


feature request #9697

Updated by Andreas Müller about 1 year ago

copied from #9337 

 * Show supplemental data for term trees (term nodes already work #10335) work) 
 * Issues to "Improve (large) term tree" editing #10325 
 * For a very short time it still seems to open it on bottom and then moves it up. This looks not nice (though not critical). This only happens when opening a termtree editor the first time, when closing and reopening the editor it opens at the right place. 
 * Tree collapses sometimes after save 
 * d&d from vocabulary editor to character editor not yet supported (maybe handled in #8554, #8238) 
 * Decide if Characters should not be possible to exist in Feature tree (but ofcourse not the other way round) - see also #8554, #8238 
 * Improve symbols for flags in use for term trees in term tree editor (#9700) this is implemented for hierarchical collections 
 * Show error message when feature tree can not be shown because of dirty data (#9334) 
 * fix remaining issue in #8756 (refresh button for structure tree and property tree in Character Editor) 
 * When deleting a tree and then saving for a short time the tree reappears in the UI which is confusing (low priority) 
 * ~~New menu in term tree editor should have alternatives for flags~~ #9643 
 * All DTOs should be created without cdm objects #10316 
