Uses of Class

Packages that use Rank Provides classes for nomenclature and typification. 

Uses of Rank in

Methods in that return Rank
static Rank Rank.BIOVARIETY()
static Rank Rank.CANDIDATE()
static Rank Rank.CLASS()
static Rank Rank.CONVAR()
static Rank Rank.CULTIVAR()
static Rank Rank.CULTIVARGROUP()
static Rank Rank.DIVISION()
static Rank Rank.DOMAIN()
static Rank Rank.EMPIRE()
static Rank Rank.FAMILY()
static Rank Rank.FORM()
static Rank Rank.GENUS()
static Rank Rank.getByUuid(UUID uuid)
          Returns the taxonomical rank identified through its immutable universally unique identifier (UUID).
 Rank TaxonNameBase.getRank()
          Returns the taxonomic rank of this taxon name.
static Rank Rank.getRankByAbbreviation(String abbrev)
          Returns the rank identified through an abbreviated name.
static Rank Rank.getRankByName(String rankName)
          Returns the rank identified through a name.
static Rank Rank.getRankByNameOrAbbreviation(String strRank)
          Returns the rank identified through a name (abbreviated or not).
static Rank Rank.GRAFTCHIMAERA()
static Rank Rank.GREX()
static Rank Rank.INFRACLASS()
static Rank Rank.INFRADIVISION()
static Rank Rank.INFRAFAMILY()
static Rank Rank.INFRAGENUS()
static Rank Rank.INFRAKINGDOM()
static Rank Rank.INFRAORDER()
static Rank Rank.INFRAPHYLUM()
static Rank Rank.INFRASPECIES()
static Rank Rank.INFRATRIBE()
static Rank Rank.KINGDOM()
static Rank Rank.ORDER()
static Rank Rank.PATHOVARIETY()
static Rank Rank.PHYLUM()
static Rank Rank.SECTION()
static Rank Rank.SERIES()
static Rank Rank.SPECIALFORM()
static Rank Rank.SPECIES()
static Rank Rank.SUBCLASS()
static Rank Rank.SUBDIVISION()
static Rank Rank.SUBFAMILY()
static Rank Rank.SUBFORM()
static Rank Rank.SUBGENUS()
static Rank Rank.SUBKINGDOM()
static Rank Rank.SUBORDER()
static Rank Rank.SUBPHYLUM()
static Rank Rank.SUBSECTION()
static Rank Rank.SUBSERIES()
static Rank Rank.SUBSPECIES()
static Rank Rank.SUBSUBFORM()
static Rank Rank.SUBSUBVARIETY()
static Rank Rank.SUBTRIBE()
static Rank Rank.SUBVARIETY()
static Rank Rank.SUPERCLASS()
static Rank Rank.SUPERDIVISION()
static Rank Rank.SUPERFAMILY()
static Rank Rank.SUPERKINGDOM()
static Rank Rank.SUPERORDER()
static Rank Rank.SUPERPHYLUM()
static Rank Rank.SUPERTRIBE()
static Rank Rank.TRIBE()
static Rank Rank.VARIETY()

Methods in with parameters of type Rank
 TaxonNameBase NomenclaturalCode.getNewTaxonNameInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new particular taxon name (botanical, zoological, cultivar plant, bacterial or viral name) instance depending on this nomenclature code only containing the given rank.
static ZoologicalName ZoologicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new zoological taxon name instance only containing its rank and the default cache strategy.
static ViralName ViralName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new viral taxon name instance only containing its rank.
static NonViralName NonViralName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new non viral taxon name instance only containing its rank and the default cache strategy.
static CultivarPlantName CultivarPlantName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new cultivar taxon name instance only containing its rank and the default cache strategy.
static BotanicalName BotanicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new botanical taxon name instance only containing its rank and the default cache strategy.
static BacterialName BacterialName.NewInstance(Rank rank)
          Creates a new bacterial taxon name instance only containing its rank and the default cache strategy.
static ZoologicalName ZoologicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new zoological taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
static NonViralName NonViralName.NewInstance(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new non viral taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
static CultivarPlantName CultivarPlantName.NewInstance(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new cultivar taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
static BotanicalName BotanicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new botanical taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
static BacterialName BacterialName.NewInstance(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new bacterial taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
static ZoologicalName ZoologicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank, String genusOrUninomial, String infraGenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraSpecificEpithet, TeamOrPersonBase combinationAuthorTeam, INomenclaturalReference nomenclaturalReference, String nomenclMicroRef, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new zoological taxon name instance containing its rank, its homotypical group, its scientific name components, its author(team), its nomenclatural reference and the default cache strategy.
static BotanicalName BotanicalName.NewInstance(Rank rank, String genusOrUninomial, String infraGenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraSpecificEpithet, TeamOrPersonBase combinationAuthorTeam, INomenclaturalReference nomenclaturalReference, String nomenclMicroRef, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Creates a new botanical taxon name instance containing its rank, its homotypical group, its scientific name components, its author(team), its nomenclatural reference and the default cache strategy.
static ZoologicalName ZoologicalName.PARSED_NAME(String fullNameString, Rank rank)
          Returns a zoological taxon name based on parsing a string representing all elements (according to the ICZN)) of a zoological taxon name including authorship but without nomenclatural reference.
static BotanicalName BotanicalName.PARSED_NAME(String fullNameString, Rank rank)
          Returns a botanical taxon name based on parsing a string representing all elements (according to the ICBN) of a botanical taxon name including authorship but without nomenclatural reference.
static BotanicalName BotanicalName.PARSED_REFERENCE(String fullNameAndReferenceString, Rank rank)
          Returns a botanical taxon name based on parsing a string representing all elements (according to the ICBN) of a botanical taxon name including authorship and nomenclatural reference.
 void TaxonNameBase.setRank(Rank rank)

