


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
59dae782 11/13/2008 05:24 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Started this with an ObservableList in the results list, realized it could be much simpler. Check in before making it thus.

458adeaf 11/13/2008 11:54 AM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Added import / export dummy functionality (i.e. CDM library not yet functional) to "File ..." menu. 2) Changes due to new TimePeriod in CDM library

23e1f5a4 11/13/2008 11:54 AM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Added import / export dummy functionality (i.e. CDM library not yet functional) to "File ..." menu. 2) Changes due to new TimePeriod in CDM library

8fc8136a 11/12/2008 03:21 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Commented out createDataSourceMenu();

8476410c 11/12/2008 10:08 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Added TaxonBasePropertyDescriptor to show name AND sec for misapplied names.

b6ed876b 11/11/2008 05:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

More work on BibRefPropertySource.

e9a27787 11/10/2008 01:53 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created a YearValidator. Validator added to Descriptor - in case of invalid data, setValue() will not be called when Year field loses focus. Validator writes invalid messages to status bar.

362126f7 11/10/2008 01:52 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Creating a YearValidator. Validator added to Descriptor - in case of invalid data, setValue() will not be called when Year field loses focus. Validator writes invalid messages to status bar.

30108269 11/07/2008 02:29 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Commit before downgrading the compiler and JRE in my Eclipse to 1.5.

1ee2e6e1 11/07/2008 02:28 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Commit before downgrading the compiler and JRE in my Eclipse to 1.5.

ce92c0d3 11/07/2008 02:27 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Commit before downgrading the compiler and JRE in my Eclipse to 1.5.

5df5a7e1 11/06/2008 01:14 PM Niels Hoffmann

removed java 1.5 incompatible override annotations

cb63a1bd 11/05/2008 06:00 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Sync. w Niels

a455b8b5 11/04/2008 04:40 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created BibRefPropertySource, first implementation in DescriptionElementPropertySource. User can change the type of reference used, and the new reference will get the old one's TitleCache. Fields will be shown according to reference type. However, their values are neither displayed nor editable.

d946510a 11/03/2008 10:26 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Added focus listeners to DescriptionElementComposite, DescriptionLabelComposite to show their data in property sheet on focus.

0adbc1dd 10/27/2008 03:51 PM Anahit Babadshanjan

Move synonyms, misapplied names, and descriptions from old accepted taxon to new accepted taxon for “Make synonym this taxon’s accepted taxon”

ee060c3d 10/16/2008 02:35 PM Pepe Ciardelli
bbf4e6ba 10/16/2008 02:35 PM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Checkin for Anahit 2) Delete NameRelations works now (maybe not behind the scenes ... i.e., zombie NameRelationships still exists, just not attached to Names)

1b723fbe 10/10/2008 04:09 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Implemented distinction between basionym (ICBN) and original combination (ICZN), in: synyonym menu (add / remove as homotypic group basionym); name relations wizard; and name relations in property sheet view.

Also removed a few cases where BotanicalName was created automatically (Create child / quick taxon); now depends on preferred nom. code.

b1c5b673 10/09/2008 01:27 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added "Save all" button - still needs testing.

e32ba631 10/09/2008 01:27 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added "Save all" button - still needs testing.

f8c060f1 10/07/2008 03:29 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added "Save All" button which saves all open taxon editors, commits the current transaction, and starts a new transaction.

a1a081b7 09/30/2008 10:15 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before starting datasource.

c2f06cc1 09/23/2008 11:56 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before attempting to put each "save taxon" in its own transaction.

7d85d9fe 09/19/2008 04:51 PM Pepe Ciardelli

User can now choose in preferences which ranks to show in the TaxonName property sheet dropdown menu.

a9afb454 09/18/2008 05:51 PM Pepe Ciardelli

DescriptionLabelComponent's ContextMenu now rebuilt every time it is called to reflect any changes in the set of preferred features.

