#6000 Unify some PresenceAbsenceTerms (merge naturalized, rename adventitious ->...
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-model / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / model / description / PresenceAbsenceTerm.java
1 /**
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
4 * http://www.e-taxonomy.eu
5 *
6 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8 */
10 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.description;
12 import java.text.ParseException;
13 import java.util.HashMap;
14 import java.util.List;
15 import java.util.Map;
16 import java.util.UUID;
18 import javax.persistence.Entity;
19 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
20 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
21 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
22 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
23 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
25 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
26 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
27 import org.hibernate.envers.Audited;
29 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
30 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase;
31 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.Language;
32 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OrderedTermBase;
33 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TermType;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.TermVocabulary;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.location.NamedArea;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
39 /**
40 * This class represents terms describing the {@link AbsenceTerm absence}
41 * (like "extinct") or the {@link PresenceTerm presence} (like "cultivated") of a
42 * {@link Taxon taxon} in an {@link NamedArea area}. These terms are only
43 * used for {@link Distribution distributions}.
44 *
45 * The current implementation includes multiple qualities of distribution status:<BR><BR>
46 *
47 * 1. Degree of "presence": present, presence questionable, reported in error, absent, ...<BR>
48 * 2. Nativeness/naturalization/...: native, alien (introduced), naturalized, cultivated, invasive, ... <BR>
49 * <BR>
50 * There might be further qualities like adventive(unwanted)<->introduced(wanted - for cultivation)
51 * <BR>
52 * For an interesting discussion of these status see Pyšek & al.: Alien plants in checklists and floras;
53 * Taxon 53(1), Feb. 2004: 131-143 <BR>
54 *
55 * Pyšek et al. distinguises<BR>
56 * native - alien<BR>
57 * alien => cultivated-outside cultivation<BR>
58 * outside cultivation=>casual - naturalized<BR>
59 * naturalized => non invasive - invasive<BR>
60 * invasive => not harmful - transformers - weeds
61 *
62 * @see http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/redmine/issues/6000
63 *
64 * @author m.doering
65 * @created 08-Nov-2007 13:06:44
66 * @author a.mueller
67 */
68 @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
69 @XmlType(name = "PresenceAbsenceTerm")
70 @XmlRootElement(name = "PresenceAbsenceTerm")
71 @Entity
72 //@Indexed disabled to reduce clutter in indexes, since this type is not used by any search
73 //@Indexed(index = "eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.DefinedTermBase")
74 @Audited
75 public class PresenceAbsenceTerm extends OrderedTermBase<PresenceAbsenceTerm> {
76 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1036807546935584396L;
77 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PresenceAbsenceTerm.class);
80 //presence base
81 private static final UUID uuidP=UUID.fromString("cef81d25-501c-48d8-bbea-542ec50de2c2");
82 private static final UUID uuidPD=UUID.fromString("75a60279-a4c2-4f53-bc57-466028a4b3db");
84 //presence
85 private static final UUID uuidN=UUID.fromString("ddeac4f2-d8fa-43b8-ad7e-ca13abdd32c7");
86 private static final UUID uuidND=UUID.fromString("310373bf-7df4-4d02-8cb3-bcc7448805fc");
87 private static final UUID uuidC=UUID.fromString("9eb99fe6-59e2-4445-8e6a-478365bd0fa9");
88 private static final UUID uuidI=UUID.fromString("643cf9d1-a5f1-4622-9837-82ef961e880b");
89 private static final UUID uuidID=UUID.fromString("0c54761e-4887-4788-9dfa-7190c88746e3");
90 private static final UUID uuidIP=UUID.fromString("da159544-b0dd-4599-a9c9-640826af8c17");
