merge for cdmlib-services
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-services / src / main / java / eu / etaxonomy / cdm / api / service /
1 // $Id$
2 /**
3 * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
4 * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy
5 *
6 *
7 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
8 * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
9 */
11 package eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service;
13 import java.util.Collection;
14 import java.util.List;
15 import java.util.Map;
16 import java.util.UUID;
18 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.config.ITaxonServiceConfigurator;
19 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.Pager;
20 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.IdentifiableEntity;
21 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.OrderedTermVocabulary;
22 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.RelationshipBase;
23 import;
24 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ReferenceBase;
25 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
26 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.SynonymRelationship;
27 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.SynonymRelationshipType;
28 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
29 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
30 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonNode;
31 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationship;
32 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonRelationshipType;
33 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonomicTree;
34 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.BeanInitializer;
35 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.fetch.CdmFetch;
36 import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.query.OrderHint;
39 public interface ITaxonService extends IIdentifiableEntityService<TaxonBase>{
41 /**
42 * FIXME candidate for harmonization?
43 */
44 public abstract TaxonBase getTaxonByUuid(UUID uuid);
46 /**
47 *
48 * @param uuid
49 * @return
50 */
51 public abstract TaxonNode getTaxonNodeByUuid(UUID uuid);
53 /**
54 * @param taxon
55 * @param taxonomicTree
56 * @param propertyPath
57 * @return
58 */
59 public TaxonNode loadTaxonNodeByTaxon(Taxon taxon, UUID taxonomicTreeUuid, List<String> propertyPaths);
61 /**
62 * @param taxonNode
63 * @param baseRank
64 * specifies the root level of the taxonomic tree, may be null.
65 * Nodes of this rank or in case this rank does not exist in the
66 * current branch the next lower rank is taken as root node for
67 * this rank henceforth called the <b>base node</b>.
68 * @param propertyPaths
69 * the initialization strategy for the returned TaxonNode
70 * instances.
71 * @return the path of nodes from the <b>base node</b> to the node of the
72 * specified taxon.
73 */
74 public List<TaxonNode> loadTreeBranchTo(TaxonNode taxonNode, Rank baseRank, List<String> propertyPaths);
76 /**
77 * @param taxon
78 * @param taxonomicTree
79 * the taxonomic tree to be used
80 * @param baseRank
81 * specifies the root level of the taxonomic tree, may be null.
82 * Nodes of this rank or in case this rank does not exist in the
83 * current branch the next lower rank is taken as as root node for
84 * this rank henceforth called the <b>base node</b>.
85 * @param propertyPaths
86 * the initialization strategy for the returned TaxonNode
87 * instances.
88 * @return the path of nodes from the <b>base node</b> to the node of the specified
89 * taxon.
90 */
91 public List<TaxonNode> loadTreeBranchToTaxon(Taxon taxon, TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree, Rank baseRank,
92 List<String> propertyPaths);
94 /**
95 * @param taxon
96 * @param taxonomicTree
97 * @param propertyPaths
98 * @return
99 */
100 public List<TaxonNode> loadChildNodesOfTaxon(Taxon taxon, TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree, List<String> propertyPaths);
103 /**
104 * FIXME candidate for harmonization?
105 * save a taxon and return its UUID
106 */
107 public abstract UUID saveTaxon(TaxonBase taxon);
109 /**
110 *
111 * @param taxonNode
112 * @return
113 */
114 public abstract UUID saveTaxonNode(TaxonNode taxonNode);
116 /**
117 * FIXME candidate for harmonization?
118 * save a taxon and return its UUID
119 */
120 //public abstract UUID saveTaxon(TaxonBase taxon, TransactionStatus txStatus);
122 /**
123 * FIXME candidate for harmonization?
124 * save a collection of taxa and return its UUID
125 */
126 public abstract Map<UUID, ? extends TaxonBase> saveTaxonAll(Collection<? extends TaxonBase> taxonCollection);
128 /**
129 *
130 * @param taxonNodeCollection
131 * @return
132 */
133 public abstract Map<UUID, TaxonNode> saveTaxonNodeAll(Collection<TaxonNode> taxonNodeCollection);
135 /**
136 * FIXME candidate for harmonization?
137 * delete a taxon and return its UUID
138 */
139 public abstract UUID removeTaxon(TaxonBase taxon);
141 /**
142 * Computes all taxon bases.
143 * FIXME could substitute with list(Synonym.class, limit, start)
144 * @param limit
145 * @param start
146 * @return
147 */
148 public abstract List<Synonym> getAllSynonyms(int limit, int start);
150 /**
151 * Computes all taxon bases.
152 * FIXME could substitute with list(Taxon.class, limit,start)
153 * @param limit
154 * @param start
155 * @return
156 */
157 public abstract List<Taxon> getAllTaxa(int limit, int start);
159 /**
160 * Computes all taxon bases.
