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# Date Author Comment
bcd4300c 06/24/2009 05:14 PM Andreas Müller

default for useTaxonomicTree for io set to true

6b2cc8fd 06/23/2009 10:45 AM Andreas Müller

major refactoring in io-layer (config -> state)

a1320b67 06/19/2009 04:38 PM Andreas Müller

is homotypic name relation for BerlinModel Export

612e57d5 06/16/2009 07:40 PM Andreas Müller

major changes in imports and exports

01be5674 01/30/2009 02:17 AM Andreas Müller

Refactoring of io-layer for spring beans

a4ac7c4b 11/27/2008 05:23 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Set DB schema validation to "update" for all imports and exports, and for JAXB import to "create".
Cast return value to String in getDestinationNameString() to fix exception.

83863ca3 11/17/2008 05:30 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Provided high-level classes for Export. Adapted Jaxb Export/Import to generic IO structure.