Class TaxonRelationshipType

  extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase
      extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.VersionableEntity
          extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TermBase
              extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase
                  extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OrderedTermBase<T>
                      extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.RelationshipTermBase<TaxonRelationshipType>
                          extended by eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationshipType
All Implemented Interfaces:
ICdmBase, ILoadableTerm, Serializable, Comparable<TaxonRelationshipType>

public class TaxonRelationshipType
extends RelationshipTermBase<TaxonRelationshipType>

The class representing categories of taxon relationships (like "is congruent to" or "is misapplied name for").

A standard (ordered) list of taxon relationship type instances will be automatically created as the project starts. But this class allows to extend this standard list by creating new instances of additional taxon relationship types if needed.

This class corresponds in part to:

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OrderedTermBase
Fields inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase
vocabulary, vocabularyStore
Constructor Summary
          Class constructor: creates a new empty taxon relationship type instance.
TaxonRelationshipType(String term, String label, String labelAbbrev, boolean symmetric, boolean transitive)
          Class constructor: creates an additional taxon relationship type instance with a description (in the default language), a label, a label abbreviation and the flags indicating whether this new taxon relationship type is symmetric and/or transitive.
Method Summary
static TaxonRelationshipType CONGRUENT_TO()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is congruent to".
static TaxonRelationshipType CONTRADICTION()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is impossible" (contradiction).
static TaxonRelationshipType DOES_NOT_EXCLUDE()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "does not exclude".
static TaxonRelationshipType DOES_NOT_OVERLAP()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "does not overlap".
static TaxonRelationshipType EXCLUDES()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "excludes".
static TaxonRelationshipType getByUuid(UUID uuid)
          Returns the taxon relationship type identified through its immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).
static TaxonRelationshipType INCLUDES()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "includes".
static TaxonRelationshipType INVALID_DESIGNATION_FOR()
          Returns the taxon relationship type "is invalid designation for".
static TaxonRelationshipType MISAPPLIED_NAME_FOR()
          Returns the taxon relationship type "is misapplied name for".
static TaxonRelationshipType NOT_CONGRUENT_TO()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is not congruent to".
static TaxonRelationshipType NOT_INCLUDED_IN()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is not included in".
static TaxonRelationshipType OVERLAPS()
          Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "overlaps".
static TaxonRelationshipType TAXONOMICALLY_INCLUDED_IN()
          Returns the taxon relationship type "is taxonomically included in".
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.RelationshipTermBase
addInverseRepresentation, addRepresentation, getInverseDescription, getInverseDescription, getInverseLabel, getInverseLabel, getInverseRepresentation, getInverseRepresentations, isSymmetric, isTransitive, readCsvLine, removeInverseRepresentation, setInverseRepresentations, setSymmetric, setTransitive, writeCsvLine
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OrderedTermBase
compareTo, decreaseIndex, equals, incrementIndex, isHigher, isLower, setVocabulary
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase
addIncludes, addMedia, findByUuid, getGeneralizationOf, getIncludes, getKindOf, getMedia, getPartOf, getPersistentVocabulary, getVocabulary, readCsvLine, removeIncludes, removeMedia, setGeneralizationOf, setIncludes, setKindOf, setMedia, setPartOf, setPersistentVocabulary, setVocabularyStore
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TermBase
addRepresentation, getDescription, getDescription, getLabel, getLabel, getPreferredRepresentation, getPreferredRepresentation, getRepresentation, getRepresentations, getUri, removeRepresentation, setRepresentations, setUri, toString
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.VersionableEntity
clone, getNextVersion, getPreviousVersion, getUpdated, getUpdatedBy, getValidFrom, getValidTo, hashCode, setNextVersion, setPreviousVersion, setUpdated, setUpdatedBy
Methods inherited from class eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, clone, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getCreated, getCreatedBy, getId, getUuid, hasListeners, invokeSetMethod, invokeSetMethodWithNull, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setCreated, setCreatedBy, setId, setUuid
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.ICdmBase
getCreated, getCreatedBy, getId, getUuid, setCreated, setCreatedBy, setId, setUuid

Constructor Detail


public TaxonRelationshipType()
Class constructor: creates a new empty taxon relationship type instance.

