Name search functionality for taxonomic editor
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-persistence / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / persistence / dao / taxon /
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.taxon;
12 import java.util.List;
14 import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
16 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.RelationshipBase;
17 import;
18 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ReferenceBase;
19 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
20 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.SynonymRelationship;
21 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.SynonymRelationshipType;
22 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
23 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
24 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationship;
25 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationshipType;
26 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.IIdentifiableDao;
27 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.ITitledDao;
28 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.fetch.CdmFetch;
30 /**
31 * @author a.mueller
32 *
33 */
34 public interface ITaxonDao extends IIdentifiableDao<TaxonBase>, ITitledDao<TaxonBase> {
36 /**
37 * Returns a count of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false)
38 * where the property matches the String queryString
39 *
40 * @param queryString
41 * @param accepted
42 * @param sec
43 * @return a count of the matching taxa
44 */
45 public int countTaxaByName(String queryString, Boolean accepted, ReferenceBase sec);
47 /**
48 * Returns a list of TaxonBase instances where the taxon.titleCache property matches the name parameter,
49 * and taxon.sec matches the sec parameter.
50 * @param name
51 * @param sec
52 * @return
53 */
54 public List<TaxonBase> getTaxaByName(String name, ReferenceBase sec);
56 /**
57 * Returns a list of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false)
58 * where the property matches the String queryString, and taxon.sec matches the sec parameter.
59 * @param name
60 * @param sec
61 * @return
62 */
63 public List<TaxonBase> getTaxaByName(String queryString, Boolean accepted, ReferenceBase sec);
65 /**
66 * Computes all Taxon instances that do not have a taxonomic parent and has at least one child.
67 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
68 */
69 public List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(ReferenceBase sec);
72 /**
73 * Computes all Taxon instances that do not have a taxonomic parent.
74 * @param sec The concept reference that the taxon belongs to
75 * @param cdmFetch not used yet !! TODO
76 * @param onlyWithChildren if true only taxa are returned that have taxonomic children. <Br>Default: true.
77 * @param withMisaplications if false only taxa are returned that have no isMisappliedNameFor relationship.
78 * <Br>Default: true.
79 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
80 */
81 public List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(ReferenceBase sec, CdmFetch cdmFetch, Boolean onlyWithChildren, Boolean withMisapplications);
84 /**
85 * TODO necessary?
86 * @param pagesize max maximum number of returned taxa
87 * @param page page to start, with 0 being first page
88 * @return
89 */
90 public List<TaxonBase> getAllTaxonBases(Integer pagesize, Integer page);
93 /**
94 * @param limit
95 * @param start
96 * @return
97 */
98 public List<Taxon> getAllTaxa(Integer limit, Integer start);
100 /**
101 * @param limit
102 * @param start
103 * @return
104 */
105 public List<Synonym> getAllSynonyms(Integer limit, Integer start);
107 /**
108 * @param limit
109 * @param start
110 * @return
111 */
112 //public List<TaxonRelationship> getAllTaxonRelationships(Integer limit, Integer start);
114 /**
115 * @param limit
116 * @param start
117 * @return
118 */
119 //public List<SynonymRelationship> getAllSynonymRelationships(Integer limit, Integer start);
121 public List<RelationshipBase> getAllRelationships(Integer limit, Integer start);
123 /**
124 * Find taxa by searching for @{link NameBase}
125 * @param queryString
126 * @param matchMode
127 * @param page
128 * @param pagesize
129 * @param onlyAcccepted
130 * @return
131 */
132 public List<Taxon> findByName(String queryString, ITitledDao.MATCH_MODE matchMode, int page, int pagesize, boolean onlyAcccepted);
134 /**
135 * @param queryString
136 * @param matchMode
137 * @param onlyAcccepted
138 * @return
139 */
140 public int countMatchesByName(String queryString, ITitledDao.MATCH_MODE matchMode, boolean onlyAcccepted);
142 /**
143 * @param queryString
144 * @param matchMode
145 * @param onlyAcccepted
146 * @param criteria
147 * @return
148 */
149 public int countMatchesByName(String queryString, ITitledDao.MATCH_MODE matchMode, boolean onlyAcccepted, List<Criterion> criteria);
151 /**
152 * Returns a count of the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type,
153 * if this arguement is supplied) where the supplied taxon is relatedFrom.