161 * FIXME could substitute with list(limit,start) from superclass
162 * @param limit
163 * @param start
164 * @return
165 */
166 public abstract List<TaxonBase> getAllTaxonBases(int limit, int start);
169 /**
170 * Computes all taxonomic trees.
171 * FIXME candidate for harmonization
172 * @param limit
173 * @param start
174 * @return
175 * @deprecated use {#listTaxonomicTrees} instead
176 */
177 @Deprecated
178 public List<TaxonomicTree> getAllTaxonomicTrees(int limit, int start);
180 /**
181 * @param limit
182 * @param start
183 * @param orderHints
184 * @param propertyPaths
185 * @return
186 */
187 public List<TaxonomicTree> listTaxonomicTrees(Integer limit, Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints,
188 List<String> propertyPaths);
191 /**
192 * Loads all TaxonNodes of the specified tree for a given Rank.
193 * If a branch does not contain a TaxonNode with a TaxonName at the given
194 * Rank the node associated with the next lower Rank is taken as root node.
195 * If the <code>rank</code> is null the absolute root nodes will be returned.
196 *
197 * @param taxonomicTree
198 * @param rank may be null
199 * @param propertyPaths
200 * @return
201 */
202 public List<TaxonNode> loadRankSpecificRootNodes(TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree, Rank rank, List<String> propertyPaths);
205 /**
206 * Returns a taxonomic tree by it's uuid.
207 * @param uuid
208 * @return
209 */
210 public TaxonomicTree getTaxonomicTreeByUuid(UUID uuid);
212 /**
213 * Returns a taxonomic tree by it's uuid.
214 * @param uuid
215 * @return
216 */
217 public UUID saveTaxonomicTree(TaxonomicTree tree);
219 /**
220 * Remove the taxonomic tree from the persitence context
221 *
222 * @param taxonomicTree
223 * @return
224 */
225 public UUID removeTaxonomicTree(TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree);
227 /**
228 * Computes all Taxon instances that do not have a taxonomic parent and has at least one child.
229 * @param sec The concept reference that the taxon belongs to
230 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
231 */
232 public List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(ReferenceBase sec);
235 /**
236 * Computes all Taxon instances that do not have a taxonomic parent.
237 * @param sec The concept reference that the taxon belongs to
238 *
239 * @param onlyWithChildren if true only taxa are returned that have taxonomic children. <Br>Default: true.
240 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
241 */
242 public abstract List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(ReferenceBase sec, CdmFetch cdmFetch, boolean onlyWithChildren);
244 /**
245 * Computes all Taxon instances that do not have a taxonomic parent.
246 * @param sec The concept reference that the taxon belongs to
247 * @param onlyWithChildren if true only taxa are returned that have taxonomic children. <Br>Default: true.
248 * @param withMisapplications if false taxa that have at least one misapplied name relationship in which they are
249 * the misapplied name are not returned.<Br>Default: true.
250 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
251 */
252 public abstract List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(ReferenceBase sec, boolean onlyWithChildren, boolean withMisapplications);
254 /**
255 * Computes all Taxon instances which name is of a certain Rank.
256 * @param rank The rank of the taxon name
257 * @param sec The concept reference that the taxon belongs to
258 * @param onlyWithChildren if true only taxa are returned that have taxonomic children. <Br>Default: true.
259 * @param withMisapplications if false taxa that have at least one misapplied name relationship in which they are
260 * the misapplied name are not returned.<Br>Default: true.
261 * @param propertyPaths
262 * properties to be initialized, For detailed description and
263 * examples <b>please refer to:</b>
264 * {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}. <Br>
265 * Default: true.
266 * @return The List<Taxon> of root taxa.
267 */
268 public abstract List<Taxon> getRootTaxa(Rank rank, ReferenceBase sec, boolean onlyWithChildren, boolean withMisapplications, List<String> propertyPaths);
270 /**
271 * Computes all relationships.