See Also:
TaxonRelationshipType(String, String, String, boolean, boolean)


public TaxonRelationshipType(String term,
                             String label,
                             String labelAbbrev,
                             boolean symmetric,
                             boolean transitive)
Class constructor: creates an additional taxon relationship type instance with a description (in the default language), a label, a label abbreviation and the flags indicating whether this new taxon relationship type is symmetric and/or transitive.

term - the string (in the default language) describing the new taxon relationship type to be created
label - the string identifying the new taxon relationship type to be created
labelAbbrev - the string identifying (in abbreviated form) the new taxon relationship type to be created
symmetric - the boolean indicating whether the new taxon relationship type to be created is symmetric
transitive - the boolean indicating whether the new taxon relationship type to be created is transitive
See Also:
Method Detail


public static final TaxonRelationshipType getByUuid(UUID uuid)
Returns the taxon relationship type identified through its immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).

uuid - the universally unique identifier
the taxon relationship type corresponding to the given universally unique identifier


public static final TaxonRelationshipType TAXONOMICALLY_INCLUDED_IN()
Returns the taxon relationship type "is taxonomically included in". This indicates that the source taxon in such a taxon relationship has the target taxon as immediate next higher parent within the taxonomic tree. Generally the concept reference of both taxa are the same except if the concept reference follows the taxonomical opinion of another reference.
This type is neither symmetric nor transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType MISAPPLIED_NAME_FOR()
Returns the taxon relationship type "is misapplied name for". This indicates that the taxon name of the source taxon in such a taxon relationship has been erroneously used by the concept reference to denominate the same real taxon as the one meant by the target taxon.
This type is neither symmetric nor transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType INVALID_DESIGNATION_FOR()
Returns the taxon relationship type "is invalid designation for". This indicates that the taxon name of the source taxon in such a taxon relationship has not been validly published but was intended to denominate a real taxon which is the same as the one meant by the target taxon.
According to the nomenclature codes a not validly published taxon name is not a taxon name at all.
This type is neither symmetric nor transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType CONTRADICTION()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is impossible" (contradiction). This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "is impossible" (contradiction) taxon relationship type arises logically if two or more incompatible (concept) taxon relationships between the two taxa already exist (for instance with the types "is congruent to" and "excludes").
This type is symmetric but not transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType CONGRUENT_TO()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is congruent to". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "is congruent to" taxon relationship type indicates that the circumscriptions of both taxa involved in the taxon relationship are identical.
This type is symmetric and transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType INCLUDES()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "includes". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "includes" taxon relationship type indicates that each element belonging to the circumscription of the target taxon involved in the taxon relationship belongs to the circumscription of the source taxon, but that some elements belonging to the circumscription of the source taxon do not belong to the circumscription of the target taxon.
This type is not symmetric but transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType OVERLAPS()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "overlaps". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "overlaps" taxon relationship type indicates that both circumscriptions have common elements but that some elements belonging to the circumscription of the source taxon do not belong to the circumscription of the target taxon and vice-versa.
This type is symmetric but not transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType EXCLUDES()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "excludes". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "excludes" taxon relationship type indicates that both circumscriptions have no common elements.
This type is symmetric but not transitive.


public static final TaxonRelationshipType DOES_NOT_EXCLUDE()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "does not exclude". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "does not exclude" taxon relationship type indicates that both circumscriptions have common elements. This type is a generalisation of "is congruent to", "includes" and "overlaps".
This type is symmetric but not transitive.

See Also:


public static final TaxonRelationshipType DOES_NOT_OVERLAP()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "does not overlap". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "does not overlap" taxon relationship type is a generalisation of "is congruent to", "includes" and "excludes".
This type is symmetric but not transitive.

See Also:


public static final TaxonRelationshipType NOT_INCLUDED_IN()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is not included in". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "is not included in" taxon relationship type indicates that at least one element belonging to the circumscription of the source taxon involved in the taxon relationship does not belong to the circumscription of the target taxon.
This type is neither symmetric nor transitive.

See Also:


public static final TaxonRelationshipType NOT_CONGRUENT_TO()
Returns the (concept) taxon relationship type "is not congruent to". This is a concept relationship type which means that the circumscriptions (the set of organisms/specimens that belong to a taxon according to the -maybe implicit- opinion of the concept reference) of both taxa involved in such a taxon relationship are beeing compared. In a concept relationship the concept references of the involved taxa must be distinct.
The "is not congruent to" taxon relationship type indicates that at least one element belonging to one of both circumscriptions does not belong to the other circumscription. This type is a generalisation of "includes", "overlaps" and "excludes".
This type is symmetric but not transitive.

See Also:

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