91 private static final UUID uuidIA=UUID.fromString("42946bd6-9c22-45ad-a910-7427e8f60bfd");
92 private static final UUID uuidIN=UUID.fromString("e191e89a-a751-4b0c-b883-7f1de70915c9");
93 private static final UUID uuidIC=UUID.fromString("fac8c347-8262-44a1-b0a4-db4de451c021");
94 private static final UUID uuidE=UUID.fromString("c3ee7048-15b7-4be1-b687-9ce9c1a669d6");
95 //was merged int uuidIN
96 // private static final UUID uuidNa=UUID.fromString("4e04990a-66fe-4fdf-856c-f40772fbcf0a");
97 private static final UUID uuidIV=UUID.fromString("dc536e3d-a753-4bbe-a386-dd8aff35c234");
99 //doubtfully present
100 private static final UUID uuidNQ=UUID.fromString("925662c1-bb10-459a-8c53-da5a738ac770");
101 private static final UUID uuidCQ=UUID.fromString("4f31bfc8-3058-4d83-aea5-3a1fe9773f9f");
102 private static final UUID uuidIQ=UUID.fromString("83eb0aa0-1a45-495a-a3ca-bf6958b74366");
103 private static final UUID uuidEQ=UUID.fromString("5f954f08-267a-4928-b073-12328f74c187");
104 // private static final UUID uuidNDQ=UUID.fromString("7ddfd94d-01a4-496c-a6d6-18584c00af59");
106 //absence
107 private static final UUID uuidAbsence=UUID.fromString("59709861-f7d9-41f9-bb21-92559cedd598");
108 private static final UUID uuidReportedInError = UUID.fromString("38604788-cf05-4607-b155-86db456f7680");
110 private static final UUID uuidNF=UUID.fromString("61cee840-801e-41d8-bead-015ad866c2f1");
111 private static final UUID uuidIF=UUID.fromString("aeec2947-2700-4623-8e32-9e3a430569d1");
112 private static final UUID uuidCF=UUID.fromString("9d4d3431-177a-4abe-8e4b-1558573169d6");
113 private static final UUID uuidNE=UUID.fromString("5c397f7b-59ef-4c11-a33c-45691ceda91b");
114 private static final UUID uuidNDE=UUID.fromString("71b72e24-c2b6-44a5-bdab-39f083bf0f06");
115 private static final UUID uuidIE=UUID.fromString("b74dc30b-ee93-496d-8c00-4d00abae1ec7");
116 private static final UUID uuidEE=UUID.fromString("679b215d-c231-4ee2-ae12-3ffc3dd528ad");
117 private static final UUID uuidNaE=UUID.fromString("8d918a37-3add-4e1c-a233-c37dbee209aa");
120 protected static Map<UUID, PresenceAbsenceTerm> termMap = null;
122 private String defaultColor = "000000";
124 @XmlAttribute(name = "absenceTerm")
125 private boolean absenceTerm = false;
127 //********* METHODS **************************************/
128 /**
129 * Creates a new empty presence term.
130 *
131 * @see #NewInstance(String, String, String)
132 */
133 public static PresenceAbsenceTerm NewInstance(){
134 return new PresenceAbsenceTerm();
135 }
137 /**
138 * Creates a new presence term with a description (in the {@link Language#DEFAULT() default language}),
139 * a label and a label abbreviation.
140 *
141 * @param term the string (in the default language) describing the
142 * new presence term to be created
143 * @param label the string identifying the new presence term to be created
144 * @param labelAbbrev the string identifying (in abbreviated form) the
145 * new presence term to be created
146 * @see #NewInstance()
147 */
148 public static PresenceAbsenceTerm NewPresenceInstance(String term, String label, String labelAbbrev){
149 return new PresenceAbsenceTerm(term, label, labelAbbrev, false);
150 }
152 /**
153 * Creates a new absence term with a description (in the {@link Language#DEFAULT() default language}),
154 * a label and a label abbreviation.
155 *
156 * @param term the string (in the default language) describing the
157 * new presence term to be created
158 * @param label the string identifying the new presence term to be created
159 * @param labelAbbrev the string identifying (in abbreviated form) the
160 * new presence term to be created
161 * @see #NewInstance()
162 */
163 public static PresenceAbsenceTerm NewAbsenceInstance(String term, String label, String labelAbbrev){
164 return new PresenceAbsenceTerm(term, label, labelAbbrev, true);
165 }
168 //********************************** Constructor *******************************************************************/
170 //for hibernate use only
171 @Deprecated
172 protected PresenceAbsenceTerm() {
173 super(TermType.PresenceAbsenceTerm);
174 }
176 /**
177 * Class constructor: creates a new presence or absence term with a description
178 * (in the {@link Language#DEFAULT() default language}), a label and a label abbreviation.
