


feature request #6123

Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 7 years ago

Normally (in higher plants) the Scientific name plus full reference and detail, includes the page only, 
 e.g. Bellis annua L., Sp. Pl. 2: 887. 1753. (IPNI) 

 In AlgaTerra and phycological book publications figure references are included: 

 AlgaTerra: Brachysira elliptica Metzeltin & Lange-Bert. in Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: p. 46, pl. 174: fig. 13-16; pl. 177: fig. 4. 2007. 

 Index Nominum Algarum: Brachysira elliptica D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Iconogr. Diatomol. 18: 46, pl. 174: figs. 13-16; pl. 177: fig. 4. 2007. 

 Catalogue of Diatom Names: Brachysira elliptica D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot 2007, p. 46; pl. 174, fig. 13-16, pl. 177, fig. 4  

 AlgaeBase: Brachysira elliptica Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot 2007: 46; pl. 174, fig. 13-16; pl. 177, fig.4 

 Formatting is differing, but all resources include figures. 
 Since images are neaded for valid publication for algae (and fossils), it might be worth to store this information in a separate field rather than have a detail field for page(s) and figure(s) 

 To be discussed! 

 Draft interface entry for registration:+ 

 ~~~ registration: 
 Validating figue(s) [_________________________________] Checkbox    + Media-URI: [_________________________________] 

 Maybe also data entry fields for additional media: 

 Additional figue(s) [_________________________________] + Media-URI: [_________________________________] 
 ~~~ text field______________________________ 
