update factory methods for original sources #1549
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-io / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / io / dwca / in / DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonConverter.java
1 // $Id$
2 /**
3 * Copyright (C) 2009 EDIT
4 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
5 * http://www.e-taxonomy.eu
6 *
7 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
8 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
9 */
10 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.io.dwca.in;
12 import java.util.ArrayList;
13 import java.util.HashSet;
14 import java.util.List;
15 import java.util.Map;
16 import java.util.Set;
18 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
19 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
21 import com.ibm.lsid.MalformedLSIDException;
23 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.CdmUtils;
24 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.io.dwca.TermUri;
25 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
26 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.IdentifiableSource;
27 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.LSID;
28 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OriginalSourceType;
29 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.BotanicalName;
30 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.NomenclaturalCode;
31 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.NonViralName;
32 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.Rank;
33 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.TaxonNameBase;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.ZoologicalName;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.Reference;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ReferenceFactory;
37 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Classification;
38 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
39 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
40 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
41 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.exceptions.StringNotParsableException;
42 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.exceptions.UnknownCdmTypeException;
43 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.NonViralNameParserImpl;
45 /**
46 * @author a.mueller
47 * @date 22.11.2011
48 *
49 */
50 public class DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonConverter extends PartitionableConverterBase<DwcaImportState> implements IPartitionableConverter<CsvStreamItem, IReader<CdmBase>, String>{
51 @SuppressWarnings("unused")
52 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonConverter.class);
54 private static final String ID = "id";
55 // temporary key for the case that no dataset information is supplied, TODO use something better
56 public static final String NO_DATASET = "no_dataset_jli773oebhjklw";
58 private NonViralNameParserImpl parser = NonViralNameParserImpl.NewInstance();
60 /**
61 * @param state
62 */
63 public DwcTaxonCsv2CdmTaxonConverter(DwcaImportState state) {
64 super(state);
65 }
68 public IReader<MappedCdmBase> map(CsvStreamItem csvTaxonRecord){
69 List<MappedCdmBase> resultList = new ArrayList<MappedCdmBase>();
71 //TODO what if not transactional?
72 Reference<?> sourceReference = state.getTransactionalSourceReference();
73 String sourceReferenceDetail = null;
75 //taxon
76 TaxonBase<?> taxonBase = getTaxonBase(csvTaxonRecord);
77 MappedCdmBase mcb = new MappedCdmBase(csvTaxonRecord.term, csvTaxonRecord.get(ID), taxonBase);
78 resultList.add(mcb);
80 //original source
81 String id = csvTaxonRecord.get(ID);
82 IdentifiableSource source = taxonBase.addImportSource(id, "Taxon", sourceReference, sourceReferenceDetail);
83 MappedCdmBase mappedSource = new MappedCdmBase(csvTaxonRecord.get(ID), source);
84 resultList.add(mappedSource);
85 csvTaxonRecord.remove(ID);
87 //rank
88 NomenclaturalCode nomCode = getNomCode(csvTaxonRecord);
89 Rank rank = getRank(csvTaxonRecord, nomCode);
91 //name && name published in
92 TaxonNameBase<?,?> name = getScientificName(csvTaxonRecord, nomCode, rank, resultList, sourceReference);
93 taxonBase.setName(name);
95 //nameAccordingTo
96 MappedCdmBase<Reference> sec = getNameAccordingTo(csvTaxonRecord, resultList);
97 if (sec == null && state.getConfig().isUseSourceReferenceAsSec()){
98 sec = new MappedCdmBase<Reference>(state.getTransactionalSourceReference());
99 }
100 if (sec != null){
101 taxonBase.setSec(sec.getCdmBase());
102 }
104 //classification
105 handleDataset(csvTaxonRecord, taxonBase, resultList, sourceReference, sourceReferenceDetail);
107 //NON core
108 //term="http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier"
109 //currently only LSIDs
110 handleIdentifier(csvTaxonRecord, taxonBase);
114 // <!-- Top level group; listed as kingdom but may be interpreted as domain or superkingdom
115 // The following eight groups are recognized: Animalia, Archaea, Bacteria, Chromista,
116 // Fungi, Plantae, Protozoa, Viruses -->
117 // <field index='10' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/kingdom'/>
119 // <!-- Phylum in which the taxon has been classified -->
120 // <field index='11' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/phylum'/>
122 // <!-- Class in which the taxon has been classified -->
123 // <field index='12' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/class'/>
125 // <!-- Order in which the taxon has been classified -->
126 // <field index='13' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/order'/>