179 *
180 * @param term the string (in the default language) describing the
181 * new presence or absence term to be created
182 * @param label the string identifying the new presence or absence term to be created
183 * @param labelAbbrev the string identifying (in abbreviated form) the
184 * new presence or absence term to be created
185 * @param isAbsenceTerm boolean value indicating if this term represents an absence or not
186 * @see #PresenceAbsenceTermBase()
187 */
188 protected PresenceAbsenceTerm(String term, String label, String labelAbbrev, boolean isAbsenceTerm) {
189 super(TermType.PresenceAbsenceTerm, term, label, labelAbbrev);
190 this.setAbsenceTerm(isAbsenceTerm);
191 }
194 //******************************* STATIC METHODS *****************************************
196 protected static PresenceAbsenceTerm getTermByUuid(UUID uuid){
197 if (termMap == null || termMap.isEmpty()){
198 return getTermByClassAndUUID(PresenceAbsenceTerm.class, uuid);
199 } else {
200 return termMap.get(uuid);
201 }
202 }
204 //TODO read from label(abbrevs) like in TDWGArea
205 public static PresenceAbsenceTerm getPresenceAbsenceTermByAbbreviation(String abbrev) {
206 if (abbrev == null) { throw new NullPointerException("abbrev is 'null' in getPresenceTermByAbbreviation");
207 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.CULTIVATED();
208 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("e")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.ENDEMIC_FOR_THE_RELEVANT_AREA();
209 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("i")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED();
210 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("ia")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_ADVENTITIOUS();
211 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("ic")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_CULTIVATED();
212 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_DOUBTFULLY_INTRODUCED();
213 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("in")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATURALISED();
214 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("ip")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_UNCERTAIN_DEGREE_OF_NATURALISATION();
215 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("iq")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_PRESENCE_QUESTIONABLE();
216 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATIVE();
217 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("nd")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATIVE_DOUBTFULLY_NATIVE();
218 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("nq")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATIVE_PRESENCE_QUESTIONABLE();
219 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("p")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.PRESENT();
220 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("na")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATURALISED();
221 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("iv")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INVASIVE();
222 //absence
223 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("cf")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.CULTIVATED_REPORTED_IN_ERROR();
224 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("if")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_REPORTED_IN_ERROR();
225 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("nf")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATIVE_REPORTED_IN_ERROR();
226 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("ne")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.NATIVE_FORMERLY_NATIVE();
227 } else if (abbrev.equalsIgnoreCase("ie")) { return PresenceAbsenceTerm.INTRODUCED_FORMERLY_INTRODUCED();
228 } else {
229 logger.warn("Unknown presence or absence status term abbreviation: " + abbrev);
230 return null;
231 }
232 }
234 /**
235 * The taxon is endemic for the given area.
236 * @see #PRESENT()
237 * @see #NATIVE()
240 */
241 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm ENDEMIC_FOR_THE_RELEVANT_AREA(){
242 return getTermByUuid(uuidE);
243 }
245 /**
246 * The taxon is endemic for the given area but doubtfully present.
251 */
252 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm ENDEMIC_DOUBTFULLY_PRESENT(){
253 return getTermByUuid(uuidEQ);
254 }
256 /**
257 * The taxon if it exists is endemic for the given area but was only
258 * erroneously reported.
259 * So it either does not exist or it is unclear where it was originally found.
262 * @see #REPORTED_IN_ERROR()
264 */
265 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm ENDEMIC_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
266 return getTermByUuid(uuidEE);
267 }
270 /**
271 * The taxon is present in the given area. No information given about
272 * nativeness/establishment means.
273 *
275 * @see #ABSENT()
276 */
277 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm PRESENT(){
278 return getTermByUuid(uuidP);
279 }
281 /**
282 * Presence of the taxon in the given area is doubtful. No information given about
283 * nativeness/establishment means.
284 *
285 * @see #PRESENT()
286 * @see #ABSENT()
287 */
288 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm PRESENT_DOUBTFULLY(){
289 return getTermByUuid(uuidPD);
290 }
292 /**
293 * The taxon is not native but cultivated.
294 *
297 */
298 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm CULTIVATED(){
299 return getTermByUuid(uuidC);
300 }
302 /**
303 * The taxon is cultivated but presence is questionable.
304 *
305 * @see #CULTIVATED()
307 */
308 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm CULTIVATED_PRESENCE_QUESTIONABLE(){
309 return getTermByUuid(uuidCQ);
310 }
312 /**
313 * The taxon is erroneously reported as cultivated.
