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[cdmlib-apps.git] / src / main / resources / taxonX / palm_tc_29709.xml
1 <taxonx xmlns:dc="" xmlns:mods="" xmlns:xsi="">
2 <taxonxHeader>
3 <mods:mods>
4 <mods:titleInfo><mods:title>The Rattans of Sabah. Sabah Forest Records 13.</mods:title></mods:titleInfo>
5 <mods:name>
6 <mods:namePart type="family">Dransfield</mods:namePart>
7 <mods:namePart type="given">J.</mods:namePart>
8 </mods:name>
9 <mods:originInfo><mods:dateIssued>1984</mods:dateIssued>
10 <mods:publisher>Sabah Forest Department</mods:publisher>
11 </mods:originInfo>
12 </mods:mods>
13 </taxonxHeader>
14 <taxonxBody>
15 <treatment rank="species">
16 <nomenclature>
17 <name>Calamus mesilauensis</name>
18 <author>J.Dransf.</author>
19 <citation>Kew Bull. 36: 797 (1982)</citation>
20 </nomenclature>
21 <div type="introduction"><p></p></div>
22 <div type="etymology"><p>From the type locality</p></div>
23 <div type="vernacular"><p></p></div>
24 <div type="description"><p>Slender clustering rattan climbing to c 10 m; stems without sheaths c 8 mm diam., with to 15 mm diam.; internodes to 20 cm. Sheaths pale green with scattered brown scales and armed with scattered large triangular dark brown spines to 10 x 5 mm with swollen yellowish bases and black hairy margins, and much smaller spines to 3 mm scattered in between or in short groups. Knee conspicuous. Ocrea short, fringed with stiff blackish hairs. Vestigial flagellum present to 5 cm. Leaf to 1.25 m including cirrus to 70 cm and very short petiole to 5 cm; cirrus armed with scattered not grouped spines; leaflets c 10 on each side of the rachis, irregularly arranged in four groups of 2 or 3; longest leaflets to 40 x 3.5 cm, plicate, unarmed except for a few black bristles at the tip. Male and female inflorescences superficially similar, to 50 cm, with a short peduncle to 11 cm; main bracts to 15 cm, dull dirty brown covered in brown scales and scattered spines, deeply split and tattering giving the whole inflorescence a dead appearance; male and female rachillae to c 4 cm. Ripe fruit large, wider than high, to 18 x 23 mm, tipped with a cylindrical beak to 1.5 x 1.5 mm and covered in 24 - 26 vertical rows of deep reddish brown scales; seed &#177; depressed globose to 12 x 17 mm; endosperm deeply ruminate. Seedling leaf unknown. (Fig. 54)</p></div>
25 <div type="distribution"><p>Only known from lower montane forest on Kinabalu; endemic.</p></div>
26 <div type="biology_ecology"><p></p></div>
27 <div type="conservation"><p></p></div>
28 <div type="uses"><p>None known but of generally good appearance.</p></div>
29 <div type="discussion"><p>The presence of a vestigial flagellum as well as a cirrus indicates that this species belongs to the group of species related to C. pogonacanthus. The highly tattered inflorescence bracts distinguish it from C. pogonacanthus and the &#177; unarmed leaflets differentiate it from C. hepbumii. A sterile specimen from Bt. Si lam (JD 5841) may possibly belong to C. mesilauensis.</p></div>
30 <div type="materials_examined"><p></p></div>
31 </treatment>
32 </taxonxBody>
33 </taxonx>