128 // <!-- Family in which the taxon has been classified -->
129 // <field index='14' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/family'/>
131 // <!-- Genus in which the taxon has been classified -->
132 // <field index='15' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/genus'/>
134 // <!-- Subgenus in which the taxon has been classified -->
135 // <field index='16' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/subgenus'/>
136 // <!-- Specific epithet; for hybrids, the multiplication symbol is included in the epithet -->
138 // <field index='17' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/specificEpithet'/>
139 // <!-- Infraspecific epithet -->
141 // <field index='18' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/infraspecificEpithet'/>
142 // <!-- Authorship -->
144 // <field index='19' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/scientificNameAuthorship'/>
145 // ==> see scientific name
146 //
147 // <!-- Acceptance status published in -->
148 // <field index='20' term='http://purl.org/dc/terms/source'/>
149 // <!-- Reference in which the scientific name was first published -->
150 // <field index='21' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/namePublishedIn'/>
151 // <!-- Taxon scrutinized by -->
152 // <field index='22' term='http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/nameAccordingTo'/> 
153 // <!-- Scrutiny date -->
154 // <field index='23' term='http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified'/>
155 // <!-- Additional data for the taxon -->
156 // <field index='24' term='http://purl.org/dc/terms/description'/>
157 // </core>
159 return new ListReader<MappedCdmBase>(resultList);
160 }
164 //TODO handle non LSIDs
165 //TODO handle LSIDs for names
166 private void handleIdentifier(CsvStreamItem csvTaxonRecord, TaxonBase<?> taxonBase) {
167 String identifier = csvTaxonRecord.get(TermUri.DC_IDENTIFIER);
168 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(identifier)){
169 if (identifier.trim().startsWith("urn:lsid")){
170 try {
171 LSID lsid = new LSID(identifier);
172 taxonBase.setLsid(lsid);
173 } catch (MalformedLSIDException e) {
174 String message = "LSID is malformed and can't be handled as LSID: %s";
175 message = String.format(message, identifier);
176 fireWarningEvent(message, csvTaxonRecord, 4);
177 }
178 }else{
179 String message = "Identifier type not supported: %s";
180 message = String.format(message, identifier);
181 fireWarningEvent(message, csvTaxonRecord, 4);
182 }
183 }
185 }
188 private void handleDataset(CsvStreamItem item, TaxonBase<?> taxonBase, List<MappedCdmBase> resultList, Reference<?> sourceReference, String sourceReferecenDetail) {
189 TermUri idTerm = TermUri.DWC_DATASET_ID;
190 TermUri strTerm = TermUri.DWC_DATASET_NAME;
192 if (config.isDatasetsAsClassifications()){
193 String datasetId = CdmUtils.Nz(item.get(idTerm)).trim();
194 String datasetName = CdmUtils.Nz(item.get(strTerm)).trim();
195 if (CdmUtils.areBlank(datasetId, datasetName) ){
196 datasetId = NO_DATASET;
197 }
199 //check id
200 boolean classificationExists = state.exists(idTerm.toString() , datasetId, Classification.class);
202 //check name
203 if (!classificationExists){
204 classificationExists = state.exists(strTerm.toString() , datasetName, Classification.class);
205 }
207 //if not exists, create new
208 if (! classificationExists){
209 String classificationName = StringUtils.isBlank(datasetName)? datasetId : datasetName;
210 if (classificationName.equals(NO_DATASET)){
211 classificationName = "Classification (no name)"; //TODO define by config or zipfile or metadata
212 }
214 String classificationId = StringUtils.isBlank(datasetId)? datasetName : datasetId;
215 Classification classification = Classification.NewInstance(classificationName);
216 //source
217 IdentifiableSource source = classification.addSource(OriginalSourceType.Lineage, classificationId, "Dataset", sourceReference, sourceReferecenDetail);
218 //add to result
219 resultList.add(new MappedCdmBase(idTerm, datasetId, classification));
220 resultList.add(new MappedCdmBase(strTerm, datasetName, classification));
221 resultList.add(new MappedCdmBase(source));
222 //TODO this is not so nice but currently necessary as classifications are requested in the same partition
223 state.putMapping(idTerm.toString(), classificationId, classification);
224 state.putMapping(strTerm.toString(), classificationName, classification);
225 }
226 }else if (config.isDatasetsAsSecundumReference() || config.isDatasetsAsOriginalSource()){
227 MappedCdmBase<Reference> mappedCitation = getReference(item, resultList, idTerm, strTerm, true);
228 if (mappedCitation != null){
229 Reference<?> ref = mappedCitation.getCdmBase();
230 if (config.isDatasetsAsSecundumReference()){
231 //dataset as secundum reference
232 taxonBase.setSec(ref);
233 }else{
234 //dataset as original source
235 taxonBase.addSource(OriginalSourceType.Lineage, null, null, ref, null);
236 }
237 }
238 }else{
239 String message = "DatasetUse type not yet implemented. Can't import dataset information.";
240 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
241 }
243 //remove to later check if all attributes were used
244 item.remove(idTerm);
245 item.remove(strTerm);
247 }
250 @Override
251 public String getSourceId(CsvStreamItem item) {
252 String id = item.get(ID);
253 return id;
254 }
256 private MappedCdmBase<Reference> getNameAccordingTo(CsvStreamItem item, List<MappedCdmBase> resultList) {
257 if (config.isDatasetsAsSecundumReference()){
258 //TODO store nameAccordingTo info some where else or let the user define where to store it.
