


feature request #7957

Updated by Patrick Plitzner almost 5 years ago

When working on the Character Matrix there are 3 types of taxon descriptions: 

 1. default taxon description 
 1. taxon descriptions from literature 
 1. aggregated taxon descriptions 

 To be able to differentiate between them we need two more marker types for "literature" and "default". 

 Currently we use: 

 * `MarkerType.COMPUTED()` for "aggregated" 
 * `MarkerType.IN_BIBLIOGRAPHY()` for "literature" 
 * `MarkerType.TO_BE_CHECKED()` for "default" 

 Current usage with hibernate Criterion (see `DescriptionDaoImpl`): 

     private void addDescriptionTypesCriterion(Set<DescriptionType> descriptionTypes, Criteria criteria) { 
         if(descriptionTypes != null && !descriptionTypes.isEmpty()) { 
             Set<Criterion> typeCriteria = new HashSet<>(); 
             for (DescriptionType descriptionType : descriptionTypes) { 
                 typeCriteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction("{alias}.types like '%"+descriptionType.getKey()+"%'")); 
             criteria.add(Restrictions.and(typeCriteria.toArray(new Criterion[]{}))); 
