


Release Notes » History » Revision 330

Revision 329 (Andreas Müller, 12/05/2017 01:29 PM) → Revision 330/875 (Andreas Müller, 12/05/2017 01:31 PM)

 # Cdm Platform Roadmap 

 _Please login to see all tickets_ 


 ## CDM Platform 4.13/5.0 (scheduled for Jan 15th, 2018) 

 *Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 258 , -c)}}* 

  **What will be new?** 

 ## CDM Platform 4.12 (released on Dec 5th, 2017) 

 *Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 257 , -c)}}* 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 

 * **TaxEditor** 

 * **Browser Editor (Vaadin)** 

  {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.12 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.11 (released on Nov 11th, Oct 18th, 2017) 

 *Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 256 , -c)}}* 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 
  * Some minor improvements in the rights&roles module 

 * **DataPortal** 
  * Display name registration metadata in footnotes 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * Eclipse3->Eclipse4 migration 
      * migration 
            * Editors: name editor, bulk editors, group authority editor 
            * Views: search result, concept graph 
            * Modules: molecular module, polytomous key module 
            * Dialogues: preferences, import wizards and views,  
            * others: taxon navigator, main menu, theme 
      * bugfixes for bugs that came with the previous migration 
  * Distribution editor: add possibility to add references to distributions (first version) 
  * some improvements for the import/export wizard (e.g. order of configuration pages) 
  * Setting publish flag for a classification subtree 
  * Media View shows preview (first version, needs to be switched on in preferences) 
  * Performance improvements (details view rendering, combo boxes, name editor focus) 
  * Bugs 
      * rank selection did not work if ranks were sorted naturally 
      * drag&drop for classifications in navigator disabled 
      * exception when switching type of description element in details view 
      * size of search field to small 
      * multiple minor issues 

 * **Browser Editor (Vaadin)** 
    * Distribution editor fixed and improved (ready for use in production) 
    * Name Registration 
         * Rights&Roles for Registrations 
         * RegistrationUI: Buttons only enabled if the user has according permissions 
         * phycobankID links only active when status is PUBLISHED 
         * minor bug fixes 

  {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.11 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.10 (released on Sept 15th, 2017) 

 *Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 255 , -c)}}* 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 
  * Allow recursive setting of publish flag (not yet available in TaxEditor) 
  * Fix usage of country label in specimen title cache 

 * **Rights&Roles** 
  * Role group "Admin" as standard group to all CDM instances 
  * Fix rights checking for editing of persons and teams 

 * **DataPortal** 
  * Fix selection of best matching image representation for profile picture and overlay images 
  * Fix bug with links to synonyms in tabbed view with no explicit synonym tab 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * New download site available 
  * Eclipse3->Eclipse4 migration  
      * Views: Details, Conceptrelations, Referencing objects, datasource, factual data, supplemental data, media 
      * Editors: terms 
  * Misapplication editing improved, also reusability of misapplied name taxa 
  * Automated updating fixed 
  * Export: 
      * CDM light and DwC-A export for taxonomic subtrees (e.g. families, genus, ...) 
      * Progress monitor for DwC-A export 
      * DwC-A exports higher classification for each taxon 
      * Fix DwC-A export not stored in selected file 
  * Allow scientific name editing for bacterial, fungi, cultivar plants and undefined codes (non viral names) 
  * Add Person, team and specimen cache updating 
  * Specimen 
      * Add Life-form to field unit and kind-of-unit, lifestage and sex to derived units (specimen) 
  * Performance 
      * Improve performance when first loading selection dialog for named area (still needs further improvement) 
      * View refresh faster (still needs further improvement) 
  * Bugs 
      * Exception during drag&drop in taxon navigator 
      * Editing Rights&Roles throws exception 
      * Deleting media leads to inconsistent data 
      * Move description to other taxon command fails in factual data view 
      * Sorting of ranks not configurable anymore 
      * Duplicate menu in search result view 
      * Handling of with time zones for date time editing (image created, ...) 

