- changed parameter of getFieldUnits to UUID
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-services / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / api / service / IOccurrenceService.java
1 // $Id$
2 /**
3 * Copyright (C) 2009 EDIT
4 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
5 * http://www.e-taxonomy.eu
6 *
7 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
8 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
9 */
11 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service;
13 import java.io.IOException;
14 import java.util.Collection;
15 import java.util.List;
16 import java.util.Set;
17 import java.util.UUID;
19 import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
20 import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;
21 import org.hibernate.search.spatial.impl.Rectangle;
23 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.facade.DerivedUnitFacade;
24 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.facade.DerivedUnitFacadeNotSupportedException;
25 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.Pager;
26 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.search.SearchResult;
27 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.util.TaxonRelationshipEdge;
28 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.Language;
29 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.UuidAndTitleCache;
30 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.DescriptionBase;
31 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.IndividualsAssociation;
32 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description.TaxonDescription;
33 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.location.Country;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.media.Media;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.HomotypicalGroup;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.name.SpecimenTypeDesignation;
37 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.DerivationEvent;
38 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.DerivedUnit;
39 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.DeterminationEvent;
40 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.FieldUnit;
41 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.SpecimenOrObservationBase;
42 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
43 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
44 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationship;
45 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.initializer.IBeanInitializer;
46 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.query.OrderHint;
48 /**
49 * @author a.babadshanjan
50 * @created 01.09.2008
51 */
52 public interface IOccurrenceService extends IIdentifiableEntityService<SpecimenOrObservationBase> {
54 public Country getCountryByIso(String iso639);
56 public List<Country> getCountryByName(String name);
58 /**
59 * Returns a paged list of occurrences that have been determined to belong
60 * to the taxon concept determinedAs, optionally restricted to objects
61 * belonging to a class that that extends SpecimenOrObservationBase.
62 * <p>
63 * In contrast to {@link #listByAnyAssociation(Class, Taxon, List)} this
64 * method only takes SpecimenOrObservationBase instances into account which
65 * are actually determined as the taxon specified by
66 * <code>determinedAs</code>.
67 *
68 * @param type
69 * The type of entities to return (can be null to count all
70 * entities of type <T>)
71 * @param determinedAs
72 * the taxon concept that the occurrences have been determined to
73 * belong to
74 * @param pageSize
75 * The maximum number of objects returned (can be null for all
76 * matching objects)
77 * @param pageNumber
78 * The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result
79 * set (0 - based, can be null, equivalent of starting at the
80 * beginning of the recordset)
81 * @param orderHints
82 * Supports path like <code>orderHints.propertyNames</code> which
83 * include *-to-one properties like createdBy.username or
84 * authorTeam.persistentTitleCache
85 * @param propertyPaths
86 * properties to be initialized
87 * @return
88 */
89 public Pager<SpecimenOrObservationBase> list(Class<? extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> type, TaxonBase determinedAs, Integer limit, Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
91 /**
92 * Returns a List of Media that are associated with a given occurence
93 *
94 * @param occurence the occurence associated with these media
95 * @param pageSize The maximum number of media returned (can be null for all related media)
96 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
97 * @param propertyPaths properties to initialize - see {@link IBeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
98 * @return a Pager of media instances
99 */
100 public Pager<Media> getMedia(SpecimenOrObservationBase occurence, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths);
102 /**
103 * Returns a List of determinations that have been made for a given occurence
104 *
105 * @param occurence the occurence associated with these determinations (can be null for all occurrences)
106 * @param taxonbase the taxon concept associated with these determinations (can be null for all taxon concepts)
107 * @param pageSize The maximum number of determinations returned (can be null for all related determinations)
108 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
109 * @return a Pager of determination instances
110 */
111 public Pager<DeterminationEvent> getDeterminations(SpecimenOrObservationBase occurence, TaxonBase taxonBase, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths);
113 /**
114 * Returns a list of derivation events that have involved creating new DerivedUnits from this occurence
115 *
116 * @param occurence the occurence that was a source of these derivation events
117 * @param pageSize The maximum number of derivation events returned (can be null for all related derivation events)
118 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
119 * @return a Pager of derivation events
120 */
121 public Pager<DerivationEvent> getDerivationEvents(SpecimenOrObservationBase occurence, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<String> propertyPaths);
123 /**
124 * Returns a Paged List of SpecimenOrObservationBase instances where the default field matches the String queryString (as interpreted by the Lucene QueryParser)
125 *
126 * @param clazz filter the results by class (or pass null to return all SpecimenOrObservationBase instances)
127 * @param queryString
128 * @param pageSize The maximum number of occurrences returned (can be null for all matching occurrences)
129 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
130 * @param orderHints
131 * Supports path like <code>orderHints.propertyNames</code> which
132 * include *-to-one properties like createdBy.username or
133 * authorTeam.persistentTitleCache
134 * @param propertyPaths properties to be initialized
135 * @return a Pager SpecimenOrObservationBase instances
136 * @see <a href="http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_4_0/queryparsersyntax.html">Apache Lucene - Query Parser Syntax</a>
137 */
138 @Override
139 public Pager<SpecimenOrObservationBase> search(Class<? extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> clazz, String query, Integer pageSize,Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints,List<String> propertyPaths);
141 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<FieldUnit>> getFieldUnitUuidAndTitleCache();
143 public List<UuidAndTitleCache<DerivedUnit>> getDerivedUnitUuidAndTitleCache();
145 public DerivedUnitFacade getDerivedUnitFacade(DerivedUnit derivedUnit, List<String> propertyPaths) throws DerivedUnitFacadeNotSupportedException;
147 public List<DerivedUnitFacade> listDerivedUnitFacades(DescriptionBase description, List<String> propertyPaths);
149 /**
150 * Lists all instances of {@link SpecimenOrObservationBase} which are
151 * associated with the <code>taxon</code> specified as parameter.
