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# Date Author Comment
6635b6cf 07/29/2013 02:41 PM Cherian Mathew

ManagementController : updated reindex method to include multi-param 'type' which allows to choose the classes to be indexed,
also added init binder methods to bind the 'type' string input to cdmbase classes
CdmTypePropertyEditor : corrected fully qualified name creation for the '' package

ece6cbb6 07/29/2013 02:39 PM Cherian Mathew

ICdmMassIndexer : added methods to clear and add classes to the list of indexed classes
CdmMassIndexer : implemented the new methods in ICdmMassIndexer
TaxonServiceSearchTest : updated test to initialise the list of indexed classes

3fd8f26b 07/29/2013 11:44 AM Cherian Mathew

added excluded and unplaced fields since lucene checks to see if these are null.

2f50e942 07/26/2013 03:33 PM Cherian Mathew

added @IndexedEmbedded annotation to the taxonBases set to allow the TaxonBase class bridges to work

16495c16 07/26/2013 02:54 PM Cherian Mathew

NameCatalogueController : updated controller to improve exact and fuzzy name search to use lucene document only searches
NameSearch : updated dto to accomodate lucene documents

ed07b709 07/26/2013 02:52 PM Cherian Mathew

Added ANALYZE setting for the atomised name components to help the fuzzy search

55d7bb64 07/26/2013 02:50 PM Cherian Mathew

added class bridges for class info and accepted taxon information

cb312388 07/26/2013 02:42 PM Cherian Mathew

INameService : added findByNameExactSearch to return lucene search documents for name searches
NameServiceImpl : implemented and updated exact / fuzzy name searching

8287f797 07/26/2013 02:30 PM Cherian Mathew

ClassInfoBridge : New class bridge to set class information in the index
AcceptedTaxonBridge : New class bridge to set accepted taxon information in the index

d494a61d 07/26/2013 01:52 PM Cherian Mathew

ISearchResultBuilder : added method to return lucene document only results
SearchResultBuilder : implemented method to return lucene document only results
DocumentSearchResult : new class which handles lucene document results
SearchResult : extends DocumentSearchResult and provides functionality for CdmEntity objects.

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