Constructors in with parameters of type Rank
BacterialName(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new bacterial taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
BotanicalName(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new botanical taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
BotanicalName(Rank rank, String genusOrUninomial, String infraGenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraSpecificEpithet, TeamOrPersonBase combinationAuthorTeam, INomenclaturalReference nomenclaturalReference, String nomenclMicroRef, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new botanical taxon name instance containing its rank, its homotypical group, its scientific name components, its author(team), its nomenclatural reference and the default cache strategy.
CultivarPlantName(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new cultivar taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
NonViralName(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new non viral taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
NonViralName(Rank rank, String genusOrUninomial, String infraGenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraSpecificEpithet, TeamOrPersonBase combinationAuthorTeam, INomenclaturalReference nomenclaturalReference, String nomenclMicroRef, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new non viral taxon name instance containing its rank, its homotypical group, its scientific name components, its author(team), its nomenclatural reference and the default cache strategy.
TaxonNameBase(Rank rank)
          Class constructor: creates a new taxon name only containing its rank.
TaxonNameBase(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new taxon name only containing its rank and its homotypical group.
ViralName(Rank rank)
          Class constructor: creates a new viral taxon name instance only containing its rank.
ZoologicalName(Rank rank, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new zoological taxon name instance only containing its rank, its homotypical group and the default cache strategy.
ZoologicalName(Rank rank, String genusOrUninomial, String infraGenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraSpecificEpithet, TeamOrPersonBase combinationAuthorTeam, INomenclaturalReference nomenclaturalReference, String nomenclMicroRef, HomotypicalGroup homotypicalGroup)
          Class constructor: creates a new zoological taxon name instance containing its rank, its homotypical group, its scientific name components, its author(team), its nomenclatural reference and the default cache strategy.

Uses of Rank in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser

Methods in eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser with parameters of type Rank
 NonViralName NonViralNameParserImpl.getNonViralNameInstance(String fullString, NomenclaturalCode code, Rank rank)
 void NonViralNameParserImpl.parseFullName(NonViralName nameToBeFilled, String fullNameString, Rank rank, boolean makeEmpty)
 NonViralName NonViralNameParserImpl.parseFullName(String fullNameString, NomenclaturalCode nomCode, Rank rank)
 T INonViralNameParser.parseFullName(String fullName, NomenclaturalCode nomCode, Rank rank)
          Parses the taxon name String and returns a TaxonNameBase.
 void INonViralNameParser.parseFullName(T nameToBeFilled, String fullName, Rank rank, boolean makeEmpty)
          Parses the taxon name String and fills the result into the existing TaxonNameBase nameToBeFilled.
 void NonViralNameParserImpl.parseFullReference(NonViralName nameToBeFilled, String fullReferenceString, Rank rank, boolean makeEmpty)
 NonViralName NonViralNameParserImpl.parseFullReference(String fullReferenceString, NomenclaturalCode nomCode, Rank rank)
 T INonViralNameParser.parseFullReference(String fullReference, NomenclaturalCode nomCode, Rank rank)
 void INonViralNameParser.parseFullReference(T nameToBeFilled, String fullReference, Rank rank, boolean makeEmpty)
 NonViralName NonViralNameParserImpl.parseSimpleName(String simpleName, Rank rank)
 T INonViralNameParser.parseSimpleName(String simpleName, Rank rank)
          Parses the taxon name String and returns a TaxonNameBase.

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