 * **Documentation** 
  * Fix OAIPMH swagger documentation 

 * **Vaadin** 
  * Registration UI prototype 

  {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.10 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.9 (released on July 20th, 2017) 

 *Issues: {{ref_issues(-f:fixed_version_id = 253 , -c)}}* 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 
  * Framework for csv imports implemented 

 * **DataPortal** 
  * In tabbed version it is now possible to show the synonymy on the general page 
  * Feature block items "glue" is now configurable 
  * Media:  
        * image viewer uses best quality media representation now 
        * "show captions under thumbnails" is now evaluated 
        * "back to image" improved 
  * Specimen table: 
        * uses country label instead of full description (not yet fixed for titlecache, will come in 4.10) 
        * collection date shows up now 
        * label for specimen in collection simplified 
        * preferred stable URI shows up as text, not only link 

  * Bugs: 
        * map did not show point data, when some specimen where not georeferenced 
        * bounding box for maps did not work correctly 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * Feature tree editor  
       * allows drag&drop from term editor 
       * uses context menu 
  * Restore 
       * restoring views after restart/reconnect works now on a per instance level when using multiple instances of the TaxEditor on the same computer, leading to less exceptions 
  * Taxon Navigator 
       * Linking taxa opened in NameEditor with taxa in navigator works now (was fixed in 4.8 but not mentioned there) 
  * Experimental 
       * Allow handling terms as "kind-of" 
  * Bugs 
       * details view for taxon relationships fixed 
  * Logging 
       * human readable labels for datasources when logging datasource issues 

 * **Vaadin** 
  * Generic MVP (Model View Presenter) framework with support for the CDM library 

  {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.9 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.8 (released on July 6th, 2017) 

  **NOTES for TaxEditor users** 

  * The automated update via Help->Search for Updates does not seem to work for this version. Please download the TaxEditor from . Contact us if you encounter problems. 
  * It may happen that the right click menu in the Specimen Tree Editor does not appear. In this case please delete the following file: {user}\.cdmLibrary\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\workbench.xmi 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 

  * Classes for name and type registration added 
  * Unify taxon name class (will allow changing name types like changing a botanical name into a zoological name) and simplifies development 
  * Person: initials added 
  * Reference: type Website: accessed (date) field added 
  * References: attributes added to allow usage sharing references by multiple instances 
  * Remove unique index on rights (e.g. copyright) to make it reusable 
  * Added "Exact Value" to statistical measures for quantitative data 

  * Improved reporting for schema updates 

 * **DataPortal** 
  * Position of protologue icon moved directly behind nomenclatural reference (was behind status before, misleading because status can have its own reference) 
  * Additional base maps for the map viewer: Stamen terrain, OpenTopoMap 
  * In cases where images are available in multiple qualities the DataPortal now chooses the quality which is most appropriate for the current display situation.  

 * **Imports / Exports** 
  * DwC-A (Darwin Core Archive) export for taxa fixed, improved and available via webservices 
  * Improved reporting for imports and exports  

 * **Vaadin Based Applications** 
      * MVP framework with popup editor support which integrates into the the spring framework 
      * Prototype implementation of the Phycobank (registry for algal nomenclatural acts) 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * Misapplications: 
      * err. sec. references editable 
      * improved formatting in name editor, especially for names having an author and a nom.ref., this allows better reusing of names 
  * Person "initials" editable and used for better reference formatting (initials behind family name) 
  * Feature Tree Editor: moved from preferences to main menu (together with term editor), and did some improvements 
  * Website "accessed" editable and integrated in formatting 
  * Media: "media created" editable  
  * Specimen Tree Editor migrated to only use Eclipse4 functionality now (all other editors still use a compatibility layer component) 
  * Markers set to *true* by default 
  * Parser 
      * Autonym hybirds parsable  
  * Bugs: 
       * Delete was not successful, but did not show an exception 
       * Some menu items were duplicated 
       * Incorrect user management when changing password 
       * Setting of kind-of-unit for specimen 
       * Restoring of views after restart or reconnect 

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.8 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.7 (released on May 16th, 2017) 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 

  * The main change in Version 4.7 is the upgrade of the TaxEditor from Eclipse 3.7 to Eclipse 4.6 (Neon). This upgrade will ease development in future. To make the TaxEditor running under e4.6 several adaptations had to be made. 
       * IMPORTANT: Due to the upgrade it might happen that during the first opening an error shows up. If this happens CLOSE and REOPEN the editor. 
       * IMPORTANT: Due to the upgrade the default update mechanism for the TaxEditor will not work. Instead you need to install it from scratch (download from and unzip into any folder).  
  * A new import and export framework has been established. It is meant for more feedback and reporting during the imports. Currently it is used only experimentally for the new "Excel Distribution Update" import (experimental feature), and partly for the new "CDM light (csv)" export (also experimental in the current state). 
  * New identifier types for botanical names added: IPNI, Tropicos, WFO (World Flora Online) 
  * Improved handling of hybrids 
  * Automatic basionym recognition (not yet available in TaxEditor) 

