fixing dependency problem of ant-run plugin & version number now with revision but...
[cdmlib.git] / cdmlib-remote / src / main / resources / oai-pmh.xsd
1 <schema targetNamespace=""
2 xmlns=""
3 xmlns:oai=""
4 elementFormDefault="qualified"
5 attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
7 <annotation>
8 <documentation>
9 XML Schema which can be used to validate replies to all OAI-PMH
10 v2.0 requests. Herbert Van de Sompel, 2002-05-13.
11 Validated with XML Spy v.4.3 on 2002-05-13.
12 Validated with XSV on 2002-05-13.
13 Added definition of protocolVersionType instead of using anonymous
14 type. No change of function. Simeon Warner, 2004-03-29.
15 Tightened definition of UTCdatetimeType to enforce the restriction
16 to UTC Z notation. Simeon Warner, 2004-09-14.
17 Corrected pattern matches for setSpecType and metadataPrefixType
18 to agree with protocol specification. Simeon Warner, 2004-10-12.
19 Spelling correction. Simeon Warner, 2008-12-07.
20 $Date: 2004/10/12 15:20:29 $
21 </documentation>
22 </annotation>
24 <element name="OAI-PMH" type="oai:OAI-PMHtype"/>
26 <complexType name="OAI-PMHtype">
27 <sequence>
28 <element name="responseDate" type="dateTime"/>
29 <element name="request" type="oai:requestType"/>
30 <choice>
31 <element name="error" type="oai:OAI-PMHerrorType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
32 <element name="Identify" type="oai:IdentifyType"/>
33 <element name="ListMetadataFormats" type="oai:ListMetadataFormatsType"/>
34 <element name="ListSets" type="oai:ListSetsType"/>
35 <element name="GetRecord" type="oai:GetRecordType"/>
36 <element name="ListIdentifiers" type="oai:ListIdentifiersType"/>
37 <element name="ListRecords" type="oai:ListRecordsType"/>
38 </choice>
39 </sequence>
40 </complexType>
42 <complexType name="requestType">
43 <annotation>
44 <documentation>Define requestType, indicating the protocol request that
45 led to the response. Element content is BASE-URL, attributes are arguments
46 of protocol request, attribute-values are values of arguments of protocol
47 request</documentation>
48 </annotation>
49 <simpleContent>
50 <extension base="anyURI">
51 <attribute name="verb" type="oai:verbType" use="optional"/>
52 <attribute name="identifier" type="oai:identifierType" use="optional"/>
53 <attribute name="metadataPrefix" type="oai:metadataPrefixType" use="optional"/>
54 <attribute name="from" type="oai:UTCdatetimeType" use="optional"/>
55 <attribute name="until" type="oai:UTCdatetimeType" use="optional"/>
56 <attribute name="set" type="oai:setSpecType" use="optional"/>
57 <attribute name="resumptionToken" type="string" use="optional"/>
58 </extension>
59 </simpleContent>
60 </complexType>
62 <simpleType name="verbType">
63 <restriction base="string">
64 <enumeration value="Identify"/>
65 <enumeration value="ListMetadataFormats"/>
66 <enumeration value="ListSets"/>
67 <enumeration value="GetRecord"/>
68 <enumeration value="ListIdentifiers"/>
69 <enumeration value="ListRecords"/>
70 </restriction>
71 </simpleType>
73 <!-- define OAI-PMH error conditions -->
74 <!-- =============================== -->
76 <complexType name="OAI-PMHerrorType">
77 <simpleContent>
78 <extension base="string">
79 <attribute name="code" type="oai:OAI-PMHerrorcodeType" use="required"/>
80 </extension>
81 </simpleContent>
82 </complexType>
84 <simpleType name="OAI-PMHerrorcodeType">
85 <restriction base="string">
86 <enumeration value="cannotDisseminateFormat"/>
87 <enumeration value="idDoesNotExist"/>
88 <enumeration value="badArgument"/>
89 <enumeration value="badVerb"/>
90 <enumeration value="noMetadataFormats"/>
91 <enumeration value="noRecordsMatch"/>
92 <enumeration value="badResumptionToken"/>
93 <enumeration value="noSetHierarchy"/>
94 </restriction>
95 </simpleType>
97 <!-- define OAI-PMH verb containers -->
98 <!-- ============================== -->
100 <complexType name="IdentifyType">
101 <sequence>
102 <element name="repositoryName" type="string"/>
103 <element name="baseURL" type="anyURI"/>
104 <element name="protocolVersion" type="oai:protocolVersionType"/>
105 <element name="adminEmail" type="oai:emailType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
106 <element name="earliestDatestamp" type="oai:UTCdatetimeType"/>
107 <element name="deletedRecord" type="oai:deletedRecordType"/>
108 <element name="granularity" type="oai:granularityType"/>
109 <element name="compression" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
110 <element name="description" type="oai:descriptionType"
111 minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
112 </sequence>
113 </complexType>
115 <complexType name="ListMetadataFormatsType">
116 <sequence>
117 <element name="metadataFormat" type="oai:metadataFormatType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
118 </sequence>
119 </complexType>
121 <complexType name="ListSetsType">
122 <sequence>
123 <element name="set" type="oai:setType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
124 <element name="resumptionToken" type="oai:resumptionTokenType" minOccurs="0"/>
125 </sequence>
126 </complexType>
128 <complexType name="GetRecordType">
129 <sequence>
130 <element name="record" type="oai:recordType"/>
131 </sequence>
132 </complexType>
134 <complexType name="ListRecordsType">
135 <sequence>
136 <element name="record" type="oai:recordType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
137 <element name="resumptionToken" type="oai:resumptionTokenType" minOccurs="0"/>
138 </sequence>
139 </complexType>
141 <complexType name="ListIdentifiersType">
142 <sequence>
143 <element name="header" type="oai:headerType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
144 <element name="resumptionToken" type="oai:resumptionTokenType" minOccurs="0"/>
145 </sequence>
146 </complexType>
148 <!-- define basic types used in replies to
149 GetRecord, ListRecords, ListIdentifiers -->
150 <!-- ======================================= -->
152 <complexType name="recordType">
153 <annotation>
154 <documentation>A record has a header, a metadata part, and
155 an optional about container</documentation>
156 </annotation>
157 <sequence>
158 <element name="header" type="oai:headerType"/>
159 <element name="metadata" type="oai:metadataType" minOccurs="0"/>
160 <element name="about" type="oai:aboutType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
161 </sequence>
162 </complexType>
164 <complexType name="headerType">
165 <annotation>
166 <documentation>A header has a unique identifier, a datestamp,
167 and setSpec(s) in case the item from which
168 the record is disseminated belongs to set(s).
