


bug #6786

Updated by Patrick Plitzner about 6 years ago

* Critical: ~~selecting a new feature tree should require saving before~~ 

 * Critical: ~~closing the editor without saving does not throw changes away. Reopening the editor sets the state to dirty and the data is still changed. E.g. if you move a feature to a new position, you close the feature tree editor without saving, you open it again, and open the same tree, the feature is at the new position and the state is dirty. This may be related to the above issue (#6785). 
 Even after fully closing and reopening the TaxEditor the feature is still at the NEW position (also there was no request if something should be saved or not, this might be the reason and might be a separate ticket)~~ 

 * ~~only 1 instance can be opened:~~ #6785 

 * Use right click menu for all commands. This is the standard for all editors we have, including tree editors like Term Editor or Specimen Editor. So we should try to be consistent: #6806 

 * Make Term Editor and Feature Tree Editor consistent in terms of selecting the tree. In Term Editor ALL vocabularies are loaded at the beginning and shown as root nodes. In feature tree editor one needs to choose a tree via a selection dialog. Both has pros and cons. Loading all vocabularies has performance issues and maybe is even not wanted but in some cases is comfortable. Having to select the feature tree via selection box is not so comfortable (compared to simply clicking on the root). A third solution is implemented in the Polytomous Key Perspective where we have a selection list view on the left and view showing all nodes in the right. We need discussion which layout is the preferred one and try to implement consistently. 

 * moving a feature does not always result in the correct position. Sometimes when moving a feature below an other feature it appears on top of this feature after drop. However, this does not always happen, so please try several times and with different trees 

 * Make supplemental data visible for FeatureTree and FeatureNodes (solution maybe depend on above decisions): #6746 

 * there should be 2 separators (not only 1) in the Term Editor menu before the Feature Tree Editor entry 

 * ~~Umbenennen: Änderung des Titels setzt das dirty Flag nicht. Auch das Enablen des dirty Flags durch Hinzufügen eines Features und anschließendes Save führte nicht dazu, dass anschließend der neue Titel in der Suche angezeigt wurde. Ich hab noch nicht gecheckt, ob er in der DB geändert wurde.~~ 

 * (Es wird auch kein Details View angezeigt, aber das vielleicht auch nicht gewollt.) 


 * ~~Neuer Feature Tree: Die Features, die innerhalb eines Vokabulars angezeigt werden, sind nicht sortiert bei der Auswahl der Features. Sie sollten, wenn es sich um OrderedVoabularies handelt, natürlich sortiert sein, ansonsten alphabetisch. (Bin gerade offline + unsicher, ob Features ordered sein können).~~ 