152 * SpecimenOrObservationBase instances can be associated to taxa in multiple
153 * ways, all these possible relations are taken into account:
154 * <ul>
155 * <li>The {@link IndividualsAssociation} elements in a
156 * {@link TaxonDescription} contain {@link DerivedUnit}s</li>
157 * <li>{@link SpecimenTypeDesignation}s may be associated with any
158 * {@link HomotypicalGroup} related to the specific {@link Taxon}.</li>
159 * <li>A {@link Taxon} may be referenced by the {@link DeterminationEvent}
160 * of the {@link SpecimenOrObservationBase}</li>
161 * </ul>
162 * Further more there also can be taxa which are associated with the taxon
163 * in question (parameter associatedTaxon) by {@link TaxonRelationship}s. If
164 * the parameter <code>includeRelationships</code> is containing elements,
165 * these according {@TaxonRelationshipType}s and
166 * directional information will be used to collect further
167 * {@link SpecimenOrObservationBase} instances found this way.
168 *
169 * @param <T>
170 * @param type
171 * @param associatedTaxon
172 * @param Set<TaxonRelationshipVector> includeRelationships. TaxonRelationships will not be taken into account if this is <code>NULL</code>.
173 * @param maxDepth TODO
174 * @param pageSize
175 * @param pageNumber
176 * @param orderHints
177 * @param propertyPaths
178 * @return
179 */
180 public <T extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> List<T> listByAssociatedTaxon(Class<T> type, Set<TaxonRelationshipEdge> includeRelationships,
181 Taxon associatedTaxon, Integer maxDepth, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
183 /**
184 * See {@link #listByAssociatedTaxon(Class, Set, Taxon, Integer, Integer, Integer, List, List)}
185 *
186 * @param type
187 * @param includeRelationships
188 * @param associatedTaxon
189 * @param maxDepth
190 * @param pageSize
191 * @param pageNumber
192 * @param orderHints
193 * @param propertyPaths
194 * @return a Pager
195 */
196 public <T extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> Pager<T> pageByAssociatedTaxon(Class<T> type, Set<TaxonRelationshipEdge> includeRelationships,
197 Taxon associatedTaxon, Integer maxDepth, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
199 /**
200 * Retrieves all {@link FieldUnit}s for the {@link DerivedUnit} with the given {@link UUID}.<br>
201 * @param derivedUnitUuid the UUID of the derived unit
202 * @return a collection of FieldUnits this DerivedUnit was derived from or an empty collection if no FieldUnits were found
203 */
204 public Collection<FieldUnit> getFieldUnits(UUID derivedUnitUuid);
206 /**
207 * @param clazz
208 * @param queryString
209 * @param languages
210 * @param highlightFragments
211 * @param pageSize
212 * @param pageNumber
213 * @param orderHints
214 * @param propertyPaths
215 * @return
216 * @throws CorruptIndexException
217 * @throws IOException
218 * @throws ParseException
219 */
220 Pager<SearchResult<SpecimenOrObservationBase>> findByFullText(Class<? extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> clazz,
221 String queryString, Rectangle boundingBox, List<Language> languages, boolean highlightFragments, Integer pageSize,
222 Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths) throws CorruptIndexException,
223 IOException, ParseException;
226 }