


task #7808

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker almost 6 years ago

copied from #7420#note-19 

 existing IAPT data sometimes do have different ranks then the imported data. Therefore the names/taxa are not deduplicated. Example: Cryptophyceae is Division in IAPT but Phylum in Frey + Worms. This needs to be sorted out before the final import. 

 SELECT tn2.uuid, tn2.titleCache, r.titleCache  
 from TaxonName tn2 join DefinedTermBase r on tn2.rank_id = 
 where tn2.titleCache in (Select titleCache from (select tn.titleCache as titleCache, count(*) as n 
 FROM TaxonName tn 
 GROUP BY tn.titleCache 
 Having n > 1 ) AS TMP_TBL) order by tn2.titleCache 

 SELECT tn2.uuid, tn2.nameCache, r.titleCache  
 from TaxonName tn2 join DefinedTermBase r on tn2.rank_id = 
 where tn2.titleCache in (Select nameCache from (select tn.nameCache as nameCache, count(*) as n 
 FROM TaxonName tn 
 GROUP BY tn.nameCache 
 Having n > 1 ) AS TMP_TBL) order by tn2.nameCache 