 * **DataPortal** 

  * Allow multiple layers in maps (option to define a wms overlay layer for the openlayers map viewer) 
  * Bugfix for fast moving maps while padding 

 * **Imports / Exports** 

   * Improved Import- and Export framework for better report resulting (existing imports/exports still need to be adapted to the new framework) 
   * New: "CDM light (csv)" export - a CSV export that exports all CDM data for a single classification in csv format 
   * New: RIS Reference import - e.g. to import reference data from Endnote via RIS format (still experimental, some attributes are not yet handled) 
   * New: "Excel Distribution Update" added (still experimental, please contact us, if you want to use it) 
   * New: Multilingual Term Representation import (not yet available in TaxEditor) 
   * New: Identifier import (not yet available in TaxEditor) 
   * Updated: ABCD Import 
       * possibility to import all siblings of a specimen derived from a culture. 
       * better handling of media data, identifications, gathering events 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * Upgrade to Eclipse 4.6 
  * Improved Parser 
     * Parse "sp. nov." and similar names 
  * Improved handling for original spellings (further improvements needed) 
  * Prefill nomenclatural reference selection dialog if taxon name author is given 
  * Selected items removed from selection dialog 
  * Server-side preference for frequently used biocase providers added (ABCD import) 
  * Improved search behavior in Specimen Hierarchy Editor 
  * Some improvements for the Alignement Editor integration 
  * Rank list for create new name in bulk editor sorted 
  * Improvements for specimen search/import: 
      * better parsing of results to display scientific name, collection etc 
      * add possibility to configure the import in result view 
      * possibility to set the name of the import reference 
  * Bug fixes: 
      * Delete synonyms in Name Editor with supplemental data attached 
      * Delete synonyms in bulk editor 
      * Exception when switching to simple name details view 
      * Empty reference dialog after changing reference type 
      * Incorrect data when editing a new nomenclatural reference for a new name 
      * Exception ("multiple representations") when adding name relationships 

 * **Vaadin Applications** 
  * Better integration of cdm-vaadin with the Spring Framework by making use of the [[VaadinNotes#Vaadin-Spring|Vaadin Spring API]] 
  * Spring enabled    [[VaadinNotes#Model-View-Presenter-MVP-Pattern|MVP UI framework]] with popup-editor support. 

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.7 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.6 (released on March 13th, 2017) 

  **What's new?** 

 * **General / Model** 

  * Full migration to Java 8 
  * Improved import functionality for IPNI Names (not yet available in TaxEditor) 
  * Improved handling for intext references (references within a text) including support for deduplication (intext references are not yet editable in TaxEditor or visible in DataPortal) 
  * Bugfix in permission handling for rights and roles 
  * Prepare for simplifying names module 
      * interfaces    #6369 
      * merge functionality #6365, #6366, #6364, #6360 
      * remove occurrence #6362 
  * Formatting 
      * Specimen: Use barcode or catalogue number if accession number is not available 
      * References: 
         * #5834  
         * #6449 References with protected titleCache 
         * #3532 Nomenclatural reference null for database 

 * **CDM Server** 

  * Improved caching for multiple instances 
  * Improved authentication / security 

 * **DataPortal** 
   * Authentication for triggering freetext index creation 
   * Bugs: 
      * Wildcard search in advanced search #6354 
      * Missing data of marked descriptions 
      * "Usage" data not shown anymore  
   * Remove "sensu" from misapplication footnotes 
   * Formatting: 
      * Improved formatting for media data 

