classes to a less obtrusive one

7b7e901b 04/01/2009 05:13 PM Niels Hoffmann


f746cab7 04/01/2009 03:07 PM Niels Hoffmann

made logging output more informative

4e118c9b 04/01/2009 11:41 AM Niels Hoffmann

Implemented a listener/observable that fires after any database access. Possibly needs renaming.

4acd9345 03/31/2009 01:38 PM Andreas Müller

bugfix teamMembers as lists (persistence)

56b74f49 03/27/2009 10:13 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Fixed the ambiguous return type of method list(Integer,Integer,OrderHint>

25c8100d 03/25/2009 10:08 PM Andreas Müller
4c18b483 03/25/2009 08:38 PM Niels Hoffmann

moved the Listener/Observer that fires after a CRUD took place into persistence layer

e9806c20 03/25/2009 03:11 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

svn keyword property "Id" added & getRootTaxa methods cleaned

3806daff 03/23/2009 04:42 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

removing cast from inside getNomenclaturalReference() in model

b18f31c7 03/20/2009 05:56 PM Ben Clark

added countAddresses and getAddresses to IAgentDao and impl

58a42106 03/19/2009 05:29 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Merged branches/cdmlib/2.0 changes r5130:5370 into the trunk

cc355ab4 03/19/2009 12:57 PM Andreas Müller

make cache generator work

8da6e745 03/18/2009 12:08 PM Andreas Kohlbecker


e68b76ad 03/18/2009 12:08 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

Dynamic Datasources implementation

b227bf36 03/12/2009 05:59 PM Ben Clark

Minor problems discovered whilst refactoring CATE:
Corrections to User / Group / Authority impl
Changes due to upgrade of hibernate-search

339472e0 03/11/2009 09:00 PM Andreas Müller

number of objects in one flush reduced

f3d694cb 03/05/2009 12:38 PM Ben Clark

Changes related to refactoring of Auditing info, including auto-population of createdBy and updatedBy fields from the SecurityContext (#630)

376a891c 03/04/2009 02:47 PM Andreas Müller

Hibernate listener for caches

597358de 02/25/2009 01:49 PM Ben Clark

Committing large number of changes relating to versioning implementation (#108)

4b68deba 02/20/2009 09:48 AM Andreas Müller

licences for app-import and cdmlib-io

f8868081 02/19/2009 12:12 PM Anahit Babadshanjan


0b414bd5 02/18/2009 11:50 AM Andreas Müller

minor H2 changes

19ed68ce 02/18/2009 01:41 AM Andreas Müller

SQL Server 2000 uses 2005 driver (1)

16315da8 02/17/2009 01:19 PM Andreas Müller


6cef66fb 02/17/2009 11:02 AM Andreas Müller


148c9d52 02/16/2009 07:36 PM Andreas Müller
432f6799 02/16/2009 07:35 PM Andreas Müller


41ab2fc6 02/16/2009 07:34 PM Andreas Müller
e10255d0 02/16/2009 01:49 PM Andreas Müller

eager initialization for term.representations

ba031820 02/16/2009 10:50 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Plugin - with debug messages to investigate term initializing problems

51116396 02/12/2009 03:48 PM Andreas Müller

cdmlib-persistence -> new appContext configuration and fixes in tests

c100037f 02/10/2009 02:16 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Filter "%20" char sequences from path to file cdm.datasources.xml

c08399b8 02/05/2009 11:47 AM Andreas Müller
7537e9c9 01/30/2009 01:18 AM Andreas Müller
7b9dc370 01/26/2009 04:41 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

taxon without name bugfix

ebedad1f 01/23/2009 04:16 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Name search functionality for taxonomic editor

bedfcc4d 01/20/2009 06:05 PM Ben Clark

Major changes to the cdmlib default term loading and initialization, plus free-text search of Taxa (by name) and DescriptionElementBase elements as part of #476

915b4f37 01/14/2009 01:34 PM Andreas Müller

minor change

8127ca8d 01/12/2009 05:44 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

added @Qualifier to help autowiring in cdmlib-remote

4a81af09 01/05/2009 01:05 PM Ben Clark

Implemented generic user & group dao's and ported additional methods for querying TaxonName related information as part of #466

475e6c23 12/23/2008 01:33 AM Andreas Müller

data sources update and tests

19ad7b8d 12/19/2008 08:01 PM Ben Clark

Added methods to IOccurenceDao as part of #466, created ICollectionDao and implementation, and ported getCollectionsByCode to it

476dc7c2 12/19/2008 06:36 PM Ben Clark

Implemented methods to getRights and getSources in IIdentifiableDaoBase (#466)

f37ac392 12/19/2008 05:01 PM Ben Clark

Added IAnnotationDao & implementation, and IAnnotatableDao & implementation, as part of #466

9b7c5a5a 12/19/2008 02:25 PM Ben Clark

Added methods for querying for identification keys (part of #467)

2e658fd7 12/18/2008 02:56 PM Ben Clark

More work on #466, in particular on DefinedTermDao, AgentDao, TermVocabularyDao, and DescriptionDao.