314 *
315 * @see #CULTIVATED()
317 */
318 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm CULTIVATED_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
319 return getTermByUuid(uuidCF);
320 }
323 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED(){
324 return getTermByUuid(uuidI);
325 }
327 /**
328 * This term is of questional value. Introduced often is handled as opposite
329 * of adventitious/adventive and describes how the alien species came
330 * - on purpose for cultivation (introduced) or not (adventive).
331 * Adventitious or better adventive is often a synonym for casual which might
332 * be the better term here.
333 */
334 @Deprecated
335 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_ADVENTITIOUS(){
336 return getTermByUuid(uuidIA);
337 }
339 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_CULTIVATED(){
340 return getTermByUuid(uuidIC);
341 }
343 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_DOUBTFULLY_INTRODUCED(){
344 return getTermByUuid(uuidID);
345 }
347 /**
348 *
349 * @see #NATURALISED()
350 */
351 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATURALISED(){
352 return getTermByUuid(uuidIN);
353 }
355 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_UNCERTAIN_DEGREE_OF_NATURALISATION(){
356 return getTermByUuid(uuidIP);
357 }
359 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_PRESENCE_QUESTIONABLE(){
360 return getTermByUuid(uuidIQ);
361 }
363 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_FORMERLY_INTRODUCED(){
364 return getTermByUuid(uuidIE);
365 }
367 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INTRODUCED_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
368 return getTermByUuid(uuidIF);
369 }
371 /**
372 * Use native if the taxon is native in the according area. Native and indigenous
373 * have the same meaning. Native might be problematic because the abbreviation
374 * N is already used for naturalised.
375 *
379 */
380 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE(){
381 return getTermByUuid(uuidN);
382 }
384 /**
385 * Same as {@link #NATIVE()} but presence is questionable
386 * @see #NATIVE()
389 */
390 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE_PRESENCE_QUESTIONABLE(){
391 return getTermByUuid(uuidNQ);
392 }
394 /**
395 * The taxon was formerly native, but is extinct now in the given area.
396 *
397 * @see #NATIVE()
398 * @see #ABSENT()
399 */
400 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE_FORMERLY_NATIVE(){
401 return getTermByUuid(uuidNE);
402 }
404 /**
405 * Same as {@link #NATIVE()} but presence was reported in error, so
406 * finally it is not native.
407 * @see #NATIVE()
410 */
411 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
412 return getTermByUuid(uuidNF);
413 }
415 /**
416 * Same as {@link #NATIVE()} but the nativeness is doubtful, while presence
417 * is NOT questionable
418 * @see #NATIVE()
421 */
422 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE_DOUBTFULLY_NATIVE(){
423 return getTermByUuid(uuidND);
424 }
426 /**
427 * Same as {@link #NATIVE()} but the nativeness is doubtful, while presence
428 * is NOT questionable
430 * @see #NATIVE()
432 */
433 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATIVE_DOUBTFULLY_NATIVE_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
434 return getTermByUuid(uuidNDE);
435 }
437 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm NATURALISED_REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
438 return getTermByUuid(uuidNaE);
439 }
441 /**
442 * The taxon is present but not native in the given area.
443 * Additionally it is dangerous for the native species.
444 *
445 * TBC
446 */
447 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm INVASIVE(){
448 return getTermByUuid(uuidIV);
449 }
451 /**
452 * @see #PRESENT()
453 * @see #REPORTED_IN_ERROR()
454 */
455 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm ABSENT(){
456 return getTermByUuid(uuidAbsence);
457 }
459 /**
460 * The taxon is {@link #ABSENT() absent} in the given area
461 * but was erroneously reported as present.