169 the header can carry a deleted status indicating
170 that the record is deleted.</documentation>
171 </annotation>
172 <sequence>
173 <element name="identifier" type="oai:identifierType"/>
174 <element name="datestamp" type="oai:UTCdatetimeType"/>
175 <element name="setSpec" type="oai:setSpecType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
176 </sequence>
177 <attribute name="status" type="oai:statusType" use="optional"/>
178 </complexType>
180 <simpleType name="identifierType">
181 <restriction base="anyURI"/>
182 </simpleType>
184 <simpleType name="statusType">
185 <restriction base="string">
186 <enumeration value="deleted"/>
187 </restriction>
188 </simpleType>
190 <complexType name="metadataType">
191 <annotation>
192 <documentation>Metadata must be expressed in XML that complies
193 with another XML Schema (namespace=#other). Metadata must be
194 explicitly qualified in the response.</documentation>
195 </annotation>
196 <sequence>
197 <any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"/>
198 </sequence>
199 </complexType>
201 <complexType name="aboutType">
202 <annotation>
203 <documentation>Data "about" the record must be expressed in XML
204 that is compliant with an XML Schema defined by a community.</documentation>
205 </annotation>
206 <sequence>
207 <any namespace="##other" processContents="strict"/>
208 </sequence>
209 </complexType>
211 <complexType name="resumptionTokenType">
212 <annotation>
213 <documentation>A resumptionToken may have 3 optional attributes
214 and can be used in ListSets, ListIdentifiers, ListRecords
215 responses.</documentation>
216 </annotation>
217 <simpleContent>
218 <extension base="string">
219 <attribute name="expirationDate" type="dateTime" use="optional"/>
220 <attribute name="completeListSize" type="positiveInteger" use="optional"/>
221 <attribute name="cursor" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/>
222 </extension>
223 </simpleContent>
224 </complexType>
226 <complexType name="descriptionType">
227 <annotation>
228 <documentation>The descriptionType is used for the description
229 element in Identify and for setDescription element in ListSets.
230 Content must be compliant with an XML Schema defined by a
231 community.</documentation>
232 </annotation>
233 <sequence>
234 <any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
235 </sequence>
236 </complexType>
238 <simpleType name="UTCdatetimeType">
239 <annotation>
240 <documentation>Datestamps are to either day (type date)
241 or to seconds granularity (type oai:UTCdateTimeZType)</documentation>
242 </annotation>
243 <union memberTypes="date oai:UTCdateTimeZType"/>
244 </simpleType>
246 <simpleType name="UTCdateTimeZType">
247 <restriction base="dateTime">
248 <pattern value=".*Z"/>
249 </restriction>
250 </simpleType>
252 <!-- define types used for Identify verb only -->
253 <!-- ======================================== -->
255 <simpleType name="protocolVersionType">
256 <restriction base="string">
257 <enumeration value="2.0"/>
258 </restriction>
259 </simpleType>
261 <simpleType name="emailType">
262 <restriction base="string">
263 <pattern value="\S+@(\S+\.)+\S+"/>
264 </restriction>
265 </simpleType>
267 <simpleType name="deletedRecordType">
268 <restriction base="string">
269 <enumeration value="no"/>
270 <enumeration value="persistent"/>
271 <enumeration value="transient"/>
272 </restriction>
273 </simpleType>
275 <simpleType name="granularityType">
276 <restriction base="string">
277 <enumeration value="YYYY-MM-DD"/>
278 <enumeration value="YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"/>
279 </restriction>
280 </simpleType>
282 <!-- define types used for ListMetadataFormats verb only -->
283 <!-- =================================================== -->
285 <complexType name="metadataFormatType">
286 <sequence>
287 <element name="metadataPrefix" type="oai:metadataPrefixType"/>
288 <element name="schema" type="anyURI"/>
289 <element name="metadataNamespace" type="anyURI"/>
290 </sequence>
291 </complexType>
293 <simpleType name="metadataPrefixType">
294 <restriction base="string">
295 <pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+"/>
296 </restriction>
297 </simpleType>
299 <!-- define types used for ListSets verb -->
300 <!-- =================================== -->
302 <complexType name="setType">
303 <sequence>
304 <element name="setSpec" type="oai:setSpecType"/>
305 <element name="setName" type="string"/>
306 <element name="setDescription" type="oai:descriptionType"
307 minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
308 </sequence>
309 </complexType>
311 <simpleType name="setSpecType">
312 <restriction base="string">
313 <pattern value="([A-Za-z0-9\-_\.!~\*'\(\)])+(:[A-Za-z0-9\-_\.!~\*'\(\)]+)*"/>
314 </restriction>
315 </simpleType>
317 </schema>