model change for references (publishers) and taxon status
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-io / src / test / resources / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / io / sdd / SDDDescriptionIOTest-input.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <Datasets xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../SDD.xsd">
3 <TechnicalMetadata created="2006-04-20T10:00:00">
4 <Generator name="n/a, handcrafted instance document" version="n/a"/>
5 </TechnicalMetadata>
6 <Dataset xml:lang="en-us">
7 <Representation>
8 <Label>The Genus Viola</Label>
9 <Detail>This is an example for a very simple SDD file, representing a single description with categorical, quantitative, and text character. Compare also the "Fragment*" examples, which contain more complex examples in the form of document fragments. Intended for version="SDD 1.1".</Detail>
10 </Representation>
11 <RevisionData>
12 <Creators>
13 <Agent role="aut" ref="a1"/>
14 <Agent role="aut" ref="a2"/>
15 <Agent role="edt" ref="a3"/>
16 </Creators>
17 <DateModified>2006-04-08T00:00:00</DateModified>
18 </RevisionData>
19 <IPRStatements>
20 <IPRStatement role="Copyright">
21 <Label xml:lang="en-au">(c) 2003-2006 Centre for Occasional Botany.</Label>
22 </IPRStatement>
23 </IPRStatements>
24 <TaxonNames>
25 <TaxonName id="t1" uri="urn:lsid:authority:namespace:my-own-id">
26 <Representation>
27 <Label xml:lang="la">Viola hederacea Labill.</Label>
28 </Representation>
29 </TaxonName>
30 </TaxonNames>
31 <Characters>
32 <CategoricalCharacter id="c1">
33 <Representation>
34 <Label> Leaf complexity</Label>
35 </Representation>
36 <States>
37 <StateDefinition id="s1">
38 <Representation>
39 <Label>Simple</Label>
40 </Representation>
41 </StateDefinition>
42 <StateDefinition id="s2">
43 <Representation>
44 <Label>Compound</Label>
45 </Representation>
46 </StateDefinition>
47 </States>
48 </CategoricalCharacter>
49 <CategoricalCharacter id="c4">
50 <Representation>
51 <Label> Leaf shape</Label>
52 </Representation>
53 <States>
54 <StateDefinition id="s3">
55 <Representation>
56 <Label>Round</Label>
57 </Representation>
58 </StateDefinition>
59 <StateDefinition id="s4">
60 <Representation>
61 <Label>Ovate</Label>
62 </Representation>
63 </StateDefinition>
64 </States>
65 </CategoricalCharacter>
66 <QuantitativeCharacter id="c2">
67 <Representation>
68 <Label>Leaf length</Label>
69 </Representation>
70 <MeasurementUnit>
71 <Label role="Abbrev">m</Label>
72 </MeasurementUnit>
73 <Default>
74 <MeasurementUnitPrefix>milli</MeasurementUnitPrefix>
75 </Default>
76 </QuantitativeCharacter>
77 <TextCharacter id="c3">
78 <Representation>
79 <Label xml:lang="en">Leaf features not covered by other characters</Label>
80 </Representation>
81 </TextCharacter>
82 </Characters>
83 <CodedDescriptions>
84 <CodedDescription id="D101">
85 <Representation>
86 <Label>&lt;i&gt;Viola hederacea&lt;/i&gt; Labill. as revised by R. Morris April 8, 2006</Label>
87 </Representation>
88 <Scope>
89 <TaxonName ref="t1"/>
90 <Citation ref="p1" location="p. 30"/>
91 </Scope>
92 <SummaryData>
93 <Categorical ref="c4">
94 <State ref="s3"/>
95 <State ref="s4"/>
96 </Categorical>
97 <Categorical ref="c1">
98 <State ref="s2"/>
99 </Categorical>
100 <Quantitative ref="c2">
101 <Measure type="Min" value="2.3"></Measure>
102 <Measure type="Mean" value="5.1"/>
103 <Measure type="Max" value="7.9"/>
104 <Measure type="SD" value="1.3"/>
105 <Measure type="N" value="20"/>
106 </Quantitative>
107 <TextChar ref="c3">
108 <Content>Free form text</Content>
109 </TextChar>
110 </SummaryData>
111 </CodedDescription>
112 </CodedDescriptions>
113 <Agents>
114 <Agent id="a1">
115 <Representation>
116 <Label>Kevin Thiele</Label>
117 </Representation>
118 </Agent>
119 <Agent id="a2">
120 <Representation>
121 <Label>Gregor Hagedorn</Label>
122 </Representation>
123 <Links>
124 <Link rel="Alternate" href=""/>
125 </Links>
126 </Agent>
127 <Agent id="a3">
128 <Representation>
129 <Label>Ali Baba</Label>
130 <Detail role="Description">Ali Baba is also known as r.a.m.</Detail>
131 </Representation>
132 </Agent>
133 </Agents>
134 <Publications>
135 <Publication id="p1">
136 <Representation>
137 <Label>Sample Citation</Label>
138 </Representation>
139 </Publication>
140 </Publications>
141 <MediaObjects>
142 <MediaObject id="m1">
143 <Representation>
144 <Label>Image description, e.g. to be used for alt-attribute in html.</Label>
145 </Representation>
146 <Type>Image</Type>
147 <Source href=""/>
148 </MediaObject>
149 </MediaObjects>
150 </Dataset>
151 </Datasets>