259 return null;
260 }else{
261 TermUri idTerm = TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO_ID;
262 TermUri strTerm = TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO;
263 MappedCdmBase<Reference> secRef = getReference(item, resultList, idTerm, strTerm, false);
264 return secRef;
265 }
266 }
268 private NomenclaturalCode getNomCode(CsvStreamItem item) {
269 String strNomCode = getValue(item, TermUri.DWC_NOMENCLATURAL_CODE);
270 NomenclaturalCode nomCode = null;
271 // by Nomcenclatural Code
272 if (strNomCode != null){
273 nomCode = NomenclaturalCode.fromString(strNomCode);
274 if (nomCode == null){
275 String message = "NomCode '%s' not recognized";
276 message = String.format(message, strNomCode);
277 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
278 }else{
279 return nomCode;
280 }
281 }
282 // by Kingdom
283 String strKingdom = getValue(item, TermUri.DWC_KINGDOM);
284 if (strKingdom != null){
285 if (strKingdom.equalsIgnoreCase("Plantae")){
286 nomCode = NomenclaturalCode.ICNAFP;
287 }else if (strKingdom.equalsIgnoreCase("Fungi")){
288 nomCode = NomenclaturalCode.ICNAFP;
289 }else if (strKingdom.equalsIgnoreCase("Animalia")){
290 nomCode = NomenclaturalCode.ICZN;
291 }else if (strKingdom.equalsIgnoreCase("Protozoa")){
292 nomCode = NomenclaturalCode.ICZN;
293 }
294 }
296 //TODO further kingdoms
297 if (nomCode == null){
298 //TODO warning
299 if (config.getNomenclaturalCode() != null){
300 nomCode = config.getNomenclaturalCode();
301 }
302 }
303 return nomCode;
304 }
307 private TaxonNameBase<?,?> getScientificName(CsvStreamItem item, NomenclaturalCode nomCode, Rank rank, List<MappedCdmBase> resultList, Reference sourceReference) {
308 TaxonNameBase<?,?> name = null;
309 String strScientificName = getValue(item, TermUri.DWC_SCIENTIFIC_NAME);
310 //Name
311 if (strScientificName != null){
312 name = parser.parseFullName(strScientificName, nomCode, rank);
313 if ( rank != null && name != null && name.getRank() != null && ! rank.equals(name.getRank())){
314 if (config.isValidateRankConsistency()){
315 String message = "Parsed rank %s (%s) differs from rank %s given by fields 'taxonRank' or 'verbatimTaxonRank'";
316 message = String.format(message, name.getRank().getTitleCache(), strScientificName, rank.getTitleCache());
317 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
318 }
319 }
320 checkAuthorship(name, item);
321 resultList.add(new MappedCdmBase(TermUri.DWC_SCIENTIFIC_NAME, strScientificName, name));
322 }
323 //By ID
324 String strScientificNameId = getValue(item, TermUri.DWC_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_ID);
325 if (strScientificNameId != null){
326 if (config.isScientificNameIdAsOriginalSourceId()){
327 if (name != null){
328 IdentifiableSource source = IdentifiableSource.NewDataImportInstance(strScientificNameId,
329 TermUri.DWC_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_ID.toString(), sourceReference);
330 name.addSource(source);
331 }
332 }else{
333 String message = "ScientificNameId not yet implemented: '%s'";
334 message = String.format(message, strScientificNameId);
335 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
336 }
337 }
339 //namePublishedIn
340 TermUri idTerm = TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN_ID;
341 TermUri strTerm = TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN;
342 MappedCdmBase<Reference> nomRef = getReference(item, resultList, idTerm, strTerm, false);
344 if (name != null){
345 if (nomRef != null){
346 name.setNomenclaturalReference(nomRef.getCdmBase()); //check if name already has a nomRef, shouldn't be the case usually
347 }
348 }else{
349 if (nomRef != null){
350 String message = "NamePublishedIn information available but no name exists";
351 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
352 }
353 }
354 return name;
355 }
358 /**
359 * General method to handle references used for multiple attributes.