 * **TaxEditor** 

  * Main menu 
      * Move user and user groups to Admin menu 
      * Move Specimen hierarchy editor to (bulk) editor menu 
  * Selection dialogs 
      * Restrict selections of in-references to the respective reference type 
  * Referencing objects view 
      * Improved performance and loading in background 
      * Fixed some bugs throwing exceptions 
  * Taxon navigator 
      * Set secundum for subtree (including synonyms) 
  * Specimen editor: 
      * Improved performance for counting results 
      * Improved labeling if some data is missing 
  * Rights (e.g. copyright) implemented as reusable record 
  * Improved Internationalization 
      * More terms/sentences translated to German 
      * Preparation for Spanish translation 
  * Improved handling for protected caches 
  * Parser improvements 
      * Names 
           * Algae #6100 
           * Hybrids #5983 
           * Reference volume additions #6439  
      * Coordinates 
           * lat/long with English apostrophs 
  * Bugs 
      * Exceptions after changing password 
      * Field unit title cache not filled correctly #4390 
      * Exceptions when deleting misapplications 
      * Exceptions when entering dates and altitudes 
      * Exceptions when deleting empty name in name editor 
      * Exceptions when adding types to a taxon name 
      * Exceptions when deleting persons/teams 
      * Exceptions in datasource view 
      * Exceptions when deleting recently created media 
      * Exceptions when editing rights for a user group 
      * Avoid creation of dummy terms 

  * #6408 NPE in AbcdParseUtility 

 * **Web Editor** 

  * New architecture for future developments     

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.6 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.5 (released on January 19th, 2017) 

  **What's new?**  

 * **General / Model** 

   * Possibility to set secundum reference for subtrees (implementation in TaxEditor still missing) 

 * **DataPortal** 

  * Search 
      * Advanced search for taxa allows wildcards and some further bugs fixed 
      * Remove duplicates for common name search #6296 
      * Allow hiding classification information 
  * Improved display of media in image galleries and media pages 
      * Display of descriptions 
      * Display of rights (e.g. copyright) 
      * Display of sources 
      * Fix media representations (e.g. thumbnails) display on media page 
  * Taxon page 
     * Labels of tabs customizable 
  * Bugfixes for exceptions 

 * **TaxEditor** 
  * Repair method for corrupted CDM instances 
  * Polytomous Keys 
     * Allow inserting nodes at the beginning or in between 
     * other bugfixes 
  * Media 
     * Allow configurable delete in MediaView and bulk editor 
     * Fix save for reused Media 
  * Zoological nomenclatural status not shown anymore for botanical names (not yet the other way round)  
  * Order in supplemental data view changed (types that are used more often were moved up) 
  * Improve order of type selection for sources/references 
  * Disallow self-referencing name relations 
  * Make details view empty if no selection exists 
  * Term editor menu structured 
  * Further Bugfixes 
       * selectable terms for stage and preservation method fixed 
       * delete for references fixed 
       * delete of unsaved taxon descriptions fixed 
       * selecting taxon node with '?' fixed 
       * missing ampersand in some labels fixed 
       * exception during creation of new taxon fixed 

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.5 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.4 (released on December 5th, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * **General / Model** 
  * Distribution status terms of several CDM instance have been unified and some new status were added to the CDM distribution status base vocabulary; default symbols used in condensed distribution strings were updated 
  * Simplification: Synonyms belong to max. 1 accepted taxon now (before they could belong to multiple taxa, this was used for pro parte synonyms, which will be handled as taxon concept relationships in future, but with special user interface functionality similar to misapplied names) 
  * Support for locally overriding database specific preferences (currently only implemented for preference "nomenclautral code", will be more in next version) 
  * Symbol for congruence concept relationships changed 
  * Unplaced and excluded attribute moved from taxon to taxon within classification ("taxon node"), including multi-lingual note field to document why a taxon is excluded 
  * Improved support for Java 8 
 * **DataPortal** 
   * Security 
      * Allow dataportal to show content only to logged in users (further improvements have bee investigated and will be implemented soon) 
  * Maps 
      * Allow distribution (area based) and occurrence    (point based) data to show up on the same taxon page (better support for tabless taxon pages) 
      * Improved support for Google Maps 
      * Support for distribution maps if no distribution data is available (Fauna Europaea request) 
  * Performance 
      * Improved performance for synonymies 
  * Formatting: 
      * Improved formatting for specimen title 
      * Improved display for specimen altitude 
      * Display of "extensions" added to specimen and others 
      * Display of "additional areas" (sub-country level) added to specimen 
      * Bugfix for lectotype references 
      * Bugfix for feature "Citation" showing up as footnote only 
      * Suppress display of protologues if URL is missing 
  * General Improvements 
      * Improved breadcrumb navigation for desktop and mobile devices 
      * Flexible handling and placing of "back to search button" 
      * Persistent stable Identifier ("CETAF" identifier) clickable now in default specimen view 
  * Bugfixes: 
      * Area selection widget fixed in advanced search 
      * Fix for missing sensu on misapplications with sensu reference missing an author 
 * **TaxEditor** 
   * Allow editing of default color for distribution status in term editor (Presence-Absence-Term) -> the color is used e.g. for maps in the dataportal 
   * New Admin menu for general admins and project admins, currently used only for setting the database preferences 
   * Improved support for deleting names, taxa, persons/teams, factual data and terms in bulk editor, name editor, factual data view and term editor, including bugfixes 
   * Remember filter on selection dialog for named areas more individually (named areas are used at different places - distribution, specimen country, common name language area, geoscopes, ...) 
   * Prevent users from unwanted updates on shared data: a red warning is shown in dialogs now if a shared resource is edited (currently implemented only for reference editing)  
   * Preference to choose available fields for taxon details view (most fields can be selected individually now; in next version this may become a database specific preference) 
   * Flags for unplaced and excluded moved from taxon details view to taxon node assistant (right click in taxon navigator -> open in -> taxon node assistant) 
   * Excluded note (s.a.) available in taxon node assistant 
   * Improved handling of orphaned taxa and synonyms 
   * Nomenclatural status selection box shows abbreviated labels now 
   * User interface for import configurations improved 
   * Bugfixes: 
        * Critical fix for a bug that prevented to correctly install the TaxEditor on computer for the first time 
        * Exception when editing empty term / vocabulary labels 
        * New references could not be found in selection dialog 
        * Exception when editing taxon interactions (e.g. parasites) in factual data view 
   * Some minor issues 
 * **Browser Editor (Vaadin)** 
  * Simple and easy to use distribution editor is now functional (was prototype only before)  
  * Architectural improvements 

