


task #7089

Updated by Andreas Müller over 6 years ago

The workshop will be held in from 27.11 - 30.11.2017 


 * Do the current rights work correctly in TaxEditor & Vaadin 
   *     most important: editing of factual data with limited rights on feature (and taxon subtree) 
 * Rights for long running tasks like repair mechanisms, cleanups and imports (e.g. pre-check if an import is allowed at all with the given rights) 
 * Discuss the Create/Update/Delete issue where a user has rights to create, but not to update a record that he/she created.  
   *     Are there better solutions? How are others solve the problem? 
   *     Which use-cases do we have? 
   *     Solutions in existing systems 
 * Are string based rights the best data structure or use a more structured class? (ticket exists) 
 * Rights&Roles editor 
   *     Current state 
   *     Requirements 
 * Is the original "View" concept maybe a better solution. This concept adds each CdmBase to a number of roles, so the rights are defined as data relationships between the role and the actual data.  
    *     This may make reading rights easier to implement 
    *     Critical: each insert (and maybe even update or delete) needs to update the rights relationships. 
 * Reading rights 
    *     Requirements 
    *     How to implement in editors (sometimes read rights are required to get to a certain place where you have write rights, e.g. for editing factual data you need read rights for the taxon/specimen, and for standard use you even need read rights for the whole classification as the access is often via the taxon navigator. 
 * Discuss: which tags to use in Redmine for rights&roles issues (see comment) 
 * Do we need a technical label for terms 
 * all open tickets with security tag 
 * Do we need concatenated rights like "Subtree A and Feature A + tree B and Feature B, but not Tree A and Feature B" 
 * Performance 

 **Project specific requirements:** 

 * World Flora Online 
  *     Löschen von Namen, die eine WFO ID haben, ist nur dem „Super-Admin“ möglich – oder nur nach sehr starker Warnung. 
 * Red List 2020 
  *     Editing of distributions that belong to a certain area 
 * Additivity: 
  *     Editing of a working set 
  *     For a given working set edit the character matrix (content), this may include the possibility to add specimen / taxa. It also includes rights on all characters (=features) defined in the working set 
 * FaunaEuropeae  
  * management roles per taxonomic group (#4159) 
 * Euro+Med  
   * ??? 

 # CREATE Problem 

 Beschreibung: User(s) do only have create rights on certain classes/entities but may want to update their own incorrect or incomplete data. This should be possible as long as no other "user" is using this new data. 


 * Graph with locking directed edges 