360 * @param item
361 * @param resultList
362 * @param idTerm
363 * @param strTerm
364 * @param idIsInternal
365 * @return
366 */
367 private MappedCdmBase<Reference> getReference(CsvStreamItem item, List<MappedCdmBase> resultList, TermUri idTerm, TermUri strTerm, boolean idIsInternal) {
368 Reference<?> newRef = null;
369 Reference<?> sourceCitation = null;
371 MappedCdmBase<Reference> result = null;
372 if (exists(idTerm, item) || exists(strTerm, item)){
373 String refId = CdmUtils.Nz(item.get(idTerm)).trim();
374 String refStr = CdmUtils.Nz(item.get(strTerm)).trim();
375 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(refId)){
376 List<Reference> references = state.get(idTerm.toString(), refId, Reference.class);
377 if (references.size() == 0){
378 if (! idIsInternal){
379 //references should already exist in store if not linking to external links like URLs
380 String message = "External namePublishedInIDs are not yet supported";
381 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 4);
382 }else{
383 newRef = ReferenceFactory.newGeneric(); //TODO handle other types if possible
384 newRef.addImportSource(refId, idTerm.toString(), sourceCitation, null);
385 MappedCdmBase<Reference> idResult = new MappedCdmBase<Reference>(idTerm, refId, newRef);
386 resultList.add(idResult);
387 }
388 }else{
389 //TODO handle list.size > 1 , do we need a list here ?
390 result = new MappedCdmBase<Reference>(idTerm, refId , references.get(0));
391 }
392 }
393 if (result == null){
394 List<Reference> nomRefs = state.get(strTerm.toString(), refStr, Reference.class);
395 if (nomRefs.size() > 0){
396 //TODO handle list.size > 1 , do we need a list here ?
397 result = new MappedCdmBase<Reference>(strTerm, refStr , nomRefs.get(0));
398 }else{
399 // new Reference
400 if (newRef == null){
401 newRef = ReferenceFactory.newGeneric(); //TODO handle other types if possible
402 }
403 newRef.setTitleCache(refStr, true);
404 //TODO distinguish available year, authorship, etc. if
405 result = new MappedCdmBase<Reference>(strTerm, refStr, newRef);
406 resultList.add(result);
407 }
408 }
409 }
410 return result;
411 }
414 //TODO we may configure in configuration that scientific name never includes Authorship
415 private void checkAuthorship(TaxonNameBase nameBase, CsvStreamItem item) {
416 if (!nameBase.isInstanceOf(NonViralName.class)){
417 return;
418 }
419 NonViralName<?> nvName = CdmBase.deproxy(nameBase, NonViralName.class);
420 String strAuthors = getValue(item, TermUri.DWC_SCIENTIFIC_NAME_AUTHORS);
422 if (! nvName.isProtectedTitleCache()){
423 if (StringUtils.isBlank(nvName.getAuthorshipCache())){
424 if (nvName.isInstanceOf(BotanicalName.class) || nvName.isInstanceOf(ZoologicalName.class)){
425 //TODO can't we also parse NonViralNames correctly ?