272 * @param limit
273 * @param start
274 * @return
275 */
276 public abstract List<RelationshipBase> getAllRelationships(int limit, int start);
278 /**
279 * Returns TaxonRelationshipType vocabulary
280 * @return
281 * @deprecated use TermService#getVocabulary(VocabularyType) instead
282 */
283 public OrderedTermVocabulary<TaxonRelationshipType> getTaxonRelationshipTypeVocabulary();
285 /** */
286 public abstract List<TaxonBase> searchTaxaByName(String name, ReferenceBase sec);
288 public Synonym makeTaxonSynonym (Taxon oldTaxon, Taxon newAcceptedTaxon, SynonymRelationshipType synonymType, ReferenceBase citation, String citationMicroReference);
290 /**
291 * Sets the synonyms name as the accepted taxons name. Deletes the synonym from the accepted taxon synonym list
292 * and attaches a new synonym created with the former name of the accepted taxon
293 *
294 * @param synonym
295 * @param acceptedTaxon
296 * @param synonymRelationshipType the relationship type the newly created synonym will have. Defaults to SYNONYM_OF
297 */
298 public void makeSynonymAcceptedTaxon(Synonym synonym, Taxon acceptedTaxon, SynonymRelationshipType synonymRelationshipType );
300 /**
301 * Returns the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this argument is supplied)
302 * where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
303 *
304 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
305 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
306 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
307 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
308 * @param orderHints Properties to order by
309 * @param propertyPaths Properties to initialize in the returned entities, following the syntax described in {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
310 * @return a List of TaxonRelationship instances
311 */
312 public List<TaxonRelationship> listToTaxonRelationships(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
314 /**
315 * Returns the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this arguement is supplied)
316 * where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
317 *
318 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
319 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
320 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
321 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
322 * @param orderHints Properties to order by
323 * @param propertyPaths Properties to initialize in the returned entities, following the syntax described in {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
324 * @return a Pager of TaxonRelationship instances
325 */
326 public Pager<TaxonRelationship> pageToTaxonRelationships(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
328 /**
329 * Returns the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this argument is supplied)
330 * where the supplied taxon is relatedFrom.
331 *
332 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedFrom
333 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
334 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
335 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
336 * @param orderHints Properties to order by
337 * @param propertyPaths Properties to initialize in the returned entities, following the syntax described in {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
338 * @return a List of TaxonRelationship instances
339 */
340 public List<TaxonRelationship> listFromTaxonRelationships(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
342 /**
343 * Returns the TaxonRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this argument is supplied)
344 * where the supplied taxon is relatedFrom.
345 *
346 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedFrom
347 * @param type The type of TaxonRelationship (can be null)
348 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
349 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
350 * @param orderHints Properties to order by
351 * @param propertyPaths Properties to initialize in the returned entities, following the syntax described in {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
352 * @return a Pager of TaxonRelationship instances
353 */
354 public Pager<TaxonRelationship> pageFromTaxonRelationships(Taxon taxon, TaxonRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
356 /**
357 * Returns the SynonymRelationships (of where relationship.type == type, if this argument is supplied)
358 * where the supplied taxon is relatedTo.
359 *
360 * @param taxon The taxon that is relatedTo
361 * @param type The type of SynonymRelationship (can be null)
362 * @param pageSize The maximum number of relationships returned (can be null for all relationships)
363 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
364 * * @param orderHints Properties to order by
365 * @param propertyPaths Properties to initialize in the returned entities, following the syntax described in {@link BeanInitializer#initialize(Object, List)}
366 * @return a Pager of SynonymRelationship instances
367 */
368 public Pager<SynonymRelationship> getSynonyms(Taxon taxon, SynonymRelationshipType type, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
370 public List<Synonym> getHomotypicSynonymsByHomotypicGroup(Taxon taxon, List<String> propertyPaths);
372 public List<List<Synonym>> getHeterotypicSynonymyGroups(Taxon taxon, List<String> propertyPaths);
374 /**
375 * Returns a Paged List of TaxonBase instances where the default field matches the String queryString (as interpreted by the Lucene QueryParser)
376 *
377 * @param clazz filter the results by class (or pass null to return all TaxonBase instances)
378 * @param queryString
379 * @param pageSize The maximum number of taxa returned (can be null for all matching taxa)
380 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
381 * @param orderHints
382 * Supports path like <code>orderHints.propertyNames</code> which
383 * include *-to-one properties like createdBy.username or
384 * authorTeam.persistentTitleCache
385 * @param propertyPaths properties to be initialized
386 * @return a Pager Taxon instances
387 * @see <a href="">Apache Lucene - Query Parser Syntax</a>
388 */
389 public Pager<TaxonBase> search(Class<? extends TaxonBase> clazz, String queryString, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths);
391 /**
392 * Returns a list of TaxonBase instances where the
393 * properties match the parameters passed.
394 *
395 * @param clazz optionally filter by class
396 * @param uninomial
397 * @param infragenericEpithet
398 * @param specificEpithet
399 * @param infraspecificEpithet
400 * @param rank
401 * @param pageSize The maximum number of taxa returned (can be null for all matching taxa)
402 * @param pageNumber The offset (in pageSize chunks) from the start of the result set (0 - based)
403 * @return a Pager of TaxonBase instances
404 */
405 public Pager<TaxonBase> findTaxaByName(Class<? extends TaxonBase> clazz, String uninomial, String infragenericEpithet, String specificEpithet, String infraspecificEpithet, Rank rank, Integer pageSize, Integer pageNumber);
407 /**
408 * Returns a list of IdentifiableEntity instances (in particular, TaxonNameBase and TaxonBase instances)
409 * that match the properties specified in the configurator.
410 * @param configurator
411 * @return
412 */
413 public Pager<IdentifiableEntity> findTaxaAndNames(ITaxonServiceConfigurator configurator);
414 }