462 *
463 * @see #ABSENT()
466 */
467 public static final PresenceAbsenceTerm REPORTED_IN_ERROR(){
468 return getTermByUuid(uuidReportedInError);
469 }
472 //******************************** METHODS ****************************/
474 @Override
475 public void resetTerms(){
476 termMap = null;
477 }
479 @Override
480 protected void setDefaultTerms(TermVocabulary<PresenceAbsenceTerm> termVocabulary) {
481 termMap = new HashMap<UUID, PresenceAbsenceTerm>();
482 for (PresenceAbsenceTerm term : termVocabulary.getTerms()){
483 termMap.put(term.getUuid(), term);
484 }
485 }
487 @Override
488 public PresenceAbsenceTerm readCsvLine(Class<PresenceAbsenceTerm> termClass, List<String> csvLine, Map<UUID,DefinedTermBase> terms, boolean abbrevAsId){
489 PresenceAbsenceTerm newInstance = super.readCsvLine(termClass, csvLine, terms, abbrevAsId);
490 String abbreviatedLabel = csvLine.get(4);
491 // String uuid = (String)csvLine.get(0);
492 // map.put(abbreviatedLabel, UUID.fromString(uuid));
493 String symbol = csvLine.get(5);
494 newInstance.setSymbol(symbol);
495 String color = csvLine.get(6);
496 try {
497 newInstance.setDefaultColor(color);
498 } catch (ParseException e) {
499 throw new RuntimeException(e);
500 }
501 boolean isAbsence = csvLine.get(7).equals("1") ? true : false;
502 newInstance.setAbsenceTerm(isAbsence);
504 newInstance.getRepresentation(Language.DEFAULT()).setAbbreviatedLabel(abbreviatedLabel);
505 return newInstance;
506 }
508 /**
509 * @return the defaultColor
510 */
511 public String getDefaultColor() {
512 return defaultColor;
513 }
515 /**
516 * @param defaultColor the defaultColor to set
517 * @throws ParseException
518 */
519 //TODO make format checking a hibernate validation rule
520 public void setDefaultColor(String defaultColor) throws ParseException {
521 String regEx = "[0-9a-fA-F]{6}";
522 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defaultColor)){
523 this.defaultColor = null;
524 }else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defaultColor) || defaultColor.matches(regEx)){
525 this.defaultColor = defaultColor;
526 }else{
527 throw new java.text.ParseException("Default color is not of correct format. Required is 'FFFFFF'", -1);
528 }
529 }
531 /**
532 * Compares this OrderedTermBase with the specified OrderedTermBase for
533 * order. Returns a -1, 0, or +1 if the orderId of this object is greater
534 * than, equal to, or less than the specified object.
535 * <p>
536 * <b>Note:</b> The compare logic of this method is the <b>inverse logic</b>
537 * of the the one implemented in
538 * {@link java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)}
539 *
540 * @param orderedTerm
541 * the OrderedTermBase to be compared
542 * @param skipVocabularyCheck
543 * whether to skip checking if both terms to compare are in the
544 * same vocabulary
545 * @throws NullPointerException
546 * if the specified object is null
547 */
548 @Override
549 protected int performCompareTo(PresenceAbsenceTerm presenceAbsenceTerm, boolean skipVocabularyCheck) {
551 PresenceAbsenceTerm presenceAbsenceTermLocal = CdmBase.deproxy(presenceAbsenceTerm, PresenceAbsenceTerm.class);
552 if(! skipVocabularyCheck){
553 if (this.vocabulary == null || presenceAbsenceTermLocal.vocabulary == null){
554 throw new IllegalStateException("An ordered term (" + this.toString() + " or " +
555 presenceAbsenceTermLocal.toString() + ") of class " + this.getClass() + " or " +
556 presenceAbsenceTermLocal.getClass() + " does not belong to a vocabulary and therefore "
557 + "can not be compared");
558 }
559 if (presenceAbsenceTermLocal.isAbsenceTerm() != this.isAbsenceTerm() ){
560 if (presenceAbsenceTermLocal.isAbsenceTerm()){
561 return 1;
562 }else{
563 return -1;
564 }
566 }
567 }
569 int orderThat;
570 int orderThis;
571 try {
572 orderThat = presenceAbsenceTermLocal.orderIndex;//OLD: this.getVocabulary().getTerms().indexOf(orderedTerm);
573 orderThis = orderIndex; //OLD: this.getVocabulary().getTerms().indexOf(this);
574 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
575 throw e;
576 }
577 if (orderThis > orderThat){
578 return -1;
579 }else if (orderThis < orderThat){
580 return 1;
581 }else {
582 return 0;
583 }
584 }
587 public boolean isAbsenceTerm() {
588 return absenceTerm;
589 }
591 public void setAbsenceTerm(boolean isAbsenceTerm) {
592 this.absenceTerm = isAbsenceTerm;
593 }
596 }