154 *
155 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedFrom
156 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
157 * @return the number of TaxonRelationship instances
158 */
159 public int countRelatedTaxa(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type);
161 /**
162 * Returns the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this arguement is supplied)
163 * where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
164 *
165 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
166 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
167 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
168 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
169 * @return a List of TaxonRelationship instances
170 */
171 public List<TaxonRelationship> getRelatedTaxa(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber);
173 /**
174 * Returns a count of the SynonymRelationships (of where relationship.type == type,
175 * if this arguement is supplied) where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
176 *
177 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
178 * @param type The type of SynonymRelationship (can be null)
179 * @return the number of SynonymRelationship instances
180 */
181 public int countSynonyms(Taxon taxon, SynonymRelationshipType type);
183 /**
184 * Returns the SynonymRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this arguement is supplied)
185 * where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
186 *
187 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
188 * @param type The type of SynonymRelationship (can be null)
189 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
190 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
191 * @return a List of SynonymRelationship instances
192 */
193 public List<SynonymRelationship> getSynonyms(Taxon taxon, SynonymRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber);
195 /**
196 * Returns a count of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false) where the
197 * property matches the String queryString (as interpreted by the Lucene QueryParser)
198 *
199 * @param queryString
200 * @param accepted
201 * @return a count of the matching taxa
202 * @see <a href="">Apache Lucene - Query Parser Syntax</a>
203 */
204 public int countTaxa(String queryString, Boolean accepted);
206 /**
207 * Returns a List of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false) where the
208 * property matches the String queryString (as interpreted by the Lucene QueryParser)
209 *
210 * @param queryString
211 * @param accepted
212 * @param pageSize The maximum number of taxa returned (can be null for all matching taxa)
213 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
214 * @return a List Taxon instances
215 * @see <a href="">Apache Lucene - Query Parser Syntax</a>
216 */
217 public List<TaxonBase> searchTaxa(String queryString, Boolean accepted, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber);
219 /**
220 * Returns a count of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false) where the
221 * properties match the parameters passed.
222 *
223 * @param accepted
224 * @param uninomial
225 * @param infragenericEpithet
226 * @param specificEpithet
227 * @param infraspecificEpithet
228 * @param rank
229 * @return a count of TaxonBase instances
230 */
231 public int countTaxaByName(Boolean accepted, String uninomial, String infragenericEpithet,String specificEpithet, String infraspecificEpithet, Rank rank);
233 /**
234 * Returns a list of TaxonBase instances (or Taxon instances, if accepted == true, or Synonym instance, if accepted == false) where the
235 * properties match the parameters passed.
236 *
237 * @param accepted Whether the taxon is accepted (true) a synonym (false), or either (null)
238 * @param uninomial
239 * @param infragenericEpithet
240 * @param specificEpithet
241 * @param infraspecificEpithet
242 * @param rank
243 * @param pageSize The maximum number of taxa returned (can be null for all matching taxa)
244 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
245 * @return a list of TaxonBase instances
246 */
247 public List<TaxonBase> findTaxaByName(Boolean accepted, String uninomial, String infragenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraspecificEpithet, Rank rank, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber);
249 /**
250 * Suggest a query that will return hits based upon an existing lucene query string (that is presumably misspelt and returns no hits)
251 * Used to implement "did you mean?"-type functionality using the lucene spellchecker.
252 *
253 * @param string Query string to check
254 * @return a suggested query string that will return hits or null if no such alternative spelling can be found.
255 */
256 public String suggestQuery(String string);
258 /**
259 * Removes all TaxonBase entities from the index
260 */
261 public void purgeIndex();
263 /**
264 * Index all TaxonBase entities currenly in the database (useful in concert with purgeIndex() to (re-)create
265 * indexes or in the case of corrupt indexes / mismatch between
266 * the database and the free-text indices)
267 */
268 public void rebuildIndex();
270 /**
271 * Calls optimize on the relevant index (useful periodically to increase response times on the free-text search)
272 */
273 public void optimizeIndex();
274 }