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# Date Author Comment
28bd7c97 09/16/2015 04:36 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

moving content of folder 7.x up to the repository root

36311992 11/14/2011 12:28 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

reorganizing drupal sub repository: sparate folders per version 5.x, 6.x & 7.x

a40ad0d2 06/27/2011 06:35 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

modifications in dataportal for #2206 (modify the means to find images for the data portal)

ecf626bd 06/01/2011 05:12 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

new FAQ + and more

01b149fc 05/24/2011 10:54 AM Andreas Kohlbecker

new map service allowing image maps with styled base layer and background color

4685172f 04/28/2011 06:24 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

moving site to module root

cafc7c3b 04/06/2011 01:51 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

displaying polytomous keys (addons to #2152)

47640888 04/01/2011 02:48 PM Andreas Kohlbecker

phpUnit tests