619163a4 09/18/2008 11:43 AM Pepe Ciardelli

When a Taxon which has no TaxonDescription information is opened, an empty TaxonDescription is created. This TaxonDescription is now only saved to its Taxon when changes are made to it, i.e. when firePropertyChange(PROP_DIRTY) is called on TaxonDescriptionEditorViewe.

67cc2478 09/17/2008 05:28 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added message and link "Your data source is empty. Click here to create a root taxon." to be shown when Taxonomic Tree is empty.

54ebe5d5 09/17/2008 05:27 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added message and link "Your data source is empty. Click here to create a root taxon." to be shown when Taxonomic Tree is empty.

c95b64eb 09/17/2008 02:39 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added FeaturePreferences to enable user to choose which Features to display in the "New features" dropdown menu.

ea5027ef 09/17/2008 02:38 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Added FeaturePreferences to enable user to choose which Features to display in the "New features" dropdown menu.

56988901 09/17/2008 11:24 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Preferences have used legacy preference classes to this point - checkin before attempting to implement new scope-based preferences.

fabb6aff 09/16/2008 03:15 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checking in stray files.

33879838 09/16/2008 11:06 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Checking in more work on "eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.description", testing upgrade to Subclipse 1.4.

7b78aaf9 09/15/2008 03:25 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Moved around a few classes between eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor and

a61e5680 09/15/2008 03:18 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created class eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.EmptyTextViewerPrompt to display "Click here to start entering text"-type messages in input elements.

b8cf1abb 09/15/2008 10:59 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Cleaning up SVN mess from package re-org

443de0f3 09/15/2008 10:54 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Cleaning up SVN mess from package re-org

307bbaa5 09/15/2008 10:30 AM Pepe Ciardelli

rename test

869a9867 09/15/2008 10:15 AM Pepe Ciardelli
39b71af2 09/15/2008 10:15 AM Pepe Ciardelli
f63befdc 09/15/2008 10:14 AM Pepe Ciardelli
7879e755 09/15/2008 10:09 AM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Re-arranged packages:

search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation

all free-text editing classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor

property sheet classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.propertysheet

2) eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.description - can now create a description, add elements, save, and partially display saved descriptions

39051dfa 09/12/2008 05:29 PM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Re-arranged packages:

search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation

all free-text editing classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor

property sheet classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.propertysheet

2) eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.description - can now create a description, add elements, save, and partially display saved descriptions

14ece9ea 09/12/2008 05:25 PM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Re-arranged packages:

search, tax. tree, favorites, recent names
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.navigation

all free-text editing classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor

property sheet classes
-> eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.propertysheet

2) eu.etaxonomy.taxeditor.editor.description - can now create a description, add elements, save, and partially display saved descriptions

e614a24a 09/10/2008 05:42 PM Pepe Ciardelli

1) Started editor for TaxonDescriptions, 2) created AbstractTaxonEditorView for all tabbed editors to extend

9874f90f 08/22/2008 02:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Factored out TaxonCompositeFactory - class no longer used, but not yet deleted for sentimental reasons.

9b6f8de8 07/02/2008 05:01 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Version for 02.07.2008 release.

e2092d6e 07/02/2008 04:58 PM Pepe Ciardelli
ced9e5da 07/02/2008 04:57 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Version for 02.07.2080 release.

939955c6 07/02/2008 04:55 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Product version for 02.07.2080 release.

08e143b3 07/02/2008 04:54 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Product version for 02.07.2080 release.

86607dbf 07/01/2008 04:42 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checking in and making a new feature for download.

324e2db6 07/01/2008 04:41 PM Pepe Ciardelli
8e20b321 07/01/2008 04:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Initial import.

accaee9f 06/30/2008 03:02 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before re-arranging context menu.

5a1121ae 06/27/2008 04:47 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Re-designed taxonomic tree content provider (currently set to yet again. All data used by the content provider is now stored on the TaxEditorPlugin.