 * **Webservices (machine readable services)** 
  * Add full entity to findByMarker and findByIdentifier webservice result (fix for non functional "includeEntitiy" parameter) 
  * OAuth2 authorization available 
  * Securing critical web services with authentication. The '/manage/' web services now require authentication. 
  * Some improvements for project specific webservices 
      * Sorting by length on name search 
      * Return pure names for taxonomic group search 
      * Grouping by taxonomic groups 
      * Add taxon parent to taxonInContext webservice result 
  * bugfix for name catalogue taxon search 
  * New services returning pure titleCaches and uuids with titleCache 

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.4 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.3 (released on September 26th, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * General 
  * Improved handling of notho ranks 
  * Some new/fixed machine readable web-services 

 * DataPortal 
  * Advanced Search: Distributions marked as absent are no longer displayed in search result 
  * Advanced search: Area filter is now sorted 
  * Breadcrumb navigation fixed for Internet Explorer / MS Edge 
  * Fix some links to images 
 * TaxEditor 
  * Bugfix for user defined order in taxon navigator 
  * ABCD import improved 
  * Name Parser improved 
  * Checklist/Distribution Editor: 
       * Renamed to Distribution Editor 
       * Fixe some bugs (but it still has status experimental; opening is now available via standard open in menu) 
  * Referencing objects view:  
       * available for relationships (name relationship, concept relationship, etc.) 
       * minor bugfix 
  * Name author search works on nomenclatural title and standard title 
  * Nomenclatural reference search works on abbreviated title and standard title  
  * Expansion state of the details view and the supplemental data view is now remembered (e.g. if you close all sections in the name details view except for the name relationships the next time when you enter the name details view it will remember this state and only the name relationship section will be open) 
  * Filtering for area selection fixed (also last filter is remembered now) 
  * The preferred nomenclatural code can now be stored as a database wide variable instead of a local variable. This way projects can define there own settings. This implementation is a first implementation and prototype for the general availability of project settings. 
  * Underlying link for the automated update has been fixed 
  * Infraspecific epithet editing now available for species (all codes) and infraspecific ranks (zoology) 
  * Reusing of names and taxa fixed 
  * Bulk editor 
       * auto-focus on search 
       * new search allows not to save now 
       * Concept relationship editor view now available also from taxon bulk editor 
  * Search 
       * Search results allow opening in different target views (e.g. name editor, bulk editor) via right click menu 
  * Correct handling of secundum reference for newly created taxa 
  * Delete for type designations fixed 
  * Term editor 
       * Language dependent representations for terms are now deletable if more than 1 representation exists 
       * Non English default representation shows up correctly 
       * #6101  
  * Details view 
       * Horizontal scrolling removed where possible 
  * Some bugfixes 
       * "multipe representations" exception 
       * focus issue for protected title caches 

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.3 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.2 (released on July 6th, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * General 