426 try {
427 parser.parseAuthors(nvName, strAuthors);
428 } catch (StringNotParsableException e) {
429 nvName.setAuthorshipCache(strAuthors);
430 }
431 }else{
432 nvName.setAuthorshipCache(strAuthors);
433 }
434 //TODO throw warning (scientific name should always include authorship) by DwC definition
435 }
436 }
438 }
441 private Rank getRank(CsvStreamItem csvTaxonRecord, NomenclaturalCode nomCode) {
442 boolean USE_UNKNOWN = true;
443 Rank rank = null;
444 String strRank = getValue(csvTaxonRecord,TermUri.DWC_TAXON_RANK);
445 String strVerbatimRank = getValue(csvTaxonRecord,TermUri.DWC_VERBATIM_TAXON_RANK);
446 if (strRank != null){
447 try {
448 rank = Rank.getRankByEnglishName(strRank, nomCode, USE_UNKNOWN);
449 if (rank.equals(Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK())){
450 rank = Rank.getRankByNameOrAbbreviation(strRank, USE_UNKNOWN);
451 if (rank.equals(Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK())){
452 String message = "Rank can not be defined for '%s'";
453 message = String.format(message, strRank);
454 fireWarningEvent(message, csvTaxonRecord, 4);
455 }
456 }
457 } catch (UnknownCdmTypeException e) {
458 //should not happen as USE_UNKNOWN is used
459 rank = Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK();
460 }
461 }
462 if ( (rank == null || rank.equals(Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK())) && strVerbatimRank != null){
463 try {
464 rank = Rank.getRankByNameOrAbbreviation(strVerbatimRank, USE_UNKNOWN);
465 if (rank.equals(Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK())){
466 String message = "Rank can not be defined for '%s'";
467 message = String.format(message, strVerbatimRank);
468 fireWarningEvent(message, csvTaxonRecord, 4);
469 }
470 } catch (UnknownCdmTypeException e) {
471 //should not happen as USE_UNKNOWN is used
472 rank = Rank.UNKNOWN_RANK();
473 }
474 }
475 return rank;
476 }
479 /**
480 * Creates an empty taxon object with a given status.
481 * @param item
482 * @return
483 */
484 private TaxonBase<?> getTaxonBase(CsvStreamItem item) {
485 TaxonNameBase<?,?> name = null;
486 Reference<?> sec = null;
487 TaxonBase<?> result;
488 String taxStatus = item.get(TermUri.DWC_TAXONOMIC_STATUS);
489 String status = "";
491 if (taxStatus != null){
492 if (taxStatus.matches("accepted.*|valid")){
493 status += "A";
494 } else if (taxStatus.matches(".*synonym|invalid|not accepted")){ //not accepted comes from scratchpads
495 status += "S";
496 } else if (taxStatus.matches("misapplied.*")){
497 status += "M";
498 } else{
499 status += "?";
500 }
501 item.remove(TermUri.DWC_TAXONOMIC_STATUS);
502 }
503 if (! CdmUtils.isBlank(item.get(TermUri.DWC_ACCEPTED_NAME_USAGE_ID))){
504 // acceptedNameUsageId = id
505 if (getSourceId(item).equals(item.get(TermUri.DWC_ACCEPTED_NAME_USAGE_ID))){
506 status += "A";
507 }else{
508 status += "S";
509 }
510 }
511 if (status.contains("A") || status.contains("M")){
512 result = Taxon.NewInstance(name, sec);
513 if (status.contains("S") && ! status.contains("M") ){
514 String message = "Ambigous taxon status (%s)";
515 message = String.format(message, status);
516 fireWarningEvent(message, item, 6);
517 }
518 } else if (status.contains("S")){
519 result = Synonym.NewInstance(name, sec);
520 } else{
521 result = Taxon.NewUnknownStatusInstance(name, sec);
522 }
524 return result;
526 }
528 // ********************** PARTITIONABLE ****************************************/
531 @Override
532 protected void makeForeignKeysForItem(CsvStreamItem item, Map<String, Set<String>> fkMap) {
533 String value;
534 String key;
536 //namePublishedIn
537 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN_ID.toString()))){
538 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
539 keySet.add(value);
540 }
541 if (config.isDeduplicateNamePublishedIn()){
542 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN.toString()))){
543 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
544 keySet.add(value);
545 }
546 }
548 //nameAccordingTo
549 if (! config.isDatasetsAsSecundumReference()){
550 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO_ID.toString()))){
551 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
552 keySet.add(value);
553 }
554 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO.toString()))){
555 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
556 keySet.add(value);
557 }
558 }
560 //dataset
561 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_DATASET_ID.toString()))){
562 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
563 keySet.add(value);
564 }
565 if ( hasValue(value = item.get(key = TermUri.DWC_DATASET_NAME.toString()))){
566 Set<String> keySet = getKeySet(key, fkMap);
567 keySet.add(value);
568 }
570 }
573 @Override
574 public Set<String> requiredSourceNamespaces() {
575 Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
576 result.add(TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN_ID.toString());
577 result.add(TermUri.DWC_NAME_PUBLISHED_IN.toString());
578 if (!config.isDatasetsAsSecundumReference()){
579 result.add(TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO_ID.toString());
580 result.add(TermUri.DWC_NAME_ACCORDING_TO.toString());
581 }
582 result.add(TermUri.DWC_DATASET_ID.toString());
583 result.add(TermUri.DWC_DATASET_NAME.toString());
584 return result;
585 }
587 //** ***************************** TO STRING *********************************************/
589 @Override
590 public String toString(){
591 return this.getClass().getName();
592 }
596 }