494bda5d 06/25/2008 03:08 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created EditorGroupComponent, which has an IManagedForm. If an EditorGroupedComponent is dragged onto a different view, it will be assigned the IManagedForm of its new home.

f906a8ca 06/25/2008 03:05 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created EditorGroupComponent, which has an IManagedForm. If an EditorGroupedComponent is dragged onto a different view, it will be assigned the IManagedForm of its new home.

adfccfa6 06/25/2008 11:02 AM Pepe Ciardelli

TaxonCompositeFactory functionality transferred to NameComposite. Next step: put TaxonCompositeFactory createComposite methods into Actions.

d1e84dfb 06/23/2008 10:32 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Name Composites can now be dragged from one Taxon editor view to another.

bf1cc095 06/19/2008 03:12 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Created action for moving synonym to a new group - also works for moving between taxon views. Only thing that doesn't work yet is hitting return inside a synonym to create a new heterotypic synonym and group - currently, these are always created in the view where they were created.

22187a45 06/18/2008 01:24 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Testing whether corrupt dir "taxeditor/controller" is still there.

188f6499 06/18/2008 01:21 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before making the editor.DIRTY state dependent on UI - not CDM - elements.

8425ab41 06/17/2008 10:51 AM Pepe Ciardelli

About to re-design session taxon collections (rootTaxa, taxonomicChildrenMap, observableTaxonSet)

1042793c 06/10/2008 06:16 PM Pepe Ciardelli
0519acd2 06/10/2008 06:16 PM Pepe Ciardelli
130adb90 06/10/2008 06:15 PM Pepe Ciardelli
6715f17b 06/10/2008 06:15 PM Pepe Ciardelli
d4504f77 06/10/2008 06:15 PM Pepe Ciardelli
bdd71659 06/10/2008 06:14 PM Pepe Ciardelli
81068e7d 06/10/2008 06:13 PM Pepe Ciardelli
8cd7ecef 06/10/2008 06:13 PM Pepe Ciardelli
0791f657 06/10/2008 06:12 PM Pepe Ciardelli
6e70e7a4 06/10/2008 03:56 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Some new icons.

4e8c2019 06/06/2008 03:33 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

09bc6540 06/06/2008 03:33 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

d381f0e6 06/06/2008 03:33 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

0160f46f 06/06/2008 03:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

7d3d9770 06/06/2008 03:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

aefa6c8b 06/06/2008 03:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

6f95dca6 06/06/2008 03:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

0f02cd5c 06/06/2008 03:31 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Checkin before moving TaxonCompositeFactory methods into NameComposite.transform(String transformation)

b7166cb5 06/06/2008 03:31 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Completed name relations list wizard for property sheet. Edit existing relations not possible with current CDM.

f853e1b6 06/06/2008 03:30 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Completed name relations list wizard for property sheet. Edit existing relations not possible with current CDM.

a39d0a90 06/06/2008 10:20 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Added wizard for creating name relation.

32c0ff12 06/04/2008 05:11 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Got rid of "open file" menu item by replacing:

    MenuManager fileMenu = new MenuManager("&File",


    MenuManager fileMenu = new MenuManager("&File",
2c1027ad 06/04/2008 01:32 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Split left panel into 4 views.

da33e5fc 06/04/2008 10:37 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Operation history implemented for ChangeCompositeToMisappliedName.

8079bff9 06/04/2008 10:24 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Operation history implemented for ChangeCompositeToMisappliedName.

911022d4 06/04/2008 10:24 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Operation history implemented for ChangeCompositeToMisappliedName.

45e8ff43 06/04/2008 10:23 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Operation history implemented for ChangeCompositeToMisappliedName.

884ac9a0 06/04/2008 10:23 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Operation history implemented for ChangeCompositeToMisappliedName.

1edf0944 06/02/2008 11:46 AM Pepe Ciardelli

Initial checkin before attempting to implement Undo Operations.

35944f68 05/30/2008 06:04 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.

cecfbc48 05/30/2008 06:04 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.

0d518c4e 05/30/2008 06:04 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.

4d95e8a3 05/30/2008 06:02 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.

ad4c3dad 05/30/2008 06:01 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.

da02b0f9 05/30/2008 06:01 PM Pepe Ciardelli

Taxonomic tree provider substantially re-programmed, cleaned up.