164411ea 12/18/2008 01:40 AM Andreas Müller

test connection and ICdmDatasource getters

e64e1bcb 12/13/2008 05:43 PM Ben Clark

Partially implemented new methods for DescriptionDaoHibernateImpl, but need to change mapping of DescriptionBase -> DescriptionElementBase to bidirectional first

9034816a 12/12/2008 10:59 PM Ben Clark

Implemented new methods required for CATE in ITaxonDao and implementation, including tests

79a9bfca 12/12/2008 09:25 AM Andreas Müller


d2e279d7 12/11/2008 10:15 AM Andreas Müller
1a9182c4 11/27/2008 02:54 AM Andreas Müller

Clean warnings in cdmlib-persistence

90e716b2 11/26/2008 03:08 PM Niels Hoffmann

removed unused imports

504cacc3 11/25/2008 04:35 PM Niels Hoffmann

removed unused imports

adb80e81 11/24/2008 09:06 PM Andreas Müller

debug getRootTaxon

28f7587a 11/24/2008 05:10 PM Andreas Müller

rootTaxon withMisapliedName persistence

8f6f00e9 11/21/2008 02:20 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Fixed LazyInitializationException in SDD import. Added unit test for getLanguageByIso().

b8516771 11/20/2008 11:42 PM Andreas Müller

Copy File problem solved

4e0b11a0 11/20/2008 06:19 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Search for specific references implemented (getReferencesByTitle)

66196e09 11/20/2008 05:52 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Search for specific references implemented (getReferencesByTitle)

22b4b4d4 11/19/2008 04:22 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Return null if input string is empty to prevent non-unique query results

21c491e8 11/18/2008 06:20 PM Patricia Kelbert

DAO: handle unsaved ReferenceBase (sec)

d79ce1d2 11/17/2008 05:49 PM Niels Hoffmann

searching for taxa by name is now working

c482db6c 11/14/2008 02:44 PM Niels Hoffmann

fixed a bug that did not allow to search for taxa by a name

e8c0c726 11/13/2008 11:06 PM Andreas Müller

import more then 1000 defTerms

14d0fb33 11/13/2008 04:44 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Cichorieae distribution import: TDWG areas and presence status supported

6aad3259 11/12/2008 03:33 PM Andreas Müller
62afacf8 11/12/2008 03:23 PM Patricia Kelbert

persistentTitleCache instead of titleCache - changed by Andreas1

464c7673 11/12/2008 02:02 PM Andreas Müller

persistentTitleCache -> titleCache

b5aaa75c 11/11/2008 03:12 PM Helene Fradin

Leave CDMHibernateInterceptor as a place holder but CDMHibernateInterceptor does not do anything with the defined terms

4cef0eeb 10/29/2008 03:47 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Tested modifying disjunct objects and shared objects within two transactions of one application context.

776c54e4 10/29/2008 10:54 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Methods to get all taxa and all taxon bases added to persistence and service layers

e3491f23 10/10/2008 05:44 PM Niels Hoffmann

access of annotations

c5370a16 10/06/2008 04:19 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Implemented methods getFullTitleCache() and getDatabaseType() for Taxonomic Editor.

c7be845b 09/30/2008 07:34 PM Andreas Müller
f734b8a7 09/25/2008 03:12 PM Niels Hoffmann
c8b75293 09/24/2008 02:39 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Marshall/unmarshall HomotypicalGroup. Improved tables comparison.

be45aeca 09/22/2008 03:18 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Experimented with comparing content of two CDM databases

d5490080 09/12/2008 04:02 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Marshall/unmarshall LanguageString. Fixed TermVocabulary_Representation.

40e99ecd 09/12/2008 10:30 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Marshall/unmarshall TermVocabulary

4502ab92 09/11/2008 11:54 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Marshall/unmarshall Representations explicitly

c433e2fa 09/11/2008 08:33 AM Patricia Kelbert
ea87a469 09/10/2008 05:43 PM Patricia Kelbert
03a9b241 09/10/2008 05:43 PM Patricia Kelbert
a07744d8 09/10/2008 05:43 PM Patricia Kelbert
5d9f598b 09/10/2008 05:43 PM Patricia Kelbert
20b072f6 09/10/2008 05:42 PM Patricia Kelbert
22f16074 09/10/2008 01:08 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Unmarshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.

a9ce7d29 09/10/2008 08:53 AM Anahit Babadshanjan

Media service added. Marshall FeatureNode and FeatureTree.

a20a1734 09/09/2008 11:47 AM Patricia Kelbert
e5c0643f 09/08/2008 04:49 PM Niels Hoffmann