   * Some new terms: feature "Notes", nomenclatural status "ined." and taxon relationships "unclear" and "not yet worked on" 

   * Improved aggregation for distribution data (transmission engine) 

   * Improved multi-language support 

   * Some new machine readable web-services 

 * DataPortal 

   * Improved usability of breadcrumb navigation 

   * minor formatting issues 

   * geo filtered search fixed 

   * support for taxon secundum micro reference 

   * Display of children on "General" tab (first version, block needs to be switched on) 

   * Spanish translation for Dataportal module 

 * TaxEditor 

   * Improved performance for selection boxes 

   * Fix bugs in feature tree editing 

   * Support for species with infrageneric epithet 

   * Multi-language editing for terms 

   * "Open in ... bulk editor" for taxon navigator and referencing objects view 

   * Support for "additional identifiers" in supplemental data view 

   * Improved taxon name and reference parsing 

   * Nomenclatural reference parser uses abbrev title 

   * Improved "Changed Password" functionality 

   * Improved session handling for bulk editor searches (fixing unexpected results and memory effects) 

   * Ordering in specimen derivative editor 

   * Improved labels in referencing objects view for specimen determinations and taxa in classifications (taxon nodes) 

   * bug fixes 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.2 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.1 (released on June 1st, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * General 

   * Support for persistent stable identifiers (e.g. "CETAF Identifiers") 

   * Support for secundum micro reference 

 * DataPortal 

   * Breadcrumb navigation shows child taxa 

     * Changing to breadcrumb navigation and removing tree navigation improves performance of data portals significantly 

 * TaxEditor 

   * "Standalone" functionality removed 

     * Connection to datasources is now only possible via [remoting" functionality introduced in "v3.12]( 

     * Datasource was adapted to only support editing user defined datasources (connect to "localhost mgd." server) and to create a new database schema in such datasources if they are still empty 

   * Search for nomenclatural authors works on abbrev. title now 

   * Labels for referencing objects improved 

   * Some major bugs fixed that lead to error messages when saving taxa 

   * Bugfix for "unavailable" authors after creation of new authors 

   * Symbols for distribution strings and concept relationships editable 

   * Error handling for connection process 

   * Performance for save improved 

   * Couple of minor bug fixes 

  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.1 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## CDM Platform 4.0 (released on May 3rd, 2016) 

  **What's new?**  

 * Upgrades to all underlying software libraries 

   * Full Java 8 support (Downloading TaxEditor JRE version not necessary anymore) 

   * Improved freetext indexing (faster and more stable) and search support 

   * Improved webservice documentation 

 * DataPortal 

   * Breadcrumb menu for higher taxonomy 

     * Clickable list of all parent taxa of a given taxon shown in 1 line 

     * Needs to be switched on by dataportal admin 

   * Improved multi-language support 

   * Improved support for taxon concepts, misapplied names and doubtful taxa formatting 

   * Maps 

     * Animated "Hourglass" while loading maps 

     * Improved stability for distribution and occurrence maps 

     * Improved display of textual distributions for hierarchically ordered distributions 

     * Faster loading of the most important base layers through the new EDIT MapProxy  

   * Condensed distribution string configurable and improved 

   * Support for hierarchical feature trees for factual data 

   * Improved display of reference pages (e.g. ) 

   * Specimen linking to associated taxa 

   * Improved error and warning messages 

   * Bugfixes 

     * Fix display of taxon interactions 

     * Fix name page display 

  Examples for many of the new features (like breadcrumb menu, multi-language support and condensed distribution strings) can be found at (e.g. ) 

 * TaxEditor 

   * Improvements to the name and coordinate parsers 

   * Ordering of sources (according to rules described in #3185) 

   * Editing supplemental data for type designations and name relationships 

   * New generic "Open in ..." right mouse click menu 

   * Available servers configurable 

   * Renaming Descriptions to Factual data finalized 

   * Many bugfixes to stabilize existing functionality 

     * PolytomousKey editing and deleting 

     * Creation of new terms 

     * ... 

 * Data Model (CDM) 

   * Preferred persistent identifiers for specimen 

   * Symbols for condensed distribution strings and concept relationships 

   * Secundum micro reference for taxa 


  **Milestones and tickets**  

 {{ref_issues(-q:Release4.0 , id, subject, status)}} 

 ## Previous Releases Archive 

 see [[CdmPlatformRoadmapArchive]]